

The Supreme Goddess shares her struggles with self-identity, sexuality in a suppressed environment, hidden family secrets that nearly get her killed, how she discovered the truth and was subsequently released from her shackles. Her journey includes one of healing through the pain of loss, starvation, and murder in its different forms, and her testimony to recover her greatness and reproduce it hidden in someone greater than she’d ever been.

She wanted to tell her story, to explain to those who know her story and those who don’t. How she could keep her head up high, Smile and laugh where other people would’ve broken down. She has been seen as a perfect angelic being giving people false expectations. When she would open up and share her experiences people would forever change, drawing hope from her that helped them achieve better for their own lives. So, she is sharing this story, her journey with others, hoping that a young woman or even a full-grown woman would find something that rings true for her and ultimately heal.