Ernestine Cox Peak

I was born in the small town of Warrenton, Virginia, about 35 miles southwest of Washington DC. As a teenager, I loved horseback riding and books. I graduated from William & Mary with a BS in experimental psychology and from UNC–Chapel Hill with an MA in experimental psychology. My husband and I were married for 61 delightful years. I worked at the behavior research laboratory in Waltham, Massachusetts. Under Ogden Lindsley, we were doing operant conditioning with psychotic patients in the early days of behavior modification. After my sons were in college, I became involved in volunteer work, mostly in the vocal arts. I was on the boards of the Starlight Society, the San Diego, Gilbert and Sullivan Company, and the San Diego Opera Company. I became office manager for SDG&S, mainly because I could not bear to see someone with the talent of our director licking stamps.