About the Author

Donna P. Chambers’ love for writing started as a young child after reading “The Forgotten Door” by Alexander Key. She remembers writing a story of her own shortly after but has no recollection of what it was about!

Since giving her heart to Christ at the age of 18, she now has unforgettable true (and sometimes painful) stories to write about from her life. Her prayer is that her stories point you, the precious reader, to the powerful transformative work that only God can do in a life through his one and only Son, Jesus the Christ.

Donna has been part of different choirs, worship teams, a lady’s ensemble and the worship leader for a ministry called ‘Celebrate Recovery’ in her local church. She often marveled that people let her sing! She has taught Sunday school and Children’s Church, held home Bible Studies and served on two different church boards.

She and her husband Kirk, married nearly 50 years, have 3 grown children, 9 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren and a perfect chocolate lab named Molly. They love spending time with the entire crew whenever and wherever possible!