The Journey On Through Night Into Day

Well, the afternoon turned into dusk, as Little Person was running with thoughts in his head. He felt he went around the cosmos and back again with all the thoughts and what if’s going through his little mind.

He wondered if the King would even see him.  Would he even have the courage to speak to Him when he did meet Him?  How would he know this King was the real deal…… So many thoughts and so many doubts creeped around his excitement……  He was so lost in his thoughts, he did not notice the fire burning bright next to him…..

He turned and was startled. The fire burned higher than he was.  He did not know where the Old Man went…. He turned his position to sit by the fire, the light that was given to him, at night.

In the warmth of the fire, he started to fall into a deep sleep.  

He was led by the Old Man in a dream… They walked together as He led  Little Person to a scene which was filled with people screaming and yelling surrounding a road….. All the way beyond sight the people lined up on each side of the road.

The Old Man led him to the front to see a Man. Little Person looked and beheld a scene which was horrifying to him.  He saw a Man bleeding and covered in His own blood carrying two huge tree limbs connected towards the top with leather rope.  

He looked around to see some folks crying and others lifting their fist and yelling crucify Him…..

He turned his head around to find the Old Man, but He was gone.

The Man was approaching Little Person. Little Person just stared at Him, wondering why Old Man brought Him here.   This was not the King he wanted to meet.

The Man carrying the wood was not lifting His head and yelling…. He just kept carrying the load as if this was His job to do it.

Little Person kept staring at the Man.  The Man came  near to pass Little Person, He picked His head up and looked at Little Person. The Man’s look which pierced his heart and stopped Little Person’s breath. He never saw so much love mixed with His pain. 

He then spoke, which startled Little Person, I am so delighted you came to see Me.  I have been waiting for you for a long time.   You are Mine.   

These words entered straight into his heart even though they were uttered from a very labored breathing of this Man……

The Man kept inching forward with his burden of pain, but Little Person was touched to his core with tears streaming down his face…..

He did not even know the tears were falling.  He wanted to go help Him and follow Him. He had never been touched in His heart or felt such deep love from anyone, even his mom, his whole life.

Then Little Person was at a different scene and the Old Man was there with him now.

They were sitting up on a hill.  The sound was of wailing and weeping women with anguished cries from the men that were attached to the trees was assailing the air.   

The One who spoke to Little Person was gone already. 

He was dead. 

Little Person knew that because he witnessed the soldiers put their sword in His side…..

He never moved.

When Little Person who could not keep the tears from exploding out of his eyes, turned to ask Old Man, why they were there? Who was this Man?

The Old Man put His arm around the little one and spoke, Child, this is the King you wanted to meet. 

Little Person remembered the piercing words of the King to him.  

He would never forget them.

They seemed to be etched into his heart forever. 

Nor could he forget the pain in His eyes as His love that poured forth at the same time to him……

This King already knew him.  He said some of the same words the Old Man did to Little Person when they met too.

He was confused as to what was happening but totally engulfed in the place he was.

The Old Man spoke to him with the tenderness of a loving father, this is the King you wanted to meet.

He died but He lives on forever.  See, death could not hold Him.

Why did He die?, asked Little Person.

He took the burden of sin and death for you and others.

Mankind could not come near heaven or His kingdom until He died to make death die ,okay?

Son, did you ever lie?

He looked down ashamed and spoke yes.

Son, did you ever not do something when you were to do something?

He looked down and said yes…..

Son, did you ever take something of others that you knew not to?

Again, his head was almost down to his lap because of his shame.

Then, Old Man spoke, these sins were and are like a wall to keep us from entering into the King’s kingdom.

The only way for this great King to have you and others with Him in His kingdom was to take the sins of the world that kept everyone captive to death, even eternal death.   He had to suffer the effects of sin for you and others.   He was not forced to do what you saw, He chose to do it so He could have you with Him forever.

That is the King you have been searching for and He was delighted that you saw and met  Him.

Little Person wondered how Old Man knew the King spoke how delighted He was to see Little Person.

There was a commotion around the body of the King, they were taking Him off the tree and wrapping Him in linen.  

They were carrying Him away. Little Person asked where are they taking Him?

Old Man spoke, they are preparing His body for burial. 

He then was at a huge rock with a hole in the middle of it with Old Man. 

The people were around the King’s body as He was being buried in the rock.  He saw the body and he saw the soldiers roll the stone and put a seal on it.

He cried because he was full of grief of what his actions caused the death of this great One.  The fact that He took death for Little Person was more than he could grasp with out his exploding in tears.

They stayed there as Old Man comforted Little Person with understanding of all who was before him.

Little Person was gaining the comprhension he needed of who this King was or is and sort of understanding who Old Man is.

Old Man spoke, little one, do not worry for the Great King is I AM.   He is was and is and will aways be I AM…..We are from the Beginning and will always be……..and now child, do you want to join Us?

Little Person looked with such exuberance; he almost fell off the rock.  He yelled, yes, Sir.  Yes, do not leave me behind.

Then, are you sorry for all the acts you did against Truth and others?  Yes, Sir, said Little Person.

Do you believe all that I AM has spoken and revealed I AM taking the sin of the world upon Himself to die the death that we deserve?  

Little Person spoke, Yes, Sir.

Do you believe that He is Your Savior and has called you His own because He has redeemed you to Himself now and forevermore?  

Yes, Sir, said Little Person. The weight of importance was beyond himself as he started to gulp for his breath.  This salvation offered  from this I AM and King was coming into his understanding……

Time was halted, as Little Person witnessed his own earthquake in his world. God entered Little Person’s life showing him  great and mighty things which he did not know.

This was way beyond what he had ever thought or imagined, but he dare not say no….. He could not turn back….. There were no steps there. Besides, he had come to far into this new kingdom.

The only steps that were….. was the scene before him at the tomb of this I AM.

As Old Man was bringing Little Person to His family, the days turned to night and night to sunrise.

The earth shook.

The beings from another place were moving before Little Person watchful gaze as they moved the huge stone away from the mouth of the rock…….

He saw the King walk out of the Rock…….

He was different but He as alive. 

He was not a ghost either which made Little Person relieved.

He was dazzling.

This King surely is a great One who could surely meet all the words that Little Person read about in his ancient book.

I AM was alive.  The King conquered death and was alive forever because HE IS I AM, thought Little Person.

Little Person was astounded and excited as he looked to Old Man. Old Man smiled and hugged Little Person. They sat there for a very long time and then the scene changed to the pillar of fire…….

What happened was awesome and astounding and Little Person saw it all.   He wanted to tell everyone now what he saw……. But where was he? 

The fire crackled and spoke, Little Person, never forget, you are Mine. I AM redeemed you with a costly price because you are My delight.

Rest in My Love…….. Little Person heard these words over and over again as the fire kept him safe until the dawn broke through.

We will continue on to chapter three, God willing.

Please allow God to stop time as He enters in to your world to show you things you do not know.

I pray your heart is a huge empty cup for Him to fill with His love and goodness as He reveals- You are His.


What If And A Journey Can Start Any Second……

What if you were listening to someone who was quite renown and elegant but, their mouth was drooping.  You sat there with respect  and really tried to ignore the down in the mouth that was speaking through this bride representing her husband.

You wanted to jump up and try to change the menu so the focus could be on something else.

However, this was way over our pay grade to do that……

Why down in the mouth?  Why?

My questions popping up into clouds circled by black lines like a cartoon over my head. 

Do you not see your mouth is drooping and so  are your words?

Then many voices spoke out that they were not following her husband anymore though they had his name and said they followed his beliefs and foundations.

They ignored to follow all My commands and love Me with your whole heart. They took what they wanted and left the rest as they were at a buffet.

But they kept his name.


Some did not take to all the directions of the plans that were left by thier husband.  They believed that some of the plans and directions were not for them today.  Some thought that the husband was long gone and so were all his gifts and even the Spirit of life was silent that He had betrothed to each of His followers.

They even thought they did not have to follow the narrow road as He had suggested as the best route to obtain his goals for them.

The owner’s wheat fields were infiltrated with tares that spread lies that were seeded and took root. Then each plant after grew in that same deception.

So as his spokesmen spoke they saw the state of their union with the King and were down in the mouth, defeated and downhearted.  They felt abandoned and orphaned, meanwhile their King was right there, but no one saw Him because they did not know to seek Him and find Him. They did not know if they did this with their whole heart, this King would be found by them.

They quit living by His foundations that were left in His message to them.  They thought and believed the lie that it was for another generation from long past.  Then one day……

A little person found this ancient book and leafed through it.  This little person saw all the promises that were in this book. Here is what we need that little person thought. These are the answers to all our dilemma.  This little person cried out to the One that the Words pointed.  He waited and waited and in his pursuit, he walked up a little hill and sat down to take a rest.   He was tired but he was not going to let go of the treasure he had found.  He sat there looking out at the horizon looking where this King had His kingdom and cried out to Him again…… In His exhaustion, he rested.  Then His eyes opened and an older man sat next to him. 

The man said to the little person, I have been waiting on you for a long time. The little person looked around him and thought me?  The older man chuckled,  Do you think I will not be found?  The little person was confused. He said He had been waiting for me for a very long time. I do not even know Him.

Sir, clearing his throat, I think you may have mistaken me for someone else.   I do not know you.  Oh, says the older man, little one, I know you and  had thoughts of you from the beginning,  the foundation of the world.

The little person lost his breath when he heard the Older Man speak. His words pierced into him and then became alive in him.    He did not understand them but they became alive in him.  The whole world went away as the little person and this Older Man spoke.

The little person was not afraid of Him, but was totally baffled. However, baffled, he was drawn to His twinkling eyes which said He knew every thought the little person was having.

The Older Man asked, what do you have in your hand there?  It looks like a pretty ancient book. 

Ah, yes Sir.  I found this book and am seeking the One who wrote it.  Do you know of Him?

Does He live near here? Have you met Him?  Are you searching for Him too?

The Old Man chuckled, many questions for such a little one.  Why are you seeking Him, if I may ask?

The little person answered as best he could for he knew in his heart this One that wrote the book, had all the answers that he had questions to and the ones that he loved needed.  He knew this Author was someone special and knew could help him and his loved ones.  He just did not know how to answer this Older Man with words that made any sense of rational thinking…..

He stammered for a while as he held this book flipping the pages back and forth.

Then he took a deep breath and tried to explain his heart with words he did not even know how to describe!  Well, Sir, this One said He would heal all our diseases.   Sir, some in my family are sick.

He also said He would be a light in my path, and it gets pretty dark out here at night, you know.

He also said, Sir, He was the Truth and in believing in Him, I would be set free…… I want to ask Him what am I set free from…… I want to ask Him, how will I know the Truth as He says He is Truth.

His words speak of a place I wish exists and really hope it does, but how will I find Him to get there?

Do you know of Him? Can you lead me to Him, please, Sir? Do you know where He lives? Will you show me, please, Sir?

The Older man bobbed His head up and down agreeing with the little person empathizing in His dilemma.

I see, said the Older Man.  He was rubbing his hand over his white long beard contemplating.

Sir, He said if I sought Him with my whole heart, I would find Him…… I have been seeking Him with all I got…….. Do you know Him?

Finally, the Older Man put his hand out to stop the barrage of  questions.

Yes, little one, I know Him.

The Little Person took a big sigh of relief, then took another breath to blurt out…..

Where is He? Can we go now to meet Him?

The Older Man said, Okay, okay, let’s eat a morsel first.

The Older man put before them on the cliff two pieces of bread and some raisins.

The little person realized then, how hungry he was. He had no food on his journey.

He took the bread and raisins….. Then a big flask of cold water was put before him too.

He never saw these items before, he thought the Older Man came empty handed.

He did not care, he took the food and water and was satisfied……. The two sat on the cliff and looked at the horizon which now held all the hope this Little Person came searching for…. His eyes followed what the Older Man was focusing on.

As they rested a bit after their meal and of course, the Little Person wanted to move on to meet the One that wrote his book…….

Sir, may we move on so I may see Him?

I am so excited that I sense He is so close!  Closer than my breath!

How far, Sir, is He from us?…. Can we make it before nightfall?

The Older Man spoke, do you not see how close you are to Him now?

Listen, little one, at the sound of your own words!  YOU KNOW TRUTH.

The Little Person stopped and turned to see the Older Man and then try to comprehend His Words.

They both starred out at the horizon as the sun was setting with the hues of a huge fire party welcoming the sun to the west.

Chapter two to follow, God willing!


Don,t stop being a little person and then you can join the journey.

He Is Fishing, Are You His Bait?


Eternal life always increase and so do we. If we do not change and grow with His increasing life, we will stop and be stagnate.   We all go through different changes through our own journey.

I have not written a blog because I have been in boxes and sometimes felt like I was becoming them……Stuffing them as He was stuffing me with Him. Setting up a new tent with His new wine. I was setting up a new tent and He was increasing my heart for Him….. Go with His change….. Be wise.

Growth comes with new ideas and revelation of Him, our King……

Transition is good if we are following His lead….. He sends us where He is fishing.

Times for the bland to become salty seasoned with fire.

Do we contemplate we are seasoned?

Have we experienced His fire and salt in our sacrificial life in living before the audience of One?

Or will we be known as those bland rice Christians?  Hmmmm.  

There is no resting the flesh but in our spirit, we do get nourished in Him…..

Boy, oh boy, do we rest and get spiritual strength. 

If you are weary, pull out your chair with your name on it at the King’s table and feast in His Word…..

There you will have knowledge of the True and Living God.  

When He speaks, you will hear.

When He nudges you, you will obey.

You will know who is knocking and run to open up.

When we think we are empty and tired…..

Sit before Him and BAAM! 

His smile alone will rejuvenate us.

Remember, when we keep our eyes on Him……

We are setting our minds on the Divine One who has given us all things that pertain to godliness……

But our eyes must be on Him and ears to hear His frequency……..

Understand when He is the One speaking and when it is not Him…..

Doing the will of God always gives us strength and courage and peace even when there is nothing for the eye to see to give us reason for the peace and strength of an ox.

But alas, this is called the walk of faith and living by His Holy Spirit.  Right?

Jesus was tired on the way to Samaria.

He stopped at a well to rest, but……

 then gave life to a needy one.

His food was to give life which was to do the will of the Father. 

Did you notice He was not hungry after the encounter with His first witness in Samaria?

As He gave life- His eternal life- the witness was excited and He was strengthened….

Surely doing the will of God is our strength.

When we know for certain we are following the lead of Holy Spirit, we have peace and strength and great enjoyment in our life for it has been confirmed in His purpose.

Rest in Him, beloved. 

Rest in Him….. Rest in His Word. Rest in trust of Him.

Rest that you have seen the King in all His beauty. 

Rest that He knows you and you know Him. 

Rest in His cross. 

Let the cross rest in you.

Just as His blood covers us and protects us,

let His blood speak out for His best over you.

Seek His glory! 

See His righteousness shall be in fullness surrounding you and from you.

The unknown will be known by you.

His treasure is hidden with in us……

Him and all of His greatness.

He did not give a tiny piece of Him to you and……

maybe a bigger one of Him to another.

When we took His name, His Spirit, all of Him came to dwell inside of us. 

All of Him…… His eyes of fire make us a burning sacrifice of our lives before Him.

He calls us His own and as we jointly in Him stand before His fire of His Spirit.

We are joining Him in the cross as we also join Him in His resurrection.

The increase is up to walking His way, not anyone else, but His way for us and us alone.

This process is until we leave this world in the manner of all men.

Will we stand His salt and fire now? 

One thing to pray for the comprehension with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, that you may be filled with the fullness of God, as written in Ephesians. 

It is excellent to pray but understand the way of Jonah is for all of us as it was our King. Going down is the only way up in the kingdom of God.

But as we go through the depths to know the heights and width to comprehend the lengths of His love, we must stand in the ground of the cross by the power of His Spirit, knowing He has been this way before and then take our guided steps. 

We then increase the trust in knowing Jesus Christ and abide more in Him as the Word of God grows with increase that is from God alone.

Mark 9:49, Jesus states: For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.

In the Beginning – there was a void and the Holy Spirit was hovering over darkness and Almighty God spoke light be to the universe….. BAAM- Light was.

Then His fire and cloud representing His presence, the Light of men, led His chosen people, Israel.  He was with them.

Then in the fulfillment of time, the Son of Man was here. He is the Light of the world and men…..

Men chose to live in the darkness, but those who received His grace given, said yes to His Salvation and…….then……

The Light of the world, became the Light, the Presence, Eternal Life in men. 

See that we know we are the living temple of God…. NOW!

Check out 1 Corinthians 6.

Yes, being saved is great.

Being born again into His family to learn about Him and His kingdom.

He also inputs His Incorruptible seed in every heart that says yes to increase  His growth of His Tree of Life within each of us.…

There is more to eat when you come to the table of God.

Lots more. 

Come hungry. 

Come unsatisfied.

You will never leave empty….

Only those who come full will leave empty.

Come with His blood covering you for all you were and are not any longer…..

All you are now and will forever be changed into His likeness. 


Eat and be full of His greatness and His beauty.

You will have to leave with the fullness.

You have eaten so it may nourish and fill your marrow and bones and brighten your spirit, soul and mind. 

We start to realize we do have a spirit that is only satisfied with God alone.

Leave the world and its news behind…….

Be satisfied in the good news of the salvation from God to all men.

Then we return for we are ravished for more of Him.

There is none like Him anywhere.

He is sufficient, but we want more of His sufficiency……

Do you eat once a week or a month for your body? 

You never have to leave His table….

It’s a carry out and on your daily life.  

He always gives us a carry out and on in His presence, the Food of life, eternal life.

Then you become His bait and carry the fragrance of Christ.

In the setting up of the tent, I thought some drawings I have of Jesus on the cross with eyes of pure love pouring towards me was lost……

I was heartbroken.

I asked – Will you draw another of You through me?

Am I to find You in another way….. Expand…..


I found them… A box hidden behind empty boxes

…. But that box had my hidden Treasure.

Now I have within me My hidden Treasure.

My drawings one day will perish, but not the Christ with in me….

That is my hope of His glory….He always comes shining through.

Yes, He is hidden but He is my Treasure that I will keep and protect in His grace. 

Nothing in this world is greater or more valuable than Christ in me.

The two drawings were one of my smiling Christ and the other was the loving Jesus on the cross who died and gave His life for me.  

I had prayed that when He looks at my heart or spirit- He sees that picture of Him in me.

I am positive He is at work mightily  in me as I found my sweet drawing reminding me of His love for me….

His unfailing love that brought me to Him many years ago and still brings me to Him every minute.

His hold on His beloved is great and mighty. 

Come eat and rest and get His fullness….. so we may get more. 

There is always another plateau and valley that He leads us through but,

His delight is in fellowship with me is beyond comprehension.

He looks and I stop to hear.

Have you seen the King in His beauty?

If not, ask and you will…..

He never turns away a cry for Him. 

You might turn away from His reply, but He will not turn away from you. 

Change and let go and grab Him…..

and let Heaven’s adventure begin in you, beloved.

Here is a poem- I found and I am not sure who wrote it but I know inspiration was from Holy Spirit:
There’s a man in Glory

Whose life is for me,

Triumphant and free.

He’s wise and He’s loving,

Tender is He,

And His life in the glory

My life must be.

There’s a Man in the Glory

Whose life is for me,

He overcame Satan

From bondage, He’s free.

In life He is reigning,

Kingly is He.

And this life in the Glory,

My life must be.

There’s a Man in the Glory,

My life must be.

There’s a man in the glory,

Whose life is for me,

In Him no sickness;

No weakness has He;

He’s strong and in vigor

Buoyant is He;

And His Life in the Glory

My life may be.

Rest little ones in My glory and goodness.

Know all is well because I AM!  I AM is within you if you believe.  

Come to Me all who are weary and I AM will set you free to be who I AM has called you to be.

Do not fret. Do not worry. 

Come to Me as I know the end of the story for I AM.

The Author has beckoned you now to come and sit before Me.

Receive My call and do not tarry….

The Door will not always be open.

Come to the bloody altar of My cross.

Be cleansed and brought into My heart for all and forever more.

As forevermore, I AM resides in you.

Then know this…. I AM is closer than your breath.

Come to learn of Me.  

Hear the whispers of My heart into your spirit.

We shall forever be eternal because you have said yes to Me and all I AM will take over…..

Can you now see?

Come sit and rest and learn of Me……

Now is the time, you shall hear My call in the whisper of the night or in loudness of the day…..

Yours is the choosing to come My Way….

I AM the Light that will lighten your way through the dark of the world to the coming of MY DAY.

For those who have become as rice on a shelf…..

Come to Me now and allow My life to start My fire within and without…..

Allow the salt of My hand be your light in the night.

Come to Me.    Be My bait, beloved!


Then when you think you got it……Selah somemore!

He may be the Omega but we are never finished in the adventure in Him!!


Whispers Through The Night

The King is coming!

Prepare His Way!

Make your lives straight.

A level open path for His entering.

Open your heart for His way.

Prepare today for

What may the next day bring?

Not food nor clothing,

Nor money or stocks,

Shall suffice for His entry.

Oh, yes, only the knowledge

Of this Great Holy One

Shall be your stablity these days.

Store up the right Treasure,

In your hearts tonight.

For things that are

Shall start to depart.

But the revelation of His Son

Shall never be taken away.

For in your heart,

He remains for all eternity.

His Words will hold you fast

Through every day and night.

His Voice will enter through,

Every place where you are.

Hold on to the One,

Who is your Spirit and Life

Get filled up in Him

Before the sound of the cock crows twice!

Put Him first place,

Above all!

Be as His child,

Delighted He has called you forth.

Oh, yes, your Heavenly Father

Has beckoned you to Him now!

A child drops all and runs

Into those open arms of a

Loving Father, though this

Only can be through His Son!

Do so now and leave all behind,

For Him and His love.

There is no love anywhere,

That can compare!

Do not mix your walk with His,

For the fork in the road shall surely appear.

Him alone shall be observed

Do you not see the bountiful rewards

From leaving the world behind?

Trust Him and see….

There is great delight in serving the King.

Be still and know I AM God.

I AM Lord

I AM the Holy One

Who you adored.

Turn to Me all,

Now while there is day

For night shall surely follow!

It is not far away.

Sit at My feet,

So then you shall

Be fit for My Day,

As all else falls away!

Come and see what all

My shed holy blood brought you into!

Do not negate the call I AM sending

To you today!

Do you not smell My fragrance of I AM passing by?

Will you call to Me?

Will you yell and scream to catch My eye?

Ask all those who did this before…..

Did they recieve what they sought Me for?

Read My Gospels and see….

You are no different then them…..

They called I AM,

But I AM first called them….

Now I AM calling you.

Make My Day and call unto Me now.

Can I AM hear your voice ringing out to Me?

Watch and see what I AM will do.

Trust Me and My love for you.

I AM’s love never fails!


Whispers Of the Night

Do not turn to the right or to the left,

But turn your ear to My steps.

Hidden they may be to the proud,

But to the humble,

They shall clearly see,

The path they follow in


Their feet are set on that dangerous narrow road,

Where I AM has called them forth,

To walk in Me.

The new is here,

The old is worn and

Soon to be gone.

Be found in Me.

In My righteousness,

Is where I AM has called

You to be.

Do you not see?

The Truth is known in Me.

Those fulfilled have been

Set free by Me.

They know they have found all

As their hearts home is in Me.

Ask for your salve to open your eyes.

Dream to see all that has been set by Me.

The world is not the end of all,

But I AM the One desire of everyone’s heart,

Gold and silver will not help in My Day.

But Truth sought out from Me.

Will keep you bound to Me,

And safely kept in My way.

I AM the Way.

I Am your way.

I AM Truth

I AM your Truth.

I AM the Breath of all Life.

I AM your Breath of Life.

I AM Spirit.

I AM in your spirit.

I AM your spirit’s Life.

Come to Me now.

Be found at My feet.

Then surely you shall abound in Me.

For nothing else shall be in you but Me.

Do not walk away,

But ask for the grace to believe.

Witness to Me that you believe,

The Resurrection Life that I AM has

Given to you,

Found only in Me,

Is dwelling in you.

Live in My Life.

I AM the Resurrection.
