The Great I AM has siezed our hearts!

How does our Heavenly Father see the word  apprehend in Strong’s accordance in Greek:

to percieve, to behold fully, clearly see, seize, possess, attain, overtake, arrest, capture.

So I know my God has apprehended me…. He is the first that I think of in the morning…. Father, what do you have for me today? What can I learn of You today? I love You, Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit…. Help me today to fulfill the purpose You have called me into Your Son, My Lord.

He is my One Thing… He invaded my other one thing – horses awhile ago.  I just was crazed about horses, especially my own.  They consumed all of my time. They were my life, driving this obsession was the love of riding them.

Well, He came and invaded my red sea by splitting it in half to get my focus. He succeeded, as He always does!   As I received grace, the invasion of questions entered my head…. This God created these magnificent beasts that have hooves- Why hooves? He created the flowing mane and tail that flew like as a cloud in the wind. Why did You put the long hair and tail there? Why did you give them those big silky brown eyes that I know hold Your secrets. Why?

Well, my focus became off of them to Him- The Great I AM…. I eventually found homes for my horses and turned my total attention to Him. The Truine Godhead… because He intrigued me with His love and His Grand Wisdom. I had so many questions that I got answered or I meditated and researched His Word to find the answer. I also researched what the Word meant from Hebrew, His language.   He stole my heart as the horses had stolen my heart before…. but I went to the Creator.  I had to know the God that created the horse, the elephant, the giraffe (why the blue tongue?)  Why does a cat purr? I had questions upon questions for Him.    He captured my heart by His tenderness and patience with my questions!!!!

I ask you today to make some time : turn off the noise, turn on some meditative music, no words…. and return to the time that the Lord first apprehended your life- the time He broke in and got your heart.

Everyone likes to reminisce with photgraphs of the best of times in their lives. Well, I believe the times when Eternity broke into the minutes of  life to capture our heart is the best of our life… Reminisce with the Lord today….. turn off the world, turn off  what intrigues you and turn to Him… Let us let Him enlarge our hearts as He gave the triple crown winner horse – Secretariat, so we may finish the race. In Psalm 119:32- I will run the course of Your commandments for You shall enlarge my heart. 

Let us apprehend Him as He has apprehended us.    We are in the middle of a great Love Story…..


Our photograph is on my bio page

Clear up any confusion of who we are….. the photo of my husband, Paul and myself are on my bio page here on Hisloveneverfails! Thank you Westbow!

This Book Has Given Me Hope ! – Dianna S.

 Marianne, your book is absolutely fantastic…. It’s is the first Bible study on Revelation that has given me hope……. It’s exciting to see what God truly has planned for us, and by the Holy Spirit working in you and through you, God’s Truth just flows so completely. 

 You have brought the Scriptures (His Living Word) to life for me…….  Chapter Seven  helped me out a great deal…..    Everything in that chapter seemed to talk to me about being faithful, to not be afraid, that He is our Rock………. This chapter, above all else, was what pushed me forward to share what the Lord had put on my Heart.

 Your book is such an incredible blessing to me and I praise God that He chose you to be the vessel that the Holy Spirit worked through…..  You’ve made reading the Book of Revelation a joy and exciting.

I’m going to tell everybody about it….  And I truly thank you for allowing me to be one of the first to have had the honor of reading this beautiful gift. 

 May the Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ shine brightly on you and on all you do now & forever.

Dianna S.

Review by Garris Elkins – Pastor and Author

As I read Marianne Strenger’s book, Jesus Christ, The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, The Judge of His Creation, I came away with two words – exhortation and encouragement.  

Marianne exhorts the Church to dig deeper into our understanding of God’s heart and intention for his creation and she also encourages the reader with her unique plea for personal holiness and righteous living. This book is not your normal book on Revelation.  It carries the passion and heartbeat of its author calling the Church to go deeper into the heart of God.”

 Garris Elkins, Pastor and author of “Prayers from the Throne of God.”

We have been apprehended by the Great I AM

Blessed New Year to you all! This coming year, my heart intention with all my “true grit,” is to go after searching the Great I Am. I am meditating on how God has searched me out and holds on to me with a hold that can only be His! FOREVER!
So when Paul wrote in Philippians 3:12, Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

I want to understand and live this out  in my journey here.  This may be the climb of knowing  the height and depth and width and length of His love towards you and me. I believe He wants us to believe the unbelievable beyond the journey we are on now- if we are comfortable, He is our Stirrer -up-er! If we are stressed and hard pressed in every area, He is our Solid Mountain to trust in and rest.   This upward call that He calls us out of the world to be His; this upward call of God in Christ Jesus as stated in Philippians 3:14 was planned before the foundation of the world for you and me.

I pray that you all join me in this quest of the highest calling we have- seeking out our magnificent God in Christ Jesus where we abide. I think we start out in hearing our King ask each one of us-so who do you say that I AM?

We can only lay hold of God as much as we know Him. As Paul states that His riches are unsearchable towards man…. well, I love a challenge…. I want to lay hold of this Great God as He has laid hold of me. Will you come with me on this quest ?