Hide And Seek, Bet You Can’t Find Me!!! It’s A Secret!!

Galatians 2:20, I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith in Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. In Colossians 3:3, For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. It is written in 2 Corinthians 4:7-8, But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

Our life is hid in Christ and He is hidden in us. Our body in the flesh may be put into the olive press to produce more room for the  Kingdom of God within us, His Spirit.  We live in Him in heavenly places and He is making a palace in us, (Psalm 45)….His throne in our hearts… But this is all hidden from the natural eyes and Satan, but it is the Truth. This is the realm of God, this is His kingdom.

Remember when Jesus said in Luke 17:20-21, Now when He (Jesus) was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, the kingdom of God does not come by observation; nor will they say, see here! or see there! For indeed the kingdom of God is within you.

All is done in secret, the work of God is hidden in each one of us.   We are His prize as we treasure Him as our Prize…. We have to live as we have only One in  our audience… The King of Glory.   We are to pray to Him in secret. We are to do our good works  in anonymity, seen only by His eyes.  We are to live in the secret place of the Most High….Everything we do is before Him now, but we cannot see, that doesn’t mean He doesn’t.

I remember when I first read Psalm 91:1, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I still had my horses and I remember I went out to bathe and groom them.  As I walked my horse, Prince, to the barn.  I remember saying, we are hid in the secret place…. What is that and where is it? Then I asked my husband… We didn’t come up with anything… So I asked the One who was hiding me….I never quit either until I received my answer.

I am very glad that God is Light because His shadow is LARGE AND IN CHARGE! It would be very dark if it were a normal shadow of creation. As I live a life hidden in Him, I myself have learned to look only to Him for answers and my reward. I also have learned about myself.  When something is going haywire in my life, I immediately think I have done something wrong.   In the beginning of my walk in God, that was a given, I had!! I had little knowledge of the life of godliness and faith. As I have grown in Him, I have  learned that situations that put me in the wine vat or olive press are His work, to prove me.

I pester Him for answers always… He never gets agitated, (thank God!) with my probing.  I have to know the reason of this chaos or attack. Then I learn He is doing His work in me.  He has promised to make me in the image of  my Jesus. The Holy Spirit is working that out in me.

I trust  Him as He is enlarging my heart to finish the race of obeying His commandments( Psalm 119;32, hey, God did it in Secretariat, He can do it in me too!). That is this side of the equation, His enlarging me or widening my view of Him so my faith is greater……. God is very purposeful, He will use His power to His glory for all to see through His vessels, us. It is written in 1 Corinthians 1:29, that no flesh should glory in His presence.

I have question for you…. When Peter was put in jail was it Peter’s fault? When Paul was beaten and left for dead, also put in jail was that Paul’s fault? When Daniel was put in the fire was it because of something Daniel or his buddies did? When Jesus was crucified, the devil thought he won over Jesus….Why did the devil want to put Jesus out of the picture? These trials occurred  because they were all doing something right… They were living the will of God. 2 Timothy 3:12,Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution…. This trial came against them because they were doing something right for God.

When God shows up to deliver His vessels…. Who gets the glory? Paul could not raise himself from the dead. Peter and Paul could not deliver themselves from jail and neither could Daniel from the fire….  Did the enemies of God target them because of the testimony of Jesus Christ?(Daniel knew of the coming Messiah, and even got to meet Him in the fire, how cool is that).

We all know Jesus Christ was risen from the dead to the glory of God.  Did God’s work for His glory through His men and women now stop? The way of God is always to show Himself strong for His glory. He sets up a scenario  for His glory and at the same time purifying of the saints. It’s almost like a buy one get one free! Daniel understood the purification process of the Lord, as in Daniel 12:10, Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand.

I saw in the Gospel of John this week twice mentioned, which usually means heads up- pay attention-  don’t miss the hand of God at work in His vessels.  John 9: 1-3, Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, neither this man or his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed IN HIM.    

Again this is said about Lazarus  in John 11:4, When Jesus heard that, He said, this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God MAY BE GLORIFIED THROUGH IT.    Jesus even said the same in John 12:27-28, Now My soul is troubled and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name. Then a voice came from heaven , saying, I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.

When we live in the secret place of God, our life is hidden. However, our body in the flesh is for the outward testimony to the glory of God.  Strange peculiar things happen to us but THAT ONLY GOD CAN DELIVER AND ONLY GOD CAN GET THE GLORY.

In Acts, the body of Christ that was together praying for Peter’s release, they did not wonder if Peter did something wrong for this to happen… No, they knew Peter did something right…. He opened his mouth and spoke the words given through him from the Holy Spirit to men about Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thus he was put in prison….

The goal of the enemy is stop the flow of testimony of Jesus Christ. He will do it in any way and what ever fashion.  Most of all, he uses people to discredit with slander the person that is testifying to the glory of God in Christ Jesus as our Savior. I wrote this in my book, if  Satan can discredit the person, he then can show doubt that maybe the testimony of Jesus Christ is not real either.

When we testify of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and empower His body, we are written on the hit list from the enemy… He wants to stop us, shut us up… Anything to stop the Truth of Jesus Christ so the people remain in Satan’s bondage.

I have a question, to love someone is the desire to be with them and spend time with them. I know that is what I did before I married my husband…  If we say we love Jesus…. Do we honor Him by studying His word? He is the Word of God made flesh… He is an open book for everything we need to know!

AGAIN I SAY, we shall perish for lack of knowledge of God’s ways if we don’t study our Desire. We can fall prey to Satan’s antics. The Word of God, especially the New Testament, is our blueprint on what happened to our Leader as well as His followers. If you are on the hit list of the enemy, you will know…. The Holy Spirit always let us know what is coming to prepare us…. Read the Word!!!!!

Hey do you know where the SECRET PLACE IS? Tune in next time for the answers…. Let’s see if we match, do a word study on the secret place in God.   Hmmmm….It is the most perfect place ever in heaven and in earth, ever!!!

To Live The Impossible Dream

What is your impossible dream? We have dreams of what our heart desires. Wow, we have been given the opportunity to live  our Heavenly Father’s dream… A family that worships Him in Spirit and Truth. A peculiar people that have a dazzling, brilliant character because the Holy Spirit lives within us. We sometimes do not see as our Heavenly Father sees. But He sees us in Christ, what a beautiful picture. I am not saying we do not make mistakes, that doesn’t upset God. Remember He knows the end from the beginning. It is a matter of our heart towards Him.  He is with us, what else could we need? NOTHING!

Our Father gave us the Word in flesh to see how to live this godly life, Jesus Christ.   Jesus taught us to pray to our Father. Did you notice when He prayed, He never brought up people and their issues… I never read in the gospels where Jesus prayed in front of the gang and said, Father, oh, please help Peter with his betrayal tonight….  No.  He told Peter the sifting was coming and that He prayed for Him. Jesus taught us to pray in Luke 11:2-4, what  we now know as :

Our Father in heaven, Holy is Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us (us- all inclusive) day by day, our daily bread. And forgive (us our- all inclusive again) sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us  into temptation, but deliver (us-all inclusive) from  the evil one. (For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory for now and forever. Amen…- my add in).

Jesus didn’t tell us to pray for individuals as much as He taught to pray to God, our Father as one body… Even in John 17, Jesus did not pray for the world, but  prayed for all the believers that would follow through history. Jesus didn’t list them by name, but it was a given that the Father already knew them all, as well as Jesus then…. That is all that matters- God knows!

Gossip is  slander. If you read your daily Proverb, you will know that chapter 6 in Proverbs states the 7 things that God hates. Proverbs 6:16-19, These six thing the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him. A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies and one who sows discard among the brethren.

Jesus taught us to pray in Truth( His Word)  by His Spirit…. all inclusive  for His kingdom. Jesus told us to pray in private in Matthews 6:5-6. Check it out! Our focus should be on the Lord and ourselves, our heart, not so and so and this one and that one ….  When we pray God knows all things and knows what we all need before we ask. When we do  bring up someone in private, we should pray scripture over them…. He performs His word always, because He is GOD! As Hebrews 11:1-2, says now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen… For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.   We are to be a living testimony of the faithfulness and power of the love of our God.

I have learned to pray all inclusive because He is the Lord of all in the world. He is BIG,  I mean really big.  I pray for ALL the persecuted church, for there are many I have no knowledge of that are suffering for His name sake. I pray for all the sick to receive their healing and know their Healer. I do not have to name names, He is God and knows everyone’s needs. I pray for ALL the lost to know the Lord and receive their salvation in Him. I pray for the leaders of this country and other leaders of countries, because my brothers and sisters in Christ are there. I pray for the troops of our country, serving and vets and their families.  I pray for all children and even all the animals. This brings His kingdom to the earth, so lives live as in heaven. Then men may give honor and glory to God for answering their prayers. As Paul told us in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18, Rejoice, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

The most important thing I have learned is God watches over His Words to perform them…. The Word does not say the Lord watches over my words to perform them…. I pray His Word over ALL His people which includes the believers to be… I let God be God, I am sure not! I  pray the prayers that Paul left in the letters over His bride, Christ’s body.

I know when I hurt in my body, I cry out thank you Jesus for Your healing power to flow through me now.  I see our prayers doing the same thing for all, even “His body to be.”

I helped kids get off of drugs when I was a teenager. We had a rule. Gossip kills. If you have anything to say, say it to their face otherwise SHUT UP.  We taught that gossip could set a person to go back to their old life because it was not love but hate disguised as concern. I took very seriously the responsibility of their lives in my hands. I wanted everyone to reach the overcomer stage. I did not want their running back to drugs to be my fault.  I could never live with myself.  I wanted to help these kids up and see their transformation before my eyes, which is beyond wonderful. No reward was better than to see them be who God created them to be whole, alive and bright.   Our words were to destroy the evil, the lies, and raise them in the Truth covered in love…. I saw the impossible dream being possible before my eyes in the lives of kids. I learned to see through my Heavenly Father’s eyes.

I also learned to keep the focus on my own business, I can say the same now.  How is  my heart with God and not everyone else’s.  I have learned from the Lord, in judging myself every night, for He knows it all anyway…. so why wait.  I speak to Him as  Judge now, I see Him as if it were my last day. What did I not do that You wanted and what did I do that You didn’t want…. and wait. He who has called  me is  faithful to do it( tell me what is out of sorts that we will be preserved blameless). We get that business out of the way and then I can pray with  His view on His kingdom.

One thing I still ask Him a lot:  why do people rather tear down people then point to and assist them to the great position He has for us. Jesus died and rose so we in Him are seated in heavenly places.   The Spirit of God lifts us up in  living the Possible Dream that is being manifested before our eyes. Satan wants to keep pulling people down with him by lies, slander or oppression, etc.  Devil in the Strong’s Concordance is whisperer, prattler…This looks like gossip. Gossip  lies against the Truth. The Truth is what God says about His children .

Envy led to slander in the  hearts of people against Jesus. It grew into such hate that it stirred a crowd up to put Jesus Christ to death. They tried to destroy Jesus and His reputation as Savior, but guess what.  God Almighty rose Him higher than all others. No slander could change that He was Savior, just like no slander against the body of Christ changes our position in Him. The pit that the slanderer is digging for another, he himself will fall into, it is written.  As we are given a great opportunity to LIVE THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM WITH OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. LET US MAKE SURE WE BRING AS MANY AS WE CAN TO LIVE THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM TOO.

My focus is on My Jesus. The more I know of Him, the more I understand His ways…. He is the  One that I want to know His business. It is written in Matthew 6:33, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

When I pray for people in particular, it is done in my secret closet, for the only One that can help is the One I am talking to… their Savior.

Please remember gossip and betrayal kills. That is the spirit that put Jesus on the cross.  There is power of life and death in our words, let us speak the Truth of what God says on all and bring them in to live this impossible but possible dream of Our Father’s… . We are given a great privilege to be different, a strong fortified people in Christ Jesus, yet in ourselves we are weak. But we  are so different from the world that we set the world upside down BECAUSE WE ARE LIVING THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM!   Why?  HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS!

Tune in next time for more rain of His mercies on us as we are learning to apprehend the One who chose us so we would choose HIM!


Snow White And The Seven Spirits of God!

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God!  said Jesus in Matthew 5:8. John also said in 1 John 3:2-3, Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone that has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.  

Remember in the Gospel of Matthew 17:1-2, Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, led them up on a high mountain by themselves, and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as the light.

Jesus became dazzling before the guys. I have  question to ask you.  Can you see character? What does it look like?  What does bad character look like or what does godly character look like?  Right, you cannot see any character from our natural eyes, but you can see the fruit of either godly or bad character. We live by what is in our hearts. Jesus’ heart was manifested before the three guys to let us know that is how godly character or the presence of the Holy Spirit in a man looked in the flesh. He was DAZZLING and BRILLIANT.

The definition of snow in Strong’s Concordance is to be snow white with the linen clothing of the slain… The definition of white from Strong’s is dazzling, sunny bright, evident, clear, dry, plainly white. The word pure in Strong’s Concordance in Hebrew is to be bright, to be pure, sound, clear, unadulterated, uncontaminated, innocent, holy, be, make self clean, cleanse, self purge, purify self. Hey, everyone, we are also dazzling with His Spirit too!

There is more than just the forgiveness of sins in God’s intent in redeeming mankind. God’s love is so immense and beyond what we can comprehend, He has much more in store for us…We are also risen to the Resurrection Life that is found in Christ, when we abide in Him, (His Word). His Word points us to His will. The Seven Spirits of God, the Holy Spirit, is  cleansing our ways and empowering us to continue to live white as snow…. in purity and in faithfulness in obedience.. to God.

We can try to pull the wool over our eyes and the eyes of people, but God sees the heart.  Jesus, our Leader, only had eyes to please the Father, not men. That is why men slandered Him to the point where He was deemed a criminal to warrant a death penalty.  People, mostly the religious, envied and hated the blatant obedience  and relationship Jesus had to Our Heavenly Father.  He spoke to Our Heavenly Father as if He could see Him….hmmmm

Proverbs 1:1-8 and Isaiah 11:2-3, speak of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is the character Jesus is expecting to find in us first, then we can minister Him to others.  This scripture in Isaiah is always referenced to Jesus, especially since He spoke it in the temple in Luke 4. However, God’s will is we are to live by His Spirit and Word in Proverbs 1:1-8. Check it out!  If you study these verses, they will show the intent of God for us is to live by His Spirit and His Word too.

(There is a reason there are 31 chapters of Proverbs, do you think it is one per day for the month? Yep! Don’t forget that it is written that God says My people perish for the lack of knowledge (I add- of the Truth). That was side note!)

We are washed as pure as snow, baptized into the fire of His Spirit. We walk with the Holy Spirit of God(Isaiah 1). His Spirit gives us gifts that are written out by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11.  If you study the gifts you will see they resemble the instructions of insight we are to obtain  in Proverbs  chapter 1:1-8 and Isaiah 11:2-3.  All gifts in the presence of the Holy Spirit enable us to walk  in the godly purity that Jesus expects us and to give God glory in His workings in men… It is written in Colossians 1:21-23, And you, who once were alienated by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.

In Strong’s concordance, the word transfigured and transformed are the same word to mean metamorphism,  change, transfigure, transform— in the Webster’s dictionary, the word transform means to change in nature…..

As I wrote in my book, we are little burning bushes that are consumed in fire but are not consumed! The Great Seven Spirits of God now are within us! The Holy Spirit is Counsel, Might, Understanding of the right ways of God, Wisdom, Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord, as well, as godly Judgment.   WOW!    This Great Spirit is within us with these character traits  making  our dark, light. This includes our understanding and discernment of all things pertaining to this life.

Picture you are driving in the dark, but then a Voice tells you to watch out for the ditch in front of you. You heed the Voice, and stop, you get out of the car….. Wow, there is the ditch, just as the Holy Spirit spoke…  God sees in the darkness, for light and darkness are the same to Him.  His Light illuminates our way that is in the dark, for nothing is hidden in His sight.  Even if we don’t see the ditch or the trap, He does and warns us. It is written His light is our light.

I wrote about this in My book in Revelation 19:7-8, Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints(that’s us- snow white!).  Also in Revelation 21:23, The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light.

When walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh, we are illuminated in our natural dark sight to see the Truth as He sees. We get to see things as the Lord does with His eyes…. This life is the transforming of the saints of God…..His Spirit within us is the glory of God. ( Our only hope of glory.)

Something would be really wrong if after I brought in the stray animals to my home if they acted and looked like they did on the “streets/world”.  They have been transformed, their outside markings may look the same but their coats are shiny, their eyes are bright, full of health and may be a little pudgy. This is the proof that they are loved and their old life  is gone and forgotten. Even their actions are relaxed and softened, they trust us to take care of them.  They tend to look at me with excitement of what is the adventures today in this house?

Shouldn’t we have the same look of excitement and trust  towards our King   knowing His glory, the living Spirit of God, hidden from our  sight, is  living within us.  His Spirit, our Guide, is ready to show us  the hidden secrets in the Word and of heaven and earth. Remember to ask Him! Remember to seek Him! Have you knocked on His door?   You shall receive if you ask, seek and knock. Our God, the Holy Trinity, is always home!

The same Holy Spirit who warned Joseph to flee to Egypt is within you too. The same Holy Spirit who was with Daniel in the lions den is within you.  I, like David,  cry out,  give me Your grace but do not take Your Spirit away from me. For You are My Inheritance and my life, O Holy One. All love to the One who I do not see and believe,  He is here watching  and loving me.

Because His Love Never Fails! Tune in next time, for climbing higher to apprehend the One we love who dwells on High and also within our hearts… Hmmm….

Guess What Is As Far As The East Is To The West, Go Ahead And Guess…

In the Love of God, is our forgiveness of sins. In the death of Jesus Christ, our old man is also crucified and is dead with Him.  Written in Romans 6:4-7, therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.

Jesus took the “bullet” for us knowing that ALL our sins from the past,  the present and future are forgiven…. There is no time with God, only man. God lives in eternity and our minds and thoughts should also reign there too…. about ourselves and others…. Our Heavenly Father, restored all of us to know our Healer, Redeemer and Deliver and to also know the love that God has poured upon and in us through our hearts…. WE ARE FORGIVEN.

I think about the forgiveness of God because He has overwhelmed me so much with His love …. My old life is gone. I am now  taught on the new life that He died to give me.  I concentrate on the way He wants me to walk and think and live in love….. He is working in me that resurrection life of His Spirit, making all things new in me…. I am  taken up with His Love for you and me… I often say  to people that have a hard time accepting the forgiveness of God- You didn’t shock Jesus on the sin that you think is unforgiveable.  He knew already the sin you committed against Him before He went to the cross…. and guess what, He decided to die and take it all anyway… WHY? BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU!!!!!! So receive His forgiveness and grace because He Loves You…. Love covers a multitude of sins… As I know…. Jesus said to those who have been forgiven much, love much.

I do not turn back often to the past unless is to help someone see the love and grace of God has shed abroad in my life….People that have a hard time letting other people’s “sins” go, don’t let their own sins go either…. But the truth is  sin is all gone under the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross, we only have to believe it…. Written in Psalm 103: 10-12, He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

So live with the joy of the newness of His life flowing through us…. I am excited  He answers my prayers… I ask Him and He answers… How cool is that, to have the God of the universe communing with us as His sons and daughters in Christ….  Do not let people label you from their own sight. Only live  by what God says about you…. He made you, died for you, forgave you, and calls you His own….. Live and believe the love that He has for you… Throw the other labels in the trash…. God did!!!!  

Our Heavenly Father created us, Jesus Christ has redeemed us back to our Father, and the Holy Spirit is perfecting us in Jesus Christ’s image….  Let us live by every Word of God, not what others say about us. He is our Boss. Only His words will not fail or fade away.

One thing I know and live by is the label He calls me— I am His, the job I am called to do is all underneath these three greatest words…. You are mine.  I took in many stray animals, once they walked into our threshold, they became mine… They even acted like it… They followed me where ever I went.  They  willingly gave up the life on the “street/world” to a life of being loved.

Animals seem alot easier to be restored to life than people… They draw near to love and cower from hate.   I never knew love like what our Savior poured forth over and in me… never…. I was just like one of my animals…. I received His touch and wagged my tail. Then turned to follow  Him all the way. In His grace, I will be until the day I go to be with Him through the veil. 

The work of the Holy Spirit is very powerful in each one of us. We should not see others with our eyes, but with the Lord’s eyes.  We are healed, blessed and forgiven in His eyes living vibrant lives in Him.  We also should not discredit others in the Body of Christ.  Walking in love sees that we are different parts  of the body obeying the Head, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Remember, He is always measuring  the amount of Christ in us— our only hope of glory.

Religion likes to label people so they will not believe God has a special exciting call on their lives as an active part of the body of Christ…. I have a question to ask you…. If Jesus Christ is the Head of  His body, us…. What should the body look like in the Spirit?….  Is it not written in Colossians 2:9, For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power? 

When I saw His eyes, they never held a measure that was less than His love… He called forth over me what I was in His sight, not what I saw or others. See what our Lord calls over you now, ask Him…. Did you get your new name yet?

Labels are nothing more than slander against the work of the Holy Spirit.  My little toe sure does hurt when I stub it at night on the bed post..I bend down and grab it and thank Jesus for the healing of it… quick! So should we all on the whole body of Christ.  I rarely think of my little toe, until it hurts or if I didn’t have it, I think it would be very hard to walk… I sure need that little toe… Each person is vital in and to the Body of Christ and Jesus. 

There was a joke I heard  a while ago, one dog was meeting another dog. One asked the other what their name was… one dog answered- bad dog, what is yours? The other said- shut up.   

Let’s make sure we answer  and live to what our Champion says about us and not people. Remember He chose you, He saw your worth to Him. You are His prize and reward.  You are the joy set before Him as He carried the cross to His death…. We are His!  HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!

P.S. Your love doesn’t fail either, share the forgiveness with others…. The baggage of unforgiveness keeps a low flight in His kingdom, forgive and fly high in His realm of love….Learn to apprehend Him, your love does not fail either…. It might hiccup for a minute, but it won’t fail!

The Adventures of God Showing Us His Love!

Oh My Heavenly Father,

  • May they be stunned by Your Grace;
  • May they be amazed by Your Love;
  • May they be humbled by Your Mercy;
  • May they be moved to Your Healing Presence;
  • May they be shocked by the Sacrifice of Your Son;
  • May they be awakened to Your Everlasting Arms;
  • May they have eyes to see and ears to hear Your Call
  • To Come and Drink the Cup of Salvation;
  • May they have the Wisdom to Understand Your Way of Everlasting Life;
  • For Now and Forever Your Glory and Dominion and Power Reigns in the Highest;
  • How we love and thank You, O Heavenly Father.
  • In the Name of Our King, Jesus Christ,
  • I ask for the souls of the lost and wounded today;
  • I ask they hear Your gentle whisper calling their names with Love and Yearning;
  • I pray, Father, they turn to Your Way;
  • I ask they call on the Name of Jesus Christ as their Savior;
  • That then they may know Your peace, Your Way, Your Life in Jesus;
  • I ask You, that they may find the One they have been searching for in the world and missed;
  • You, the King of Glory and their Way Home to You, My Lord Jesus Christ;
  • By the Power of the Holy Spirit
  • By the grace of Our Heavenly Father,
  • Your Love Reigns Forever and Ever. Amen.

This prayer is one of the secrets of  His love that the Holy Spirit gave me during a shaking… praying for others.  Everyone is in need of love from our Great God…. Our Heavenly Father  also desires that we love Him too.  In a marriage convenant, we say during sickness, health, wealth or poverty… This resembles the covenant  of love, we prove our love for our God and each other if we love and remain faithful during the hard times of life. Thus we are called the Bride of Christ.

I put a fragrance on that is called unconditional love. I figure if I keep smelling it, the fragrance will help remind me  to live it out…. That is the love our God has for us, unconditional love…. When we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Knowing some would never turn to Him, He still died for them not turning away His love…. We are learning this way of our Lord, no matter what we are to love all….even when the love is not returned. We keep loving and praying for all. 

True Christianity is based on knowing God and sharing His love in our experience of living in His word…. Religion is all on actions of the outward and there is no heart of His love….  I referred to in the last blog, of living  life  in a “Boat.”  That “Boat” is the love of God holding me during the waves of life which include the testing, trials, sifting— I have called this sifting in my book- the “shake and bake” of God. 

As it is written in Ephesians 3:18-19, (that we) may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

If the shaking and baking does not occur, my boat won’t go to the depths to see My Lord’s great strength to bring me back up. If I stay on the water with no waves, I won’t live His height, His depth, His width, His length of love for me…

Peter is a great teacher. Peter was told by Jesus to come out of the boat and walk on the water like Jesus was doing in Matthew 14:29-31. Peter went okay, no problem. Then he saw the waves get boisterous….. He got fearful and started to sink. Jesus saved Him…. Hey, he tried! He also, learned of his need for Jesus and stronger faith in Him.

Paul also, gives great examples of living the life of shaking and baking. If you read 2Corinthians 4:8-11, we are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed- always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the LIFE OF JESUS ALSO MAY BE MANIFESTED IN OUR BODY…for we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh….. 

I like to finish that scripture to say – for all to see as a testimony of the strength and love of God towards and through men.  As Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:12, yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.

I was sitting on a bench before a lake one day. I asked the Lord, teach me to walk on the water. Lord, please give me the grace to do that in faith of You. He answered, child, you already are walking on the water. You are overcoming the world by your faith in me. You are already living a supernatural life now. I was, as usual, in the middle of adversities. The Lord started to go over my victory in these areas…. I was shocked, but I understood. 

I also asked the Lord, one day climbing,- where do you feed Your flock?  He answered me- in adversity, I feed you.  You are very hungry then…. I stopped in my tracks and had to sit down on that answer. But I understood Him, I am always needing Him and even more so when I am “surrounded” with adversities. David leaned on God also, and that man had trouble too! God saw that David had a heart after Him.  We are in a Great Company if we have troubles.

I guess I will say that my life is full of adversities, but it is also FULL OF GOD! I rather experience God’s love than a bowl full of cherries, any day!!! You too?!

More tips for the climb up to Mount Zion in next blog! Hoorah!

Praise Him in the darkness, praise Him in the Light, praise Him for His Goodness for He is our Delight!    Because His Love Never Fails!!!