Are We Searching For The Great Prophet Or Great Profit?

It is written in Philippians 3:7, But what things were gain to me, I have counted loss for Christ. Also Jesus said in Matthew 16:26, For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

The Lord’s third love letter is as a sharp two-edged sword to His people, ( Revelation 2:12).  We have to learn to take our medicine from the Great Physician. As a doctor is an expert on our physical well being, so is the Holy Spirit with our spiritual health.  When a doctor gives us medicine, it may be bitter going down, however, it is health to our body.  If we want to remain sickly, we do not take the medicine. That would be quite foolish.

The Lord is so patient and loving to us as a mother is with a sick child.  But the mother will give the medicine even if the child refuses. No matter if the child is quite angry at her, the medicine will get down into the child.  The Word of God, which is symbolized as the double edged sword is our medicine.  We have to take His Word and let the Word work in us to separate our spirit from our flesh. We are learning to the walk in the Spirit of God and not our old ways in this life.

Who is our Prize now? Who is our Bread now? Who is our profit now? What is our heart searching for? What is this manna that is promised in this letter represent?  What is this name and stone as a promise mean?

There are so many questions— get your bible and study the book of Revelation. Get my book to help unravel some of the mysteries of our Great Prophet… Seek HIM as your great gain now!

Do We Want To Be Enlarged Or Rather We Want To Be In Charge?

It is written in 2 Timothy 3:12, Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Our King, the Son of God, writes His second love letter to us.

He warns us of persecution coming. So my question to us all is: when trials from the tribulation come to us, what do we pray for?  Why did Jesus leave this letter for us so many years later, do you think we need this instruction?

Do we pray for deliverance or the strength of the Almighty God to break through?

What did the Lord mean when He answered Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.     (Paul was asking the Lord to remove the thorn in his flesh.)

It has taken me a while to understand that scripture…. At first, I thought this is not great…What does that scripture mean? Hmmm…. Asking the Holy Spirit of grace….please,  help me to understand…

He did, He allowed a trial. However, this response was not exactly what I was expecting!

I disciplined my flesh that kept praying:  deliver me, help me Lord!    I changed my prayer to give me Your strength and endurance…. Give me the endurance shoes of My Lord that I may breakthrough in to His glory mightily, which is in me.

Get my book as I share some of the secrets and ways of the Lord.  Do we want to be in charge in hard times or allow His way through us!  Do we allow His arm to rule or ours when our flesh is crying?

In my book, Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And Lord Of All Lords, The Judge Of His Creation,  I show some of the deceptions of Satan to keep us bound in the fear of his growl of persecution….  Don’t fall prey to his tactics and in fear stop pursuing what  God has called you !

Get the book!




You Have A Love Letter from Your King!!!

In the second chapter of Revelation, the Lord of all lords sends a love letter to His people….. He states that we have left our first love….. Ouch…. I hear can hear the hurt in His voice in this letter, can’t you?

Well, I , myself cannot stand to hurt Him. I couldn’t handle the hurt in His eyes… My eyes tear up now thinking that this great Savior of the world,this Mighty God is hurt. This comment in His letter is not for the ones that turn their back and do not want anything to do with Jesus Christ, but the ones that call on His name as Lord. This letter is addressing His redeemed ones…. Jesus does tell us that we should take note of the height of which we have fallen.

So what do we do now to please Him? Obey His commands to us. He left us two that sum up all of the Word.

I give some insight to help us to ascend again, get a hold of my book…. We need His Spirit to love Him completely…Hear Him calling out to you now?  Be a seeker of the Holy One—-my book will help you!

You do want the reward that Jesus offers, don’t you?  We will eat from the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God…… if we overcome…. Find out what is the tree of life. Hint: Our King said in John 10:10, the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Get a copy today of my book….. explore with me the Great I AM today!


Jesus Christ Is Returning! Are You Ready? Better Get Ready!

Jesus Christ is returning. However, it is written in Revelation chapter 1:13, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.  Also, in Revelation 2:1, To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands.

We are the seven lampstands, the church, the body of Christ that the Lord is in the midst…… So what does all this mean? The Lord is in the midst of us and yet we are awaiting His return. What does John mean when he wrote in Revelation 1:4: Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits are before His throne.

How is He in the midst of us and at the same time we are awaiting for the return of the King of all kings to return?

It is a mystery, a hidden enigma, but revealed to those who seek Him. Are you a seeker of the Holy One?

Read chapter 1 of my book and learn part of the answers to the mysteries that God puts before us….. Come on and join me in the greatest adventure of all time, in fact,  translating you into to eternity!

Until next time….keep on searching to live the unbelievable and receive the inconceivable from the Great I AM! In doing so  we are preparing  His way…. How is all this possible?  Find some answers to your questions in my book : Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And The Lord Of All Lords, The Judge Of His Creation. 

Seek The Lord While He May Be Found, Call On Him While He Is Near!

The above scripture is written from Isaiah 55:6.  In Psalm 27:8, when You said, seek My face, my heart said to You, Your face, Lord, I will seek.

There will be a time coming that the Lord’s face will not be found. Every minute we live here is a gift and precious.  Now it is mentioned throughout the Bible, that no man can see the face of God.   However…….

There were certain people throughout the Word, that did see Him. He showed up and answered their cry for help. I mentioned in my blog the last time, that Daniel walked in the fire with the Son of God before He was manifested in the flesh.   So there are different instances of people seeing “the Angel of the Lord.”  He also spoke Words  to the people, like Hagar( she was Abraham’s slave; Genesis 16:13-14).  Joshua was also visited by Jesus,  as the Lord of Hosts, in Joshua 5:13. He evened showed up and spoke to a donkey, then manifested Himself to a prophet in Numbers 22:22-33. Of course, He showed up to the 11 apostles and others that were hiding in John 20 in His Resurrected state which the world was not privy to. He showed His Person, as King, to Stephen before he was stoned by people from a synagogue. Side note…  I wonder why the religious are the first to throw stones… ?

So have the faith in His love for you and ask for eyes to see Him.  Ask the Father to have a heart that believes He is there with you and answering your prayers… Just because they are not exactly as the way you want, they are answered. He is faithful. Trust Him.

The Lord’s face is also His Word. If  we are seeking Him, the Holy Spirit will illuminate the Word  before our eyes.  The word face, countenance, and person all refer to the same definition in Strong’s Concordance. It is very lengthy but you can look it up #6440.  In Hebrew, the words all refer to the Person of the Lord. This is what is meant by seeking the Lord’s face, we are seeking His Person….  He, the Lord, God of all, . We seek after all that He is, all of Him. It will take us a lifetime and more to know Him because HE IS SOOOOO BIG!!!!

In Acts 17:26-27, Paul is speaking to a crowd: And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they may grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.

God doesn’t care the way we may seek Him as long as we seek Him. I am not a religious person at all…. I was far from God, having not the revelation of the Jesus Christ of Nazareth as Savior…. But when I called out, He came to me. How did I know that it was God?  Because He answered me with an answer only God could have given me. Then He did stuff in my life that only God could do. He changed hearts for me and changed my heart towards Him…. No one else could have heard my prayer, I cried out in the silence of my broken heart…. He did hear and answered me, I heard His Voice which no One can have but Him. His Voice pierces my heart with peace and relief. I witnessed Pure Love.

As I have grown in the Lord, I have learned to check out His words that I hear  by His Word. There is one other way. The Words should exalt the Name and Person of Jesus Christ in your life. I mean the words you hear have to make Him bigger to you or in the situation. His words may tell you not to fear and trust for He is God… Or maybe  the words that you hear are telling you instructions to develop a fruit of the Spirit in your soul.  Bottom line is that you can point them to the Bible. The Words should always help you grow bigger in the Spirit not in the flesh…The Words of God do not acknowledge the flesh, for we are dead in Him. The old creation is gone in His eyes and should be in ours.  I am so grateful for the Lord is big because I am so little…. The words you hear should back that statement up.

This walk is to develop our need and dependence on Him as it is written-Jesus said… without Me you can do nothing, (John 14). Pete and the guys had that proven to them when they went fishing in John 21. They caught nothing. Then Jesus appeared told them some instructions. He was with them and….their net became overflowing with fish…. With Jesus they did something! When they caught all the fish it was symbolic of all the men and women they would catch for the Kingdom and to the glory of God.

When we are told to seek His Face, this is not some mysterious religious term. This simply means to seek Him, as God, His person… Look for Him in your life. Just like we are looking for a husband or a wife or a best friend. Look for Him in the daily happenings of your day the same way. Look for Him to answer Your prayers. There is nothing that He will not do according to His word  by faith. Learn to walk with Him and talk with Him daily as your Greatest Delight.  He is walking and talking with you now,  learn to have ears to hear and eyes to see Him and His hand in your lives.

His ways are hidden, but only to be sought out and found by those He calls to Him….  Listen for Him. Listen to Him in the soft gentle Voice of Love to you, His Beloved. Let me ask you a question… Who hides and never wants to be found?  No one.  When I hid as a kid, I always wanted to be found.  When I was, I giggled away…. Well, there is nothing new under the sun. God created the game… He hides from our natural eyes, but is not far from each one of us…. waiting to be found out.

We have a soul but it is not seen by anyone in the natural.  When you see my countenance, my presence,  it reflects my heart, my soul.  When we are loved, our countenance reflects our soul, etc. So you  may not see the Lord with your natural eyes, but you have spiritual eyes in the Spirit. All things are possible with God.

The Word of God, Jesus Christ, also shows or reflects the countenance of God.  He is an Open Book. Do not put limits on yourself. God doesn’t. He will manifest Himself to any that believe that He will and love Him…. with a pure heart. That is His condition…. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.(Matthew 5:8). He will give you that too, if you ask!

We have to tune our ears to His melody. We have to have a heart that is set on seeking Him at all costs. There will be a cost, but He is worth it. We have to have ( spiritual) eyes to His Presence all around us. As well as have (spiritual ears) to hear His Spirit with in us leading and guiding us in to the perfect will of God…..

Did you figure out the secret place of the Most High?  Well, guess, go ahead and guess….. It is the place that we can abide in forever…. ( Hear the sound of the drum roll….) Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

When the 91st Psalm was written, Jesus Christ was still a secret mystery.    He is here in our midst in His Resurrected Life in the Spirit as written in Revelation 2:1.  Jesus prayed this prayer- do you think His prayers aren’t answered. I don’t think so… John 17:20-21, I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us; that the world may believe that You sent Me. John 14:5, I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

The Secret Place of the Most High is our Lord, Jesus Christ. When we abide in Him, it is a secret…. from the natural eye of men, but not to our Heavenly Father and to Jesus Christ…

I am very grateful, I live in Christ and He in me by the Spirit of God for all Eternity!  The promise in Psalm 91: He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty… a great place to be, you agree too!

So I say Rejoice!!!  I Praise my Lord with my whole being…. For who is like My God, Jehovah…. There is no one like My God and yours. He is Magnificent!!!!

How do you develop your ears to hear His Sweet Gentle Voice?   This is the way of apprehending the One we love…  We prepare for the highest of heights, where the air is clear and bright.  He is willing to teach us to walk on our high hills. The Lord is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And will make me walk on my high hills as written in Habakkuk 3:4.   Let us follow Him… See ya next time for His Love Never Fails.