A Burning Mountain Thrown Into The Sea?

Wow! What is the meaning of this burning mountain thrown into the sea by the sound of the second angel?

I suggest you research in the Word  and see what the Holy Spirit shows you!  See the symbolism that our Great God uses for mountain throughout the Bible… You will see it numerous places including in the eleventh chapter of Mark 11. In Mark’s chapter 11, Jesus uses the symbol of a mountain when He had just cursed a little fig tree…..Why did He speak this then?

Also, note why did the Holy Spirit add in sequence the questioning of the leaders to Jesus of whose authority Jesus was operating from? What is the Holy Spirit’s purpose of instruction to us in adding this discourse after Jesus’ teaching about the mountain?

Check out my book and see if you get the same answers as I did, Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And The Lord Of All Lords, The Judge Of His Creation.

We thank You, our Lord, who lives and breathes through us, that You are alive and strong through Your people as You are in our midst today. We celebrate You as our Mighty Warrior.   Our Mighty Wonderful King, we look unto You, as written in Hebrews 12:2, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

May we remember the exhortation of the Holy Spirit this week from the Word  written in Hebrews 2:2-4; For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His will?

Let us keep pursuing Him and all that He died to give us. As we live to glorify the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus must increase in us and we must decrease as I stand in agreement with the words of  John the Baptist in John 3:30.  After all, it is all about the name and fame of Jesus Christ, not us.  As it is written in Colossians 3:11, where there is neither Greek  nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all. 

We, as the children of God, celebrate You, Lord, everyday as we too also live a Resurrected Life in You and Your Holy Spirit within us…. How wonderful and gracious You are, My King, that You have made a way  for us to Our Heavenly Father. We give our thanskgiving to You everyday for all You did, that no other could.





Seven Angels With Seven Trumpets!!!!

The seventh seal opened. There was silence in heaven for half an hour or a space of designated time…. then the prayers of the saints were offered up with the smoke of incense….. and fire was sent to the earth….

Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound….

Here the first angel sound now in chapter 8 of the Book of Revelation…. What sound are the trumpets sending? Is it the sound of an alarm or maybe an announcement? What do you think?

The first angel sounded the trumpet….

What happened next? Scripture states in Revelation 8:7, The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass.

What does all this mean? Did this already happen? Is this trumpet to be sounded in the future?

Let me ask you a question, what are the three witnesses in heaven? Are the witnesses that are in heaven the same as the witnesses in the earth?

Get my book  Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings And The Lord Of Lords, The Judge of His Creation.   Come and  understand the hidden mystery in the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

God is magnificent and so are all His ways….. Let’s keep learning of His great love that never fails towards us!!!!!

Shhhh!!!! It’s A Secret!

As we follow the opening of the seventh seal, there was silence for a half an hour…. Why ?

Why is it written here about the prayers of the saints being released?

Our prayers are as incense to heaven. Our prayers carry a heavy fragrance to our Lord…. My hope is we are like little smoke burners of prayers before Him.

Remember what was written in Luke 18, Jesus exhorted us that we should always pray and never lose hope. Then He gave an example of a woman who bothered this judge until he rendered justice… the judge gave in because she was in his face constantly! ( my paraphrase).

I believe I see our King’s scepter held out to us, He is hearing us before we even ask in prayer…. Come on let us ask for the impossible and live the incredible heavenly life multiplying His kingdom!

Get my book, Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, The Judge Of His Creation. Join in on the study!

Remember Jesus Christ hears us before we even ask as written in Isaiah 65:24, It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking I will hear.

So let us never be still in our talking to our Judge and King and Advocate, Jesus Christ, the Son of God because He hears!

What Is The Work Of The Branches Of The True Vine?

As we see the effects of the broken sixth seal, our hearts should pour out to the Lord. Asking for more boldness and courage before any shaking that comes to our generation.

I pray the Spirit of God illuminated your sight that you all saw yourself under the altar, the cross of our Lord…. cleansed and fitted with the seal of His Spirit to do the work of the True Vine.

As written in the Word in John 15, we are now the branches of the True Vine…giving His truth, light and resurrection life to all. We are to grow out farther and farther…..

There is a day of reckoning with our King of all kings for all who walk on this earth….. Let us not miss our divine situations that He puts before us to grow His kingdom and free the captives, the oppressed, the forgotten, the hurt, the sick, the homeless….

The branch always reflects the type of vine it is…. We reflect the Son of God in our love, life and peace…Until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, the body is to be growing larger daily….

Let us be a growing branch of the Lord, the True Vine…

Get the book I wrote on my illumination from the Holy Spirit on the understanding on some of the mysteries in Revelation….. Jesus Christ, The King Of All Kings And The Lord Of Lords, The Judge Of His Creation.

We now can bear fruit that lasts for eternity—- how cool is that!!!!!

Praise our Father of our Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever!! I pray that we all have Christ dwelling in us richly!

Oh! But The Blood Of Jesus!

As we further our study into the great Book of Revelation, we are following our gaze after what John is presented in this vision.

Behold, the fifth seal releases a view of those who have been slain for the Word of God and the testimony they held. They were given white robes and told to have patience……as they wait for the rest of the brethren that were to be killed as they were…..

Romans 12:1-2 states: I, beseech, you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may  prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

I have another question for you to ponder…. Did these saints get slain in the flesh literally or spiritually or both?  Hmmmm…..  What do you think?

Why is this seal showing saints and not another horse? What is the symbol for the number five?

Are we to be slain at the altar too? What is the altar to us who follow Jesus now?

In the Old Testament, the people of God brought certain animals for different sacrifices, but now what is the sacrifice that we are to offer now?   Jesus sacrifice on the cross cleansed us from all sin for us to start our journey heavenbound…. but now what are we to offer as we live this life towards God now?

What is that white garment which is mentioned over and over again in the Word of God? If every Word in the bible is Holy Spirit inspired… then we have to conclude that the white garment is important to the our Holy God, that we are clothed in this Heavenly Garment.

We will keep marching through the adventure of the Book of Revelation, get my book and study along: Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings And The Lord Of All Lords, The Judge Of His Creation.

Hey, be silent and listen for your marching orders in March from the Holy One who has a great purpose for you  in His plan!

Think about what God is showing you as you contemplate on the saints under the altar?  Brother and sister in Christ, do you see yourself there?

Remember, it is a very blessed person who suffers reproach for the name of Jesus Christ and His testimony!

Heavenly Father, we ask for courage and boldness to receive and live  Your plan for us that we through our lives may glorify You and all come to know the One True Living God…. In Jesus name, we ask You…. Amen and Amen- We praise You Father forever and ever. Amen and Amen.