The Truth Makes Room For Him In Our Heart!

Why were you thinking of all of this? Asked Uri.

Well, when I drive lately, there are a lot of cut timber being logged off to become mulch.  I asked God why.

This may sound stupid, but some years ago, the second movie of The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe which was about Prince Caspian intrigued me.

In the first movie, Lucy saw all of creation alive before her when King Aslan was around and to take His ground. The animals and the trees spoke and sang. He was with them.

They were alive unto Him, Little Person finished speaking his thought.

Yeah, it was cool. I often wonder if before the fall all of creation had a voice instead of sounds. Now the trees voices are just to help the wind make a sound of its appearing through its leaves, said Uri.

Wow, I never thought of the leaves that way. The leaves of the trees spoken in Ezekiel and Revelation are to bring healing to the nations, said Little Person.

This thought brings me to my next point, he continued.

When Lucy and the gang returned to Narnia in the second movie, none of the animals could talk any longer nor the trees. The trees were being cut down.

Things had changed and the spirit of mankind was not from heaven any longer. They looked on the horizon but not to heaven, until Lucy…..and Aslan was still there too. But their gaze became show me then I will believe. Aslan was like a folklore. They lost sight of their God, here it was Aslan.

You remember Lucy. She had a faith of a lion! She saw Aslan when others didn’t anymore. I guess faith versus reasoning shows up strongly in this second movie. Lucy walked and would tell the trees to wake up.

The kings as well as the Narnians had a hard time walking out their faith….. Their though turned to sight, then I will believe. The oppression of the enemy of God kept them down….. Instead of looking up and knowing God never changes.

Now look at this, if the trees in the word of God are symbolic of leaders of nations and kingdoms, which includes the Kingdom of God, why do I see tons of trees being cut down in our country? May be all countries, I do not know about them but I can see what is about here.

I asked Holy Spirit- why?

So now when I see any group of trees, I tell them to wake up as Lucy did in the movie.  Wake up unto righteousness. WAKE UP!

Then He brought me to the Matthew 3:10: And already the ax is lying at the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

And also the scriptures about the seed and the Sower in Matthew 13:6, He told them many things in parables, saying, “Listen carefully: a sower went out to sow [seed in his field; and as he sowed, some seed fell beside the road [between the fields], and the birds came and ate it.  Other seed fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil; and at once they sprang up because they had no depth of soil. But when the sun rose, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. 

Other seed fell among thorns, and thorns came up and choked them out.  

Other seed fell on good soil and yielded grain, some a hundred times as much [as was sown], some sixty [times as much], and some thirty. 

 He who has ears [to hear], let him hear and heed My words.”

Then Colossians 2:7 speaks:  Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

Uri found a new respect for Little Person. The knowledge that he poured forth on the One who was her everything was quite amazing in her eyes.  She studied him as he elaborated on the trees.

Little Person went on, so if the trees which are planted by His river produce healing for the nations, then they are being led by Holy Spirit.  He is leading them on in His purpose. Their purpose is His purpose. The river of God is life and brings life.

Those trees have died, if you will, to themselves and live for Him alone.  If Christ is not all and in all, He is working to be. They are working from the resurrection ground which is rooted and grounded in Christ alone. They are fueled by Holy Spirit.

Galatians 2:20 states I have been crucified with Christ [that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith [by adhering to, relying on, and completely trusting] in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

I also bring here Ezekiel 37, where God brought this man to speak breath over and life to a valley of dead bones.
We are the ones who now are to prophesy to the valley of dry bones to wake and breath Christ alone in today. Our King is asking us to speak His Words over the dry bones and the trees today.

Then there are trees that have been rooted by their own will. They are not near His river, though their roots try to reach without dying to themselves.

They are the tales of the first three that hear the Sower.

The soil is not correct and the fruit will be seen in the trees’ leaves. And their roots are shallow as is man’s will, who lives for himself. Those will be cut down and either burned in fire or be mulch as they decay back where their ambition came from….. the dirt.

Those that seek their own glory or the fame of men, well, they may have received it, but they will not get their honor from heaven’s court.

They are the trees or leaders who feed themselves off of the people as written in many of the books of the prophets. They are the ones who will be cut down by His ax. They do not feed His sheep.

Then there are the trees that through their offspring off tradition have only kept part of the Word of God. It is almost as if they cut off His arms or heart or Head, to fit their unbelief.  They also will be cut as they have cut the Lord in pieces and fed the incomplete gospel or meal to His lambs.

Now also in 2 Kings 6, you have to read this. The prophets asked Elisha to go with them to the Jordan to build. They went and cut down the trees. I was amazed to read this as I was being shown about the trees from Holy Spirit. The Jordan represents Holy Spirit to be baptized in us and the life of God begins…… us, but the trees had to be cut down first so they could build in Him, their home for they needed more room.…..

See the only of hope of glory is written in Colossians 1:26:  that is, the mystery which was hidden [from angels and mankind] for ages and generations, but has now been revealed to His saints (God’s people). 

 God [in His eternal plan] chose to make known to them how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in and among you, the hope and guarantee of [realizing the] glory.

Little Person looked at her for a response for he had not heard an agreement for a while now.

Now her jaw was dropped opened. She was stunned.

Uri asked, have you written this all down yet?  He answered, not all of it.

Do it now, it is important, she stated.

They both started to write in their books all the thoughts that He led them to His Scriptures. They were seeing His gaze from Holy Spirit.  This day was a very sacred time for both of them. 

As written in Ezekiel 30:2-3: Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Howl ye, Woe worth the day! 

For the day is near, even the day of the LORD is near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen.

Little Person started again, now a lot of people think- oh no, it is the day of the Lord as if it was a bad day…. I know it does say alas and woe.

But the day of the Lord and clouds…. Well, clouds of witnesses as stated in Hebrews. We come with Him on the clouds as His Gentile believers. This day of the Gentiles  is here and soon to close as the fullness of the gentile nations are about full.  But we are in the Day of the Lord now. He has built His house for His bride…… As Solomon did for his gentile bride.

I come back to He was He is and is to come.

Time to wake up the trees and speak life to the dry bones.  Time to breath in His Holy Spirit and be His glory and live in our only hope of glory.

His Spirit was and is and is to come also.

Let us ask for His Spirit to flood us as we flood ourselves with His Word and His love. Draw near to Him and as written He will draw near to us.

Trees speak the whole gospel. His Word is not a buffet.

It is the God of consuming fire we belong.

They were hearing Him as if He was sitting before them for such a time as this.  Well, He is sitting before them. Their gaze was on Him alone.

Their return ride was quiet except for the clop, clop of the horses’ hooves hitting the dirt path. However, heaven was joyfully singing over their heard prayers. The Son of Man was active in receiving their silent individual prayer.

Their Audience of One was smiling upon His little ones. He knew He was more than enough for them both in their eyes.

Uri was then looking with a new view at the trees asking her King, what she should pray for Your kingdom and the other nations now.

Little Person was rehashing the Christ will be all and in all scripture. Asking for more scriptures to reveal His purpose for His redeemed ones to apprehend.

His body and Christ as head was and is and is to be His new creation of Jesus Christ, the First Begotten and Resurrected Son…..   

He put all things under His feet, and  gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all as stated in Ephesians chapter three.

We are complete in Him as written in Colossians.

Little Person asked, please my King, let us not fall short in faith. You have called Your body to be more than we can even think or imagine. Yet You are opening our eyes to see more great and glorious things that we do not know, because God is with us.

God dwelling in us to bring His Beloved Son to be our all. We are in Him and Christ is in all.  Your heart for Your Son and us is huge and Your love never fails.   

Give me Your faith that called me and saw me as Your son when I was far from You.  Give me eyes to see the End from Your Beginning. This is Your will.

In Your eyes, please never allow me to be found lacking, but found in You.

In Your eyes, give me eyes to see and a heart to always receive what You show me these coming days.

Allow all leaders to see that salvation is not just accepting Your Son as their Redeemer and escaping hell……

When we accept our Lord and repent. He accepts us by confirming us with Holy Spirit. This step is just Your Beginning bringing us to Your complete End. We then walk the sanctification as we are sanctified and are being sanctified as scripture states in Hebrews 10……

You are always calling those things that aren’t as though they are as written in Romans. So we may bring the things that are to not. Thank You Father.

We died with Your Son and are alive in Him as He is the Head of His body, which we are members.

Thank You for Your grace and love and patience.

Your Spirit in me is the only way it can be.

I cannot fix me to be what You want me to be.

By Your Spirit is Your way. The great hand that led me to You is the same great hand that will complete His perfect will in me. Praise and honor and glory and power belong to You, My King.

The new creation by Your Spirit is working in us now. As we have been given Your perfect gifts so we live in Your Spirit and by Your Spirit.

Thank You for Your eyes to have vision to see Your End is as from Your Beginning.

Enlarge our heart. Give us eyes to believe and receive all You have planned for us.  The evil one wants to stop Your full purpose of Your redemption into the fullness of Christ to fill all and in all. Please awaken the body to this truth so they may stand above all in Your Truth. Your Son will be glorified when all is manifested to all principalities and authorities. God Almighty- You are always highly exalted.

But then- Wow- Father, I can not wait to see Your End in the greatness of Your Beginning. Thank You for calling us into Your Son and to bring our part of Your plan to manifest.

May we set our hearts toward the prize alone of Your high calling……. Christ before me. Christ in me. Christ catching me from behind. All creation praises You then and now and forever.  Thank You for loving me and teaching me Your heart. Please give me grace to hold You forever as My Treasured Vision.

Your End from Your Beginning is glorius.

John 1: 1-3: In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. 

 He was [continually existing] in the beginning [co-eternally] with God.

All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him not even one thing was made that has come into being.

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel
After those days, says the Lord:
I will imprint My laws upon their minds [even upon their innermost thoughts and understanding],
And engrave them upon their hearts [effecting their regeneration].
And I will be their God,
And they shall be My people.
“And it will not be [necessary] for each one to teach his fellow citizen,
Or each one his brother, saying, ‘Know [by experience, have knowledge of] the Lord,’
For all will know [Me by experience and have knowledge of] Me,
From the least to the greatest of them.
“For I will be merciful and gracious toward their wickedness,
And I will remember their sins no more.” (Hebrews 8:10-12).

And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. … And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh, Ezekiel 36:26.

The grace of the Lord Jesus (the Christ, the Messiah) be with all [the saints—all believers, those set apart for God]. Amen, (Revelation 21:22).


Next chapter to follow God willing!

His Disciples Follow Him Wherever He Goes

Littlle Person and Uri were taking longer rides. They talked and talked and talked.

Today, Little Person brought up some thoughts he was thinking about to Uri.

Can I tell you about some of the things I started to ask Holy Spirit? They have been sort of bubbling up in me, asked Little Person.

Uri said, go ahead and shoot!

He proceeded, well, as written our King Jesus is the Beginning and is the End, then I see in Colossians, Christ will be all and in all. I came to the conclusion, then we are in the fullness of God as His body.  In Him is where we are complete. We are waiting with Him in manifestation. Do you see this?

She said, uh, repeat that again. One scripture at a time, ok?

He did, Our King Jesus is the Beginning and the End as written in Revelation 22:13:  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever love and make a lie.

Okay, she thought.

Then he proceeded: it is written Christ Jesus will be all and in all in Colossians 3:11, In this new creation all distinctions vanish.] There is no room for and there can be neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, [nor difference between nations whether alien] barbarians or Scythians who are the most savage of all], nor slave or free man; but Christ is all and in all [everything and everywhere, to all men, without distinction of person].

Okay, she added after thinking.  She spoke, can we get off the horses and sit at the river. We need to look at these scriptures, please.

Sure, he agreed. They galloped almost as a race to the river.

They let the horses graze after they all were all replenished from the river.

The seekers sat down on the grass with their feet in the river, plowing through the scriptures.

Little Person said, look at John 1, see how Jesus is presented to us in verses 1-3:

John 1:1-3: In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, andthe Word was God Himself. He was [continually existing] in the beginning [co-eternally] with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him not even one thing was made that has come into being.

Then in Colossians 2:8-11 it is written: See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception [pseudo-intellectual babble], according to the tradition [and musings] of mere men, following the elementary principles of this world, rather than following [the truth—the teachings of] Christ.

 For in Him all the fullness of Deity (the Godhead) dwells in bodily form [completely expressing the divine essence of God]. 

And in Him you have been made complete [achieving spiritual stature through Christ], and He is the head over all rule and authority [of every angelic and earthly power]. 

 In Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands, but by the [spiritual] circumcision of Christ in the stripping off of the body of the flesh [the sinful carnal nature],

So then knowing this should not we be praying that we apprehend all He has given us to be as it is written in 1 John 4:17: In this [union and fellowship with Him], love is completed and perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment [with assurance and boldness to face Him]; because as He is, so are we in this world, Little Person asked Uri.

Wow, she thought.

He continued, I mean if God never changes as written in Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever (to the ages).

He was and is and is to be forever and amen, then as we continue to die in Him, as we have in truth but in our daily experience apprehending and conforming to His death.  Then we are raised in the power of His resurrection, we should attain by Holy Spirit what He has called us to be…… His body which fills the world with Himself……. Christ will be all and in all.

I know this will happen to our bodies when we die in the natural but we are in the process of His sanctification of our soul as we are in His school of discipleship. We die in Him a thousand deaths and are raised in Him by His resurrection power every time.  This happens as we say yes to Him and no to our flesh in every area of living.  This is our life of faith, right?

For Ephesians states in chapter three, verses 16-21: May He grant you out of the riches of His glory, to be strengthened and spiritually energized with power through His Spirit in your inner self, [indwelling your innermost being and personality], so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through your faith. And may you, having been [deeply] rooted and [securely] grounded in love, be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints (God’s people) the width and length and height and depth of His love [fully experiencing that amazing, endless love]; and [that you may come] to know [practically, through personal experience] the love of Christ which far surpasses [mere] knowledge [without experience], that you may be filled up [throughout your being] to all the fullness of God [so that you may have the richest experience of God’s presence in your lives, completely filled and flooded with God Himself].

Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen.

I hear in services how we should try to fix ourselves. How can we?  We needed Him as our Savior to begin. As written in Galatians, how can we think we can take it from there on?….. His Spirit has set us apart for Him alone to do His good pleasure in us from His Beginning continuing until His End…. We can try to fix ourselves, but we cannot flood ourselves with His fullness. Only by the power of Holy Spirit.

Uri agreed and spoke, that is a given.  If I could have fixed myself, if all addictions could be fixed by the owner, then why do we call out to Him? Because we cannot. We are powerless over the wiles of the devil.

He continued, so as we die with Him on every count which Holy Spirit brings to us in check by thought, sight or action that is of the old person, then we grow in Christ, or He enlarges Himself in us as the resurrected powerful God He is…….

The exceedingly great power of God that works in us…..she answered.

Little Person, yes, your right!

Jesus Christ is the resurrection power working us, right, Little Person agreed.

They grabbed their notebooks and pen and started to write down all that they were talking about in scriptures.

Uri smiling looked at Little Person, Holy Spirit sure does show up where two or more people are together in His name!! Thank You, Lord. We love knowing You more.

So Little Person spoke out his thoughts, so we must be rooted and grounded in Christ alone. See, I think when stuff comes against me and against you and the whole body of Christ, we must know Him and know His purpose for us. The more we know Him which increases the strength of our stand. Then maybe the less we will fall out through the storms.

The storms come, not from God, but from evil. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. However, God uses them for good. These storms make our roots go down deep in Christ….. We only have victory in Him.

We know Him and stand in Him, the Word of God, as we did from the Beginning of Him saving us, and allow all His Word to state in us is: In the beginning was the word. The Word was with God. The Word is God……. See, we are standing on the Rock, the Word of God and the Word of God is in us too!

The only Thing that lasts through all of this age and the next and all eternity is His Word…… Christ will be all and in all.

Jesus Christ on the earth in the flesh was with God and was God. Now our King is seated next to the Almighty.  The First resurrected born of the new creation is God.He is in His new creation as we cannot exist in His new creation without being in Him.

I just think that when we meet our King. He will see if we have acted from His mind as written in 1 Corinthians 2:16, The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. “For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

And if we have apprehended Him with as strong as an intent as He apprehended us.

God never sets a standard for us if He does not equip us for the battle and job to be as He was in the earth. He is a just God.

Little Person just realized he was speaking his thoughts out loud and in Uri’s presence. He put his head down in embarrassment.

She stood up and yelled, don’t you dare put your head down. Look up to your heavenly Father for He is the One giving you this revelation of His Beloved Son. It shall never be taken from you. Praise Him all of His creation. Hey, you horses praise your Creator now! 

They neighed as they lifted their heads then went back to munching on grass.

Do you not see how you are glowing and you have an armor on like from the medieval days? asked Uri.

Little Person felt his ears. They were very hot.  When Holy Spirit speaks to him, he knows it is Him because his ears get bright red and very hot to the touch.

He said, no, I did not. Still embarrassed because of his going on in front of Uri. He kept the manifestations of Holy Spirit to himself until now.

Why were you thinking of all of this? Asked Uri.

Little Person lifted his gaze towards her.

He said………..

Answer to come next week, God willing.


Only Him Do I See!

Little Person conveniently stopped at the barn often on his way home from work. 

This was about the same time too that Uri was washing up Prince after their ride.

He would stop by and hope to talk to her.

Sometimes Little Person asked to ride Aaliyah. Then they would ride the fields. They had long conversations of everything and anything while they stopped to water their horses at the river.

Little Person was very intrigued with Uri.  She seemed to be friendly but very focused on her goals. She kept her eye on the prize of what she thought was His plan set before her.

Then one day, Uri asked Little Person, do you dream a lot and remember them?  Little Person said: yes. Why?

Just wondered, she answered.

She had a stick and was making signs in the dirt.

Do you see people in them, crying for help? she asked Little Person.

Sometimes. I have learned they come before us because God wants us to pray for those who are in a terrible place.  We cannot fix them but He only can. They need someone to stand for them before His face.

Hmmmmm, she answered.

Then shut her eyes for a couple of minutes. Little Person knew she was bringing them before Him. He prayed also.

Then she looked up and said He cares and really loves us. He also wants to establish every member of His body in love for every other member and also those which are to come into Him. Right?

Can I tell you something? Uri asked.

Yeah, Little One answered to both questions. Her mind was like a heavy rain. It never stopped thinking and meditating. He would catch her somewhere else in thought though she was with him.

I do not feel okay going to church.  The people see my arms and like look down their noses at me. Then they gather their family away from me.   Really, I think? The marks are slowly going away and I refuse to hide what God has done for me.  I will gladly speak to anyone about being saved in Jesus Christ, my King.

I do not see many using junkies or addicts or drunks sitting in the front of the sanctuary to hear His Word. They are in the gutters of death row. Death is waiting with open arms for them.  They do not show themselves in church. If they do, it is when it is empty.  Either to ask God for help or pass out.

I remember one day about a month before I cried for help from a God I did not know. I was high and walking nowhere. I saw a church letting out. I sat down to watch them.

It was somewhere in summer because I was hot and barefoot.

I saw these perfect families. They were dressed all pretty.  It really made me feel like a loser and dirty.  Well, I was in truth but the contrast at the time was very striking.

They all passed by me to get to their cars. Not one person noticed me. Neither did they offer help. Not that I was yet ready to receive it. 

When everyone was gone but the doors were still open. I guess for the next service, I went in, barefoot and all.

Little Person said, Wow!

Yup! I wonder often if God was directing me to Him then by someone’s prayer. I wonder if I showed up in someone’s dream.

Anyway, I went into the sanctuary. I did not feel okay to go past the corner seat in the last row. I looked up and saw the cross.

I asked Him: If You could not save Yourself. How can you help me? I have no hope.  I started to cry and left.

Then as I told you, I got to the point where I needed more stuff every day.  I was escalating quickly towards death. The devil thought he had me and won over my life….. But God had different plans.

So I still feel very uncomfortable going to a service.

I do not understand some ways of people. We all are sinners.

Some sin is not worse than other sins, right? Sin stems from unbelief in God. We do not believe He is there so we do things we know are wrong…… Sin is an abomination to God- whether it is addiction or lying against someone, right?

We all fell short of the glory of God but in Christ we are all winners. We died with Christ and rose with Him. We all have resurrected blood flowing through our veins.

There is no room for pride in our righteousness, right?

Yes, replied Little Person.

Our righteousness is as filthy rags. This truth is for all of mankind, right? I mean, we are all on the same playing field.

Aren’t we as humans all sinners before God?

Yes, replied Little Person.

Then what is their problem? Their sin is more righteous than mine? Really? That is plain dah!!!

I am so grateful and so excited to be His, tears running down her face.

Some, I guess, are proud of their righteousness of Christianity, he spoke out.?

I smile at everyone because they are all my brothers and sisters. I am so grateful that I have a large family here and in the cloud of witnesses, said Uri smiling.

Little Person had tears running down his cheeks too, which Uri did not notice. He could not fathom her sitting there and no one reached out to her. It cracked his heart open. He thanked God for His mercy on her and those who were in church.

But God’s mercy and outstretched arm grabbed her.

Uri said, I hold no one at fault. I looked like a dead person. I might have scared people. God stepped in. As I am forever grateful and thankful to Him.

Little Person spoke in unison, me too!

Then Uri spoke, I go the rehab to speak to the ones who are where I was once. I speak the Truth about addiction to drugs. I tell them the devil is in them and has them forever if they are not honest with themselves.

They cannot put the drugs or alcohol down without God. They must ask His help and quit now.  God will give them the strength and power to be straight and live for the Truth from now on. I guess that is the truth with any addiction.

I also speak of the games, girls play which lead to death. The lies and manipulation of their crocodile tears. Females will play enticing games to get what they want….. Hey, I see girls playing these games that do not even use drugs…..

I know one thing. Honesty is the way I want to live in Christ.

Females that do not have Christ in them are dangerous.

So are males, said Little Person.

Hmmmm, replied Uri.

I have even heard Christians speak God will not hear the prayer of the wicked. He is far from them.

Yes, it is written in the Word, said Little Person.

He heard mine though, she replied.

Yes, probably through a son or daughter’s prayer of intercession over you, spoke Little Person.

Hmmmm, she replied. But Jesus ate with sinners in the New Testament. He came for the sick not the healthy.

Are we not to be the same as Him to all?

I know He has appeared to many far away in other nations in dreams. They call Him the Man in white, spoke Uri.

He came for sinners. We heard His call and we are His prize, said Little Person.

All I know is I was blind and in death row. But, because of the God-Man, Jesus Christ in which He died on that gruesome cross so I also may die to my sins and old ways of life with Him.  He also rose from death and in Him I rose……..from death warrant of drugs and also in to the newness of His life in me and me in Him.

I am His new creation and learning to live according to His Spirit’s lead.  I pray these marks on my body will always remind me of His strength of grace and the height of His mercy. I belong in His body as He is in Me and He is the head of all.

He is the Lord that healed me.

He is the Lord that restores me.

He is the Lord who is always with me.

He is the Lord that continually shows me His mighty plan of salvation to me and all the people He has chosen before the foundation of the world.

He is the Lord that manifests Himself to those who love Him.

He is the Lord that perfects every single thing that concerns me.

He is the Lord who hears my supplications and gratitude for Him being mine and most of all, I am in His grasp as long as there is eternity.

He is the Lord who teaches me all things that are to come.

He is the Lord who dwells in me through the power of His Holy Spirit.

He is the Lord that has cleansed me from all unrighteousness by His shed blood.

He is the Lord who has called me His precious one.

He is the Lord who sings over me.

He is the Lord of the whole earth.

He is my Lord who enlarges my heart to learn of Him and know Him.

He is my Lord who never looks away from me in distaste but treats me as His friend.

He is my Lord who calls me His own.

He is my Lord whose voice to hear is my one thing.

He is my Lord who is my Audience of One.

He is my Lord who helps those who I pray for.

He is my Lord who sends angels to me to help and protect me from all evil. Some have even surprises with them.

He is my Lord who visits me in the night seasons.

He is my Lord who gives me dreams and visions.

He is my Lord who takes me flying on my horse and through the nights by His hand.

He is my Lord who is my song.

He is my Lord who is my all and soon to be in me all and in all.

He is my Lord who leads me into all righteousness.

He is my Lord who gives to me the desires of my heart.

He is my Lord who comforts me.

He is my Lord who has given me His family and body to be a part.

He is my Lord who stands over me and before me and behind me.

He is my Lord who called me to be His.

He is my Lord who sees me as who I am in Him.

He is my Lord who smiles over me.

He is my Lord who knows all things and sees all things.

He is my Lord.

He is my Lord who was and is and is to come.

He is my Lord and shows me all truth of those who are in need and those who think they are not in need.

He is my Lord who puts down one and raises another.

He is my Lord who regards the humble.

He is my Lord who prepares a table in the presence of my enemies.

He is my Lord who awakens me into His kingdom.

He is my Lord of everything.

He is my Lord, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

( She thought, hmmm, is that my tribe?).

In her hesitation of thoughts, Little Person broke in with a shout, Hey, I am with you on all this.

Wow, he thought, as he saw she was covered in her armor and swinging the sword as she spoke though her arms were elevated and her finger was pointing to heaven above. She was shining brilliantly. Her face was that of an angel with a glow from Him.

Her voice seemed to fill the earth.

He was taken back by Holy Spirit showing Himself through her declarations.

She climbed on her horse. They took off in a whirl of dust as she left. Little Person was trying to keep up with her, but she went flying. She was praying again.

They met at the barn. He asked her, what is up?

I saw His face looking at  hurting folk coming to seek Him. Some turned away because they felt not clean to enter. I saw His tear fall, she replied. But He spoke, I AM has a place for them. They are part of My side where the sword pierced My body. All those who seek Me shall find Me. Woe to those who turn away a hungry needy soul to Me. My family is to grow with all from everywhere. No greek or Jew or female or male….. You are now One in Me and I AM is in My body.

I AM does not know you are unclean without Me? I AM also knows you are to bring to My face all.

I heard Him also say: religion kills and lifts up the haughty, but empty of My heart.

My love brings peace to the redeemed of My kingdom.

All that receive Me and My salvation are made new because of I AM.

No one may enter the kingdom of God if they do not have My thumbprint upon them. They have been washed by I AM, the Lamb of God. My blood will be found on them by Me. This is My thumbprint.

See the new creation of I AM and be in awe of My never ending glory that now resides in My children.

My children who My Father has given Me for signs and wonders.

There is no one who can enter in to My Kingdom who is made of self -righteousness.

The tares will be made manifest to all who have My Spirit within them. 

These little ones of Mine are My inheritance.

Their righteousness is of Me.

They may be not be of noble stock from the world’s eyes, yet they are Mine.

They are now My priests and kings.

Dare anyone cast a stone at a sinner? Show I AM who has not sinned. Come and show yourself to Me. 

There is no one who did not sin on this earth. The One who is worthy to open the scrolls and who sits at the right hand of the Father God, the Almighty, is the spotless Lamb of God.

Hear our King, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roar!

Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you!  Look upon your own heart. What is it to you what I AM does to My own redeemed little ones…… You follow Me and see I AM’s Spirit is within you unless you be disqualified.

Welcome I AM. Those who are for Me are gathering. What is the job of My own….. gathering or judging the ones I AM has My hand on.

Wake up to My righteousness. All other is as dirty rags. All have had dirty rags before I AM…. Are you now clean those who throw stones and slander My chosen ones?

Be wise for the time is short. Shorter for some than others.

Come all and gather to I AM for My glory. I hear them say for My glory, but many want the acculations from men. They then have lost the honor from Me.

I AM and I AM will not share My glory with any flesh.

Do not allow the devil use his wiles in invoking your prejudice.

I AM’s choice is laid before the foundation of the world of who I AM calls.

Did you help build the universe to second guess I AM’s choice?

Be humble and be lifted by My hand. Keep your eyes on Me.

All hail our King of glory!!!!


We have to remember our own prejudices may put a big lock on Holy Spirit’s move in our midst.

Remember, ask to give me Your eyes to see how you see them in Christ. Then we may speak the scriptures over them that bring His heart and mind out in His kids.

Remember the choosing of David…….. Not man’s choice, but God’s.

Let God be God in our gatherings…… Please do not let them be a country club or an elite club……. That is not God’s thumbprint. I mean, really, look at us! We are the motley crew that worship a great God.

There is no good in us…. EXCEPT that He is in us and called us to be His. The goodness is found in Him alone.
Without Him, we are all sinners and our righteousness is of dirty rags.

We shine because our King’s Spirit is within……. Praise Him !!!

We want more of You because we know there is more!

Enlarge our hearts. It does not matter where we came from but where we are in You today!

May our focus be on our King alone.

Oh, Lord be our vision.

Glory to You and all our gratitude and thanksgiving.

Bless the Lord all my soul and bless His holy name.

Thank You for putting Your Holy Name upon Your children.

You are awesome and worthy for all our thoughts to be of praise of You!


Behold, My King’s Arm Is Never Shortened!

Little Person was waiting on his King for he sensed something was coming or he was going….. He was not sure, but in him was this anticipation bubbling up.  He kept his eyes open for everything and anything of His fingerprint.

Meanwhile he still thought often on what Old Man spoke. He kept thinking how can people think they are following Jesus if they do not hear His voice or read his Ancient Book. 

Then he remembered he had a hard time understanding his Ancient Book until he met Old Man and met his King.

This scripture popped out….

In Him, you also, when you heard the word of truth, the good news of your salvation, and [as a result] believed in Him, were stamped with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit [the One promised by Christ] as owned and protected [by God], (Ephesians 1:13).

Test and evaluate yourselves to see whether you are in the faith and living your lives as [committed] believers. Examine yourselves [not me]! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves [by an ongoing experience] that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test and are rejected as counterfeit ? ( 2 Corinthians 13:5).

For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes, (1 Corinthians 2:16).

He contemplated these scriptures, he thought of a horse trying to get on our mankind wave length of thinking. He knew only God could do any change to any creature He created. Only He can transform me or anyone from glory to glory. 

Only You get the glory. You are worthy.

Just because I spend a lot of time in a barn does not make me a horse. Only God could change a person’s heart and mind to understand reading his Ancient Book…… His Spirit within me opens the scriptures makes them taste like honey.  Only God is all things possible….. but our faith in Him activates “the all things are possible with God”……

He was just pulling in to the stables. He was called to fill in for a vacation walker.  He said yes. He called his job and asked for the afternoon off and stated the reason why. They were impressed with his work ethic and his compassion.  They said of course.

As he was driving over, he was remembering the rules of safety for leading the horse while someone was side walking the rider riding the horse.  Then……he remembered Ralph.  Ugh. I really hope that pony has been put out to pasture.

Ralph was a steady ride but, in his boredom, he tried quietly and never moving his body but would quickly move his head over and try to bite Little Person’s hand. Little Person could never correct him because it would make Ralph jump and then maybe startle the rider.

He asked Father, please in your mercy, put Ralph out to pasture at least for the day, please, Sir.

He heard His voice, child, after all, you know of I AM. Ask Me for great and mighty things, even of Ralph.

Little Person said, I am sorry. Please Father may Your peace overtake Ralph. May I be so involved with the side walker and rider in prayer that it even effects Ralph.  Thank You.

As he arrived, he was assigned to Ralph, and went to get him out of the stall to groom and saddle him up.

He thought to himself, Ralph is pleasant today. He never put his ears back as a warning of a little temper tantrum which Ralph often engaged in for disturbing his nap.

Little Person relieved and grateful just kept singing a song of praise.

The numerous walks that afternoon were filled with I AM as Little Person was assigned with a follower of his King.

They both prayed over the riders and Ralph. The riders were all very relaxed and had a joyful ride.  Even Ralph acted as if he was a different pony.   

Little Person praised God for His goodness again as he was washing up Ralph and cleaning his hooves. 

Then as he was walking him out to pasture for his roll and relax grazing time, he noticed a flash of bright light come from the far back pasture. 

He wanted to investigate so he released Ralph and gave him a couple extra pats on his neck as he handed him two carrots for being so good….. and for not biting him…..  Thank You Father!

All things are possible with God. I will always remember what faith in You did for me with Ralph, a little ornery pony.

As he walked in the back to the farthest pasture/ riding area, he saw this bright yellow light fly by him in that area.  As he walked closer, he saw a young woman, he thought.  This being was clothed in what seemed to be armor like the knights of old.

She had long gold flowing wavy hair and was wielding a sword in the air singing a song to the King of all kings.

He stood there mesmerized for quite a while for time stood still. Again, his mouth dropped open as he was totally stunned and in awe.

This woman or being would fly by him in flash of light and all he could do was watch as the dust flew in his face. Her voice was filling the atmosphere as sweet as a songbird.

Then the being stopped.  So did the song. Her steed was big and bold. He stamped his hooves on the ground letting the being know he was not ready to stop galloping to her melody.

She picked up arms releasing her hands held high. Then her sword flashed like lightning before his eyes and off they went as a flash of light. A burning light went by him again.

Then he saw the same person riding….. It was a young woman. She was riding without reigns and her hands were raised in praise to her King.  There was no sword though. Her hair was in a ponytail and swayed in rhythm to her steed’s tail.

Her steed was a magnificent giant grey, (white), horse.  He seemed to snort smoke and fire out of his nostrils.

She stopped in front of Little Person and asked do you want something? As the cloud of dust went blowing in Little Person’s face.

Little Person could not find his voice. All he could do was shake his head sideways.

She asked, why are you standing here?

He still could not find his voice for this was a girl around his age and yet what he saw was not a girl riding. 

He saw her as a magnificent creature, yet she was a girl with her hair in ponytail. She was wearing a t-shirt with riding chaps  and muckers on her feet.

The steed was still snorting his displeasure of stopping their adventure and was starting to rear up to get her to release him to gallop on……

Then finally all he said, you know you should not ride with earbuds.  It is not safe.  So is not riding with your reigns.

She answered, You interrupted my song of praise to tell me this?

She flew off…..Little Person was left in the dust.

The second time she went by the flash of yellow light went by and she was covered in her armor wielding her sword.

The melody of her song was filling the air.

He walked back to the stables and waited for her.

He asked around about her.

He learned her family just moved here. She needed a place to board her stallion, Prince. 

They forgot her name as most horse people do. They always remember the horses name and refer to their owners as- Prince’s owner or Ralph’s owner….

As the time seemed to drag before he saw her walking her steed into the barn. 

He went up to her to apologize for interrupting her.

She accepted his apology and said no problem. I know I should not ride like that but Prince is trustworthy as we do like to praise my King.

She ended the conversation as she turned her back to untack Prince. He needed a cool shower.

Little Person stood there trying to think of something to say.

He felt like a total nimrod.  He could not keep his eyes off her face. She was beautiful to behold as well as her countenance shined brightly.

She was covered in dirt and sweat from her ride, but knew what she was doing with her horse.  She was very confident and strong, yet, she was smaller than Little Person.

He finally came up with- What is your name?

She answered Manci. M A N C I she spelled it out and continued, but sounds like Munci.

He said, excuse me, what is your name?

She repeated, Manci.

She looked at him a little aggravated.

She continued, but, I go by Uri.

Again, he was dumbfounded.

He asked, excuse me, what name again? And why do you go by a different name than the first name you told me?

She said, the second name is my new name, Uriel, which my King gave me almost a year ago.

In fact, it was the same time that I and Prince collided and destined to be together.  Uri is my nickname, she concluded.

He had to ask even if she gave him another impatient look, why did your King give you a new name?

She said, My King that I follow gives all a new name once they bow to His leadership and reign. The new name always comes with His Holy Spirit?

He asked, May this King be King Jesus Christ?

Yes, of course, what is your name, she asked in reply.

She wanted to see how far he was in the knowledge of her King.

He thought, I am a dead person……..He spoke, my name is Little Person.

She smiled, I like that name.  You must be full of our King.

He again was dumbfounded that she thought his name was cool.

She then unhooked Prince to take him outside to rinse him off and just walked away.

He just stood there mesmerized again by this person.

After a couple of minutes, he went to find her washing Prince.

He asked her, where do you come from?

He just noticed on the inside of her wrist was tattooed 222.

She answered, well, it is a long story.

A little over a year ago, when I was addicted to heroin, my folks put me in a place to get me help.

I became an overcomer there as I got straight.  I accomplished in my schooling all the years I missed in about 8 months. I graduated with a 4.0 average where before I flunked out and I do not think I had an average. If I did it was probably below zero!

She smiled as she continued: 

The only One I know who got me get through to victory was a King that showed up this one night to me.

She proceeded to tell Little Person of her story, I was dying of this stuff.

I called out to God and asked if You are real. Then please show up and help me because I know I will be dead in a week if you do not.

He did show up. 

In a week I was out of the area of drugs and into an arena of truth, honesty and God. I had to admit I hurt God, my family and almost all I got in contact with and myself. I had to admit I was powerless over drugs, but with I AM in me, I can do all things because He strengthens me.

I was so grateful because I tasted hell and dragged my folks through hell too because of their love for me.

The whole world became alive to me again. Drugs and alcohol addiction make their subject act as if they are ravenous wolves.

I was surrounded by love.  Every person would talk to me truth about me and how death was waiting for me around the corner if I did not turn my arrow towards the Truth and then say I love you.

It touched me to the core of the love from God through these people who saved me from death, from addiction and into freedom.

I then became addicted to my new GREAT OBSESSION- GOD.

She smiled a smile that almost knocked him off his feet.

Uri continued, I had to know Him. Who was this King that showed up to a dying young sixteen-year-old addict?  How did He know me? Why did He even want to answer my cry of help?

I had done a lot of bad things to get my drugs.  I had no record. Thank God.  I climbed a lot of trees quickly to escape many.

After I graduated from the program and school, my folks thought it would be best to move away from the area. 

One day, I walked and walked and walked thinking of all God had done for me and was lost in His goodness. I also got lost.

I sat down in a field. Wondering how to get home as I prayed for help -again….. Up comes this galloping horse and bent down on one knee. I hopped on and held on to his mane. He took me through streets of busy of cars and he brought me home safely.

My folks asked around for the owner of Prince…… My King showed up to me as I heard His voice speak again- Prince is yours to ride and sing your praise unto Me, My Uriel.

No one claimed Prince, she continued, and then we just moved here after graduation of high school.

Well, she smiled, that is my story or His-story, and I am sticking to Him and His testimony of His greatness and His goodness to me. No one can ever take away what He did for me. It is forever etched in my heart and my soul.

He gave me a new mind and pointed my arrow to life, actually His Life and goals. I could act in confidence with Him all things were possible. I want to go to school to be a judge to help send addicts to rehab center instead of jail. All deserve a chance to get help as I was given. 

I also want to be a great prayer person to lift those who are down to get up in Him. I pray they accept the help out there and by Him.

It is hard to break the habit, but when I replaced the death trap with the ascending stairs of love, life and joy and most of all, His face….

Well, it was a no brainer…. but the drugs have to be gone to get our brain working right again.

Only with God and His power in me and His love for me, I stand here today. Above that He gave me a great guy, patting Prince, as a gift. I mean look at our God. Nobody is like Him, huh?

Uriel looked at him and almost knocked him off his feet again with her smile.  As well as, she confirmed all his thoughts with God earlier. 

He was astounded again with God and this person, Uriel.
He just smiled and said, Yeah.

She then walked away.

Little Person just followed her.

As he followed her, he still was wondering how to speak to her. 

He had regretted never asking Old Man about girls. 

Please help me now, my King?…….

Help me?……

I am lost and blown away by Uri.

Sir, please tell me what the names Uriel and Manci mean to You? What does she mean to You? She seems to be from Your kingdom and not like anyone I have ever met before.

Some are fools [made ill] because of the way of their transgressions and are afflicted because of their iniquities.

They loathe every kind of food, and they draw near to the gates of death.

Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivers them out of their distresses.

He sends forth His word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction.

Oh, that men would praise [and confess to] the Lord for His goodness and loving-kindness and His wonderful works to the children of men!

And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving and rehearse His deeds with shouts of joy and singing!, ( Psalms 107:17-22).

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage, ( Galatians 5:1).

I love the Lord, because He has heard [and now hears] my voice and my supplications.

Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore will I call upon Him as long as I live.

The cords and sorrows of death were around me, and the terrors of Sheol (the place of the dead) had laid hold of me; I suffered anguish and grief (trouble and sorrow).

Then called I upon the name of the Lord: O Lord, I beseech You, save my life and deliver me!

Gracious is the Lord, and [rigidly] righteous; yes, our God is merciful.

The Lord preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He helped and saved me.

Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.

For You have delivered my life from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling and falling.

I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living.

I believed (trusted in, relied on, and clung to my God), and therefore have I spoken [even when I said], I am greatly afflicted.

I said in my haste, All men are deceitful and liars.

What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? [How can I repay Him for all His bountiful dealings?]

I will lift up the cup of salvation and deliverance and call on the name of the Lord.

I will pay my vows to the Lord, yes, in the presence of all His people.

Precious (important and no light matter) in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints (His loving ones).

O Lord, truly I am Your servant; I am Your servant, the son of Your handmaid; You have loosed my bonds.

I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call on the name of the Lord.

I will pay my vows to the Lord, yes, in the presence of all His people,

In the courts of the Lord’s house—in the midst of you, O Jerusalem. Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)

(Psalm 116). 


Next chapter to follow- God willing

Knowing You Is A High Calling, Sir?

Little Person received the warning from Old Man that he better study His- story for there might be a quiz in the next class.

Little Person headed home. He was contemplating on the scripture- the just shall walk by faith……As well as, Holy One spoke how many who say they know Jesus do not know His voice.   He wondered how this could be.

He just assumed that to be a follower of Jesus, well, how could you follow if you do not know His voice and listen to His Word? How can you know His Word if you do not read His Ancient Book, which people call the Bible?

He just assumed everyone heard His voice that said they believed in Him. He thought he was late to get on to His program. He did not want to miss Him at all. 

All he could see was His bloody face carrying His cross when he shut his eyes at night and opened them up as the sun rose.   He could not forget the love his King for him and others.

He could not forget how this GREAT KING was delighted to see him as He was carrying His cross to His death. He remembered how Jesus smiled to him even through all His pain.

He also assumed all people knew Him the same way as He did. 

He asked Old Man, if he was on the road to know Him as written in Philippians 3:13:14:

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

He wanted to make sure he was not straying but keeping on the path of the Holy One set before him.

He knew he was young, yet he did not want anything to hold him back from walking with His King.

He spoke to everyone, even at school, about His King.

He ate his lunch alone at a table because of the mockery that arose toward him. Even some of the teachers spoke to him not to preach religion on the public grounds.

He asked them, then why do the students representing Satan freely speak on public grounds? My King is peaceful and does not allow people to steal or cause commotion. I pray for you and others.   Jesus Christ is not destructive but only to darkness and the deeds many do in the dark, as He sees all.

Little Person was sent home with a detention for saying this.

What Little Person had with his God, he would not trade or bow to anyone. This was a sacred relationship which he valued more than even his mare.

Old Man and His King and even sometimes the pillar of fire would stand guard at his bed while he slept. As he rolled over, he would see Them talking about him. He could never stay awake for his eyes were too heavy.  

They comforted Little Person for his bravery and willing to be the outcast at such a young age.

Little Person grew and eventually started to work after school.

He missed his mare and their rides together.  Old Man led him to a young boy who reminded Little Person of himself.  He gave him Aaliyah because it was time.

He knew the time was coming to move on to a new place in God.

He wasn’t sure what it was but his dreams kept revealing open doors.  He knew he had to leave all behind to fully grasp what God had in store for him.

Philippians 3:8-9 But more than that, I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord [and of growing more deeply and thoroughly acquainted with Him—a joy unequaled].

For His sake I have lost everything, and I consider it all garbage, so that I may gain Christ,  and may be found in Him [believing and relying on Him], not having any righteousness of my own derived from [my obedience to] the Law and its rituals, but [possessing] that [genuine righteousness] which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith.

Little Person was certain that he kept his face towards his King so he would not get caught up in the trap of the world that kept bombarding him at every corner.

He put all things that concerned in His hand, knowing He cared and would handle and show Little Person all. He waited for what was to come.

He was met by His King in all things that Little Person’s faith reached out towards Him.

He aced many tests even his biology course and geometry class.

He smiled often as he thought- that only could be my God….. Only the possible is by Him because in me….. I would never had understood to pass those courses.

He even learned to parallel park by His grace.

Jesus Christ helped him in every single aspect of his growing life.

The list he thought of all his God had done for him was endless and he was astounded and was so very grateful.

My God is so involved with me, I do not know where I can start and end without Him.

Besides mastering his school work and classes by faith, Little Person was lifting all those that Holy One was showing him that needed His peace and help and bring to them Holy One in prayer by faith.

He was diligent and was mocked and persecuted by all.

He was okay with that since it was written in Matthew 10:22:

And you will be hated by everyone because of [your association with] My name, but it is the one who has patiently persevered and endured to the end who will be saved.

He often thought that he could not stand to be separated from His King. He meant everything to Little Person. 

Hearing His voice in the hard times of studying for school and then in the celebrations of the passing grade of His approval was nothing to be compared in this world.

He was learning by His Teacher how to carry his cross and be full of joy that he was counted or weighed worthy by His King to suffer reproach of His name.

It was quite apparent to Little Person that though he was still little in stature, His King was growing big in him.  

He spent many hours alone by mankind’s estimation, but Little Person was so full of companionship with God that he never felt alone. 

He often saw dark creatures following his classmates whispering into their ears….. then he would actually see those same people act out what the creatures resembled.  Then as the ones kept listening to the evil creatures, he saw the evil creatures enter eventually inside the ones who were just listening. Now they were inhabited with evil as written in Proverbs 12:21:

There shall no mischief happen to the righteous; But the wicked shall be filled with evil.

The first time he saw this happen, he was stunned…. But then was guided by Old Man’s voice to speak His name and stop the evil in his tracks. Jesus help, Little Person would speak out.

He thought many times, he wished he could show them the lake of fire that is awaiting all those who reject Jesus Christ. It is very real as he was shown it……

It is not wise to mess with God for all will reap what they sow. He is King and He set up the rules over His creation…..But to those who believe and repent of their sins, He is just to forgive them and forget their sins and throw them as far as the east is to the west as written in Psalms 103 and 1 John.

He knew the devil decieves his listeners to think there is no consequence for their evil actions……. It is like walking in the dark and not knowing there is a huge cliff ahead in which there is a dark fiery abyss awaiting. Some times he would walk by the decieved and pray in Jesus name, wake up!

Little Person obeyed and ate what was given to him by the King. He was learning the way of walking in the Spirit of his King….Many things were hard to see but he kept speaking the Words spoken to him to speak to free the captives and protect the soldiers out there.

He knew this was the normal way of the life of one who follows his Holy One.

So many adventures and conquests did Little Person do……with and by His King.

But now, he knew there something that was coming his way from his King and he was preparing for it.

He missed all the events at school that the normal kids partake in. He chose to partake of God alone and was quite full and very content with his life with God.

He did not sense any less but on the contrary, he thought his life with God was preventing him a lot of heartache and trouble. He watched his classmates and their lives were full of trauma and drama.

He spoke to God when he saw them down, he brought them the news of His King…..

Some took it and he never saw them again.

Some spit in his face. 

He prayed anyway for their salvation in knowing His King and what He did for them.

Father, tare their veil of unbelief off their eyes. Let them see Jesus.  Your mercy is endless. Thank You.

He grew in stature in God but he remained so small in  physical stature, yet some people were very intimidated by his brightness of countenance…… He did not know he had one.

His eyes were always on His King and watching what He would do next or what He wanted Little Person to do next.

But change was in the wind and in his dreams. Little Person waits for his instructions and keeps preparing his heart. Just as a runner practice for his race, Little Person was practicing to let go and embrace all before him so he may please Jesus Christ, His King. Jesus Christ the prize of the high calling.

He did not want to be one who made excuses to not obey. Nor did he want to overshoot and assume what He wanted Little Person to do and jump ahead.

Enlarge my heart, My King, so I may complete all your commands. You made Secretariat with a huge heart to win all his race that You put before him, please, Sir, do that for me. Thank You.

Little Person asked often what the high calling was…..

Old Man would pat his shoulder and smile, Little Person, know Him with all your breath and days….. He will reveal what your high calling is in Him as His life grows and overtakes all of your heart.

Maybe, Little Person, you may be walking in the high calling where you are now…… and will be, well, will be more.

Just as Our High King was and is and is to be……. Look at your days as such.

Your King delivered you back then and is delivering you now and will be all your days……. He was and is and will be in you for all eternity.

You were delivered into His hands and are delivered into His will and will be forever in Him, where the body of Christ is full and found complete in Him.

Your high calling riding your mare was then…… Your high calling in Him now is……. As you complete this journey, you will be in His high calling then…..

This is your King….. who was and is and is to be …with and in you and all.

Little Person’s mouth dropped open…. He was really trying to control his mouth dropping when Holy One spoke, but he was always astonished with the deep truth of God. But to no avail, he did not remember to pick up his jaw when he heard His God speak this time either.

He was thankful again to have his questions answered, but then new questions would rise up as he was learning of Holy One and His ways.

Little Person told Old Man, Sir, Your Words are acres of wheat, and I am always looking at one blade at a time.  Please help me to enlarge my sight to see as You do.

He wondered if it was as hard to understand girls as they seemed to be quite an enigma to Little Person.  He comfortably stayed away from them……

He was going to ask Holy One about them, but he did not know what questions to ask yet.  He was brought back to Holy One’s voice.

Little Person, do not fear. As you have ridden Aaliyah. You will now ride her in the Spirit of your God to many hearts so they may know Him.

The fragrance of your King is strong and mighty reaching all the ends of the earth. 

He was and is and is to be…….. As you hear all the waters in the ocean roar, so will knowledge of the Holy One fill the whole earth. After all, the earth and it’s fullness is His.

You will hear all the earth proclaim- Alleluia! Alleluia!!! Praise to our Great God and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Praise the Holy One for He alone is holy!….. Through His own, holy ones, follow Him to all the ends of the earth. All the earth will be covered with the knowledge of Him.

Yet, Little Person, some will do this without leaving their prayer closets, hear and see their voice is heard. Yes, roaring is heard all around the earth! Our King, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus Christ…..

All things are possible with Me, without Me, not so much. Look My little one with your heart of faith, I AM was and is and will be smiling at My own redeemed ones.


Next chapter to come, God willing.