Hello, This Is Your Pilot Speaking……

Little Person started the morning in prayer with His crew.

Father God,

Shower Your grace upon us without measure. May our hearts be enlarged so we may run the race of Your commandments.  Inscribe Your laws and statutes into our hearts today.  May our eyes be open and our enlarged hearts be filled with all Your delight of Your Spirit.

Allow us to see our place in Your Son, our Lord. Your Son, Jesus Christ, is larger to us than we can imagine and greater than we can comprehend. So please enlarge our understanding so when we leave this room today, we are filled in Your measure of all You want us to comprehend of Your ways through the knowledge and revelation of Your Son in the power of Your Holy Spirit. You are greater than any challenge that faces us. Our victory is found in You and we thank You that You fight our battles. Help us in our trusting You for everything. Your love for us never fails.

In Jesus’ name, may You be established inside us like our breath.


The crew shouted, Amen and Alleluia!

I am going to speak of a place of rest that I will bring you to know by His Spirit.  When those curve and foul balls come to you to try to throw you off you may remember this.  You may then go to His rest and always go to the Word of God, your own precious Ancient Book. 

Little Person started here by the instruction of Holy Spirit:

Close your eyes. Rest in your chair.

Now you are in the mountains. Whether or not you have ever been there, let Holy Spirit work His work now…..  Allow Him to show you the place in the mount, He has called you up to see. God always takes you to His high places.

You are driving. It is raining. The cloud has rested on the mountain roads. You cannot see but ten feet ahead of you. You are at peace though. You sense or perceive God is so close, closer than you could ever sense before.   You cannot see, but you can perceive Him guiding you along the curving road. There are no guard rails that high.  However, you are at peace.

You see God with your heart in faith though you cannot see ten feet ahead of you. His presence is very heavy surrounding you in the area as you are driving.

You hear through the silence; I AM is delighted that you are driving here by your faith and risked all to come up to Me today.  Know you are driving but I AM is leading you!

You drive down the mountain road then you ascend higher then you were before you went down.

You tried to figure the logic of lower you go the higher you are in Him. This can only be You Lord.  I am here with You.

The cloud is thick. The cloud is very dense. However, you know you are in His hands.

Then you hear, Child, you are My child. This is the walk of faith I AM has called you. May you always know My Presence is surrounding you as this cloud has consumed your eyesight.

Learn to see I AM by your spirit’s eye.  

You are My child who walks by faith and not by sight. 

See with your faith eye, I AM called you for this. The just walk by faith which is My way. Not by your sight, will you see where to walk. What you see with your eyes is temporary. I have given you eyes to behold the eternal which will always be. Walking by My Spirit is what you are percieving now, My child.

You will follow I AM by Your knowledge of experience of I AM. You will take the next step because you have known on that one day that has passed, I AM was your Answer. Every step will work your faith of I AM. You say I know I AM is faithful then and now and will always be.

 I AM is faithful in leading you this cloud. You perception is heightened as your natural eyesight is hindered. This is where I AM is leading you.  Your faith pleases Me.

Take the way of faith knowing I AM continually surrounds you as well as dwells within you. I AM always with you. You are never alone. No one will ever snatch you out of My hand. Remember this and treasure this time in your heart. Remember in your mind, Me as I AM as I AM always. I AM never changes.

You are My temple as well as others that have chosen to follow Me.

I AM has longed to dwell with My people.

My glory rests on and in you all. My grace uplifts you to the high place to hear Me. Yet, you may never leave your room. You must meet Me always.

We must talk. Write what I AM speaks to you. Prayer in communion in Spirit and Truth is necessary for your life in Me. I AM already knows your heart. I AM desires you to reveal your heart to Me. Talk to Me often.  I AM clears the confusion with the Truth in My Word. 

I AM will lead you around the curved, low and high narrow road until your days are fulfilled. I AM always here with you. I AM closer than your breath. Talk to I AM always.

See the cloud surrounding you now.

Now look at the views. I AM will remove the cloud from your view.

Yes, you are on the top of the heights now.

Yes, the air is hard to breath. Your lungs are now getting accustomed to breath in My Truth by My Spirit.

Breathe Me in. Fill your lungs. Breathe in your healing. Breath in My Spirit. Be filled in Me.

You will let go of all to meet Me here daily, even more so. I AM will be your greatest Desire.

You will meet with Your God and King in the high place even though you may never leave your room. You may be in a crowded store or highway.

Remember, you are in Spirit and Truth as you drive on the holiness highway.  The blood of your King has made this highway open for you.

He cleared the road block of your blindness which was from sin.

Now walk in Me by faith.  You are greatly loved and favored in My sight

You have entered into My secret place hidden but revealed to you this day and now remain.


The room was silent. The presence of God was very heavy in the room.

Some of them were still in the vision of God with their heads looking up and eyes closed.

Some were writing all the Word of God spoken.

Thankfully the director taped this so they all could get a copy.

Little Person remained silent as he went to the open cartons.

He started to pass out the amplified Ancient Book to the crew.

Holy Spirit had Little Person write down what He wanted to be etched in their hearts in each bible.

Each student was known now as His disciple forever.

The time was marked by God and His students were now marked with His Spirit and His Word.

They all opened up their copies. Their faces shown with ruddy and shining complexions. Some had tears and some just were plain melting by His love in their chairs.

Little Person just let God be God over His people. He prayed in tongues. May Your will be done in the hearts of these ones. Fill them without measure of You and knowledge of You. May Your entering into their time today remain etched forever in thier hearts. Thank You.

After about an hour. They all started to look at Little Person to start again.

He then passed out some chunks of bread and little cups of Kool aid.  He read the scripture from John 6: 51-58:

I am the Living Bread that came down out of heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior], he will live forever.

And the Bread that I will give for the life of the world is My flesh (body).”

Then the Jews began to argue with one another, saying, “How can this man give us His flesh to eat?”

And Jesus said to them, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood [unless you believe in Me as Savior and believe in the saving power of My blood which will be shed for you], you do not have life in yourselves.

The one who eats My flesh and drinks My blood [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior] has eternal life [that is, now possesses it], and I will raise him up [from the dead] on the last day.

For My flesh is true [spiritual] food, and My blood is true [spiritual] drink. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior] remains in Me, and I [in the same way remain] in him.

Just as the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, even so the one who feeds on Me [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior] will also live because of Me.

This is the Bread which came down out of heaven. It is not like [the manna that] our fathers ate and they [eventually] died; the one who eats this Bread [believes in Me, accepts Me as Savior] will live forever.”

Take the bread and the drink as symbolism of partaking of the death and burial of our Lord.  Eating this you have partaken also of your death of the old creation, your old man and woman.

As we drink of His blood, we proclaim in our thanksgiving that our sin is covered and washed clean by His blood. We abide in You as now You abide in us.

We proclaim Lord Jesus,

You died and were buried and rose on third day and are seated on the right hand of Almighty God and soon to be returning.

Lord, Thank You for Your cross, may we receive everything You died to give us. We lay down ourselves by faith in Your body and now we arise as Your Resurrected body….. We are forever Yours. Amen.

Time was at a standstill, as heads were bowed writing what they just went through,

Again, heads popped up after an hour had passed.

Let’s take a break for ten, Little Person announced.

The disciple with the drawings came up and started to tape them to the walls surrounding the disciples.

They all came slowly back in to the room.

All the sighs were heard as they saw the fantastic drawings of Jesus Christ.

One was a drawing of Jesus kneeling at the garden of Gethsemane. One disciple spoke out, I will go to the cross with You, Lord. Just let me be always with You. I mean it, Lord.

Little Person heard this prayer and turned to see this one speaking as tears were running down this disciple’s face.

Another was a drawing of Jesus on the cross.  Everyone lost their breath for about 30 seconds as they looked at it.

Another drawing of Jesus sitting in a living room as if it was current times. Jesus was speaking and Mary was sitting at His feet gazing up at His face.  This one was so beautiful as everyone saw and said so.

Uri asked the student if she could buy it or if the student could make another copy.

Then there was a great drawing of Jesus Christ laughing. The student portrayed Him with a huge smile and arms spread wide to either side of Him.

Little Person announced how the drawings were fantastic. He thanked the student for displaying them. Look at how many you have drawn in one week. God is keeping you busy, huh?

The student laughed and said yes.  I see these pictures in my head and then my hand flows somehow from my mind to the paper.  It is a definite GOD design thing. I have never drawn anything before now.

Little Person spoke, bring them every time we meet.  Anyone know someone who is good with wood work to put some frames or backing on them to help preserve them?

The director rose his hand, I got it covered Little Person. 

Little Person shook his head in agreement and said, great.

Now. I have one more place we are going to now.

There is this huge beautiful airplane.   Larger than a 747. It hovers over the ground. There is a beautiful sound coming from inside.  We could hear the sound of a choir singing Alleluia to our King!   

We are all boarding it now.  Everyone carrying their baggage.

There are a lot of different kind of people getting on. Some excited. Some concerned. Some, well, you could not read them because they showed no emotions. You noticed their clothing were from the nation that He called them.

Everyone had a seat assigned, but first, all were to leave their baggage beyond the next door. The room had a red wooden door.  Each person had to go through the door. Then you had to put your stuff down inside the room.

Then you went across this room. You exited out a glass door with gold trim surrounding the frame.

You were ushered to your assigned seats as each one had a certain number assigned to them.

The Usher gave each one their number on white type parchment paper.

You noticed He called the name of the one before you. He then smiled at you. Then He spoke your name as He handed your number to you.  Everyone’s number was different.

You look down now to see your number assigned to you noticing it was different then the person in front of you.

Now this took a while. Yet, everyone found their seat, including every one of you.

There was a window by everyone’s seat. Every one of you got settled in your personal seat. You started to look at your window. 

You looked out and beheld the longest line of people you have ever seen in your life. They were in the same line as you had been. You had never looked back when yourself were in the line to see all those that were also coming aboard.

You thought, this has to be a God plane. This plane is way too big for any man to make.

You sat back as the engine started to roar.

You turned around and saw the line of others still to board the plane. You thought: what if we leave without them. Why did they start the engines? 

You flagged down the Person who was wearing dark navy blue. He always had a very big beautiful smile. He answered your name.  Knowing your name took you back a couple of breaths again as you wondered how does He know my name?

You asked, why are we leaving with the others not on board yet?  How do you know my name with so many on this flight?

He leaned down and whispered, no one will be missing this flight. I have always known you would be here. I AM delighted you are here today.

Your jaw dropped as you were wondering and then thinking, no way, but maybe this is this Holy Spirit?

Well, as the discussion was going on in your head, the plane was moving.  Engines roaring.

You were anticipating the rise of the plane and looked out.

What you saw shocked you a bit. You rubbed your eyes to see if there was maybe a glare from the window from the blaze of the sun.

But the same sight was still there. You were in the sky and earth could not be seen.

There was all the baggage flowing down through the air into well, they disappeared into air?

Each bag had a bloody wooden cross attached to it as it floated in the air and disappeared.

You thought, what about our clothes? Well, You are God, after all. Maybe You are giving us new clothes?

You flagged down the Person in blue again. He came to you smiling brightly.

Every one’s baggage is gone.

Yes, He agreed.  You will not be needing it anymore.

You will receive all you need on this flight.

Do not be concerned. I know the Pilot and He always knows what is best for His passengers.

Okay, you answered.

Then the Pilot spoke to everyone’s ears yet, there was no speaker box anywhere in your sight.

Hello there, as He speaks your name again.

I AM so delighted you are here.

Sit and rest in My plane.

I AM has brought you to your new destination which has been planned before time.

As you look out your window, you will see things fly by you that you thought were so important that you do not need anymore.

You are free of them and the harm they caused you.

Let go in your heart as I AM has moved them from you forever. You are healed now from the harm that your wayward caused.

Do not turn around or go back to them.

Now as you look out your window, you will see hopes and dreams that you once had deep in your heart, but you thought they have perished in the sands at the bottom of the waters.

Here they are back in front of you.

I AM will bring My dreams for you into your thoughts and establish My purpose in you from this day forward.

In this plane where I AM surrounds you. You are now in Christ Jesus.

You come here with all your old ways and thoughts, but I AM has higher and has richer thoughts for you to grab hold to dwell in.

Sit back and see what I AM has for you, My child.

Though you may walk the earth, you will never leave this plane for this is I AM.

I AM larger and have no limits, but to help you understand. You have been lifted up into My care and loving hands. Nothing can contain I AM’s strength and love over you. My love is wider than the sky which you cannot see the end.

My love for you is deeper than the depths of which you cannot even imagine are below you. My love for you is higher than any height any mankind has ever known.

There is no length that can be measured to reveal the never ending love I AM has for you.

Please receive Me. Please receive My love for you. Grab hold of Me as I AM is your Life.

You and I are in communion by My Spirit, which you are on and I AM in you.

You will hear Me as clear as you do now.

You will come to Me here.

You are always here in Me as I AM always here for you.

Remember this as your feelings will fail you.

Remember My Truth.

This is where you can look out and see what I AM is showing you.

Then you will read all this in your Ancient Book.

You will write what I AM speaks here.

You cannot look out someone’s else window.

Their window is for them and this window is for you.

Just as the number you received is just for you.

You are all My body, but not all are the eye or the hand.

Everyone has their own set purpose from I AM.

And all will flow as One as I AM the head of My body,

You are in Me and I AM is in you.

This plane is a symbol of I AM protecting you as well as the special place of fellowship which has been provided.

Behold this before you.

See yourself in this plane always when you are out and about in the world.  

Know you are looked after and safe. You have nothing to go back on. Only forward is Yahweh’s way.

The fuel and engine will keep you going forward which is My Holy Spirit.

When in trouble, which you will have, come to Me here. Even if it is in your mind’s eye and in your spirit.

I will show what is coming so you will never be caught off guard.

Do not think it is your imagination that I AM warns you.

Take heed to My Words and follow My commands.

I AM will see you through all the valleys and mountains of the days you will walk the earth.

As I AM has for My Son, I AM does for you.

Know I AM loves you as I AM loves His only Begotten Son.

Wisdom and understanding of My Spirit dwell in you.

There are enemies of your soul. I AM stands guard over you.

Listen to My wisdom to guard you from any plan of the enemy.

You are never alone. Hear My voice and listen to obey.

Do not turn to the right or the left without My instruction.

You step out in faith and your faith will be confirmed within by My Spirit.

You will have joy unspeakable. You will have peace beyond measure.

There are no limits to I AM.

Do no put limits on where I AM leads you.

If you ever feel unsure. Stop and check with I AM.

See out you window, look up.

These are My instructions for you: stop and see what I AM  is saying to you.

The clouds are as far as ten feet from your next step.

Walk by faith. The faith that comes from knowing I AM.

You learn to trust Me here and there. Your faith in I AM will grow as you know

Who I AM. You behold and receive how great and powerful I AM over you.

Rest and listen and listen and listen to the Words I AM has spoken over you.

Take them as your food and life.

Rest and trust your life to Me.

You can rest in My hands.

You are highly favored in My eye.

Trust Me.

Silence was the sound in this room when Little Person stopped the prophetic imagery lesson.

After about an hour, the director started to pass out the earphones and tape players to each.

Little Person prayed,

Father God, we have embarked our new life into Your great hands. We love You and thank You for Your great mercy and love.   Protect Your Word in their hearts now.  Allow Your Word to grow richly. Protect Your inheritance, My King.  Keep them in Your Presence as they nourish their bodies for You already have nourished their spirit and souls. You are our Bread and Meat and Water to drink. We are learning not to live by bread alone but live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Thank You and we love You. In Jesus’ name.

The room bellowed AMEN and ALLELUIA!!!

Now lunch is waiting for you in your rooms. I ask that everyone remain quiet. Use this God time to lean into Him for greater understanding of how He has revealed Himself to you this morning.

Make notes, draw.  Read the Word but keep to yourself and allow His Words to do their work in you.

At ten to the end of the second hour, read again the Sower and the seed scriptures which I gave you the other day.

We will learn of His will for us in hearing His Word and what happens if we do not protect these precious words we receive from heaven.

Go on now to your rooms.  Love you all and I am so proud of you!

Little Person sat down after the last one left the room to rest and he let out a huge sigh.

Lord, did I bring You here in their sight?   Did I hear and speak from You correctly?

Thank You for protecting their days to be kept in You without distraction. Thank You Your peace keeping them learning and focused on You alone. You are great and I say ALLELUIA!

You are My beloved son also and I AM is very pleased. Thank you, child, spoke King Jesus to Little Person.

He leaned back as he sighed a sigh of relief.  He sensed the go ahead from His Spirit but wanted to know for sure he was on the right track.

May my mouth be as a pen of a ready writer by Your Spirit, Lord Jesus.

Little Person heard, come and rest now with Me.

He looked around the room at the exquisite drawings of His King.

He saw His smiling toward him as He was sitting in the back of the room. 

Come to Me and eat at the table I AM has prepared for you, My son!

Next chapter soon- God has willed!

Is God To Good To Be True?

Little Person woke up the next morning. He was laying there remembering the wonder of God through the students. He was still so grateful for His hand working through them. He was so hopeful that their lives would now never be the same. 

Little Person thanked Him for shaking everything in their world that can be shaken so only what will remain forever will be established because it is of Him.

Please keep Your hand on them through all the rough patches of their life until they totally have left all for You.

He was shown certain students were going to be in situations the next couple of days where their past was throwing out bait trying to ensnare them.

He talked and interceded to his King to help them not to be as chaff but let them be as wheat which falls to Your feet and they remain in Your eye.

Allow them to know Your victorious stand and resonate through this crew. Let them know You fight for them. Allow Your voice to tell them in the crisis where to stand and then tell them speak out Your Truth..

Little Person was handling his job well and was using his working time to intercede for the crew.

Uri and Little Person would use their riding time to pray for the protection on the students so the road they are on only be one of victory alone.

He met with them the next night.

He knew some might think they lost all they had received from his King. He knew some had a hard couple of days. He asked Holy Spirit to know their victory was a true fact, because the Lord Himself, the Christ, the King of glory resides inside of them.

So as Little Person walked in the room, the excitement was toned down a lot. Some had their heads down.

So Little Person asked, so how are the people that delight the Lord tonight?

Some answered great and highly loved. Man, how can it get any better?

Some just looked down to the floor as Little Person was told some would be by Holy Spirit.

Little Person answered, What if I told you this is written in Ephesians 3:14-21:

For this reason grasping the greatness of this plan by which Jews and Gentiles are joined together in Christ] I bow my knees [in reverence] before the Father [of our Lord Jesus Christ],from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name [God—the first and ultimate Father]. May He grant you out of the riches of His glory, to be strengthened and spiritually energized with power through His Spirit in your inner self, [indwelling your innermost being and personality], so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through your faith. And may you, having been [deeply] rooted and [securely] grounded in love, be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints (God’s people) the width and length and height and depth of His love [fully experiencing that amazing, endless love]; and [that you may come] to know [practically, through personal experience] the love of Christ which far surpasses [mere] knowledge [without experience], that you may be filled up [throughout your being] to all the fullness of God [so that you may have the richest experience of God’s presence in your lives, completely filled and flooded with God Himself].

Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us,to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen

Then they asked where is athisians or whatever it is you called it?  Yeah, where is this?

Little Person answered, Ephesians. The book is in the New Testament. It is spelled E P H E S I A N S. Uri was helping the student who was conquering his illiteracy.

Can we go over this again, please?, they pleaded.

The students who had bowed heads got their heads back in their Ancient Book.

They all had to see with their own eyes the love of God’s hope in each of them.

So Little Person asked, Is every one at Ephesians?

They said in unison, Yeah!

Little Person thought, they act if this was the first they learned of ice cream and just had a little taste for the first time. Yes, he thought, You are so good because You are love and Your love has been poured forth into our hearts by the power of Your Spirit.

He loved the earnest hunger they displayed for God’s word of being too good to be true. He was determined that they would never doubt His love for them before they left the center.

Little Person gave them the chapter and verse. He then spoke, I am reading it from the amplified version of the Ancient Book.

My parents have offered to give you each an amplified copy of our Ancient Book. The amplified version helps make very big and large the intent of the Word that God wants you to understand and get down deep into your soul. You can always refer to it when you may need some extra help in understanding some scripture in a deeper way.

I used it a lot when I first found out there was an amplified version. I am not a lover of English class and it greatly helped me. 

I will be getting these to you on Saturday when we meet, God willing.

Listen carefully as I read this from the amplified. Then we will go over it together aloud a couple more times.

Dog ear this for your study and prayer time.

They read and contemplated this prayer at least ten times.

Know beyond your breath, His love for each of you is beyond the heights and depths and lengths and widths of any universe….. God cannot be measured, nor is His love for you. His love will never fail you. He will lead you always through any darkness by His great and marvelous light, Little Person amplified His Word.

The students were all jaw dropped and time stood still for awhile as this scripture was meditated in their minds and hearts.

Then Little Person asked, So how did you do you do on your first test?

They all looked at each other and said, huh? What test?

After the room got quiet, Little Person asked again, how was your first pop quiz? You all know what a pop quiz is, right?

They all looked at him in wonder. They answered but still were clueless.

The room resounded with a weak yes.

Okay, some of you went through some hard stuff this week, right? 

Some answered, yeah, man.

He heard a lot of sighs.

Little Person spoke, Look, you all passed! Look at you! You are sitting here wanting to know God better and you have His love letter opened on your lap.

You passed, my brothers and sisters. The world throws a lot of curve balls and fowl balls to you.

You may react wrongly at first time out to bat, but you go back to the dugout and get the coaching from Holy Spirit. 

He then sends you out to hit the ball again.

You may have missed the ball but you are still in the game. By the way, the game is as long as you all live and breathe on this earth.

Holy Spirit is your Coach forever. He will let you know where it is written how to handle what ever curve or fowl ball comes your way until you keep hitting home runs.

Even then when you think you are okay at the home runs. He then puts in a better pitcher.   You will remain strong in Him alone.

You will have to lean only on the Words Holy Spirit has pointed you to in your study in your Ancient Book of our King Jesus Christ. The pitchers help form Him in you so His will to found in you will be complete.

You all will shine as His living sacrifice conformed to Him and His purpose. It is not easy to learn His way and then live by His Word in this world. However, you are all overcomers in Him and He will help you every step of the way. I promise, He does with me every second of every day.

Experience and walking out what Christ has taught us is His way to making it abide in us. We learn how to handle the balls the world sends our way which try make us take our eye off of Jesus Christ.

Keep your eyes on Him! Listen to Him!

Well, let us go to the scriptures. Our Lord spoke to thousands one day, even without a microphone!

He spoke about us. People who hear His Word and what happens to us……with His Word.

Turn to Matthew chapter 13: 1-23:

That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. 

Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. 

 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 

Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 

 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 

 Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”

 He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 

 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 

This is why I speak to them in parables:

“Though seeing, they do not see;
    though hearing, they do not hear or understand.

 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:

“‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
    you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

 For this people’s heart has become calloused;
    they hardly hear with their ears,
    and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
    hear with their ears,
    understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.

 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 

 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

 “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 

 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 

The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 

The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. 

But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

They all read this scripture about ten times very slowly.

The world comes to you as throwing you curve balls to mess your life up that you may think you are a loser or a failure. It also tries to make you turn your heart from God to its temptation that speaks that God won’t come through. It can also say it doesn’t matter if I do this or that,……when we know in our hearts it will be to our ruin.

Well, we are failures and losers. We, without God, are no good, right?

They answered, right.

If Jesus Christ was not in our lives, we would all be heading for destruction of the lake of fire……

We are all liars against His truth and found guilty, but……… but….. but God gave His only Son for our punishment instead.

Only One thing, His blood alone cleanses us from the filthy rags which was our condition….. His passion at the cross shows us His passion and desire for us. He took our place for we have sinned and fallen short of His glory, and here is another great but…..

They all chuckled.

Little Person continued, as Romans 3:22-24 states:

This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.

There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Okay, Little Person continued, make a note to read chapter three of Romans. R O M A N S.

I do not want you to miss my point here. The world and evil comes to throw you off your game, if you will, your walk with God. Okay? All agree?

So when you hear you are a failure or a looser, you tell them, yup I was lost. Lost to the point I could not live without getting high or drunk or whatever, but…….  I have been found by the One who has been waiting to grab me for Himself.  Now my righteousness is from Him. I have been washed clean by the blood of Jesus Christ


He died and was buried and rose again to bring me from darkness into His pure light….. the Light of His Son, my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.

I am His and He is mine to His glory, I am standing here seen by your eyes as His. I am in Him and He makes all things brand new.  I am His new creation and learning what that means and how to be His. This is my life calling and goal to be conformed to His image by His Holy Spirit which resides in me which will also be to His glory.

They all yelled, slow down!  What do we say? Slow down and repeat that please SLOWLY!!!!

They all had their heads bowed down writing every single word Little Person just declared.

This was their life now learning His.

Little Person said, okay, it is well after midnight again!  Please keep quiet before Him tomorrow. Listen to your coach in the dugout or fitting room depending on male or female thing.

For you females, let’s say you are making a wedding dress of your dreams. How many times do you restitch a seam? How many fittings will there be? You want the dress perfect, right? You want the dress beautiful, right?

The females thought, yeah I do. Some clearly never ever thought that would be a dream come true for them….. The females shook their heads after a while and agreed.

Okay, well, the wedding dress is already made but you are being tailored made to fit His perfect dress for you…… I do not want to leave you girls without your own imagery here!

The girls smiled and said thank you!

You all listen to your coach in the dugout and you girls in the fitting room, listen to your Tailor.

Uri yelled out, Seamstress.

Or right, Seamstress….. Okay?, said Little Person.

The quizzes come so we may learn what He wants us to apprehend or grab so we comply to His working us into the completely conformed  image of His Son…..We are His body after all!

So expect an open Ancient Book quiz always.

You will never get a failure here.

Look at where we learned our stuff before and where did it get us?

He wants us now to learn to doing things His way. His way is righteousness and peace.

You will get another chance for a do over. So do not fret over the mess up, just seek Him and He will point you to the right way.

We are His disciples and He is our Rabbi.

He is the Perfect Teacher.  He will not leave us until He is found complete in us and we are found complete in His fullness of His Life. Stand strong and in faith in His faithfulness that we are all found in Him as Christ will be all and in all.

You are all His students which means disciples.

Learn to laugh at the hard balls. Why? Your Rabbi thinks you are ready for great things. He is proving His faithful Word in you. Rest and be at peace. He knows what He is doing in you.

In all your testing and junk, trust Him. Cling to Him.

Take notes and make notes in your own Ancient Book on the scriptures He points out to you so you may remember what He has shown you. Put the date down also so you may see how far He has brought you into His love as you go on in Him.

Someone lifted their hand, you told me to bring my drawings. I have them here.

Little Person said, thank you for bringing them. It is late. Can you bring them Saturday when we have the whole day together?

The student smiled, sure. I do have one thing to say: I asked a question to Him yesterday?

Why do You cry when we drink, smoke or get high or whatever.  Why does that so bother You, Lord?

He answered, when you create your drawings, do you think you are part of them?  I answered, yes, Lord. 

When My creation turns to drown out their hurt with what will cause more hurt, I AM hurts. My creation drowning their souls with destruction is not My plan for mankind. I AM wants them near Me and within Me. I AM does not want anyone to perish.

I AM created My Creation to lean on Me with their whole heart.  When they hurt, I AM wants them to come to Me. I AM is their Answer. I AM will help them and I AM is faithful.

I AM heals you, those other things numb you leading to death. I AM restores to bring you into Life, My resurrection Life.

Always lean on Me for your help I AM will always be here for you.

The student finished reading the answer from I AM.

Everyone had their head down weeping.

Little Person said, thank you so much for sharing Your time with Him.  Sorry, we did not get to your drawings. We will on Saturday. Thank you again for all you have brought to us of His great love.

Okay, Father God, we love You and need You. Please forgive us for when we turn to other things which never help us. We repent for not turning to You.

Give us Your grace to cling to You always, just as a person lost at sea clings to their life raft. You are our breath and life. Thank You for making us know You as our all and in all.

We need You and trust You. Let us seek you before and after every turn that comes before us. We ask for more grace so we may grow in the knowledge of You. It is written, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom.

In Your grace, help us know how complete we are found in Jesus Christ.

Thank You for protecting these found ones as Your new treasures.

In Jesus name,

They all shouted, AMEN!!!!

Little Person exited the room.

He sat down in the director’s office tired but still in wonder.

Rabbi, did I lead them to see Your face?

Do they know and trust You more from the words of You?

I pray I hear You are pleased?

He heard, well done, My good and faithful servant. Trust Me too. I am Your Guide here through the rough waters.

To be continued, God willing…….

These Times Are A Changing

The director of the rehab center was so excited for the people who heard Little Person. He bounded through the door of his office as if he was on fire! He shook Little Person’s hand as Little Person stood on his feet. Then he put his arms around Little Person in a bear hug.

The director spoke, You have just opened their eyes to a better life filled with so much hope without even leaving the building.  I am so excited for them now.  Most of the time, they leave here and we pray they will be living a good clean life but sometimes their environment turns them back to folly.

But in giving them the Good News of Jesus Christ, well, their lives have a chance because of Jesus Christ entering into their lives and thoughts now. His hand is on them forever now!

Let us sit down now. If okay, with you and set up a schedule for the continued education for their hearts to grasp before their time is up here and they enter the world again.

Little Person said, okay.  Little Person was a little stunned and also very tired and hungry. They both heard his stomach growl. They both chuckled.

The director spoke out, It is funny when Holy Spirit is working, we forget about our bodies until His work is done, then our bodies start to shout out!

The director said, this crew will be completing their stay in two months. Can we do two nights a week and Saturday until they leave.  I really pray to God that they get the Word deep in them before they graduate.

Little Person said, Okay.  I need to make sure my job is okay with this. I really do not have anything planned to do this kind of revelation of Jesus in so many time frames.

The director smiled as he spoke, I know you do not. However, I trust He does!  Just keep in prayer as you did for tonight and His Spirit will guide you through it all. Just as He is guiding them.

The director spoke again, I am so excited for these ones.  I saw Him encountering them.  Their faces were changing before my eyes. I have never witnessed such transformation as this night. His glory certainly filled the building of these ones, His temple. Praise Him forever!

Little Person smiled and agreed and spoke out- Praise Him in the highest as He reigns over all His creation.  He will show up and show off wherever there are two and more speaking of His great name!  I pray these have His testimony when they leave here.  I pray that He is more ingrained in them than their past life.

The director agreed, AMEN !!!

They set up times when Little Person would be bringing Jesus to them. Trusting in God that they know Him deeply before they graduate.

As Little Person shook hands with the director and then they prayed on this new horizon to bring heaven to His new treasures.  Then he left.

As he was exiting the building, Uri came flying out of the building and ran up to him and gave him a run into him type hug.  They laughed and then realized what just happened and stepped back from each other.

Uri expounded, You were so great in bringing them into Jesus. The words you spoke were straight from our King.  He as only He can penetrate their hearts. Even the hardest cases, we saw have tears and want to get involved in this new adventure. Alleluia!!! Praise God!!! I am so psyched about this. So what did you speak about with the director? You coming tomorrow night?

Woe, slow down there, lightning!  We have set up a schedule of two nights a week and Saturday until this crew graduates. We need prayer covering them. Hey, can you get that one a tutor to get that one literate before that one graduates?

Uri said, I will ask the director tomorrow morning. I know of one from school that will be perfect.

Little Person, good. I think I will buy that one a cd player and a bible on cd to help him for now. Ask the director tomorrow for me, okay.

Uri said, will do.  Wow, tonight was such a Godnight. I wonder if everyone long ago said, have a God night and then it turned into a good night?

Little Person smiled, probably. I am hungry, do you want to join me for a burger?

Uri said, sure! Is this a date?

Little Person taken back a breath, thought and then replied, a date to fill our natural bodies as friends, okay?

Uri relieved, said okay. I just have too many ideas from God to get involved. I want just to be good friends.

Little Person agreed, yes, right now, I am on overload!!!!

They met at the burger place and each went to their own homes for a short sleep after a long God day.

When Little Person got into his bed, he could not sleep. He kept seeing the faces that he spoke to that night. He lifted them up in prayer over and over and over. Holy Spirit was letting him know certain things regarding the students  so he could speak God’s Word over them to erase the effects those hard things had on them.

He asked for His wisdom on all the scheduled times to speak so that from now on their arrows were definitely aimed towards heaven.

Holy Spirit was showing Little Person His flight plan for these Beginners of His Beginning.

He was given heaven’s blueprint on the next two months. Allowing time for questions from the students. Showing the students, they are to ask Holy Spirit any question and for all help. 

Little Person did not want any of them to be dependent on him but God alone.  Only God alone can handle and be their Help on what will lay ahead of them when they graduate.  

He got out of bed and started to write all Holy Spirit was showing him. He did not want to forget anything. 

He was up when the sun rose up shining into his room.

He went downstairs and got a jug of orange juice and went out on the back porch.

He watched the brilliant sun rise over the countryside. He then rose his eyes seeking the Uncreated One.

Please, Father God, allow Your Words to arise again in the students this morning. Be shining strong into their hearts with the love You poured over them last night. Let them know You are real and their experience was real.  Speak to them only the Word which they know You are there. Dazzle them again this am.

I pray they link arms with You in their walk. Strengthen them in You. Strengthen me in You too!

Let them see You! Let Your courtship flower in their hearts so whatever evil has planned it will not prosper against them in Jesus’ name. Keep them safe in Your grace bubble as You did for Uri and I.

Thank You that I can rest in You for all that is coming before me. Thank You it is all you and I just speak what You show me.  Thank You for Your greatness and all Your love over us. You never stop Your loving us whether we know You or not.  Thank You for You.

He went in. He went on to work and met Uri for a ride.

Then it was the night to speak to His students.

He walked into the room and did not know what to expect.

He saw the same faces with smiles. In fact, their smiles were brilliant.

They had their notebooks open and their bibles open to Colossians.

Little Person was stunned. He did not expect all of them to be ready but they were.

He spoke out, Thank You Father!

He saw them as little birds in the nest very zealous for their next meal.  Thank You Father!!

He started by a question as they looked as If they were bursting to speak themselves!

How are all of you doing?

Little Person heard fantastic, unbelievable, great, straight and alive, safe……

Wow said Little Person. He continued, let’s find out why, okay?

 I would like you to tell me how the last couple of days have been with your Heavenly Father and you.

They all shook their heads up and down. In horse terminology they were chumping at the bit…. Ready to gallop into the next place God has for them. 

He smiled speaking, let’s go!

So Little Person pointed to his right and spoke, we will start with you and then go around to you all, okay?

The first person started; I feel I am walking on clouds. I cannot believe how good it is to be loved with the love of God which He has shown me. My stomach use to hurt me. I was like in pain a lot, but now my stomach is full and I feel peace. I mean real peace. No nervous tension. I am safe in Him now. The Colossians scripture really hit home for me.  I am now in the Kingdom of His Son by His love.  WOW!

Little Person was elated and smiled shaking his head up and down in agreement. He spoke, I am elated for you and keep going strong in Him. It is not a feeling that will leave, you are experiencing His presence which is in you forever…… whether you have a couple bad days then good. He is steady and faithful to protect and keep you from all evil.  He will never you, okay?  God keep His hand on you!

Then the next spoke, Well, I woke up thinking it might be for everyone else but not for me.  God then spoke to me personally on something that I was concerned over.  Only He knew what it was, I did not tell anyone else.  He told me, it was handled.   Then today, the matter came up this morning and the conclusion was that it was handled with no damage to me.    Hey man, this God is the real Thing. He is a mighty God too!  I am His now. I am His redeemed kid. He is real, man. Listen to Him. I will listen to Him always.

Little Person clapped at this testifying student, Let’s give God a big hand clap on handling that matter and giving peace to all that call and trust in Him.

They all clapped and yelled Alleluia!!  

Little Person asked, do you know what the word alleluia means?

Someone spoke, he thought it was Uri, Praise the Lord!

Little Person said, yes, let’s praise the Lord and shout ALLELUIA!!!!

After they settled down, Little Person pointed to the next person.

Then he noticed it was the one that did not learn to quite handle reading yet.

The student started in a gasp; I can read a little now. I think Holy Spirit shows me the words in my head which I talk to Him. Then He teaches me the word.  I was asking Him to be able to read. I want to get a job and do right when I graduate.  He then showed me the word job in my head.  Then, He showed me the word yes, and then you and then will and then read.   I wrote them down and Uri helped me pronounce them.  He answered my prayer in two ways, man!  He first gave me the answer in words I now can read.

I almost can read the Colossians scripture as well as spell Colossians! 

Little Person smiled and clapped. This student was beaming as the shackles were falling off before their eyes.  They all yelled, Alleluia!!!

Then Little Person pointed to the next one.

This student was smiling more than the last one, I asked Him, why I was abandoned as a kid if He loved me. I cried before Him as I never cried before. When I stopped crying, the hurt was gone. It seemed like it never happened to me. I still feel solid inside where it hurt before. He held me as He healed my hurt. Then that night, I had a dream of an eagle following me everywhere I went. I almost fell into a mud hole and this eagle swooped down and picked me up.  The eagle then put me on his back and flew me everywhere. I was not afraid of this eagle. Then this eagle dropped me into a place where I had a huge loving family. They acted like they knew me my whole life. They made me sit at the table and eat with them. The table set was beautiful and lots and lots of food! I woke up.

I think I learned that the eagle was God always watching over me and even when I was on the wrong road. He picked me up and brought me here. You all here are as my family that I never had. I am so grateful and so overwhelmed with the love of God towards me. I mean I never remembered dreams before and He answered my prayer and showed me I was never abandoned by Him in one dream that I even remembered!

Little Person yelled, YAY GOD!!! And they all chimed in : ALLELUIA!!!!! Then clapped their hands together.

Their smiles for their brethren were bigger than for themselves.  It was so wonderful to see His love in action!

Little Person pointed to the next one.

I felt like I was filled with electricity the other night. I could not sleep. I was so filled for the first time in my life with something good or Someone who is Good.  I picked up a pencil and started to draw Jesus on the cross. I have never drawn anything my whole life, but now I can.   I see His smile over all of us.  I see Him sitting over there now and clapping when we do and laughing.  I mean I see Him.  I am not afraid anymore of those who did me harm before.  He is here for me and for all of us. He is real.  I mean real and strong.  He is a great Protector as Mr. Little Person said.   I do not know how long I will see Him, but I know He is everywhere with us. We are never alone.

Little Person asked, did you bring your drawings? The student said no, they are in my room.

Little Person said, next meeting bring them, okay? The student agreed.

This student continued, I was reading my Ancient Book. Somethings I did not get, but other readings were so comforting to me. I did not know how He wants me to live, but He tells us everything we need to know to live now in His place, uh, His kingdom.   I asked Him to give me more drawings to show all He is real. He is not far away either. He is right here.  He will talk to any of us. He is not mean but very gentle. He promises us a lot of stuff too.

I suggest reading the last part of the Ancient Book.  The first part is a little harder to understand as the student finished.

Little Person said, Yes, stick right now to reading the Psalms and the New Testament, especially the Gospels.  I will give you scriptures every meeting that I want you to meditate on.  They are specifically for you to know who you are in His eyes and whose you are and where you are now.

Okay, go ahead, you’re next.

I asked God to heal a wound that never healed. I never got it looked at to see if it was cancer.  Holy Spirit said it does not matter what it is. Do you believe I will do this? I said, yes Sir. The student screamed. I woke up and it was gone. Look ! The student showed the place. All there was is a freckle in its place to remind me: He did this and this is just His Beginning in my beginning with God.  Wow!

Another student said, I saw that sore. It was gross, man.

The student rose up and walked over to the testifier, Hey look it, it is gone! WOW!

They all clapped and yelled, ALLELUIA!!!

They all spoke their testimony. God showed up to everyone of His new found ones.

This also testified way into the early morning hours. Each one was healed in their most hurt places by His grace. His mercy showed up over and over and over His little new found ones. He picks up all His sheep and carries them to safety. No matter how far they stray. He heals us all.

They were so joyful that all had their time with the God, the Creator of the universe.

They knew He was real.

Little Person was delighted that Holy Spirit showed up to each one in their most precious and tender need and met them there. Only God and but God in every one of their lives.

There was healing and deliverance of all.

God is willing to heal, restore and deliver all. He is willing to lift up the humble and put down the proud.

Ask Him and it will be given.

Seek Him and He will be found.

Knock on His Door, He will open it you.

He loves us all with an everlasting heart…..

Faith is the key that believes first, then receives Him in a way He knows best to present Himself.

Each person alive is a treasure to God. He fills the empty and the filled go away empty.

He is great and mighty but tender and always gives His hand to rise to all.

Each of their testimonies are written on their hearts forever.

They read and then He revealed Himself for them to know.

Little Person was so astounded and very much in awe of His God and His greatness.

He did not want the night to end.  God’s glory was very much manifested through those of His children.

Just like as written in Hebrews 2:13:

And, “My confidence rests in God!” And again He says, “Here I am, one with the children Yahweh has given me.”

We will continue on – God willing.


Be Steadfast, Always Abounding In The Work Of The Lord……

So Little Person continued on with his captive audience.

Are you ready to walk through the Door of His redemption that has been bestowed on you all today?

Are you ready to renew your mind?

Are you ready to obey at His still small voice?

Are you ready to see and hear Him?

Are you ready to leave behind all to follow Him?

See, you may have accepted Jesus Christ in your heart to escape the death penalty of sin, right?

They all shook their head in agreement.

But there is more in store in this redemption. There is His Restoration to the Beginning, His Beginning.

God does not want you to know Him from afar anymore.

When you accepted Christ just now, you have gone through the Door, which is Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross.

When you enter through a door, do you just stand there or do you go all the way in the room?

Well, Jesus Christ is the Door. He is also everything you need as you go on into His kingdom. He is also the One on whom you put your everything into to obtain and thrive in His kingdom.

Someone raised their hand, Little Person nodded to the person, go ahead with your question.

The person asked, how can I hear His voice and know it is God? 

Little Person spoke, okay, that is an excellent question.

I asked you all before- are you ready to enter in to His kingdom? Now you are through the Door, the cross of Jesus Christ.

Bow your head and ask for His help for His next step.

They bowed their head. One person raised their head to heaven with tears streaming down their face.

Little Person saw this. Holy Spirit had His hand on this one.

He bowed his head and prayed for His Spirit to fall now on all of them. 

They need You more than their next breath, please feed them.

Please fill them, he prayed.

Time was at a standstill. The air was very heavy as you could cut it with a knife.

Uri brought out the bibles to give them which were inscribed with each one’s name and a word that she received from Holy Spirit.

She passed them to each one.

The tears fell as they saw the writing just for them.

The love of God was penetrating their hearts in a magnificent way as only He can.

This was a very unorthodox way of baptism that may be ever was constructed by God. But His power was evident by His fingerprint on each one of these found souls.

About forty five minutes passed by and Little Person started up again.

You have now written proof from God Himself of all I have spoken to you.

This Book is your new life manual.  Your flight manual if you will. He will navigate each of your steps from this Book and His Spirit by His voice and His confirmation in your spirit.

You all would not get into a plane and fly it without any instruction or expert pilate next to you, right?

The room vibrated with no way, man. That is crazy.

Well, this new life you entered in is guided by your Ancient Book.

This Book’s word of God is your guarantee of growing in the knowledge of Him.

Then remaining steadfast in His path that He has created just for each one of you.

His Word is life and life abundant.  Take Him for every word He put in your Ancient Book as just for you.

 Well, it is written just for you for such a time as this.

Read His Word as if it was medicine for you to live. Take it diligently.

As you study His Word, His Word will come alive in you. Let Him build His plan within you. Do not turn to the right or the left.

You will hear and know His voice because He speaks these Words to you always.

He has great plans for you of life and not harm.

Follow Him and your life will never resemble where you came from or who you were. Allow His new creation in Him reside in you fully.

You are now a new creation in Christ…… The key here is IN CHRIST>

In Christ, is the only way. It is His Way, the narrow road.

You are of His kingdom and must know Him and His ways.

Read this Word and turn off the world.

Tune in on Him and see the God who created the universe.

Spend your time with the Uncreated One. He longed for over two thousand years for you to come and sit at His feet and hear His every Word.

See He has a baptism for you…… He wants His fire in you now.

Your Heavenly Father knows you.

Christ Jesus has called you.

Holy Spirit is preparing you. 

Holy Spirit gives you His light to understand and wisdom to receive all the things the Triune Godhead as prepared for you as His body.

Bow your heads now.   

Ask Holy Spirit to come and bring His everlasting fire of love to be one with you today.

Holy Spirit, which is Jesus Christ Spirit, please come and find your dwelling place in Your little ones here.

Fill these new wineskins with Your new wine.

Allow Your glory and grace to fill them now abundantly to live by Your Spirit.

Keep their faith strong in You, their Savior and King.

Allow them to sense their hurt and pain to be replaced and healed by Your Presence. 

The pain is now filled with You and joy unspeakable is theirs.

Where You dwell is Your temple. 

May they continue to walk in You with the fullness of satisfaction they have never known before today.

May You be their all.

May they know the fullness of joy that comes from hearing Your voice.

May Your guidance show Your closeness to them.

Reveal to them their importance and how You have desired them to be with You forever more.

In Jesus name I pray. Thank You Lord, for seeing these hungry ones and hearing their hearts cry.

Thank You that they will know Your healing power in their hearts, minds and body because You are alive in their spirits. 

Thank You for awaking them to Your never ending love.

Now open the Bible that you have on your lap.

The first scripture I want us to read and pray is this.

Look up in the index for the word Colossians. He spelled C O L O S S I A N S. 

Let me know when you are there. 

There were pages turning and each one let their neighbor know where it was.  Then Little Person said turn to chapter 5 and verse 9.  He saw Uri help one who had never learned to read.

Now let us all read it aloud and then we will pray it aloud three times to our heavenly Father. Let’s go.

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you.

 We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, (Colossians 2:9-14).

They reread and prayed it about 5 times.

Then Little Person told them to dog ear this page. Read this for the next week- morning and noon and twilight and at night.

I also want you to see this great love of God and what He has stored up for you today.

You- all of you.

Now I do not want you to answer phone calls or texts for the next week.

You are not God and the people will not die if they do not hear from you.

Some of the folks contacting you are from the old you anyway.

Today is the first day of His Beginning in you.

Keep it His way.

There is no room for the new forming you in Christ and the old.

Got that?

They shook their heads up and down.

Stay your focus on God alone this week. You promise me?

Write down what He has shown you in the notebook Uri gave you.  This is a love story that you will treasure from today on.

All red eyes and shining faces shook their heads up and down in agreement.

The director will contact your parents, spouses and allow them to know the good work God is doing in your lives. So do not contact them.

They will let them know all is well, better than well. You are all in the Lord’s hands now.

Let this week be a week of knowing Your first love in Christ.

Let’s finish with one more scripture for you to read and pray all week too.   Now you can read any and all of the Ancient Book if you want.

But let these two scriptures become so much apart of you….. that if someone or your own thoughts says you have not changed or you are no good, you blurt out……

 However, as it is written:

“What no eye has seen,
    what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived
    the things God has prepared for those who love him—these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them?

In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 

What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 

This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.

The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 

The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments,for,

“Who has known the mind of the Lord
    so as to instruct him?”

But we have the mind of Christ.

Here is 2 Corinthians 5: 9-16. Find what I just blurted out to you in your own Ancient Book.

It was written just for you today….. It is yours forever. He is yours forever as you now are His forever.

They found the scripture and read it four times aloud.

Little Person then spoke, now this is why you need Holy Spirit within you.

He first is going to burn away all that is not God’s ways of thinking within you as you cooperate.

He will help you understand the Word.

The Words are Jesus Christ.

As you read this Word, His Word will take hold in you.

His Word will take root like a tree. His Words spoken by you by faith will protect you from all evil.

He will keep you for Himself.

He has redeemed you and you are His.

Now it is way after midnight……

Now as you go to your rooms.

When you open the door….

Think I have just opened the Door to the Kingdom of my God in Jesus Christ. 

I will enter in to His kingdom by living in His Word as I enter my room.

The door is shut behind me so I am fully safe in His arms and covered by His blood. 

I can now rest in His Word and allow them to take root in my heart so I may start to live a pleasing life to my King and my God.

They yelled, slow down! Let us write that down.

So he repeated his words.

Heads were down as well as Uri assisting the illiterate one writing down this allegory from Little Person.

There are many here praying for you.

Remember you are loved much this week.

God willing, this will not be the last time we gather in His glory and love together.

God keep you all so close to Him that you hear His breathing and heartbeat.

Rest in the dreams He has for you and allow Holy Spirit to do His housekeeping job in your soul.

Till next time. Go only in God’s way and may His mighty hands keep you from all evil.

I know He will because you are all special in His sight.

God loves you so much. So do I.

Little Person walked out of the room. He met the director who put him in his office until the hearers all were in their rooms.

Uri went with the one who could not read to assist in reading in their room.

He sat down in the chair and was in wonder at what happened.  

His ears and face were burning and a deep red shining as bright as a star in the midnight clear sky.

Father, each one of them is a present to You. Cherish them and protect them from evil’s hands.

Then the director walked in beaming and said……..

Till next time, God willing.


Why Is Every Day Like Christmas?

Little Person and Uri road their horses through new adventures never leaving the area. They dove into what Holy Spirit was teaching them. They were following His lead through the Scriptures.

They spent hours with their feet in the cool river and taking copious notes and discussing the heights of where the Holy and Powerful Word was taking them.

They never looked back nor did they open up their treasury to anyone. This was a holy sacred summer for them. They treasured this bubble of grace in which their King had them. They were bound by His strong hand and they never objected.

One day as they were winding up their study together. Uri looked at Little Person and asked something from him that had been nudging her for quite a while.

She blurted out, can I ask you to do something?

Sure, Little Person replied.

Okay, well, would you come to the drug rehab and talk to the recovering ones?  All you know of our King can be established in those even if it is one of them, that one matters to Him. I know you can make a difference to them.

Really?, he questioned.

How can they relate to me? I never did drugs, pondered Little Person

No, you did not, however, you needed our King just as much as any of us.

They need to hear about our King. It will help some of them over the hump from full recovery into a full abundant life. Look it, we all have broken hearts and bodies until the King comes in to take residence.

Okay, I will ask Him. If He says go, I’ll go,

Okay, thanks. I really think the Spirit of Life that you speak will land on them.  You are different. I was one of them. You are not at all. They need to know and hear when you  speak as you get carried up in and from Holy Spirit…..

As Uri continued, well, some have only seen hell. Heaven brought to them will be an open door to know our King. Then they will know there is more to walk up and through. They need to see and know how great is our King.  I just think what you have can get planted into some of their hearts.

Do you see what I mean, asked Uri.

Yeah, I do. Let me see what He wants me to do first. If it is a thumb’s up. I will come.

Well, Little Person was told to give Jesus and His kingdom to the recovery ones even before they got back to the barn.

Holy Spirit told Little Person not to plan anything, but He would give the words to speak.

As they reached the barn, and dismounting, Little Person spoke up, go ahead and set up a date for me to come. Are there any copies of the word there?  

Uri smiled, yes. My Dad and I picked up a couple of cartons. We have over 150 waiting to be distributed as well as I have received permission from the director to hand them out

Boy, said Little Person, talk about a set up!

Uri just gleamed with excitement.

They got through with grooming their horses and went their separate ways.

Uri started to ask Holy Spirit to start paving the way for the King of their hearts to open.

She brought up scripture upon scripture to remind Him to shower His grace on recovering ones’ hearts in preparation of His presence. Her King will be presented and then arriving for them to know and some may even see Him for their first time.

Uri was so excited she could not sleep. These recovering ones were her current mission to bring to her King.  She couldn’t wait until they also found their home in Him as she did.  

Meanwhile, Little Person remained quiet before his King. He wanted to see these ones as He does. Little Person wanted to know His heart and speak it.  Also asked for His glory to rest on him so he would relate to them and the hearers to Little Person.  Only by Your hand and grace will their hearts be one with You Lord. Thank You!

Well, the day finally arrived. Little Person took the day off work so he could be quiet before Him alone.

Little Person was remembering the first time Holy Spirit brought him to meet the Lamb of God. The King of all was carrying His cross.  He remembered how He smiled at Little Person. He spoke to Little Person that He was so delighted to see Little Person even though He was covered in His own blood and in tremondous pain.

Tears fell again of the love he had felt from this mighty King.  The King that spoke so many promises to Little Person.   The King who shows him things that are to come.

He remembered and loved God even more from all that He shown and given Little Person.

Little Person prayed that his own words would portray all the love of the King has for them.

He drove to the rehab center and walked in.  Uri shining as bright as a star in the darkest night was waiting for Little Person. He took a deep breath and said it is up to You, my King.

He walked in front of the people. He smiled at them all.  He saw old and young all eager for him to start.

Little Person cleared his throat and spoke,

Hi to all,

It is such a privilege to talk to each and everyone of you. Uri loves you all with her whole heart.  Do you know who else loves you and even through your darkest hour, has never left you?  This Person is the Reason why you are all here.

Now wait, I can hear some of you think, no, the judge sent me here or my parents or your spouse.  Whoever sent you here, there was One who was behind the whole event. He wanted you to live and live a greater abundant life more than you could ever imagine or dream.

I know you are asking who, right?  Or you are saying right only in fairytales does this happen.

There is a King of heaven who rules all the affairs of mankind. Folks, that is all of you and me.

You have been wanted by a God who you haven’t seen but He has never taken His eyes off of you.

He wants to be your Heavenly Father……

I am not going into the sin and shame of your past because it is forgotten by Him.

Little Person heard- no way man. This guy is crazy. I have a rap sheet as long as a mile!

Little Person smiled and chuckled.

Does anyone know how far the east is from the west?

Answer me, if you do. Raise your hand, spoke Little Person.

No one did.

Hmmmm. I thought so, said Little Person.

Your Heavenly Father does. He has one condition though. If we want our sins and wrongdoing to be gone as far as the east is the west, then we must believe and receive into us His Son that He sent to bring us to home.

I know you are asking who is this Guy that He sent to us? Let me tell you about the greatest love towards you. A God who knew you before He even created the world. He has called you and He has chosen you.

Now is the time to choose will you come home and be found faithful in His Son?

Little Person heard murmurs. What is in His Son thing?

The audience was glued in on Little Person as if he was giving away free money.

Okay, you all know what wrong you have done and I join you in having a twisted mind and actions.

We all have screwed up and sinned. This sin nature which we all have has set us very far from your and my heavenly Father.

He still wanted us close to Him but because of our dark ways, He could not bend His ways.

So He sent His Son who He loves and told us to listen to Him.

He gave us His Son, the Word of God, so we could read what this God Man said to help us come near to His kingdom.

They were listening and their jaws were dropped.

His Son spoke many ideas that the least is the greatest and the one who has done the worse sinning loves much because he has been forgiven much.

Yes, His ways are very upside down from ours….. Actually, His are upside and our ways  before Him our backwards, if you will.

His Son took your sins and mine on His shoulders. He was beaten and bruised for every wrong doing we did against God and mankind.  He was crucified in our place.  This God- Man had done no wrong throughout His whole life. He was spotless.

Our sins are equal to the death penalty in His kingdom.  Jesus Christ took our place in the electric chair.

So do we all agree that we got off scott free here?

The room yelled- YES!  WOW!

So His Son is our King, Savior and Redeemer!

He was sent to us, for us and to bring us to home.

Listen, the best part is He is not in the tomb where they laid Him.

Somebody yelled, did they steal his body?

No, answered Little Person.

On the third day, an angel from heaven came down and moved away the stone that blocked the entrance to the tomb. No body was found  This God-Man was risen from the dead and is alive today. Many of His disciples saw Him with a resurrected body.

He has a resurrected body.  He now sits on the right hand of the Almighty God.

Now, as he held his hand up, to some who had to have the spiritual name of Thomas trying to break in.

Now, let me finish.

His love for you and for me has brought us from the dead too.

See as He took our sins with Him to death……

He also took us to His resurrection……

Now, listen carefully, for all this is for you.

See He knew when you drank and smoked and shoved the needle in your arms.

He saw and His tears shed continually, until He says:

Holy Spirit go and bring them back to Me by My Son.

The death He died, He died for you and me.

The resurrection that brought Him back alive is

for us to be part of too.

Now, Little Person said, do you believe me?

He expected maybe one or two hands raised, but the whole room stood up.

Heads were bowed.

Tears were streaming down their cheeks.

Little Person said, let’s talk to our heavenly Father now.

Speak the words I say after me:

Heavenly Father,

We are coming home to You.

Your heart is where we belong.

We did not know we hurt You

Every time we got high, stole, lied and sold drugs.

We were trying the best we could

To numb the brokenness we had in our hearts.

The ache and pain in our hearts hurt so bad.

We are sorry we lived with our backs toward You and Your love.

We thank You so much for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us back to You.

We are sorry for all the wrong doing we did against you and the people who love us and mankind.

Please forgive us as we also forgive all that have done wrong to us too. We have turned around towards You now.

Now My King the only way to mend our hearts is for You to come to take up Your home in our hearts today.

We ask for grace to hear You as our Leader and to follow You in all You say- Give us strength to obey.

We ask for Your Wisdom to know the ways of understanding Your guidance to obey.

We thank You for each new day as the Son rises in our hearts.

May this day remind us that we live Christmas everyday because of You.

Every day is Christmas because we are celebrating our new life we have in You starting today.

Thank You for Your Son!

Thank You for His shed blood covering  and washing me and making me white as snow.

Thank You for the cross that You died for me to live with You forever.

Thank You now for being my Door into Your Kingdom.

Thank You that today is Your Beginning in me to start a new adventure to see You fully formed in me.

So be it Heavenly Father over every single heart here. 

May they know they are not saved and that is all. They are saved for Your purpose to be completed in them from now on. They are born anew to be with You and to know You forever and ever.


The room sounded like the sound of many waters.  The shout AMEN shook the house!

Now they sat down excited as their faces were young and brightly shining of their hope now found in Christ.

Little Person continued:

This is just the Beginning, for the Great I AM is now in you. He is your Beginning and the Last. He is the Alpha and Omega…..

So there is a lot more good stuff to tell you now….for His Inbetween.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to believe the unbelievable?

He heard a resounding


It was well after 10:00  and the director kept his arms rolling in gesture for Little Person keep Him coming!

So He did!


Next chapter next week, God willing.