What Is Your Heart’s Greatest Desire?

What comes first into our minds when we contemplate that question?  Hmmm…..

Get out of debt? Get well? Get married? Get older? Get younger?  Our children to be okay?….. Many things pop into our mind when we are given a chance to receive the greatest desire of our hearts…..

In God’s view, most of these have been established in the sacrifice of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, now we live to appropriate His Gift….. We are out of debt to Him, the debt which really counts through out all time, for all eternity, our darkness within us…..We have been born again in Christ..Our spirits are alive in God.

We have been healed….. Our souls are being restored to the image of Jesus Christ…… All the promises of our God to us are yes and amen in the Lord Jesus Christ.

If we are single and want to get married…. There is great news, God already has our days mapped out, so rest in His greatness…. Our days are established by Him. God as our Creator has all planned for the perfect good.  He has planned all things and all things work according to His will, even the wicked for the day of doom…..

When we rest our temporal needs in His hands….realizing in His reality, all is accomplished, we just need to rest in patience. Ahhh- patience- The strength and majesty of God is found in His longsuffering and patience in His own Word being fulfilled…. And there we must be found working our patience as our Lord…. Remember we are being made in His image. This is His plan…. so we rest in His patience.

Now I ask again, what is the greatest desire of your heart? However, our greatest need is not our temporal needs which are met in Christ, but our eternal needs which are met in Christ Jesus….. When we see the reality of our purpose, we celebrate our eternal life found in Christ which is found in us and we are found in Him, by our faith.

It is written in Hebrews 1:1-God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

What if we ate the Written Word like Food, the only True Nourishment of our souls…..If we could see with our natural eyes how the Living Word partakes in us by faith. If we could see the way we become the Word of God as the food we eat for our bodies breaks down to nourish our flesh. Would we believe and eat more of the Word?

And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, Take, eat; this is My body.

Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you.

For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins, ( Matthew 26:26-28).

As we partake of Jesus Christ’ sacrifice, we partake of the Living Word of God, who gave us life eternal….. The Lord is the Written Living Word.

As we contemplate the Written Word as the Lord Jesus Christ, then, to also add- the phrase the Word of His power……So when we read and take for ourselves the Word inside us by faith, the Word of His power is alive in us and quickening our lives in Him!Do we then become the Living Word and the Word of His power sustains us?

YES! In growing measure….

Is this not the New Covenant where it is written numerous times the Spirit of God will write the law and statutes of God upon our hearts….?

YES! In growing measure…..

Psalm 40:6 states the written Words of David and of the Lord, can we also say these Words because of our faith in the New Covenant established by God and then testified by the Trinity?

Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; My ears You have opened. Burnt offering and sin offering You did not require. Then I said, behold I come in the scroll of the book. It is written of me. I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is written within my heart.

So we can establish the Written Word is etched in our hearts when we were born again in the Spirit…..As we partake of the Word of God, our souls are being made new in to the new creation, the image of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  So, then the very Essence of God’s brightness, the Light of the world is dwelling within and comes out— Who can stop our God from showing His glory? No one…..

Christ within is our only hope of glory…. Jesus Christ is the Written Word with the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. As Satan tries and tries to destroy the glory of God, the Lord, His Spirit, only gets brighter and His strength is perfected in His saints.

As the Lord was moving among Isreal in the wilderness, the other nations were aware of God…. They were afraid of Him because of His might that moved through these people and for these people….. But they were aware of this great God. He was manifesting Himself through His people by various signs and wonders.

This also was the plan of God as He manifested His Spirit among His people in Acts as well as prophesied in the Prophets Book of Joel of the days we are living now.  God wants His people to be the brightness of His glory and the expression of His image.

We are the body of Christ. Is there an option not to be the brightness of the Lord’s glory and the expression of God moving in and out of the nations of the earth? NO! Because…….

Oh Lord, I have to come to do Your will what is written of me in the scroll of the Word.

Let us open our heart to the reality of the plan of God manifesting Himself through His people today….. It is not about us any longer…. Our life living is about Him…

What is our heart’s greatest desire? If we live as His, the Lord’s alone, then our our hearts desire will be to be the expression of our God, the image of His Son.

We already know the great sacrifice of our Lord for us. We realize He laid His life down to raise us up in His Eternal Life….. So we gladly die to our lesser lives here and receive His Greater Resurrected Life…..God’s abundant life….. Never ending, never stopping, always filling us with Himself….. Life and Love never ending within us…. His expression of Himself.

We can only appropriate His Resurrected Life by faith in the Word of His power. When we realize the fullness of God is His purpose for us in His Son…. We stand in awe… What a glorious God with His neverending Love…..We have all we need and desire  in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s body is a reflection of Himself…..We live daily to die to our carnal flesh. As  we do, a greater measure of His Spirit is established within us as well as all that comes with His Indwelling Spirit….. The Word of His power lives within….. Quickening us and others around us.

We do not want or need because our Heavenly Father knows what we need and want before we ask…..We walk in thankfulness as He has given us all things that pertain life and godliness….. We have our Desire and fulfillment of all life met in God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. We are complete in Him….. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power, ( Colossians 2:9-10).      Do we live from that Truth?

We live and move and have our being here on this earth, we are the expression of His glory and His image……Wow! What greatness He has called us. The plan and purposes of the Godhead including us to show all the world- How Great and Beautiful He IS!

The Lord’s heart desire was to please His Father and complete His Father’s will on this earth. He was the God incarnate…… Now He lives within us. Our focus and heart’s desire is to display the love of God for us, even us! Also to display, His neverending love and mercy and grace….. To allow the world to witness the Lord’s name is above every other name….. There is no other name in heaven or on or in the earth which every knee will bow too…..

We realize as we grow in adversity we live upon and from His grace. We learn  the Truth of His grace is great in might and in strength of God’ s power…. We also experience growing reality  that His name is full of all power and authority…… Our sufficiency is of God and not in the work of our hands or any part of us….. We live by the power of His Word, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the grace, the strength and might of God. We also experience His grace to perfect patience.

Is this not the expression of  the greatness of our God?   As Peter told us numerous times through out the his letters to grow in  the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the coming days, we will grow in the Might or Grace and Spirit of our God….Our true hope of all overcomers is to live in growing revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  As trouble comes, we lean into His Everlasting Presence and live from our Lord Jesus Christ. He manifests Himself to us in whatever we need and desire….. We will pray and know the name of Jesus Christ as any opposition against the Lord’s will will fail.

Again, as we realize first the Lord’s strength in His name and the Word of His power in His Might or Grace, this will hold our ground in adversity, trouble or opposition which comes before us…. We will  strongly  prevail in faith in the God we serve. This is our heart’s desire to please God by our faith.

Opposition to the Lord will not advance as we walk in the continued knowledge of the Lord. The revelation of our Lord is where Satan’s kingdom cannot penetrate. Satan hits the proverbial wall of our God. He cannot penetrate what we have received in the illuminated life of Jesus Christ presented to us by His Spirit, revelation of Christ Jesus.

We know as Paul, His grace is more than sufficient to keep the Resurrected Life of God strong within and show His glory through us…. We grow as Paul did in the knowledge that every knee bows to the Lord Jesus Christ….. in the heavens and on this earth.

As it is written in Haggai 2:7, and I will shake all nations and they shall come to Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of Hosts.

Let it be found by the Lord that His house is a house of prayer and faith, filled with His glory- Himself. Let it be found by the Lord, our unity of one Spirit in the Lord. Let it be found by the Lord, our heart’s desire as His body is to come and behold- we do Your will O Lord. Behold, Your Words are written within our hearts….. Be praised, O Mighty King, be praised and glorified by Your people this day….

If there are tears from the Lord, let them be in rejoicing over His people. Let not any tears, Lord, be in sadness as Your people do not know when You have approached in the night.

Lord, we ask for more of Your Grace so we may know and understand You in greater measure…We are hungry for the fulfillment of Your purpose with in our lives and on this earth. You, Lord, are our heart’s greatest Desire and Obsession…We look for a greater revelation of our Lord and King.

Show Your Might and Power perfected through our weakness….May our faith grow. Lord, help our unbelief to walk as Your children. We are Your signs and wonders to many….. May we walk in the courage and boldness which is called by Your Spirit at this hour. May we run our race in the fullness of Your grace within. In You, Lord, we will fly over our opposition and continue in Your will, by the power of Your Great Name.

My children, be aware of the signs of this age…..Have I not given you a heart of understanding? Have I not laid My hands on your eyes so you may see? Have I not put My fingers in your ears so you may hear Me?   Have I not given You My Spirit to walk in Wisdom? Know for certain what is, and what was and will be to come….and yet, I AM.

Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. Keep your eyes steady on Your Beloved as I AM’s gaze is steady on My own.

I Am the eye of the storm…. In Me, you will have perfect peace for what can be shaken will be shaken to alert all to focus on the eternal, I AM. Do not fear, live your faith in I AM.

In Israel’s oppression, I AM was there. My people were held in peace in the midst of plagues, darkness, death…. I AM led My people as then as is today….Remember Me, who was and is and is to come and will ever be….. Where are you, My children?

Did I not keep Noah during the Flood? Why do you fear? I AM is the same today as I AM was, and I AM will be always as I AM.  The days that are approaching will strengthen and prove your faith and trust in the Everlasting God…. Believe, then see. I AM did not say see and believe…..Nay, not for My own…..I AM says to you, believe, then you will see.

In the Son of the Most High, is where you are found….. The shelter of the Most High. Do you not see this yet?  Rest in peace of the knowledge you have in Me. Rest in the work that I AM has started will be completed…This is My will and purpose, and are you not in My Will? Rest and peace will  perfect the patience of My saints.

The battle is Mine. Be still and know I AM God and I AM will be exalted by the nations for I AM their Desire.  Keep your eyes steady on I AM for My arm is not shortened that I cannot perform…..How can you still doubt I AM?

Your trust and strength will grow as you live in the Truth of My Love, for it never fails….. All else will pass away, but behold not I AM….. Where do you abide? In I AM, your delight and your desire is fulfilled in Me. Rest and you see Me.

All will see the One they have pierced, but, alas, you have come with tears and sorrow. My children, when I AM saw your humble hearts bowing at My feet in sorrow, how can I AM not lift you in My embrace, for you are the longing of My heart, My chosen desire…. Hear Me children, learn My love never fails.

Be at peace as you rest in My shelter. My embrace for My children.  My heart’s desire is met in My children gathering around I AM.

You are My greatest desire, children….. Is I AM yours?








In Emergency, Call 911!

No one who lives in America, can let the terror of 9-11-01 pass by without loosing a couple of heartbeats…. We remember.

Let us also remember when in emergency to speak to the Lord who He is to us by using the Psalm 91:1& 2, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in Him I will trust.

Since the fall of the towers, there have been many chances to awaken to righteousness that were presented by the Lord to get our attention to turn to Him. Is there coming an emergency?

We have instruments that warn us of hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis. We do not have instruments that warn us of earthquakes. We have instruments which instruct us as to how sever the earthquake was. But the damage is done.

Did we have instruments which were warning us of the coming destruction of 9-11, but we did not hear or understand. We maybe thought life will go on as usual.

But life did not go on as usual…. The Lord told Abraham before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is written in Amos 3:7-8, Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?

How many abominations against the Lord can be committed without His jealousy being invoked? We can all agree that we are all very thankful for His longsuffering or patience.  However, how long will we keep putting thorns out for the Lion of Judah, our King, to walk upon as He walks among us and not expect some vengeance on the arrogance of the times.

Can we hit our knees in repentance and apologize to Almighty for the stamping and trampling on His Word, which is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ….. Yes, it is written, His name will invoke many to speak against Him. However…. we do know the end, justice will prevail.

The Lord God is a jealous God and we should be jealous for Him and His place in this earth, in this land, in our homes.

Let us follow the Lord  casting out what was not of Him in the temple…. The temple is our hearts, then our homes as we set up the standard of the Lord. Let us follow in same the courage and boldness from the example of Elijah, the prophet of God, 1 Kings 18:17-18, Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab, said to him, Is that you, O troubler of Israel?

And he answered, I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and have followed the Baals,     ( other gods).

The Holy Spirit within us is the Light to the world and world likes to stay in darkness…So if we are the Light to their darkness…..we also are known as their troubler……. Paul was a great troubler. Look in the Epistles  what men and women did to  get rid of him…..Look at the Lord Jesus Christ and what was done!…..But the Word of God does prevail throughout eternity, even in time.

So here we are today, fourteen years after 9/11. Are we seeing a progression of darkness in the land or progression of Light?  Well, the written word speaks to us: Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people;  but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising, ( Isaiah 60:1-3).

So as we know the Lord said trouble is coming but to rejoice because we have our peace in Him…. We have Him as our Refuge and Fortress because we abide in the shelter of the Most High…. So what can man do to us, if the Lord is for us……..?

Do we have our courage and boldness growing within as the trouble is approaching? Just as in the days of Elijah, there was an approaching judgment of deportation from their land of Israel if they did not turn back to God. Elijah was showing our Great God was in their midst and to turn back…. Elijah showed the might and yet, the closeness of our God to His people. Did they heed the instrument of warning of the coming destruction? Did they repent?  Do we today?

If we do not use our voice in this day, we will loose our voice to be heard….. Let our Heavenly Father know we are sorry for the conditions of the time. How can we look into His eyes  knowing the abominations are being committed under our watch?    Will we be held accountable if we do nothing—–We always should be praying…..

Praying is talking and speaking with our Great God…. It is not to be some laborious thing….. When we love someone, we love to speak to them and they love to speak to us….. Same with God…. He loves to hear us. We will not understand the fullness of the purpose to be in communication with our God until the end of this age. But I warrant, there is major importance played into prayer and fellowship with our Heavenly Father….If there is not importance of this communication,…..the Gospels would have spoke of Jesus Christ  sleeping through the night…. The  Holy Spirit had the Gospels repeatedly speak of  the Lord through the nights in prayer to our Heavenly Father over and over again.

If we do not know what to pray, ask the Holy Spirit…. He is our Guide and will tell us what to intercede…. to step in the gap.

We all pay attention to the coming storms, but who will hear the sounds the shaking of the earth that are coming?  Will we?

Let us be sober and diligent to hear Him speak to us? Seek His fellowship in prayer and be courageous for the upcoming days.

Pray, and when we are done, start again….. Do not give up or give in….. Let our voices be heard in front of God and then in front of men.

Is the instrument saying there are storms coming? Do we hear and  then what?

PRAY!    Thank God for all the brave men and women who put their lives on the line for others daily. Please  continue to ask God’s protection over them daily and their families, not just on 9/11. They are worthy of our prayer of protection to our God  daily!

Blessed are those who weep when their Lord weeps! Blessed are those that mourn when their Lord is mourning. Blessed are those that follow their Lord’s footsteps of suffering for My name sake.

Hear My footsteps approaching….. You do not know the time of My approach, but I Am.   Awaken, My children, do not be found asleep in darkness…..Awaken to Me as the night awakens to the dawn.  The Son is rising.  Come to Me today. I AM your Refuge. Your fear is not appropriated rightly…. Fear God and live! Fear for your life and you shall lose it if you hold it…. Come to Me for fear of life with out Me and live! I call your name to come to Me!  Do you hear My whisper? Pray to listen…..Come and taste the goodness of God! Come to Me today!





Take Heed, Beware Of The Leaven Of The Pharisees And The Leaven Of Herod

As written in Mark 8:15, Then He charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod…..

As written in Matthew 16:6, Then Jesus said to them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

Did you notice the difference in the sayings of Jesus? We know all scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit. He does not make any mistakes.  The remaining text is the same in both Gospels…. So why the discrepancy or maybe not?

And they reasoned among themselves, saying, it is because we have taken no bread. But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, o you of little faith, why do you reason among yourselves because you have brought no bread? Do you not yet understand, or remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how many baskets you took up? Nor the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many large baskets you took up?

How is it you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning the bread? But to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of the bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

The Gospel of Mark states:And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread. But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive no understand? Is your heart still hardened? Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?

When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up? They said to Him, Twelve. Also, when I broke the seven for the four thousand how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up? And they said, Seven.

So He said to them, How is it you do not understand?

Do we understand today what to beware of or take heed? God has very strict instructions regarding the bread that  represents Himself. When Israel left Egypt, they were not to put any leaven or yeast in their bread, but they were to have the bread!

Then in the instructions that Moses received regarding placing the shewbread in the Holy Place. This shewbread was placed on a table and was to be prepared with fine flour and no yeast or leaven ….. We know to get fine flour, the wheat has to be grounded or beaten until it almost looks like dust!  The bread has always been the symbol of the Lord’s Presence among us.

He was with Israel in the great Exodus and then in times of the Tabernacle within the camps of Israel…. God’s Presence is our Bread….. but He is holy and pure- as to the pure Bread of the Living Word- our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Scriptures often refer to God giving us the finest wheat.  God Almighty did  in giving us His Son. God has always been pointing us towards His Son, the True Bread of Heaven— no yeast, no leaven- no deceit. He is the Spotless Lamb of God.

He is among His people today- outside and inside by His Spirit… Praise Him! So what did the Pharisees and Sadducees and Herod have regarding leaven in the mind of the Lord?

Yeast makes the dough rise, right?  When I made bread- once-, I saw this dough become huge…. The yeast makes the dough rise with air….. Was Jesus referring to the teaching as hot air of the Pharisees and Sadducees ?  Well, if they did not speak from the pure Word of God, Jesus must of been referring to their teaching was of their own words. When we get inflated we speak with allot of hot air….Our opinions and our culture and our imaginations make our doctrine….. Very much inflated in ourselves can lead us astray….. This is pride….God hates pride.

God wants our thoughts and actions and Words to be His- origin Heaven.  Our Words and life as we are born again from above, should be from above…. Our Words should have their origin in God. Not ourselves. We never started with our own origin. We were made from God’s intention…. and we live and move and breath by Him…. We should also show our life now from Him alone.

In one confrontation of our Lord with the Pharisees, He spoke in John 8:37-47, I know that you are Abraham’s descendants, but you seek to kill Me, because My Word has no place in you. I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you do what you have seen with your father.

They answered and said to Him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said to them, If you were Abraham’s children you would do the works of Abraham. But now you seek to kill  Me, a Man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do this.

You do the deeds of your father. Then they said to Him, We were not born of fornication; we have one Father- God.  

If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me.

Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My Word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and a father of it. Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell you the truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of God hears God’s Words;therefore you do not hear Me, because you are not of God.

Paul also warned us to beware of ones who want to draw us after them and not the Lord…. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the body…. We, all who believe, are the body…. There is no elite member above any others…. We are one with the Lord and the Lord being the Head of all. He warned us of not calling any father or teacher…. for we have One, our God, as our Father and His Spirit as Teacher, and our King Lord Jesus Christ.

We must compare the words we hear and speak to the Words of God. They must line up. They must point us to the Lord. When we are finished hearing, shouldn’t we know we can reach out and touch the Lord….. The Words that we hear should bring us closer and nearer to Him…. The Words should increase our understanding and wisdom. His Words should ooze with His peace even if it comes with conviction.In righteousness, there is peace. In Christ, we have peace…. In ourselves, well, no peace for the wicked as written…..

Paul also instructed us as in the last days, there will be ears that only want to be tickled…. The hearts will only hear the words that are inflated and lead to us being greater in riches, importance on this earth…..The ears want only food that feeds the flesh, that teaching is leavened. The true flock of God will only hunger for the True Pure Bread of Heaven…..We hear the Words of God and we live the Words of God and we speak the Words of God….. He is our Origin.

When the Lord returns or we return to Him, we want Him to say, hey I do not know what house you are from…. depart from My Presence. Of course not, but we must pursue the Presence of God. His Living Word being etched in our minds and hearts….. Then we live it out through the paths He has chosen for us to climb. So when all is said and done, the Lord will say, hey, I know you….. Come and enjoy the Presence of Lord……He knows where He is welcome and dwells in this land.

The True Bread from heaven is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Living Word….He is written before our eyes in the Bible. We also have His Holy Spirit confirming the Word with all signs and wonders… The Holy Spirit always points to the Lord, the Word of God spoken to His children.

Paul referred to watch out for who we hang with because a little leaven leavens the whole loaf….in Galatians.

When we live with the discernment of the Spirit of God, we can detect a lying spirit. Now if our hearts are earnestly seeking the Lord, we can detect the lies. The Spirit of God will quicken us as well as we know what the written Truth is in the Word…… However, if our heart is seeking after the lateral things of this world or to be somebody, well, the tickling will become a normal feed to our flesh. We will miss the warning of the Lord- take heed!

Now, why does the Lord tell us to take heed on the leaven of King Herod….. What does the Pharisees and Sadducees have in common with King Herod?…. Both sets were rulers- One was in the “church” and the other the”state”. The three of these are leaders of people. They can intimidate and oppress by their position of authority.   Very common in that day….. What about this day?

The Lord Jesus Christ is King and Priest…. He was negating their position of authority. Jesus Christ came. He is the Way. He is the Word of Guidance. He has been made to us righteousness, wisdom and sanctification as written in Romans.

The Lord is allowing us to realize He is the Total Authority, King of all kings and Lord of all lords. He gives us Testimony on all His Words. All His Word are True because the Words He spoke and speaks today still come from our Heavenly Father…. The Pure Word from Heaven. No leaven, no deceit, He after all, is the sinless Lamb of God…. Every knee is to bow before our King Jesus Christ.

There is no other authority in heaven or in the earth, but the Lord Jesus- the Living Word of God……We can bow to the Lord today and live our life in accordance with His will or we can bow to the King Herod’s and Pharisees because they tickle our ears and entice our flesh with great treats. However, we will face the King of All.

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgment of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they then gold, yea than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned and in keeping them there is great reward, ( Psalm 19:7-11).

There were three different temptations that Jesus Christ triumphed over the flesh and Satan in the wilderness….. The first one was to feed His flesh rather putting the Word first… Our Lord stepped all over the temptation of Satan. He answered the temptation:It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God,            ( Matthew 4:4).

The second temptation was to tempt the Lord to allow God to be His Servant and to keep Him from any suffering in His soul….He also stamped out  this temptation like a horse stamping on a snake: It is written again, you shall not tempt the Lord, your God, (Matthew 4:7).  The Lord knew what He would be doing, laying down His life….. He knew He had to suffer and so did Satan.

The third temptation was to bow to get false riches, importance……. pride of life…. to be another King Herod…. Satan was appealing to pride if there was any found in our Lord….. The Lord kicked the walls down upon Satan’s kingdom with His reply and stance: Away with you, Satan! For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve, ( Matthew 4:10).

The bottom hook in each of the temptations to the Lord and now us, are we more important than obeying the Word of God at all costs? Or do we want only the Lord that fits our image?  Let us wake up to the Truth, our God will not bow. We are the ones to move toward Him and bow to His ways. Then leave the worlds way in the dust.

There is only two kingdoms here on this earth according to the Lord. There is His Kingdom and Babylon’s…. We cannot partake of His and Babylon’s. We can only serve one master….

The Lord’s ways are enduring and pure. There is great peace in waking up in Him and going to sleep in the Lord. There is great peace knowing what ever happens, we are His…. We live by the Word and we die by the Word because He is worthy. He has shed His love abroad in us. See and taste how much He loves us…..

Oh, Heavenly Father, increase our love for You. Your love poured upon us is as warm oil covering us.  May our obedience to Your Word show our devotion and love.  You know and see all things. Nothing is hidden from Your sight, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, keep us in Your burning gaze. May all that remain be the image of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, when we awaken to the fullness of Your Presence.  Keep us strong in battle and humble at the movement of Your hand….

The Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart. There is no creature hidden from Your sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account, ( Hebrews 4:12-13).

The Lord spoke to us in Luke 16:10-15, He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if you have not faithful in what is another man’s who will give you what is your own? 

No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they derided Him.

And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.

Pride has a huge appetite. It is never full or satisfied…. Evil is always before pride to get bigger within us. He wants company to live in misery in the lake of fire.  The Lord hates pride, so it is well for our soul to take vengeance on any self or leaven rising…. for we are dying daily to the world…..We decrease as the Lord is increasing within.  So at the time of our meet with the Lord, we are found spotless before Him. No mark of the world or it’s source- pride. Let us see His grand smile.

Come to Me, all of you. But alas, the filled will go away empty and the empty shall walk in fullness. Those who see will go away blind and those who are blind will have their sight as they walk in their beauty. Those who hear and know all, will go away deaf and dumb…those that are simple will walk in all knowledge and understanding of their Lord. Delight little ones, who are poor in spirit, I Am will fill you over and beyond what you can imagine. For I have called you MINE. Hear the Thunder of Your Lord…. See the Lightning of Your Mighty King.  I Am is among you even today.

Today, you choose.

Rejoice, children, when the world casts you out. Rejoice, children, when you are not accepted by men’s standards. Rejoice, children, when they speak evil of you because you carry your cross daily. Rejoice, children, when you keep your eyes lowered to keep My face before you. Rejoice, children, when you are mourning for the coming day of My approaching. Rejoice, children, when My cause is the reason of your reproach. Rejoice, children, when your heart is seeking Me in a dry land.

Behold, you are received by the King of all. Behold, you chose the highest standard. You have gained Your Christ. Behold, Your ears hear My Words of love, truth and eternity dwells within. Behold, you will dance and spin before Me always. Behold, you that have fasted and mourned, rejoice…. You dwell in My fullness always. Behold, wipe the tears away. Alas, you sup with Me. Behold, child, you will never thirst or hunger. You are filled with the fullness of My Presence.

Those who seek after the world’s riches, will be filled now. But they will be empty later, for what they are filled with will perish in fire. Alas, there is reward for every soul on this earth. Take heed to what you are filled on.

Those who seek after the Kingdom of God will be filled now and remain growing in the fullness of My Presence forever.

Those who lay down all for their King are given all now and they sit to rule and reign with their King forever.

Everyone will receive what they seek after. All will be rewarded. Choose righteousness to live and reign with Me. Choose Truth to live by and shine as the noonday sun…..

Watch and listen! Can you hear the footsteps of Your Master, Your Friend approaching? Know He will want an account of the days given. Pray often to Me. Walk in My Word by My Spirit so you may be found spotless…. My children. My Bride!

Take Heed, I Am has called you to be True as I Am!Be pure as I AM… For I AM is within you, even today!

These people draw near to Me with their mouth. And honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men, ( Matthew 15:8-9).

Let not this scripture be found in our hearts by our Lord.



Why Does The Altar And His Promise Go Together?

Everything!  Many times I have been given the fulfillment of promises from God. Then they also had to be laid on the altar or at the feet of our Lord at the cross. Why?

God wants to see what value we place on His fulfilled promise versus us obeying to keep Him first. He must be first above all- our call, our lives, our families, our stuff. The Lord must have preminence in all things….

Abraham’s willingness to lay down his son, Isaac, as a sacrificial offering in obedience to God is written for our example…. Now we  know God provided, YHWH,  the offering by having a ram get caught in a thicket so Abraham did not slay Isaac.

( We know the ram was the symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God).

The testing of Abraham’s faith was proven…. He knew God would raise Isaac up but he knew he was to obey God above all.  So he was willing to lay down the promise of God which was his son, Isaac, on the altar….If Abraham was bewildered on this request from God, he did not act on it…. He only saw the Lord and followed His Word…..

Many times we  choose to grab everything we have within us to keep the fulfilled promise of God in our reach……. God wants us to want Him more than anything, even the gift that was given through His grace…..Even if it does not make sense to let go.

Abraham shows no reasoning out of the command…. He showed the God kind of faith that Jesus Christ urges us to have….. Abraham knew if he sacrificed Isaac as God instructed, God had to raise Isaac up from the dead. The promise of Abraham’s lineage was in Isaac as God had spoken.

So God speaks to us and then we receive the promise….. Then time goes on and we cherish the promise because God granted it to us. This fulfilled promise is so special….

Then the Lord speaks and says let go of the promise….. We immediately think that cannot be  our Lord…. He gave us this promise…..  Why are we to let go, Lord?

Many times, we have what is good, but the Lord wants to take us in to His best, His fullness…. So we let go, we die to what was, and embrace what is new in the eyes of the Lord…..

We maybe are holding the promise as the center of our lives instead of the Lord’s gaze as our focus….But as we live and grow in the Lord, we know the way. As we ascend to the heights that He has called us to, we must lighten our load of what we do not need to climb.

As we grow in Him, we learn the Lord is all we need to keep going…. Everything else is held in very low esteem to keep up with the way He has called us.

Paul and Abraham are our forerunners in the way of the cross and living in Christ. Paul speaks so often of contradictory statements- For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries, ( 1 Corinthians 16:9).

We think  all should go smooth and fantastic, if there is a great door of opportunity opened…..Absolutely not when we are advancing the kingdom of God. I have come to realize I am on track or target in God’s will if there is great opposition. Darkness always hates the Light of God…..

So the altar or the cross resembles we go through hell to bring heaven to this earth…..We bring the Promise of God in the name of Jesus Christ and His Spirit to breath Resurrection Life to the world….. by the Living Word of God….. There is life and there is death.  So that the death of Jesus Christ may be manifested through us as well as the power of the Resurrected Life of God. His Resurrected Life revives us over and over again…..Just when we think we are on our last leg as I am sure Abraham felt as he strapped his son, Isaac….. But look!!!!!!! God, the Great I AM-  Our God.

The Altar or the Cross and the Promise….We bring Life and Peace and live through chaos…… Life and Death…. as we live on and on as the power of the Word strengthens in us His Resurrected life. We die to the old or the flesh and power of His Word is recreating us……. YHWH— The Great Provider, our God.

There is only One Thing which we should desperately hold on to with all we got during the coming days….. The Lord Jesus Christ…. Once we learn He is all we need….. What we have today can be given tomorrow with out a blink of an eye….. If we cannot let go of things quickly here today…… We must start to  discipline ourselves to let go and make room for the next move from God in our lives…

Sometimes I wonder how much we miss our Lord because our gaze is set on things and certain traditions  we keep so it as a stockade blocking His Gentle Presence. We block His entrance in the Fellowship He promises to each one of His children.

We are a vessel of the Lord…. He pours in us, Himself, to be poured out…. When we realize all we have and have become belong to Him and is for His glory and not ours,….. I wonder if jealousy would die….. I wonder if covetousness would die……. I wonder if comparing our worth with others would die….. Would we come to realize all we are and have are from Him and for His glory? There is peace in the Truth.

If there is anything in our life that we believe we cannot live without,….. pick one this week….. If it is appropriate to give it away, let’s do it….. If it  is appropriate to get it out of our lives, for it does not give God glory—- Let’s kick it out. If it is something we allow to stand in importance before the Lord, let us lock it in a closet for a week….. or turn it off for a week….. Let’s give God the time instead…..  ( I am not talking about husbands, wives, children, pets, etc….of course!).

Lord, we come before you, with our hearts open before Your eyes of fire…. We want to live in and from Your gaze. We also want our gaze to be fixed on you…. Lord, we already know what we need to remove from our hold or our gaze…. We know there is nothing hidden in our hearts from Your sight. Thank You for giving us the strength to lay it down at Your feet at the cross….. We know we die to the world, and the world dies to us in greater measure.  May we  fulfill the plan You have carved for us to follow by Your Spirit…..We lay down the little for the greatness of Your plan to be lived out by our heart. We ask this in Jesus name.

Lord, we die daily to the world and open up our hearts wider for Your Resurrected Life to dwell within….. For as it is written, Christ within is our hope of glory….. Lord, give us Your Wisdom to understand Your way of the Cross. May we die daily and live fully unto You. We thank You and ask Your will be done in us in Jesus Name. Amen.

We do not know what the future holds, but we do know we have a future in Christ. In Him, is where our hold must be in the approaching days…. Our relationship with the Lord must be our all. We can loose all but Him….. This must be our mindset. The Lord does provide, and His Provision is Christ. He must take Preeminence in our lives.

But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead, ( Philippians 3:7-11).

As we lay down all; die to the world in all ways, things and customs…..etc…We allow a lot of room within for the power of God, the Holy Spirit, to make all things new. Christ within our only hope of glory.

If we really believe that He makes all things new….. Why do we hold on to what we know, think and things which are contrary to  or blocking  Him?….. Should we not just lay them down, give them up or give them away? Allow His Spirit to prove the power of the Living Word within us…. Then we may attain to the resurrection from the dead as we see the coming day approaching?

We die. Then we rise in Him over and over again in our walk in Him….. We die to our old traditional ways of knowing Him and we die to the lies we have been told about Him and we gain freedom…. for whom the Lord sets free is free indeed!

So why do we hold on to what we know and is comfortable? FEAR…. of the unknown… Our minute by minute future is unknown to us  but known to the Lord. Remember He has our days numbered and fashioned before we were born…..even in our mother’s womb…. Let us trust His great Love. Remember, we already live in eternity as we partake in time……….  Every time we doubt and fear, we give the devil his way and believe him! Oh, Oh….. Satan’s days are numbered also so why do we want to give him any satisfaction?

Why do we fear  our Lord making all things new? Do we think He might not do a good job? ( We have done so great a job up to now that we need a Savior? Hmmmm.)

Let us remember to live by the Living Word of God: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new, ( 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Do not fret, My children. Do not allow yourself to be like the drowning man who held on to all his precious belongings in parcels, and yet, when I came to rescue him. He could not reach out with his hand to grasp My Saving Hand. He refused to let go of his belongings to get My help. Therefore he perished.

Remember life is more than what you have on this earth. Set your eyes in the Kingdom of God where nothing perishes. But alas, will you allow your hearts to betray you in the end? Your hearts will lead you to death and yet, if you come to Me, I will bestow on you life eternal. Can you believe in Me that you shall not want? Can you take Me at My Word? Follow Me and you will see…..What I give you is free. You will walk in My liberty.

What you have is from My hand. What you want will be given by My hand also. Be hungry and be full of need……I Am will fully feed you. My Food will fill and carry you throughout the days you walk on this earth. See the baby bird helpless as the parents come and feed…. as I Am is to you.

What you are hungry and seeking after is what you will receive…….Seeking the earth’s treasure will allow you to forego the True Treasures in heaven. I Am has spoken to all to seek the first the kingdom of God and all else will be given to you.

Why do you fear I Am won’t supply? I Am your Heavenly Father and I know what you need.  I Am the YHWH, the Great Provider….. Is the Gift and the Promise not what you are seeking? Alas, the rich young ruler, also, went away down heartened. He could not part with his old parcels to make way for Me- the Life found in Me…. He could not believe that I Am is his Greatest Treasure…

What do you see in Me? If you have come to Me. You have tasted the Cup that is never empty. If you have come to Me, you have eaten of the Food that sustains you forever. You have come to see I Am as your Treasure. Your wealth will never diminish or fade away for I Am. You will never lack any needful thing, I Am says.

Children, you will follow your heart wherever it leads you…. If you keep your eyes seeking Me, your hearts will overflow with the blessings of My Kingdom.  I Am will manifest to you all you need. Do you believe I Am? This Promise shall be done to you according to your faith…..There are two kingdoms. Your heart will reflect the kingdom you partake. But there is only one kingdom’s Food that fills and never will you hunger or thirst again….

I Am has your path set for you, just for you. If you lack Understanding, ask I Am… I will supply your need. If you lack Wisdom, I Am will supply all your need. If you lack health, I Am will supply your need. If you lack trust, I Am will supply your need so you may grow in the knowledge of I Am.

As we walk, My thoughts will become yours. My ways will become yours.  Our Fellowship is found in Heavenly Places.

Open your hands, which is your heart to Me. I Am takes your gaze unto Me with knees knocking….. Trust Me and take My out stretched hand. Those things you hold on to will fail you. I Am promises I Am will not fail you nor leave you through this age or for all eternity…. You must come to Me and leave all behind….. Will you?

I Am wrote to My children in Laodicea. Their ways took after the world’s and not Mine. They were mistaken in their gathering….. I Am is gathering souls and not things. They were not living by My Kingdom, My ways…..Their heart betrayed their walk with Me.

May this way not be found in this generation…..Gathering all souls and hearts are I Am’s concern, let this be found in you..

Please hear and obey My instructions…… All My children are disciples because My children are willing to be taught.  Let go what you cling if it is not Me.

The weight of the world’s care will drown your heart…. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

My hand is outstretched now. Will you let go to grab Me? I Am loves you….. My arms are still outstretched to embrace you….. Let go, you will see what wonders you have when you just let go to have Me.

Receive My Love and you will be embraced in freedom of My care…..Receive Me and learn what is your greatest need….. Be it done unto you according to your faith.  Come unto Me. I Am calls you daily, listen, My children.


When Christ is our all and all, rejoice! We have within all the Riches of God’s Kingdom. His Spirit no one can take away….. nor the gates of hell can prevail against us because He is within…. We are His and He is ours. Rejoice- Get up and spin around before our God…. as He rejoices over His children!

But then as we lay down all and leave all for Him, He has promised us to restore and He does! He trusts us to keep Him the Main Thing in our lives and to continue to serve Him…. because He has a hold of our heart that no one can enter to deceive…..Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time- houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions- and in the age to come, eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first, ( Mark 10:29-31) .

You can count on the Words of the Word of God, Jesus Christ, because He does deliver all His word as well as you can count on the persecutions from people as the blessings of God comes and lives within!  When the Lord is within, His bounty comes all over us and around us and then through us….. He Is Our ALL and in ALL…

Praise His Great Name Forever! Rejoice for the cross and the Promise are working mightily in us!





Have We Captured Our Heavenly Father’s Eye?

How wonderful to have a God who watches all. He knows all our thoughts and motives before we act on them…..  He knows all and witnesses all. As written in Psalm 139:1-4 , O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways, for there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.

An artist has completed a great work of art if he captures the heart of the person he is portraying. How can you paint a heart? We study the eyes which reveal the heart of a person.

Any married couple knows instantly the eye of the matter in their spouse… right? Right…. Or children know their parents mood by looking at their eyes…..before they ask something they want….. They weigh out if the timing is right…… Hmmm.

Should we be doing that with the Lord? Do we know His timing. Do we understand the signs of the times He is revealing today? Are we going on with the seasons ignoring the signs?  Hey, the sun rises and sets and the seasons are changing, just like last year.  We see life go on as it did before assuming it will keep going on as before…. just like they did in Noah’s day….. We get lulled into deception or sleep. We get on with living our life as before we saw the signs. We view them small as a hiccup and ignore the warning to stop, wait and watch.   We may miss our opportunity to turn toward the Lord….. His eye is watching and waiting for us.

Children study their parents to learn and know how to act in different situations. As the children of God, maturing sons and daughters, we should also be studying our Heavenly Father and His Son by the power of the Holy Spirit….. so we know how to act accordingly to His heart…… We are all studying something……. Is it the Lord?

I thought this little saying to know the Lord, is to love the Lord. If we do not love the Lord, we do not know the Lord. The Lord becomes our greatest Study! If there is anything around worth or healthy to become obsessive with, it is the Lord.

Some children will be aware of their parents concerns. They will ask if there is something they did or if they can help in some matter…. because they care.

However, man seems to repeat himself in history. They may be in different scenarios, but the schemes of many are revealed to the eye that is watching what our Heavenly Father is watching…..The ones who wait on the Lord are blessed with His vision….. So we may act and pray accordingly, because His concern  is our concern.

Daniel was very much aware of the timing of the Lord and proceeded to pray accordingly for His will to be completed regarding His people.  Daniel’s ear and eye were watching for the Lord and that captured the eye of God. He answered Daniel’s prayer by sending His messengers. He wanted Daniel to know His plans.

What are we willing to do today to be so concerned with our God that He allows His plans to be made known to His people?

My soul waits for the Lord, more than the morning, my soul waits…… We watch and wait before Him.  In the rest of the Lord, we learn to know the coming move of His hand. We also are made aware the movements and plans of the enemy.

No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing, but I called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you, ( John 15:15).

When we are the friend of God, we follow the instructions of 1 John 2:16-17, do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

For all that is in the world,- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- is not of the Father but is of the world.

And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but He who does the will of God abides forever.

But you have the anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things, 1 John 2:20.

So the blessing of the Lord, the presence of His Spirit reveals all things to us. We must continually ask for understanding to receive His thoughts and plans.

Our Lord revealed to His disciples what was coming ahead for them as He went to the cross.  He also revealed to them the meaning of the cross and His being received into heaven so that the Blessing of the Father could come and reside in them….. Of course, they walked away a little bewildered and not sure what to expect…. So they waited and quickly learned all that was foretold them came to pass just as the Lord spoke.

We are promised our eternal life in the Lord, but we are not promised tomorrow on this earth.  God holds our days and our breath in His hands…. We do not. We always want to live prepared to meet our God at the end of our days on this earth. We also do not want to be caught unaware when the Lord manifests His ways upon the sons of men and the earth. We want to be prepared to meet His day and assist others to meet His day also.

The Lord has His army and they are His friends…… the body of Christ….. if we believe and seek His fellowship……However, Satan has his army also. I do not think there are many friends hanging with him though…..There are souls attached to darkness because of their seeking darkness, but I do not think they are friends! Do you?- nahhh!!!

Satan’s army is planning and gathering today…… Just as the Lord is calling His people to gather to Him and pray…… May we have ears to hear and eyes to see and His wisdom to understand the signs of the times….. Let us pray and prepare accordingly…..

Are we signed up? Are we willing to be in the Lord’s boot camp for awhile to get trained and leave the comforts and passing fun of the coming season to serve the Lord….. We cannot be faithful to the Lord and our selfish desires at the same time. We can be time wasters on things that do not further the cause of His kingdom or we can be a useful weapon in the hands of the Lord. We choose daily…… This is the valley of decision that we are placed before daily. Do we desire the true friendship of the Lord’s or the friendship of the world? Our time played out in our daily lives shows what we choose…Friend of God or the friend of the world.

If we really want to be in the Lord’s presence, we give up all to be there.  We are always presented before the Lord, but to acknowledge Him in stillness of our souls is a battle….. This is the first battle  we learn to fight with the weapons of our warfare.

We stand firm and strong in the place He has died to give us, to be before Him in our stillness, so we may hear, see and receive His daily Food for each of us…. Him.

We love to be with our friends. Our Lord is our Greatest Friend. As we cross the battle of distractions, we know our seat and will not miss a Meal with our King. We have captured His eye. My heart melts to know we have His eye upon us. My breath skips a beat as I realize His greatness is watching us.  What a Great God.

Our military practices offense and defense maneuvers. If an attack comes, they know exactly what to do. They are prepared. They are skilled in the matter of our country’s defense by their offensive plans.

As we spend time with the Lord and His ways become ours, we are skilled in the matters of His kingdom. We live by and through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord uses us as His skilled weapon and His friend.

King David had mighty men. These men slept and ate with the King. He knew them and they knew King David. They were His trusted army and His friends. King David could count on these men to go and complete the mission he had sent them on……

Do you think Daniel was an efficient weapon in the hands of the Lord? We do our warfare by prayer in the Spirit not by might, but by faith and the Lord’s Spirit does the work.  We may have to act but it is by faith and obedience in the Spirit of God, so the glory stays and belongs to God. Our lives will or will not glorify the Lord.  Do we want to walk with the King?

Sometimes I wonder if the body of Christ seriously looks like an army in the Spirit of the Lord or when the Lord asks us to line up we somewhat resemble a kindergarten class lining up after recess……Some have their attention behind them. Some have their attention in front of them. Some have their attention to the sky. Some have their attention to chattering with others. Some have their attention to bugs on the ground…… and then some have their attention to the teacher.

Maybe the protocol in the force of police or military is set for that exact reason. When a high ranking official walks in, he wants our attention ASAP. So a lower ranking officer yells- AT TEN TION…. So then focus of the unit becomes a unit. Their attention is on their superior officer. They quit doing their own thing…..

So our Lord demands our attention for those that are called after His name.  Just because we may not have ears to hear the Holy Spirit yell- AT TEN TION, does not allow us to continue doing our own thing. We must tune our ears towards heaven.  We are to learn to hear the heartbeat of heaven and then have the boldness and courage to follow the beat.

The Lord wants us to line up and become what He has called us to be. His body on this earth….. with hearts that live in and from heaven….. AT TEN TION!!!!!!!!…..

I have not called the wise of the world to be Mine. I have called the least so I can make the most of My Kingdom through them. I know what you are not, but I AM. This is My purpose for you- I AM your all. When you know you are not, then the gift of I AM is your all. Be blessed in the Truth.

Listen to My whisper in the dark. Hear My footsteps through the dawn to awaken you to your day in Me. Know My love surrounding as a breeze protecting you from the heat of the day.  Realize My strength carrying you to the Refuge at sun setting. Hear Me….. Listen to the song I  Am sings over you as you rest at eventide.

Hear the words I Am speaks to you. I Am sitting holding the universe by the Word of My power. My Word is life to you. Give Me your gaze, you will be rewarded. Give Me your time,  then you will live from eternity in time. Give Me your heart, you will live from Mine. Give Me your natural life, you will be sustained in My Resurrected Life….

Hear Me and live forever. Sit with and in I AM, then rule the nations. Honor I AM, and you, My friend, have captured My heart…

Do not seek to gain in the world and lose your soul to I AM. Do not seek the friendship of the world and lose I AM. The cost of your soul is so precious there can be found no price to value it on this earth….. Choose wisely.

My arms are extended to all, but all will not hear and come to I AM. Remember, My Words of Wisdom, the greatest is the least and the least is the greatest in the measure of My Kingdom.

Eternal matters are eternal, earthly matters are gone before the blink of your eye.  My Words speak of a servant’s eye is always on their master, but alas, I AM has called you a friend….. Do you treat Your Friend with a kiss of betrayal? Do you treat Your Friend as the Highest Treasure? Then your actions will be proven and you will guard our fellowship as a treasure.

Alas, remember My Friends carry a seal of My mark upon them. They are now marked and precious in I AM’s eye. They are cherished in My Kingdom and hated in the world’s. Remember, I AM has conquered the world…… And I AM is in you.

Rest in Me as I Am strengthens in you. The Word speaks of a swallow finding a home in the altar of My courts, you are in Me in rest. I Am has found a welcomed place in your heart not unlike Bethany. Rest and keep walking to obeying and to knowing I AM for this is eternal life. The place I have called you to be……is found only in Me.

Come and see….. I Am says what will be……When My Words come to pass….. Then, alas, you will know it is Me….Your King, your Friend….

Has I AM captured your eye?  Even still, Lord, come!

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who hears say, Come! And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take from the water of Life freely, (Revelation 22:17).
