They Again Gathered Around The Word Of God

They gathered again around the Word of God.

These hungry few were intent on living before God with their whole heart.

They had tasted and seen that this God, and His King, were worthy of all their time and even their life.

They had experienced His grace and His mercy in abundance.

They had experienced even dreams and visions from Holy Spirit, when they did not know what they were…. They assumed this is His way and believed. Now their nights were filled with wonder and adventure of what is to come.

They had experienced Holy Spirit’s gifts without even being taught that there were any gifts. Holy Spirit is the Discerner of His own.

These few assumed living in Him, we were to live a supernatural life. They are.

Seeing things that naturally you do not see or know, their lives were being overwhelmed in Him.

These few figured out if God is invisible then most of the life lived by His Spirit is by faith and not by sight.

But sight in the unseen was given to these few hungry needy ones.

These were the ones God could open up the impossible possibility of His goodness in all their lives.

They were looking and were waiting.

Their new lives in Him were sprouting, while asking and seeking their life questions of His will.

Little Person asked, so any one need to share what God has been doing in their hearts?

One raised their hand and Little Person nodded, go ahead.

Okay, well, I was studying and investigating all through the Ancient Book.  I do not want to miss what He wants to teach me now.

That night, I dreamt there was a door before me, it was a white door…… I was flying in a white dress and controlled my landing to be in front of the door.   There was a key in my pocket…… The only reason I knew was that it bumped my leg…. I got the key and it turned into many keys and they all unlocked the white door and I went in through the door and the dream ended.

Good dream, said Little Person. 

What does this mean? Anybody want to step in and speak?

One spoke up, yeah, she is busy in God and His things…. His Spirit, His Word. She is clothed in linen like the book of Revelation speaks of….. She is cleansed and filled with Holy Spirit….. but she has been given the keys that unlock the door …… to more knowledge of the King and His kingdom…..  I mean Jesus yelled at the lawyers for having the keys to the kingdom and His knowledge and they do not use them nor help anyone else to enter……  Her flying means she is active in Holy Spirit and the supernatural life we have in Him……  I think this is what the dream meant?   I am sorry if I am wrong.

Wow, said the one who shared her dream…… Thank you, she added.

Little Person said, I think you did a great job. First of all, you stepped up and spoke in faith. The second, you encouraged your sister with the word of knowledge and wisdom.

Well done!!!!!!, Little Person started to clap and the gang joined in.

Anther raised their hand. Little Person spoke, go ahead….

I want to tell you what happened with my spouse, if I can?

Little Person spoke, what is said in the room stays in this room regarding personal stuff, right everyone?

Yes and Amen, the group shouted.

Go ahead, Little Person said.

Well, my family and spouse, except for the kids, are still using……. I am here because of the judge….. who I want to look up and thank him, but anyway. They came for a visit…… My family left when I started to share about what Jesus had done with me here.  How He showed up in all the ways He has. How He has made me strong and filled me that I do not want any drug or drink anymore…..

I started to read from my Ancient Book…… and they walked out except for my spouse.

She was wrecked but listened….. Then she said, ah come on, we will use together again, right, honey?

I looked at her and said no, we will not use together again, in Jesus’ name.   I want you to give the kids to your mom or mine for a couple of months and register to come in here on your own. You need Jesus and you need to get off the stuff….. He is the only way, and they will help you here to know Him and be sober forever. Then our kids have a shot at a good life because we can teach them about Jesus Christ.

She looked at me as if I just hit her. She said to me that I am the man she thought I would never would become and she wants out.  She got up and left.

Little Person and most of all the crew said, Wow!

Little Person spoke, You deserve a standing ovation for your courage.  I know your heart may hurt, but you did the right thing. You showed them love of the highest measure…….

Hey, let’s remember to pray for them…… Now the results are in God’s hands.

He answered, yes.  I cannot go back to that environment. Please pray for me to know what my steps should be when I get out……. Maybe when I talk to the judge on how great His place is, he can help get my spouse in here too……. Please pray, I am not sure at all what I should do….. I mean there are the kids and I can’t allow them to be in that environment either…… Please pray…. Thanks.

Little Person spoke, Holy Spirit will let you know each step you are to take and we will pray.

Another raised their hand and Little Person nodded, please go ahead.

I had a visitor too. My parole officer.  He was shocked. He said I am another person. He is going to start to recommend a lot of drug offenders here as well as drinkers. I had to share and give a big thank You Jesus for this guy’s good report of me…… actually of Jesus…. He did it….

Little Person said, Yes, He loved you enough and beyond to make you into another person….. but you also agreed to be loved and helped and changed…. So congrats to you and praise and glory go to our Father and His beloved Son!

Little Person asked, does the Director know of your both visits? 

They both shook their heads up and down speaking, yes.

Okay….. Is there anyone else?

A hand waved and Little Person spoke, go ahead….

Well, I had a dream that my spouse was cheating on me. I mean he uses still. I was praying for help to know what to do when I get out….. I sort of do not want to go back with him.  I do not want to use and he does.  I had this dream, he was cheating on me.  I saw the woman he was with and they were using.  He was talking to her and telling her that he was going to come and ask me for a divorce. Then I woke up.

That was the dream…… He did come and visit me.   He was high and asked me for a divorce.  I said yes.

I also told him that Jesus Christ saved me from me and my drugs and all the screw up things I did.  I told him I did not want to use and wanted to live a different lifestyle now including the God who knows me and saved me.

He said, that’s great…. This is working out better than I thought. He got up and left.

Everyone including Little Person said….. WOW!!!!

The person smiled and said Jesus took care of the whole mess for me….. I am speaking about this because He gave me the dream to help prepare my heart, like shelter me from the shock. My husband  wants the divorce and will file it with the attorney……My Heavenly Father heard my prayers and worries and took care of them all.

Little Person asked, you speak with Director regarding this?

She answered, yes and he has an attorney that will be for me too….. in the flesh!!

They all chuckled.  

Little Person said, WOW, thank God for His mercy and tenderness towards you….. You weren’t caught off guard….He protected you by giving the dream of words of knowledge…..Are you okay with this?

Yes, I am. The marriage was surrounded with drugs and drinking. I want to continue to surround myself in Him and with Him and live for Him…. I want to continue to draw Him and what He shows me for the rest of the time He gives me situations to draw…… I want to live by the clean slate He gave me and I knew my spouse would have none of a consecrated sober life living for Him….. So He fixed it!

I am so grateful…. Now I can pray and concentrate on what He will have me do when I leave here…. I do not have to be concerned on the marriage anymore….. I can learn to be His bride in freedom  now.

Little Person said, Praise Him. Wow, this is great news. God is full of His goodness which He pours out on us without measure…… I am grateful to Him for you too!

Anybody else? Asked Little Person.

Another hand raised up.

Little Person said, go ahead.

I was praying and asking for help to go to school and get my GED so then I can go to school and get a degree.   I got my answer. I passed my GED last week!

The room applauded with a loud explosion of celebration…….. The illiterate is long gone.

They all clapped and screamed, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

This educated person turned around, I have to thank Uri also for all her time given me to read and get back to where I need to be to live in freedom of His righteousness once I leave. So Ms. Uri, thank you for all your time and patience.  Your time given to me means the opening of so many doors for me now.

I will thank God for you everyday of my life. Thank you.

Little Person caught Uri wiping her eyes quickly…….. Miss tough girl was a marshmallow filled with His love.  Little Person smiled at her which made her eyes water even more…..

The whole room exploded again in applause and praising God.

As the clapping died down, the educated person spoke, I am trying to get a scholarship. So please pray for me…. I am not sure what He will have me focus on yet, but I am asking where He wants me to go to continue learning and possibly get a degree…….. Or I could go back to the center where I lived and teach others now to do what I did and teach them about Jesus Christ by His grace…… So I need your prayers so I do the right path, please.

The clapping continued as they praised God.

Little Person spoke up, He will lead and guide you. We will continue to pray for the direction of His will. Please let us know when you know.  Congratulations again!

He added, Good job Uri!

She smiled at him.

Okay, any others want to share?

Another raised their hand.

Little Person said, go ahead.

Well, something weird happened. I was thinking of a friend of mine during my talk with Holy Spirit.   I talked to Him about this friend…… and then went on with my study and asking questions on scriptures.

And I finished my study and got some of my answers. I got up to get some water and I heard, my friend’s marriage is ending.  It is not a an affair, but a gambling problem.

I was stunned, I collapsed on the bed in my room.  Then I wrote it down what I heard.  Then time went on and I heard from my friend…….  His marriage broke. He told me it was his wife who wanted the divorce because she was cheating on him…….. I looked him in the eye and told him that is not true.

His jaw hit the floor and he turned white….. I then told him, he was in debt beyond his curly hair because of his addiction to gambling….. I then told him to tell his wife to wait on the papers of divorce because you will get your act together. Tell her the truth…. and come here.   I told him to register here and get Jesus Christ and get honest and get free.   I told him never go back to the gambling now……

He said he couldn’t because he owed money to the wrong people.   I told him to meet with the Director. He will figure out something for him.

So please pray for Ed…… That is not his name, but if you mention Ed to God, He will know the guy.

His life, really, is on the line……. Only God can make a way where there seems to be no way….. Look at me!

They all laughed.

Little Person spoke up, I commend you for your bravery and courage to confront your friend. We will be praying for him……Do not give Ed any money. This is to everyone in this room…… Compassion and empathy are needed by giving Ed a life hand into the name of Jesus Christ.   You know not to give your old gang any drugs so the same goes here but with money.

Wow! God has been so busy with you all.  You all did so great in walking with Him.  I am so glad!

Anymore want to share?

A timid hand rose from the back.

Little Person smiled and said go ahead…..

A person came to visit me….. and as I was walking to the visitor room, I got a nudge like on my shoulder. My left shoulder and my neck hurt. I turned but no one was visibly there.   I do not want to let on who this person is but, it is bad news. The plan was seen as he was talking to me about giving him money and for me to walk out from here.   I think I got a warning from God on the bad plan of this person formed against me.  It did not work.  I said God warned me about you.

I told them to leave and forget my name unless they want to check in and give their lives over to Jesus Christ. As I spoke the pain in my neck stopped…… and he hurried himself out as if I was a cop!

They all laughed in the room and said praise God!

Little Person asked, you okay now?

Yes, but I never thought God nudged people to warn us.    The pain in my neck….. I guess this guy was going to be a pain in my neck.  I prayed that he has forgotten my name and will come in here.

I never experienced this before…. I mean about God protecting me from the schemes of people…… I have experienced bad plans against me from people….. Now they will not prevail like you taught us.

So I am very thankful for God and He can nudge me and give me a pain in the neck as a reminder any time!   I will heed His warnings and pray against the schemes of darkness anytime He says. I am so grateful He is my God and wants to protect me from all evil and their plans.

Little Person spoke, I am also grateful He warned you on the plan against you. I pray he will come and join us at His Place. God will warn us any way He can. For me, it is a knot in the stomach. My stomach gets tense as He warns me from car crashes or storms if I am riding. The first time, I argued when He told to me to take a left instead of a right turn. I said, but I am going this way….. Then I heard the word crash….. I quickly made a u turn and obeyed….. Then I noted to pay attention to these warnings of His after I repented.

Read Psalm 91 okay….. It seems to me you had a Psalm 91 couple of days…… See how He will protect and warn us to keep us from the plots and schemes of evil and their wicked schemes.

Good job on protecting yourself, too!!!

Everyone clapped to give encouragement.

Anyone else? asked Little Person?

He is teaching us to live in Him supernaturally even though we live in a body but He is highlighting to us this day….. How to see things His way as looking through His eyes…. for dark is as light to Him….. All things are known to Him and He will always allow us to see things that are to come by His Spirit as written. We are learning to adhere to His ways and leaning on them with our whole heart and mind.

His ways are higher and He has brought us up to Him so we may see all things and be prepared for what ever is to come before us. The natural man without Jesus Christ will never understand or know what we have been shown…….

He reveals things to us by the surrounding nature and it’s signs. These are always telling us a story but we lean on Holy Spirit for His language of understanding. This is His way so we may always percieve all He has planned for us and all the enemy has planned for us….. We then shall make the wise choice, if we do not, well, we may just get a nudge or a pain in the back….

All chuckled.

Thank You Father, for giving us ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to percieve all You are showing us. We are watching and learning.

Okay, last call, anyone else?

Okay, ten minute break……

More to come- God is willing…..


What If…

Just a mid week thought. If you are okay with the growing darkness and like the covering over of justice with smoke and mirrors. Then this blog is not for you. Just hit delete and you can go on your way without care.

But if you are known as the daughter or son of the King of all and are known by the Most High God, then keep reading.

What if those who are called His people and call on His name spent Sundays……or Saturdays or one day or a couple of days……in prayer.

For example, a football game is four hours….. What if those who watch, laid it down for a time with their King in prayer. Now not a game that they could care about but the game they have to watch.

Can we put the game in the hands of God and get on to the business He wants us to expand? His kingdom.

If the nation who is crazy for football, laid aside a couple of games a week and went into our prayer closet. If you have no prayer closet, then sit on your couch and know you are infront of the God of the universe 24/7. Just keep the ball in prayer….. Pray His scriptures back to Him regarding you, your family, neighborhood, city, state and nation….. If He tells us to do something, we get it done.

What if our nation prayed the script He has given us for a time…. such a time as this….. What if the Light of heaven starts to penetrate the darkness and justice reigns again…. What if…..What will happen if we do not……. We sort of see now what happened because we did not sacrifice and idols stand before us and His throne….. One of these idols is football….. Men of God we need you! Our families need you. Our cities need you…. Our nation needs you to pray and to hear and respond. Thank you for responding.

If we do not, who will on our watch….. If we do and see heaven establishing itself on this earth, in this nation. In our schools. In our neighborhoods. WOW!

This is a thought. I hope those who call on our Lord Jesus Christ,…… see Him as worth our time and sacrifice as written in Romans 12:1-2:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 

 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Wasting the precious time we have been given on the temporal…. Well, this will be gone but the time we sit before the King of all to bring His kingdom to this earth as a nation, will be soul winning affair….. What a corporate worship then will be coming from this nation……

What if the impossible becomes possible in our watch….. We watch corporately across this nation the goodness of God bringing His light again over the chaos….. What if….

We have been given the ball. Are we going to score touchdowns in heaven or fumble?

I hope you see this vision as He does.

A family time of prayer for an afternoon by His word is a great legacy……

By the way, the church doors do not need to be open for us to pray. We can pray all the time because we are positioned before the throne of grace. We need to enter boldly and speak His word to His ears.

We can walk, clean, do the dishes. We can cut the lawn and wash the car. We can drive….. All our day we can be praying and praising our God and asking for His help in this time of trouble, corporately as a nation.

Think big, He does!

He is waiting, let us wait on Him in prayer. Starting this weekend…..



If offense has happened then I stepped on your idol… I am not sorry. But I am praying that you will see the truth and start your day with prayer…. We need you. Thank you for reading…..

Can you imagine this nation in corporate prayer? Putting Him first?

Let’s do it!

He Had To See His Voice Again……

Little Person went riding again. He was drawn to the place where he was at the river the other day. The Words of God left in his heart were etched now….. He never would forget them….. They were molding him into the Words he heard.

On his way to the barn, he was watching all around him.

Life for most people seemed to be the same in each season. Football season was starting up again.

NFL football was starting and helping everyone think all is okay because this is our normal…..Will it help deaden the call of the noble to arise for such a time as this……?

The college football is alive and starting it’s rivalry all again. Deepen the call to forget all but know the scores for the watercooler.  Someday the freedom to engage in this rivalry may come to a halt. Darker things will succumb if we do not rise and stop the dark….. By His light, it shall be…. Be His light before it is too late…. Do not regret the day when His call came your way.

Darker it is and tradition of seasons will not stop the dark getting darker….but will get the roots deep because those who are called have gone back to sleep….. Tradition calls as so does the pumpkin spice latte…… These will not stop the darkness…… Only light makes it flee….. His people are the key…..

Will all respond now and be Satan’s foe or friend we are if we sit and do not heed His call.

Satan is elated that the traditions of season dullen the need to arise now….. Others are surely in need. 

Starbucks had their pumpkin spice latte out again for the hundredth time as the line circled around. Will they wait that long to hear and understand His dream He sent that night before?

All distractions were in full swing, but Little Person felt in his spirit, there were big changes coming.

He was not afraid, but on alert. He was praying in tongues often.

Holy Spirit knows what to pray through him as he did not know what to pray for or against in this sense he was receiving.

He wanted to ride to hear and know what his Father was speaking to him at this time.

He had checked in with the Director and all things were at status quo with the crew. His King’s new redeemed ones were working through the obedience of forgiving those who trespassed against them as they were also forgiven.

Each day they were learning how to keep the forgiveness alive and real in their hearts in the sessions with counselors.

Little Person knowing all things were okay with them, he had time to bend his ear to his God and listen.

He on Aaliyah galloped to the hills.  He saw the deer scamper off from their rapid approach. The air was crisp with change.  Little Person’s heart was pumping loudly as was Aaliyah’s. 

He got to the hill and hopped off her. He brought her to the river for a drink and cool off. He sat down.

The wind was blowing loudly through the leaves of the trees. The leaves of His trees were bringing healing. Did not the people see?

He noticed the deer came back to the sweet grass keeping an eye her intruders. 

She was eating quickly as if she knew the winter was fast approaching… She wanted to partake of the green grass before it was brown with frost on the hill.

He wondered what the wind was saying, and asked if he could hear…….

A house divided will not stand. A house divided will not stand. This Little Person heard through the wind.

A voice was singing the wind, a house divided will not stand.

Who is up and standing to hear His call? Come to Me singing through the wind….. Do you not hear Him?

His gentle voice through the wind is calling His own to Him.

He saw the deer was heeding to the change, but why does not man? Tradition steals His move again. He moves on and tradition will not allow Him to be known by His Spirit again….. Tradition holds it guards at it’s door….. Keep them steeped in me and not allow them to move through the adventure in I AM’s fulfillment of His purpose.

He talked to his Father.

I am here. I am listening. I am watching.

He was waiting.  In his mind, he was going over what he had been shown in the past couple of days.

He was also asking on the next session with the crew from Holy Spirit.

He had his notebook open and was jotting down the scriptures he was to bring to revelation the next night at His place. 

After he was taught the place where Holy Spirit wanted to land on in scriptures, he was okay to move on to what was drawing him up here today.

Do you see, my little friend, those who spoke for I AM lived what they were speaking?  Israel was going into captivity, so My spokesman was in captivity…….

They are a sign as I AM sends signs and wonders in and through My children just as you are also.

The testimony of Jesus Christ is a sign through you and all My children….. He is alive in His own. 

Moses lived in the wilderness for forty years so he also may lead My children through the wilderness for forty years. 

He never entered into the promised land, neither did the generation that he led enter into the promised land.   

But the next generation did through Joshua….. As Jesus Christ, My Son, leads My children into the Promise…. Our Spirit reigns through My children leading them into abiding in My Son. My Promise is here and can be fulfilled, if a heart turns to believe and leaves all.

Do you see, child?

I think so, Sir, said Little Person. His hands were shaking from the wind’s strength.

Jeremiah warned them on the upcoming captivity for My people because of disobedience to My Word.

He also was in captivity as a sign.

Ezekiel was held captive by I AM as a sign to what would come before My people…..

I AM was held back by their unbelief……

My people worshiped I AM as well as many other gods…

They crushed My heart…… What was …… is again, My child.

I AM still revealed to My son the instructions on to build My temple. 

Here prophecy is fulfilled by My Son who built My temple in three days.

Destruction may come, but hope in I AM causes the sun to rise to show My promise.

My Son is I AM’s Promise. 

My Promise of I AM’s Spirit dwelling in My people, covering the earth as the waters cover the sea. 

My glory is Mine.

My ones live what I AM is.   I AM is held captive from unbelief.

But in My chosen hearts, I AM soars with the eyes of an eagle.

Their flight will not be hindered or stopped.

They are My living Testimony regarding My Son. They locked My son, Paul, and My Spirit spoke through him. I AM did not stop even when he was in chains…. My Spirit soars high as an eagle through a heart that is for Me.

 In Him, they will live and speak eternally. 

What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell, (Matthew 10:27-28).

Child, do you see this?

Yes, Sir….. I never really saw the play of Your spokesman in the scriptures that way.

Now, My child, what was, is now……Know My will has and will always prevail.

My fulfilling Words are being met with their prophecy….. My Son is I AM that I AM.

Do not turn to the left or the right, but keep your eyes aligned on Him.

What was is now. But know I AM that I AM.

The dregs of the wine have filled their sacks.

The wine of Mine is sweet to My taste.

As I AM delights in the burning of the fat, and adds the salt into every sacrifice to be a sweet-smelling fragrance unto My nostrils…….

So is the obedience of the ones who have been given eyes to see and ears to hear.

Their lives are a living sacrifice unto Me. 

They do not have a bit in their mouth for them to turn to the right or turn to the left.

They lift their eyes to sound of My voice. 

They turn to see the Lion of the tribe of Judah and behold My Lamb. 

They see I AM. 

The more they see the more they know I AM.

The more they behold the I AM revealed, the more I AM reveals.

I AM dwells within them.

They are Mine.

They are My temple.

They are My abode. 

They are the ones not made by human hands but I AM alone is their glory and hope.

I AM has made My dwelling within them……

For they delight in doing My commandments…..

The increase of I AM is complete, but until the next breath, more of I AM will inhabit. 

The praise and love of My own draws Me to overflow in them as in the banks of the Jordan.

There is no stopping My flow of the Living Water bubbling within My temple, My own people.

I AM that I AM and the gates of hell will not prevail.  

Prevail, no, but try, yes.

My Words are fulfilled.

Not one of My Words has not a match made by prophecy, My Son.

Death could not stop My Word to be fulfilled.  My purpose is I AM that I AM.

Nothing shall stop My Word, but unbelief of whom I AM has called……

Awaken them to Me again just as the sun rises and storm clears.

Pray they seek I AM an My Promise today.

Know I AM but by My Spirit says the Lord.

Why send I AM’s Spirit away, if this is My way?

My Spirit is hovering over their chaos.

Chaos has been welcomed in by their door not maintained.

I AM knocks on their door, but chaos in their hearts, deafens the sound of My footsteps.  

Shall chaos send more storms for what is meant for evil I AM turns to good?

Shall they behold I AM? 

If many came from the dead to knock on their door for warning, they still would not awaken to I AM’s knock.

Is the dead still leading the dead. Yet they have a name they are alive.

Ask for the Lord of the harvest to send His workers among the harvest.

The need of fulfillment of every child in My purpose completes the building of My Spirit. I AM is the head and My body is the temple of I AM. 

My Bethany home is where you sit to hear I AM speak.

They shall hear and I AM is glorified by their hearts.

Know this truth…..

I AM draws near to those who draw near to Him from a pure heart.  

I AM stills desires these hearts.

Yes, Sir, replied Little Person.

He started to make his own shorthand. He wrote as fast as he could to keep up with His Words of life.

It was quiet for a while. Little Person shook his right hand to get the blood flowing again.

His hand ached from the cold.

He noticed the doe had friends. There was a dozen or so deer eating grass with Aaliyah.

It was a beautiful sight to behold. So much peace, though the wind was blowing hard.

Little Person took it as a sign:  His people to keep His peace by His grace as the cold wind was starting to blow harder as the days got shorter.

He was reading over the Words spoken. He wrote out was his shorthand, so he could understand later.

He heard, Child, thank you for coming to Me here. Thank you.

Little Person could not say, your welcome….. That comment sounded disrespectful to the Great I AM.   He thought quickly, what to say……..hmmmmmm.

Then through his heart, he spoke:

You are worthy of all of me, Father.

Thank You, Father, for giving me the breath to breathe and to hear You today.

I had to come here and be with You, even if I did not hear any word. I had to be with You today, Sir.

You mean more to me than anything, Lord.

I AM knows your heart, Little Person.

Ride home now, for a storm is approaching quickly.

Thank You for holding it back until I reach my car, Sir.

You are safe.

He saw the deer had disappeared in to the brush for cover as the dark cloud was quickly approaching.

He mounted Aaliyah and off they galloped back to the barn.

He just got into his car as he left Aaliyah munching on her hay.

He heard a big KABOOM as thunders and lightnings was a happening.

He drove on thanking I AM for holding back the storm until he got in his car.

He thought as he drove…… Abiding in Jesus Christ by His Spirit helps me avoid any storm.

The storms will come, those who build their house on the rock, will still be standing.

The Rock, our great God……His foundations are sure and pure, a heart must put their trust.

He turned up his favorite song. He was joining in on the tune of praising the Most High God… When it is great and when it is not….. He deserves the right to be first in all our sight and our voice rings out -Praise and thanksgiving to the Holy, Holy, Holy Almighty God who was and is and is to come….


More to Come- God is willing!!!

Tune out the distractions and tune in Him alone…. See what He will do!

Just be with Him.

Sit down to rest. Seek His face.

Turn the soft music down so you may hear His tone.

The cares and concerns of the day are now drowned.

His presence is the fragrance of your sound.

He is bound for all of you now.

The veil is moved and you now enter in.

The smell is different than you ever known before…..

Enter in to His place to know His face.

He calls you by your name.

You turn to see His voice……not only once but again and again.

Come to know this is your place.

Write what He speaks…. If nothing you hear.

Write what you are shown…… This is how you also are known.

Keep meeting with Him in the fellowship of His Son.

This is a gift. Open it…

He tore the veil, but now you tear the veil of unbelief.

If you do not partake, how much you will regret this day.

Venture in to His smile today and another day and again.

Turn off tradition and tune in Him…. Be His light again and again.

Know how much you are loved….. Know Him!

The End Of A Very Unusual Summer!

Little Person prayed for His troops. He put them in the hands of His Father thanking Him for His strength to keep them in His hand.

He rode Aaliyah threw the fields and up to the hills. He was enjoying the cold wind blowing by him as he galloped as if there were no boundaries in his sight.

He heard, I AM gives dreams because I AM dreams.

In the Beginning was My dream…..The End is I AM’s dream fulfilled.

I AM gives visions and high thoughts to My own.

I AM desires you walk in My dreams. All My children are fulfilling My dream.

I AM knows My purpose to fulfill. 

My narrow road is narrow, and it is My highway.

Each follower is given a place and purpose in I AM to complete.

I AM gives the finest of wheat to My children, yet they quickly reach then settle for the wheat that is lesser than Mine. 

Come after My true Manna.

I AM that I AM.

I AM has fellowship with My children…..

If they choose well, they make their time bend to Me.

This way should be in the heart of all who say they are Mine.

I AM is the Word made flesh and dwelt among My own…..

I AM still is dwelling with My own……

Will they hear I AM calling them to see and wait before Me….

I AM has much to speak into each child.

Will they come and sit before I AM today? 

I AM knocking on the door of their world…

I AM shaking what can be shaken so what will remain in them is full of eternity….. full of I AM.

There is quiet now in the air as Little Person was writing His words down.

Little Person spoke stuttering, I am here and listening, Lord…..

Testing in the times is before all men on this earth.

Little Person started to write again… quick as his hand could move…..

Many distractions are before My own.

Yet, will they see the trap of distraction? Will they know the true meat sacrificed from Me?

I AM desires to eat with them. My meat will nourish and strengthen their spirit.

My Food will starve their flesh.  The place where I AM dwells.

I AM has prepared a table to eat with Me before their enemies.

I AM sat with My own at our table when their days were darkest of dark days.

This was before… and then again and again…I AM is always present to My own.

Those I AM has chosen are still eating at My table.

I AM desires this.

Know Me.

Little Person was sitting at the river, as he answered, Yes, Lord. 

He was a little dumbfounded and at a loss of what to say.

Lord, thank You for the table. Thank You for You.  I am listening and writing.

Little Person heard a chuckle.

I AM spoke, My delight and My prize.

Do you know since I first saw you, I AM has fought for you to be with I AM.

You are Mine. 

Yes, Lord. Thank You, Little Person still spoke with a shaky voice.

Times were and are …… in My hands. They have always been in I AM…..

These are the days as in the days of Noah….

Now see before you, Little Person.

There are no boundaries. Just as in I AM, there is much land to apprehend.

Mysteries are unfolding before you.

There is much land to apprehend in Our place where there no boundaries exist……

I AM is here and ready to take you further through My land, My Son, the Christ.

By your heart, My Spirit leads you through the land of enigmas and mysteries made plain.

Hearts full of understanding will make it plain to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Now do you perceive this, Little Person?

His hands were shaking now, as Little Person spoke, Yes, Sir.  I think I understand.

There is much to know of I AM…..

Keep knowing I AM. 

Keep your eyes open and find what I AM has laid before you today. 

Understand where you are in I AM…..

Remember the dream I AM has given many a day ago.  Your calendar was highlighted with yellow on a special day.

You went to see the highlight, it was marked Enoch’s day.

This is that day, Little Person.

Walk with I AM and Enoch was not……. Now there is nothing missing or broken in I AM…..

Walk with I AM…… Follow My whisper. Adhere to My nudge.

Displace the enemies plan by listening to I AM. 

Speaking back to I AM what I AM says disengages the forces of evil.

Many say that I AM ways are mysterious and hidden. 

I AM says My ways are seen who have desired beyond this world to see as I AM sees. They have ears opened to hear what I AM speaks.

They are hidden and mysterious to those who want I AM to remain far.

I AM here to all who call on Me with a pure and contrite heart. 

Those who love I AM, I AM makes My home in them.

Yes Sir, Little Person stuttered again.

It was quiet as Little Person only heard the river flowing by singing it’s own song up to it’s King.

As this part of the conversation ended.

Little Person wrote down the conversation as if it was going on before him.

His hands were shaking because the cold air from the escalated hills flowed hard towards him. 

The summer had bowed low to the coming in of fall.  

Little Person was not aware of any change, only the talk with His great God.

His voice to him was illuminating loudly within his heart.

His voice was totally in front of his face for this minute which turned to many days and then months which stockpiled into all his years.

This was just His Beginning of Little Person.

Little Person had just finished writing His words down as the He heard again:


Why is the dark getting darker?

Little Person’s stomach got in a knot, thinking quickly, is this a trick question? 

He quickly stammered out, to see Your Light is brighter?

You see well, My Child.

The peace of My people is being released by fear.

They need to keep their peace as if it was their breath. 

They are concerned about dark becoming darker…..

This is My word fulfilling My purpose in their day……

The dark is getting darker……

They are not seeing My hand which is hidden from the dark but revealed to those who live in My Light…….  I AM a Sovereign God…. I AM that I AM….

Those who raise up themselves on high shall be brought down……

My hand is working as My long waiting patience.

My Christ in My own is their hope of My glory and the hope of all.

Has I AM become lessor than the dark? 

Do they see not the truth?  

I AM longs to see them run with gladness the course before them.

Their strength is in the hand of the Lord who is among them.  

I AM is full of strength and endurance ready to pour out My Spirit.

My Spirit turns the weak to strong.

The lame to a long-distance runner.

The fearful to the courage of a lion that takes the land for his tribe.

My people are not the ones who run to the cave to hide in fear from the hand of the King….

My people run with Me through the fire and the water because I AM there.

Children, ask for eyes to see and ears to hear.

Come and partake of I AM.

I AM has all you need.

Look towards I AM.

Do not worship the dark. My people keep your eyes on I AM and My Words……. 

Those who are of the dark of the night doing their deeds. The same are seen by all in My light.

My light exposes all things done in the dark and through the night when My beloved rests.

My children are awake in the light doing the works of I AM.

Nothing is hidden from My sight.

See the watch I AM has placed at your feet.    

Their darkness is never hidden by My light.  

Their deception is their plight….

Pride goes before a fall.

Lightning is striking again. Watch, child, watch.

Do not give darkness a thought…Do not worship the dark and the fear.

Yes, you may not know the future, but I AM there….. with you. Do not fear.

Remember, all I AM has done with the impossible, made possible.

The Light has sent fear and intimidation running with their tail between their legs.  

I AM that I AM.  See the watch I AM has set at your feet.

Allow your thoughts to be of good and noble origin…..

Let them be of I AM and My goodness.

Behold I AM .

Behold the Son!

Know the plans I AM has for you of good and not of evil….

Turn and see all I AM has planned for you through Me.

The king of darkness plays as if a chess game.……

Though hidden from his sight is My sovereignty, My next move…..

Know I AM also has planned the End from the Beginning, for I AM.

Keep your focus from My place.

Know My thoughts, listen for My whisper.

Turn your gaze to the heights of the hills, for whence your help comes from.

See and know the way of the north wind blowing making all things plain.

Promotion comes not from the south, the west, nor the east, but it comes from where?

Keep your eyes focused on I AM.

Trust Me as your highest form of worshiping I AM.

Come to the table.

Eat the hidden Manna put before you today.

Be filled and at peace……

Keep My peace and come sit with Me.

Know Me…. You will know peace.

Little Person kept writing down the Words of His voice.

He looked up and saw the sun descending behind the tree tops.

He sat there as he reread all the words that were spoken to him this day.

He waited and prayed before Him until dusk was setting in.

As he mounted Aaliyah, Little Person heard. Thank you for hearing and listening.

You are blessed, Little Person. I AM with you.

Little Person, Thank You My God and King. You are great and I am a little in awestruck mode.

Ride home now, child. However, you are still with I AM…..

Yes Sir, answered Little Person.

He was leaving the barn. As he entered the city, he saw all the people rushing here and there. He felt as if he left the world for the day. He saw the people going on with their lives.

He wondered if they heard Him. The Voice of Him who created the ears to hear Him.

He thought I was zipped out of the world for the day. My King now has zipped me back in. Seemed the business of the day never stopped long enough to allow the folks to hear the zipper of His breath saying come away with Me today.

Do we hear Him now?

Now what am I to do with the Words He has given me?  Please let me know what to do and I will do it by Your grace…… In Your Son’s name Jesus Christ, I ask.

He got home. Little Person grabbed his sweatshirt, grabbed a coffee and sat on his back porch to hear and pray. He honored the great fellowship which was granted him because of the cross the King of all kings.

He was praising the God who created the wind and knows all the stars by name.   Yet, He knows my name.  You are wonderfully awesome and I love You, My God. Thank You for being the great I AM.

Silence was there beyond the tree frogs or crickets chirping their delight in Him. Again, there was the sense of being so complete in his King…… Little Person wondered if He also was admiring His sounds of the nights with Little Person….. He sensed His presence and His smile.

He then started to declare the scriptures bringing to light the awful and terrible deeds done in the dark through the night. Thanking God for bringing His light to shine in their darkness…… Bringing to light for all to see….. Exposing the deeds done in the dark. Praying for the Light to give the path to those who were in need to release those prisoned in the dark.

Little Person thought, they must think know one sees them acting in lawlessness. 

They are walking in the dark.

They are in the dark but we, the children of light, see through the dark into His marvelous light.

Thank You, Father. All things done in the dark will be exposed by Your light and will not prevail.

Yet, those who are in Your light, You are making a way where there is no way. These warriors are blocking the deeds of darkness by Your might. I praise You and thank You for all You are doing through Your warriors. Impossible is made possible these nights through Your hand.

Your wind, Father God, is blowing down the deeds done in the dark in this world…. Blow wind, blow wind. Take your stand of guarding and protecting, oh angels of God.   No weapon formed against Your will or people shall prosper these days….No evil shall prevail….. See My King is here.

I thank You Father, there is no darkness in Your light.  Thank You for the success of many carrying Your justice today.

Little Person fellowshipped with His God through the night into the rising of the sun the next morning.

There was much to talk and then pray about.

Come and join Him in His dream.

More to come- He is willing.


In His Kingdom- Go Down, You Go Up

They came back with their full coffee cups steaming.

They sat down as you could hear a faint humming of the song they all sang the last break…..

The atmosphere was full of anticipation to learn another ancient secret of freedom from their King. 

All eyes were on Little Person waiting for this secret.

Little Person opened up this session with scripture……Open up to Luke chapter 9, verse 23.  Let’s read it aloud. Let me know when you all have it opened.

Jesus looks at his disciples and tells them, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

Let’s remind ourselves again with Galatians 2:20……G A L A T I A N S, chapter 2, verse 20. Let’s read it again. Let me know when you all get there.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Now let’s read the words of our King:

Let’s read John, J O H N, chapter 8, verses 31-36:

 So Jesus was saying to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you abide in My word [continually obeying My teachings and living in accordance with them, then] you are truly My disciples.  

And you will know the truth [regarding salvation], and the truth will set you free [from the penalty of sin].” 

They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been enslaved to anyone. What do You mean by saying, ‘You will be set free’?”

 Jesus answered, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, everyone who practices sin habitually is a slave of sin. 

Now the slave does not remain in a household forever; the son [of the master] does remain forever. 

So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.  

One question I will leave you with before we end the night…Look at the time…….

Hey, it’s only midnight, we are ahead of schedule tonight, Little Person spoke as he looked at the wall clock.

He asked, ready for the question?

They said, yes, go ahead.

Why are you free indeed as Jesus Christ has set you all free?

Some answered, because He threw our sins as far as from the east is to the west.   

One answered, we are free of all debt of sin that we racked up before we knew Him.

Little Person asked, okay, what about after now?

One spoke, we are forgiven if we ask for forgiveness and admit we screwed up.

Right, said Little Person.

Okay, what about the debts that people did against you?

Well, said one disciple who jumped in to the discussion, Father, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. We say that prayer before every rehab session.

Exactly, said Little Person,

So have all of you talked to Holy Spirit about what hard things happened to you that you might be holding on in your heart?

He wants all of our heart now. Unforgiveness takes up a lot of room and energy to relive what happened to us. 

We are set free from what we have done and what has been done to us also. 

Can not nurse old hurts, no matter what happened. Just as we do not want God to repeat to us our offenses we have committed against Him and man.

Christ has redeemed you. You are beautifully created from His resurrection power.

You are His new creation….You are all bright and clean. All white. You are His now…..

What ever happened in your old creation has been put on the cross……

 It is no longer there.

All the sins you committed as well as the sins committed against you.

We must let go of everything to be His free indeed new creation.

You forgive all but you do not have to trust that person or have a relationship either. You take up your boundaries in rehab session……

I  want you to see how God sees injustices against us before we died with Christ and now how we live in His new creation..

Forgiveness is a heart matter. You release them of their offense as you have been given release of yours….. All that happened in the old creation is gone at the cross.

You are not there of any longer.

Just as Jesus Christ cannot go back into His flesh….. He now lives in His resurrected body and we live in Him.

You forgive and move on into focusing what He is saying you are today,

The old man is long gone and we do not rehearse him anymore,

The old creation has no voice that we take note.

We drown that old voice with our songs of praise to our King. This is what you all did tonight.

We rehearse our lines in the new free life we have in Jesus Christ.

There are a lot of sicknesses that are developed because of the dark thinking. Rehearsing wrongs done to us. Unforgiveness causes the stress in the body which eventually leads to sicknesses..

Dark thinking is going over in your head the injustices done to you……

I have a question for you? What about the injustices you did to others……

We are so ready to stand on the Lord’s blood for us. We now do this for others. We pray for the ones who trespassed against us.

 All is new beyond the cross. We have to remain on the right side, His resurrection powered life.

The healthy and happiest people may have had dreadful things done to them but they gave their past injustices over to Jesus with their own sins of injustices at His cross.

He who the Son sets free are free indeed. Get use to going down to get higher…… This is the new altitude of His kingdom.

Our lives are new in Jesus Christ.  Even in injustices done to us, the old man is dead. We are a NEW creation.

We can not carry any baggage, remember? It was dropped when we were in the plane. 

Let it go. Let God take care of it.

Even in your futures, talk to Him….. He will heal and grow larger in you because you are following His ways…. You are His delight. Remember, vengeance is His and the battle is His.

We were hopping joyful when it had to do with our past, now we release all who hurt us before….and now. We must be hopping glad for them too….. The Son has set them free too…… Pray for them.

We can not pray for those who you are holding a grudge or angry……

Praying for them is the key to your victory.

When you can pray and will eventually sense that the injustice happened to someone else.  You are free indeed.

Keep His Presence as your goal……Keep Him before you at all times. We can not do that and at the same time hold a grudge. 

He is King and we are not. We are His and we must obey to be free indeed.

We walk by the Spirit and are busy about the King’s business.

Not holding onto old dead stuff that has been forgotten by God……

If God forgets about your injustices because He forgave you. Then forgive others now and in the future and allow yourself to be set free.   All that has happened to your dead man before the cross of Christ is dead and gone.

If God forgives the offender by His Son’s blood, how dare us not to also forgive them. Got that?  If you are coming up with stuff done to you now, remember the stuff you did.

Before the cross of Jesus Christ, there were no saints.  Let the people and the trespasses go at His feet at the cross. He took your trespasses for you too. Let go and be free.

Jesus Christ suffered for them too!

Forgive and be free.  This does not mean you go back into danger….. Talk to the Director on any questions you have regarding safety….. I am here for your heart health for now and the future.

You are a new creation and He is leading you from glory to glory in His peace.

Now, read Romans chapter 8 over the next couple of days. Do a moral inventory on any unforgiveness daily.

There will be trouble not because God is not with you but because He is….. Keep your heart clean of grudges and hurts. Take them to the cross of Jesus Christ….. Get His healing and move on. Put the injustices in His hand. He is faithful to send the enemies fleeing seven ways.

Be honest and deal with any unforgiveness before our King .Listen to Holy Spirit’s leading.

If there are open wounds, get His healing. 

Forgive and receive His love over the wound so it turns to scars……

This is the time to handle this stuff in the safety of His transformation center, His place.

Our King spoke this in Matthew chapter 6: But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Remember, Jesus Christ has a lot more ahead for you than things that others have done against you.

You are not bigger than the cross of Jesus Christ.

Let them go and be free indeed as He has set you all free to follow Him freely and with your whole heart.

This is hard but, Jesus Christ said to be His disciple, you who follow Me pick up your cross….

In His suffering on the cross, He spoke, Father, forgive them for they do not know what they did…….

We now walk in His footsteps, we say the same thing…. We walk it out by praying for them……

Easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes. Turn it over to the One who knows injustice and justice……. He is a good God. He is faithful in helping you move on and be His new creation.

Your purpose is greater in Him than the stumbling block of unforgiveness.

Little Person smiled, hoping to lighten the frowned foreheads he saw in the troops.

Let’s get our hearts open and clear to receive all He has for us.

Keep His gaze at all costs.

Okay? as he finished, he looked around. 

The laughter turned away to some heavy thinking and soul searching.

Little Person started to pray:  Father God, thank You for all You have given us as we read Romans 8.  You have given us so much in Your love. We cannot express thanksgiving enough for all You have given us.  I come to You and ask for help in our hearts to forgive any wrongdoing against us. Allow the grace in us to release them as You have released us.  Thank You Father as You have made us a new creation in Your Son. 

We come to You now, and call You Abba….. Help us with Your grace and mercy.

Help us and strengthen us to allow Your Son full reign of our heart.

Allow us to see any clutter in our hearts that needs to be released as You have released mercy to us. 

May we awaken in Your freedom seeing the wrong is completely healed. As we would ponder this in later days, the incident appears in our thoughts that it happened to someone else. Some scars are seen and some are not……

We may then pass on to others, how Your healing power is greater than any wrong doing done to us.

Your scars are seen to remind us, we are now Yours. We thank You for Your cross and sacrifice. Your scars are what we remember now in thanksgiving. Our scars are proof You are a healing God and love us. You have put a new song in our heart and are taking us from Your glory to Your next glory. In this, we praise and thank You. We will tell all of Your great healing power and Your never-ending mercy and tender love. We choose to go down to go up.

Father, teach us to pray for those who have trespassed against us…. Help us to pray for them as what we would pray for ourselves before Your throne. Thank You for Your grace and mercy and love.  Please, Father, forgive those who have hurt us with words or physically. Please do not hold their sin against them. In Jesus name, we pray. We choose to follow Your Son in His footsteps of love. Give us Your courage. May we see that we love You more than holding onto someone’s trespass against us.

The room was filled with a huge sigh.

Little Person smiled at all of them as he spoke, this is climbing up unto the hill of the Lord…… His holy mount….. We walk the highway of His love. The air is different here.  Get use to His breath of love. Remember, we go down to go up.  His presence is here though…. He is worth our bowing to obey.   Welcome to His holy mount……. See His love demonstrated through you, His redeemed ones.

May this be, In Jesus name, Amen.

The disciples all said, thank you….. and one added, I think.

They left the room very quietly.

Uri, the director and Little Person prayed, Father, You have made a way for them to release their offense.  Please, Father, You give strength to the weak. Give them Your strength to die to the old man in holding any unforgiveness versus receiving being set free indeed by their King of all, Jesus Christ. You took all mankind’s sins on Your shoulders that day on the cross. You, the King of the universe, forgave all mankind’s sins and injustices toward God and others from the beginning till the end of this age,……. who are we that we dare not forgive others.

In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

Owe nothing to anyone–except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law, (Romans 13:8).

To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ, (Colossians 1:27-28).


Next chapter to come- He is willing!