And This Is Eternal Life, That They May Know You, The Only True God…

And Jesus Christ, whom You have sent, ( John 17:3).



Come to Me,

And believe for then you shall see what will be.

I AM will open your eyes so you may see.  My light beholds the beauty of the truth.

Your path will be clear, though it may have steep cliffs and low valleys, come and see.

There I AM walks with thee. In My love you will soar the heights so you may journey through the depths.

There is no place where I AM is not with you.

There is nothing lost that cannot be found.

I AM poured forth salvation for mankind through My broken body…… You are My body.

You are where I AM. Broken over the earth but born a new in the heavenlies.

You are hidden in I AM,  but behold I AM hidden within you.

Do you not see the life I AM has poured forth  into you to grasp all that I AM has you to be?

Do you not believe that all of heaven is where I AM ? Do you not understand where you are this day?

The heights of knowing My love  in eternal life strengthens for the depths of My high call to you.

Do not say, who am I ?   Or do not say I am too busy in my life to hear I AM’s call?    For is it not foretold in the scroll, all shall know I AM from the least to the greatest.

Is it not foretold, none shall be snatched from My hand?

Is it not foretold, that the kingdom of heaven shall be taken by force?

Do not lift your hand to take  where I AM…. for then you shall avail nothing.

Behold, the kingdom comes and stays within by the force of faith.

Have you ever known a Love so grand as where I AM you will always be ….

because you believe.

Ahhh, there are none so blind as those who say they see…… but they do not believe.

They say they see but their hearts are far from I AM’s whisper.  The hungry hear so they may partake of the feast of I AM.

The thirsty drink and rejoice in the pure Water of My Life bubbling forth into their New Life filling their empty soul.

Only the ones who know they are empty, will be filled. The ones who see they are filled, shall need not.

Blessed are you who have found their Treasure for you have eyes to see all which shall be.


Come to Me all the lowly in heart. You have found your rest in My

abode, My heart.

You always find the comfort and peace at the sound of I AM whispering.


In knowing your  I AM  is to hear and to hear is to see and in your seeing, your understanding of all wisdom is poured forth.  Ahh, such are blessed to know Eternal Life, their God today, My beloved.

The insearchable riches are found there, within I AM are the storehouses ……… You will seek after what your heart desires….. For whatever your sight desires is where your heart is.


Where is your heart this day, children.?  Come to I AM and drink and eat and you shall be filled………. Come there is so much more…… Come and see for those who are hungry and believe.




My King of glory,

The day is Yours and the night is in Your keeping, What may I give to a King so brilliant? The universe so vast  and more than any man can comprehend, and yet does not contain You. What may I give You that is worthy of such a King?

Your unbroken beholding of me melts my eyes into large pools reflecting your love and kindness to your little stone. What gift may I give a King whose  love can never stop or be measured?  My hands are empty….. except in holding You, the Living Word God. My beholdings are nothing except as I behold You.  My mind is useless except when I am contemplating You, Mighty King.   What gift can I give such a God as You are?  Please answer Me, My Heavenly Father, what can I give You that is worthy of a God as You for the Gift of Your Son that we celebrate this day?   You are the Giver of all Good and Right? What can we give You, My Great God?

Be blessed and rest in My Love is the greatest Gift you may give.  Your heart is in My hands. Your mind is consummated unto I AM.  Your soul is My witness to all around. Your prayers to I AM for all of My plans  to be fulfilled for your brothers and sisters never cease.  You have laid down all for rising in I AM.  My Spirit quickens you into I AM.   In this My commandment is fulfilled.  All I AM has asked from My children is to love Me with all their heart, their soul and their strength.  Children, allow I AM to become your All. I AM is your Healer. I AM is you Provision. I AM is your Guide. I AM is your Breath and Life. I AM is your Light. I AM is All Sufficient to you…….. I AM is your present and your past and your Day this day.  Your All in all.

Look and behold, children, there is more of I AM to know and understand. Look and see the coming days are heightened from My plan.  Ride in I AM’s greatness. We fly over the heights of the mountains and raise up the vast valley below. Come and see what will be, for I AM holds the keys to open up your  vision to All  and in All. Do you ask and then not receive?  What is the beholding you are seeking as you will always receive…..When I AM opens the eyes that are blind, they see the only One to believe.  They cease their blindness in seeking after the world and gaze on the beauty of the heavenly King.  As the snow falls in numerous drops and covers the earth as the waters cover the sea, know there is more to be—- explore in the revelation of My Son….. Keep on digging and keep on seeking, your delight will be magnified in I AM.

Again, I AM speaks out in My trumpet call, All Come To Me and I AM will set you free.  In your belief in I AM, the kingdom of God finds another home in My beloved children.  Your love is My hunger and desire, children. Grant Me this request:

Love I AM with your whole heart, your whole soul and all your strength.  I AM has granted you My Spirit for in Him, the Christ, this is fulfilled.  This Christ is My glory given unto men if they believe.  Ahh, the hope of glory for My children……Come, for the faith to believe is quickened by My Spirit of Grace, receive the Christ, your glory. You in I AM and I AM in you. The heights of heaven given unto man this day.  I AM in men and you in I AM so all the world may know Your King was sent to dwell among men…… and men to dwell with God by His Son.  Come and taste and see how I AM is good.

Use all the force I AM has bestowed upon you so you may partake in all you believe.  By faith, you dwell in I AM…… so then the Truth shall be.  By faith, you are healed—— so then the truth is brought forth.   By faith in Christ Jesus, you have found life eternal…… So the Truth has set you free….. Do you know believe there is more of Me than all has seen?  Come and explore My Storehouse in Christ, the King of glory……. Riding in the Spirit of My Love and Grace will enlarge your heart to capture what I AM has designed before the foundation of the world.

My desire is for you to love I AM with  the grace bestowed upon all those who believe in My Son….. For as you take the step in faith, you will understand what has been given in the blood and life of the King of glory for you.

Rest in My gaze of love upon you,

Oh King of Glory, You are our glory!  Praise be to the Father. Praise be to the Son, Praise be to the Spirit. Our God, three in One.    Praise be to our God every minute and ever second of every day forever and ever for the Day has dawned and our God’s strong arm has been shown to the weak and feeble.  Take heed all who tremble at His feet. His grace and mercy shall never fail. Hear Him this day! Do not be of others who hardened their hearts and did not believe  the Words of God by the blessing of His Spirit speaking this day!


Merry Christmas to all!  Let us take courage and in His Strength and ride in the Spirit of God into His vast dominion to be known, our unknown. We have been invited, the Door is open to explore ……in boundless and endless territories of our God in the days ahead.     His love never fails and never ceases to amaze us.  Just jump and He will catch us in His Spirit – we will never be ready. So we just say Amen, have Your way in us…..We trust YOU because Your love never fails…… We stand fast that Your Spirit will quicken us so our love for You, Mighty One, will never fail…….

Let us rejoice and allow our souls to magnify our God and King this day!




Be Holy Because I AM Is Holy…..

I often hear, how can I be holy only God is holy….. and I say right…..Let me ask you, are we righteous in our selves? As Paul asked in Galatians 3:1-8, O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?  This only one thing I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing of faith? At you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so may things in vain- if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by hearing of faith? Just as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. And the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith preached the Gospel to Abraham beforehand saying, In you all the nations shall be blessed.

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, be holy for I AM holy.

And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by the tradition of your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot. He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but  in corruptible, through the world of God which lives and abides forever, because all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and it flowers falls away, but the word of the Lord endures forever. Now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you, ( 1 Peter 1:13-25).

The Almighty told Abraham in Genesis 17:1, When Abram was ninety- nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, I AM Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.

God then changed his name from Abram to Abraham, a father of many nations.

Our Great God has never put before us any task or command which He had not already empowered us to obey……. But in regards to the divine nature of His Spirit dwelling within us – we obey and grow in His nature by obedience to the faith in His power given to us…. Our capacity of godliness increases. Our righteousness is of Him and our love is of Him and our words of knowledge are of Him.  The miracles are of Him. Any good is of God working through us by faith……. As we get this- in our flesh is no good thing….. It fades as the grass—– if it was good, it would be incorruptible, but it is not good- The carnal man died on the cross with Christ…… if we did not die we are not living the Word of God through our faith as written: Galatians 2:20-21, I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain. I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.

The promises of God are true and are for us today, just as the principles of God are true and are for us today…….. We were chosen by God before the foundation of the world….. He was and we were with Him then…….. He is and we are with Him now……… He is to come and we are with Him then….. As we abide in Christ today it is because we were in His purpose before time so we will be in His purpose today and the age to come.   If He has spoken to us to be holy- set apart- different- other than others…… Let us obey- by faith. Let us step up to the plate and know His strength and grace has empowered us to be as He has called us to be for Him this day.

For as it has been told to us: But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self- control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!, ( 2 Timothy 3:1-5).

The Son of God- the Song of God- the Lamb of God- the King of all- walked before man in the flesh…… The religious were envious of Him and were threatened by Him.  The regular folks loved Him.  The crowds loved to hear Him. Their burdens were lifted yet, they did not know why.  Their hearts were healed and  they pondered this Man. The empty came and went away full. The full came and went away- angry? Envious? Evil arising in them? Plotting His death. Accusing Him? Judging Him?  Trying to find fault in His doings and sayings?   Was this not foretold?    Was this not the way of His apostles and followers?  Has this not been this way since the beginning?

God not wanted in His creation?  God rejected?  Was not His own Son rejected? – They cried out crucify Him….. Crucify Him?   Even on the Son of God’s birth there was no room found in the inns……..The second Psalm speaks of the enmity against the King but instructs all to bow to Him.

Yes, all who desire to live godly  in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, ( 2Timothy 3:12).  

Did you get the secret to live in godliness? Live in Christ Jesus- He is our holiness. He is our righteousness. He is our God. We are His followers so the end shall be  as the beginning :    Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be , but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope purifies himself, just as He is pure, ( 1 John 3: 2-3).

This is the good news of Jesus Christ. This is the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ…….I remember reading of the great godly men of the past when they walked by people as did Peter….Some were healed, some were convicted….. What about our day?..   Are we a sharp saber in the quiver of our Lord?

Humanism is no different than religion-ism….. Any ism is not of God—–both are dead and with out our Jesus Christ.    Humanism tries to fix what in the eyes of our God has been crucified—– it is dead works. Religion tries to live to the law on the outer works of men….. God is not there.  Did you ever try to fix a corpse?  If we break one law, we are cursed….. Again, we have died with Christ and die daily so we rise with Him now and rise daily and completely at the end of the age.

This is the day the Spirit of God is on this earth….. This Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ is with us, within us….. We may or may not see Him, but this does not deny HE IS HERE NOW.  His eyes behold us and praise be to Him, when our eyes are steadfast upon Him, we are beholding Him as written in 2 Corinthians 3:18, But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.      

The glory of God has come down to bring us up into His realm, His throne…… We should not be saying about bringing things down any longer….. We are on our way up because that is where He is…….. Our viewpoint should be from above as He is.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, ( Ephesians 1:3-4).

I can assure all bashful followers of Christ—- if we obey the scripture in Romans 12:1-2, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

In obeying the above scripture- laying our lives on the altar of our God, His fire will come and ignite our lives with the flame of His Spirit setting us ablaze. Will you join me?  Let us ascend to the hill of the Lord……. We die daily but we also arise in Him daily from glory to glory……. Are you game for this or what?  He has given us all we need to be His victory generation at this time.

Remember this season is the celebration of our Lord’s birth, but He is not in the manger any more. When we celebrate people’s birth- we do not treat them as they were an infant, we honor them as who they are now…Right?   Let us honor the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords. The One who sits at the right hand Almighty and has brought us with Him so we may be with Him where He is by the Spirit of God. As we change our viewpoint, so does our life’s perspective…… I wonder what His view is of our celebrating His birth in the western world culture today?

Christmas Day to me is celebrating His love which never fails everyday…… Reaching to grasp all that He has died to give me and pass it on. In His throne, where we abide in Him is where the strength is bestowed upon us to meet the enemy’s fury. How the enemy hates the ones who will cast all aside for the nearness of His whisper.  The ones who do not mind being lost as long as lost is in Him so we are found, we are there within the love that never dies or wanes or grows cold but is as strong wind that no one can withstand.

Who knew in the weakness of this Babe in a manger would be the Strength of all humanity, Whose reign only increases and will never end. There in the manger and on the cross, we found the Lion and the Lamb……. Portrayed to men as weakness and hidden to men the Mighty Strength of God found in the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

God’s ways are hidden to the wise and shrewd of the world, but to the humble and contrite the wonder of God…… WOW never cease!   Look for His Wonder this day and all your days….. He is hidden but not always….. Since there is nothing new under the sun, the origination of hide and seek started with Adam….. Man hiding from God.  Some still play that game, though He sees all things as nothing is hidden from His sight.   However, I also think the woman side of God shows up in His hiding so He may be sought after…….. Wait before the Lord……. Seek Me – I AM may be found.

As Christmas Day comes yet, should stay with us forever- the celebration of Christ…. Be quiet before Him in the stillness of the night. Hear Him speak His words of love to you this day. May these coming days be filled with the awe and wonder of His presence with us.  Above all the commotion and chaos, He reigns over the sea of glass….. Let us be His transparent bride- looking for His handprint everywhere in our days as we lay our handprint everywhere of His love. Honor one another with the love of God for it may be His bride.



Many come to see I AM in a building – doing their duty…… I AM may not be there. I AM wants to inhabit your building every day, every minute. I AM wants you to know you are never alone. You are never forgotten. You are My chosen. I AM came so I AM may win you to Me forever. In the quietness of the morn as you walk through the new fallen snow…. I AM there beside you.  Ask I AM in.   In the train, I AM watching you fretting over the days business.  I AM has your answers and solutions. I AM there beside you. Hear me.  I AM is walking back and forth in your home with you as you are seeking My Wisdom. Thank you for seeking I AM.   I AM is your breath and life. I AM is your Light in this world. Come to Me.  There is never enough says the world’s song. Come to Me.  I AM enough. I AM your only fullness.  All else will leave you emptier than yesterday.

Seek Me while I AM can be found. I AM where you need Me.  Ask Me in.  Come and celebrate with I AM. I AM has plenty of Food and Drink. You will never hunger and thirst again. My Food is plenty and never runs dry or out of supply.  Look up and see all that I AM has laid out before you to believe. Come and see all I AM.  Do not hold back. Run into My arms with fervor for you will be met with the same fervor of  I AM.  Some are content to drink from a hand cupped with My drink. Some run with such thirst  to the fountain that never stops.    Some are content to hear My Words from men….. Some want to hear the quickening of My Words in their ear.

Some delight to walk with the crowd. Some delight to walk the path of heights.  Some delight to watch the sacrifice of love and others delight to offer themselves to be the sacrifice of love.  Some come to I AM and leave with a couple of items in their cart. Others never leave and toss the cart away.

Where shall I AM find you this day?  Do not hide for I AM’s love is always here.  Come to I AM today. Where shall I AM find you?   My ointment of salve for all to see clearly now is for you this day…… Come to I AM now….. We will meet ……. Come to I AM before the Day.

The Babe and the Man on the cross is before you this day……..See I AM. Look into My eyes.  There is nothing found there but My heart cry for your return to I AM.  Come to I AM today. I AM loves you forever.

The God Who Inhabits Eternity

What a God we serve— Think about it…. Our God inhabits eternity-which is endless. Eternity holds no limit and time is useless….No clocks—- YEAH!. Our God inhabits this place which as I AM has no beginning or end… the place He dwells.  The One who calls those things as those they are when they are not yet so the things which are, will not be…… The God who calls the end from the beginning and does not speed up the story so He may get to the end of His purpose quicker.  Our God whose patience exalts His majesty. This God whose Words of His power are acting in the earth as strong as they were as He spoke Light be.   This God has called you and has called me to step into His realm and be with and in and by Him in all things…… As our Lord prayed in John 17:22-23, And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me. 

The God who entered into time to gather those He has called to dwell and inhabit eternity with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Now, He inhabits us as the living temple of God….. We all make up the city of our God, the spiritual temple of the Most High God….. WOW!  If He inhabits us, what does that make us ????? Hmmmm.

The Word of God, the heart of God continues to cry out: And of whom have you been afraid, or feared that you lied and not remembered Me nor taken it to heart? Is it because I have held My peace from of old that you do not fear Me? I will declare your righteousness and your works, for they will not profit you. When you cry out, let your collection of idols deliver you. But the wind will carry them all away, a breath will take them. But he who puts His trust in Me shall posses the land and shall inherit My holy mountain.  And one shall say, Heap it up! Heap it up! Prepare the way, take the stumbling block out of the way of My people.

For thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and lofty place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and revive the heart of the contrite ones.

I create the fruit of the lips: peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near, says the Lord. And I will heal him. But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, says my God, for the wicked, ( Isaiah 57:11-15, 19-20).

Then as we dwell in His Spirit in the heavenlies with our God……As we dwell within our God on high places, we learn to see His view of His people…..Our concern and care should not just be for our neighborhood church or may be this country’s vast dominations of Christianity. But we start to have a vision of the many tribes, nations and tongues as one whole body of Christ….There is no divisions in Him. We are still awaiting on the fullness of our brothers and sisters to be…… We are waiting as our Father is waiting for the fullness of times of the Gentile nations to become the kingdoms of our Christ Jesus……..  The time is short and the fulfillment of the Gentiles coming into the Kingdom of our God is now.  Yes, it may not be completed tomorrow but time is short that our focus as our Heavenly Father’s focus is on the nations coming in to His fold.

Yes, we are after the fullness of Him….. but we cannot be full without the completion of our brothers and sisters in other nations to be His…… They have been called before the foundation  of the earth…… So now we are praying and calling them…… The place where evil has reigned in centuries is going to give a fight in loosening his hold on these souls….. So we must be as Nehemiah’s generation as they were rebuilding the wall……. Some held the tools for the construction of the wall and other held the spears  or armor keeping watch.  We must be praying the Word of God and speaking the Word of God for both as always are essential…… Furthermore, as we are now seeing the view of our Heavenly Father’s…… His people to be gathered from all the nations is His focus. We have the 10/40 open window of opportunity……. Let us grab it with gusto….When we focus on the earthly life, we loose our focus of the heavenly, eternity place of  our purpose.

As we grab  the open the door of His knocking; we  welcome this pertinent  opportunity from the Spirit of God, we will see the revival of the hearts in this nation. Something happens to the heart of mankind when we  give as our Lord, all we can, for others….. We grow and prosper in Him in greater measures than we ever thought or imagined. Somehow the manger and the cross play out in our lives as we  dwell and look forward to the fulfillment of our eternal habitation.

I pray our hearts are stirred in to the heart of our Lord as He is calling all to COME HOME…… He is showing off all He can in other nations for the drawing of all that He has called.  Our prayers may keep the evil back as His own are turning to Him in a great measure.  In this season where there seems to be more consumerism and to get all you can and eat all you can and party……. There are many in dire straights that need our help. They are family and we do not leave any behind, right? Are we not the Lord’s army or marine?   Please let the world go by and its allurements and let us turn our hearts radically towards the lowly manger that our Lord came to and spent His first night…… He did not come in a King’s palace, though He is worthy.  He did not come surrounded by all His people receiving all honor and glory……. though He is worthy. He was made known to lowly shepherds in a field.  He came so we could relate to His person…… A Man like us but without sin…….  This Christmas- as we celebrate HIM—— , let us give Him our prayers and offerings to assist His people in lands where they are suffering and need us…..Let us pray for the courage and boldness of those who are turning to the Lord at the threat of death- or banishment from family or home or even country is great.  The Spirit of God is hovering over the chaos again…..speaking Light be found in His Son. Let us make the way smooth for our new brothers and sisters to enter in to the presence of our God. Pray and give and when that is done, Pray and give again……over and over….. Our Heavenly Father’s focus is there…… so shall ours be.

Is it not written, when one hurts, we all hurt and when one celebrates we all celebrate? Are we not all made into the body of Christ, where He alone has preeminence….. The time is short and there will be a lot of hiccups coming. We need to make sure we keep our focus on the needful thing at this moment in time….. Our brother and sisters in the nations….. as we do, this nation will heal as the body of Christ will not look with distrust upon others but with mercy and kindness pouring out our prayers and provision.   Is this not how the first days and years of the follower’s of the Way lived?   Is this not the Ancient Paths that the Holy and Lofty One has called us and others before us to travel on the narrow road?

Isaiah 58:6-14: Is this not the fast that I have chosen; to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo heavy burdens to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? Is it not share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out? When you see the naked you cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, Here I AM.

If you take away the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, if you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday.

The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell in.

If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable, and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, not finding your own pleasure, not speaking your own words, then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Let us build our lives on the Ancient paths of our God and Father, following the obedience even by suffering in the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.  The above scripture is a great and binding promise of our God to us, as we abide in Christ, it is to us- yes and amen!

The Sabbath of God is now- every day is the Lord’s Day….. and yes, it is also celebrated on Sunday, we honor Him….. But this is the Lord’s Day- He gets His first place in our lives- everyday! Sunday through Saturday…..We live unto Him daily……We do well to follow His instructions this day……. Collection were taken up in Paul’s day for the hurting saints in other countries……In this country, we help each other….. These called ones in other countries need us.

Do we really want to see all our Heavenly Father sees as He beholds His creation?  We in our prayers can open the prison doors. We by our prayers can bring rain where there is drought.  We in our prayers can hide the hunted, bring water in the desert. By our faith, the bread will be multiplied.   It does not take a lot to complete the above scriptures to please our Heavenly Father, but it does take all of us in unity of the Spirit not looking out for our own but for the least and last……..

Will we remember what was under the tree this year come January 25th?  But I will not question a God who beholds every minute we live, if He will not remember our love towards our brothers and sisters whom we do not know but love and care for in spiritual prayers and natural giving of not just the overflow but out of our need.

Then we may see the city shining on a hill again in this country with the peace of God reigning above all.

If we act out on His Word and turn towards His presence shutting out the world, what then may He do?

Let us just do it and get the job done that He has called us to fulfill in this time as it is……He has called us for such a time as this…..

Do we really think the fullness of Christ Jesus will manifest within the body of Christ without any cost to our outer court, the flesh that has been crucified with Christ?  We die to the world and its way so we may gain Christ.

So therefore as written in Romans 12:1-2, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Remember, we are in Christ Jesus who is at the right hand of the Almighty who inhabits eternity……and we have been given the mind of Christ———- Let us remember the manger- Definition of humility and love which spelled this King of Mercy. The King of whom footsteps we walk in……. as a child walking in their fathers steps, never filling the big footprint but we  are on the path and following the steps because we love Him.

He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking in truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him, who is the head- Christ- from whom the whole body, joined and nit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love,             ( Ephesians 4:10-16).


Selah! Thank you for your prayers…… This must be the heart of God for all the opposition. As Paul spoke a great door  and there are many adversaries. Evil does not want us to step into the fullness of the plan of God.  Evil’s time is shorter and shorter…… If there was no opposition, there would be no threat to him- the truth sets people free….. Glory that we are called to be His and we can glory that when all is revealed we will know how many times our Lord saw Satan fall as lightning from our prayers…….



The world did not welcome the Light. Do not be dismayed. Why do the nations rage at the One who is worthy? Speak loud, children, what I give in the dark. Stand on your roofs and shout the good Word of My Love.  Do not fear what man can do, ahhh…. but fear I AM who holds your days into My hands…Man is as flesh and will pass away….. Be known by the One who inhabits forever and your forever.  When you live on the rock which is higher than all, be still and know I AM your God.  All which is done in the dark is revealed in the Light, My Light. No work of evil is done with out it’s recompense as well as your pouring forth love in My name is also in good recompense.   If there is no disturbance of the dark by the Truth, there would be no Light shown there.  Rejoice and dance My delight is in you, My beloved.  Take courage , My little flowers burning with the fragrance of Your King, you are Mine. I AM turns all that is meant for your harm in to good because of your love for I AM.

My eyes see you and My love is covering you……. The gates of hell will not prevail,  The lions became the guard of My servant, Daniel.  The lions also became the demise of his false accusers.  I create the blacksmith who blows the coals in the fire, who brings forth the instrument for his work; and I have created the spoiler to destroy. No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises against My beloved, in judgment you, My child, shall condemn. This is the heritage that I AM has bestowed on My servants, My bride, and their righteousness is of I AM….. Who will come against those that I AM has justified?   The accuser of the brethren has been cast down and for all eternity he shall inhabit the lake of fire…… Who is foolish enough to want to join him?  Ahhh, but so many are deceived into their ways leading to escape the Consumming Fire this day, their end will be the fire that never ceases.   Wisdom is the principle thing which leads to the fear of the Lord…… The One who beholds all He has made.

I AM has even made the fool and paid out his wages…… But blessed is the one who is hated by men and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the I AM’s sake. Rejoice and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, for in like manner their fathers did to the prophets.  I hear your prayers for the ones that strike against you…..Come and sit with I AM. There is not a tear that I AM has not captured nor a breath not caught that you took in so not to loose heart in I AM’s care.  The eyes of My heart shed your tears also My bride. The breath of courage that you ask I AM to give has all been written in My book of wars.  Beloved of My blood. As I AM is closer than your breath, oh yes, I AM is with you for what they do to you  has been done to your King…… The walk is narrow but you are not alone……The climb may be steep- but I AM is your rear guard and take the boulders out of your way…… Oh, but some I AM leaves so you may overcome all evil with My love.  I AM is aware for all who say they are My servants yet have not joined I AM on the cross of their desires.   Yet, remember the first of days, trust no man, trust I AM.  Know all by their fruit, My child, for some come as sheep in cover but under is the heart of wolves who tear and steal from My bride.   I will restore your broken hearts, as I AM has all along.   As I AM has spoken in the days ahead, for I AM is gleaning and providing for My own, whom the harvesters have coveted all.

Above all, My love, rejoice for you are Mine. No hand shall snatch you from My presence. All your whys may not have a fulfilled mate revealed unto you……. Alas, your prayers do. Rest .  There is no peace for the wicked, no, that is their choosing for now….. May they come to their end so they may turn to My Beginning in them.

Thank you, child, for beholding the cross and your place at My feet.  Thank you for choosing to climb the way of the cross and allow the consuming Fire of My love work away so I AM’s beauty in you arise.  Rest, you have done well.

All who mock and scorn the Son of Man, come to I AM, this day.  I AM has turned your thievery, your rebellion, your iniquities into a clean heart. Come and repent and turn to I AM. You then receive My forgiveness in your surrender of your need of I AM….. Come to the everlasting arms of Your Creator.  Why do yo turn from My call? Turn back and do not forsake your mercy.

My mercy is everlasting as eternity…… Come and receive.  I AM loves you.


May we all know the Lord while it is the Day of Grace, for do we really want to experience any of the ‘ Woe to you” spoken by our God, our King, the Living Word of God.    I wonder if the Lord ever suffers from the suffocation of unbelief….. His Spirit of breath is stifled by man’s trying to hold Him back…… Why do men not want to enter into the beyond of our God? Just  some thoughts and questions to ponder. The realm of God where the Holy Spirit takes us is beyond our human faculties. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Selah!


If you have enjoyed and have a closer relationship with our Great King from these blogs. Please pray for this website and myself to have peace to present you with the Lord’s mind and heart.  Where I work is being assailed as well as my computer by opposition in my neighborhood.


Please pray for peace and rest of God to prevail where I live.  Thank you…. May God send His Word swiftly,

Do Not Remember The Former Things…..

Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do  a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise., ( Isaiah 43:18-21).

I am going to climb the hill of the Lord so I may behold Him. Will you join me? Leave all behind, we won’t need it. All we need will be supplied, just come. If we climb a tree to behold Him, I heard He might want to sup with us this day…. Let us go for it? Let us go as close as we can, we have to see…Him.  We have to behold this King.  May He then see us?  What if He sees us?

Oh, oh, He has turned our way. He sees us!    Talk about taking your breath away and my stomach too! His eyes of fire are welcoming us? His gaze burns a hole right through me, but His flames were of love.  These eyes have known me? He knew we were coming up?….. Who is this King?   The fire in His eyes is warm and loving. Not what I had expected. They were not hard and mean …. They are full of love as He motions  to  us to enter in to His presence……We look at each other and swallow hard……We take the hardest first step towards this King , this God Man. The steps bringing us closer to a King whose presence seemed to increase every second.   I peek up to see if it is still okay to approach……. I think to myself…… What am I doing? Who do you think you are to go to this King?     He heard me and said……. You are Mine…..! I have been waiting for this day that you would approach I AM.  Come and sup with I AM.  I use my elbow to tap my friend’s side…..He asked us !!!!!  This climb was worth it all, wasn’t it?

What if the Holy Spirit gives us eyes to see how deep is His love for mankind. What if we realize what we measure by our little tiny amount of love is really like a 1/4 teaspoon and His love is as wide and deep , never stopping as the ocean….. Yes, His love is overwhelming and when we get a revelation of a dab of it, well, His love overtakes any of our physical being and we are undone.  His love is so grand that we cannot comprehend what He has planned for us this day…… as well as every day we live and breath and have our being as well in the next age……. We try to comprehend but to us it is trying to see all the stars in the sky at once…… This understanding is beyond us……. but …………… as we walk with the Lord, we learn His ways and His being is Something Other than us…..We take the morsels of His Bread daily, and we become  a vessel prepared and preserved by His Word …We start to realize that He has opened up His vast knowledge of Himself to us…… Yes, us…… We start to live a life in His Something Other…..

We start to realize when we put God into our understanding He blows the walls down……I would only want a God  to worship that is beyond all that I can comprehend or imagine otherwise it is just man again…..We must step up in His Something Other by His Spirit making His Wisdom, understanding and knowledge become a reality or known unto us…… Let us see living in Christ is like stepping into a Door in a huge castle…… We walk in and since we haven’t been there before, we must take a minute to allow our vision to grasp the new surrounding as we behold what is beyond us……. Then our hearts remind us to be still for this is God……. Our God. He takes our breath away…… by Him. Is this not the God we want to serve?  A God whose love makes our heart beat faster and our stomach quiver as He reveals Himself to us?

Eventually, living in His Something Other, a supernatural life, will be as natural as  knowing He gives us breath to breath every second…. We shall live knowing His Spirit as we know the sun shall arise as dawn awakens the sleeping earth….. shouting- Arise, Arise- see the One who rules the sun and moon and stars and sets all the wheels in motion until His plan is complete within the heart of each man.

He has given us the opportunity to walk in His Light. Even the dark will become light to us as it is with our God. We have now the kingdom of God within us, His Spirit.   We worship Him in Spirit and  Truth……….. As we apprehend all that He beholds so then we may behold the same. Then we are given the gift to hold His heart in our hands as He holds our heart in His.

Have you heard the waves of the ocean?…… They come in unstoppable, like His mercy….. The noise of the many waters are loud…… Yet, this is the voice of our God, the Lord, the Son of Man…… Our Savior…… Can you imagine how the glory of the knowledge of the Lord is as the waters covering the sea?

What if we saw our prayers coming from the incense bowl in heaven as beautiful water vapors that reflect His presence as the white smoke moves out of our vision.  His Light making them reflect as beautiful as a snowflake or an ice crystal before  lamppost in a snow storm. All our prayers arise before Him in that magnitude of beauty —–beyond our comprehension, right?  Yeah, it is the way it is suppose to be with a God like our God….. There is none like Him…..There is no one like our God.

If we saw how important our prayers are before Him, I truly believe we would make praying and being with Him as important as breathing in and out.  We might then walk with our God’s will on the tasks to accomplish endued with all power never known to this generation…..  Our God’s mercy and love turns our prayers into His dynamics to fulfill His purpose in the earth……. He awaits for our prayers to enter the incense bowl in His throne.   He truly makes all things new.

As His people, the voice of many waters, speaking the Word of God over and over again before Him. We are pleasing Him by our faith in His love and goodness and justice. We glorify Him as we honor His Word, the Son of God.  He then changes the ways of the tides.

We then notice the voices of heaven, great in magnitude, AND all in unity,  singing the Song of the Lamb.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise and honor to the Lamb of God…….Is this the song of angels????? Certainly sounds it !  But wait……  No,……  it is the Song of the Redeemed of the Lord…….This is our heart—– our song….. The Song of the Lamb of God.

This Thanksgiving,……. let us turn off the world and join our brethren singing the Song of Heaven…….. The Song of the Lamb of God.  What if we do……What might He then do?

May all blessing and honor and thanksgiving be unto our God, Our Savior and King, the Lamb of God who is worthy of all our Thanksgiving and Praise.

Our God is truly Love. Behold, the Lamb of God.   Behold, the Lamb of God beholding His people, awaiting for our approach for He has called us – YOU ARE MINE!

Remember, what has been done in former times, maybe this day the Ancient of Days, is making a new thing come ……… Make our path straight and level for the entry of the King of glory!   Tear down the ancient gates of tradition and formalism. Knock down the walls and strongholds of familiar and unbelief that denies the power of the Almighty God in our midst……… Remember, the people in days gone by missed the message of the prophets.  They missed the Messiah in their midst……. Let us not miss the King of glory walking among His people this day….. Yes, He may be hidden …………He is hidden where He bids to dwell at this day….. His people….. He is not way up there, nor is He way down there….. Remember, people, He is closer to us than our breath……..Behold, the King of glory!   Enter in!


May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving—–May it be  a day full of heaven and celebrating His goodness on this earth with strangers and friends- making them family……Listen for the sounds of heaven surrounding His throne, where we are also!
