I AM The Light Of The World. He Who Follows Me…….I Know One Thing, I Was Blind, Now I See….

I AM the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life, ( John 8:12).

As long as I AM in the world, I AM the Light of the world, ( John 9: 5).

One thing I know, I was blind, now I see, ( John 9:25).

And Jesus said for judgment I have come into this world that those who do not see may see and those who see may be made blind, ( John 9:39).

And this is the will of Him who sent Me that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day, ( John 6:40).

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it, ( John 1:4-5).

But their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him…….Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight, ( Luke 24:16, 31).

Then Jesus said to them, A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness do not know where he is going.    While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light. These things Jesus spoke, and departed and was hidden from them….         ( John 12:35-36).                  ( We could sit on this scripture for quite awhile – so much in these two scriptures……. The Word of God is not to be known just as written word- head knowledge but the Word is made known and manifests the revelation of Jesus Christ- every time we ask to see with the eyes of the Spirit!!).

How our lives are in the hands of the God, Creator of all …… Do not be concerned, we are His- if you have turned to Him. Even if you are reading this and are watching from the sidelines,—– He knows when our days will be fulfilled. He knows all our tears and all our laughter….. He knows the day that He allowed His Spirit to quicken our hearts and drew our eyes to His Son. So then we  turned and believe in a torn heart full of repentance……   He knows the hearts of all He has spoken to and all that turn away from Him……. Oh, how the heaven rules in the sons of men….. How foolish to think we are self made men and women!

Heavenly Father, by Your Spirit of grace- open our eyes so we may see!!!!!!  May we SEE Your beauty beyond the creation into seeing the vast heart of You, Our Creator….. How we long to know You more…..  Even in darkness, our God, You see light…… There is nothing hidden  before you for there is no darkness to you.  Your Light transcends all darkness, even ours…… How great are You, O God of Light.

May we keep our eyes on Your face… In the fullness of Your light being made manifest through all darkness….. for it is written in Your Light we see light. We must not lose our perspective and just focus on the road. Yet, yes, the road is a  rigorous  neverending steep climb but look!!!! Look, our goal, our inheritance; the upward call of God in Christ Jesus as written in Philippines chapter three……Him….. and us with Him forever…… The splendor of this Great King  always- we are always before Him…… Look and behold- the greatness of our God manifested in our King Christ Jesus.  Glory to God in the highest.

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me, ( Galatians 2:20).

Open our eyes- Oh, Son of God-  May we walk in all You have died and rose to give us…… What we leave behind  is not what matters  but all that we can capture which is in front of us….. The road may be hidden but- I can stand sure- the road to Emmaus is there….. Every step we take, the landscape of the fullness of Christ is made manifest….It is right there as sure as I know He has given me my next breath.  Can you breath in the fresh invigorating air of His breath of Holy Spirit drawing us closer…… As He was with the men walking the road to Emmaus……… He is walking within us leading us into the fullness of His light. In His light we have Light…..

Yes, we celebrate the Birthday of the Son of Man with us…… Yet, do we celebrate everyday,—–for He is with us? Beloved, He is closer than our breath!!!!!   The Light of the world is still here- with in us…. Christ in us- our hope of glory as written in Colossians……

As written in Luke 1: 79, To give us light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel, ( Luke 2:32).

So as we celebrate the Day of Branch of the Lord among us….. Let us honor Him by allowing the Light of the Living Word on this earth be within and without us….. Made manifest as His fragrance bellows through the air carrying the Word of God we speak so many may turn. His Word is written in our hearts, minds……. Christ in us- our hope- our glory…… Abide in Him and He abides in us as written in John 15. How can we be sitting in darkness when the Spirit of the Lord is within us- our glory.  If He is there- so is His light- No darkness where He is!!!!!

Beloved, may we get this….. It is not about us but about Jesus Christ. It is all about Him….. He is greater and more powerful than us and His work for us is finished….. We can sit and say we are dark or we can focus on what is above as Colossians chapter 3 instructs……As written Colossians 3:1-3, If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on things on the earth. For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

What gift may I give the King of glory,  I ask?  In His eyes of fire is the reflection of His bride, all glorious within. Her clothing is woven with gold. She shall be brought to the King in robes of many colors…… ( Psalm 45:13-14).

We are the light of the world now, beloved. Christ dwells in us.  The Lord has enlightened our darkness for those who have eyes to see.  We were in darkness though we could see, but blind.   Now we live alive unto Him, with eyes to see what our hearts skip a beat to know.

What gift may we give to please our King this day?   Does His light turn our darkness into light? Yes….. May we see with eyes of the King—–The beauty of His bride…. Beloved, we are full of beautiful colors and hues because Christ is within us…… May we see the Light which we have dwelling within bringing heaven to this earth.  Dispelling the darkness. See the beauty of the Lord in one another.

Light can only diminish the darkness…… Seated in heavenly places……We are seated now in the heavenlies in our King, living by and in His enthroned majesty.

To Me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ, and make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him,                                             ( Ephesians 3:8-12).

Our God is intent that all may SEE the fellowship of the mystery that we enjoy now with our Lord Jesus Christ.

For this reason, I bow my knees to the Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant  you,  according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us……. to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen!!!!!, ( Ephesians 3:14-21).

The banquet table which He has prepared for us is greater than you and I can even imagine. It is never ending, for He is never ending. His calling is greater and higher than we can even fathom. Beloved, however, the impossible is now possible….. Can we eat all of His flesh and drink all of His blood?…… Oh I can hear the gasps of religious folks….

Jesus said – we cannot partake of Him unless we eat His flesh- and drink His blood….. John chapter six, ( Check it out!)……  – Remember as written the flesh prospers nothing. So chill, religious folks….. So He has laid before us – All OF HIM…. So we can be all He has called us to be for Him… There are no limits….. Just what we put as unbelief before Him.

The first time I used an exercise equipment called an epilator…… I kept going on and on. …. I kept going beyond what was normal for beginners because- no one was there warning me or stopping me…… I stopped when Holy Spirit tapped me…..saying, tomorrow may be coming your way to climb some more, child.

Our Instructor will coach us. Holy Spirit never stops us in believing we can do the impossible….. Men do.  Holy Spirit smiles and talks our way through to His end result…… Christ growing in greater measure in us…..  God put limits on the sea to stop at its boundaries, but beloved, we have the whole ocean of Christ Jesus to swim and fly victorious as we conquer new heights on our journey in Him.  Can we see the end of the oceans even if we are in a plane?  Okay, maybe the astronauts can……. but they have broken the light and sound barrior.   Well, as we abide in the Lord Jesus, we also break the death barrier- There is no limits in Him……Just what we put before Him as unbelief or self interest. We limit the Holy One- Our Lord is and has never stopped reigning- our unbelief and religious traditions have negated His power in our lives and others….. Make men clean and renew in Him is His will…… He never stops His purpose….. Man does.

We are His light on this earth today….. His people called out of every nation, tribe and tongue.  His city moving among the earth. Bringing heaven to earth….. His kingdom reigns forever and ever.

For you were once in darkness but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light ( for the fruit of the Spirit is all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.

But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.

Therefore He says: Awake, you who sleep,  arise from the dead and Christ will give you light.  See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is, and do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but filled with the Spirit, speaking  to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, ( Ephesians 8-19).

Our God has been bringing light to  darkness since the beginning……Now we as His children, bring His light as we walk in agreement with Him as He indwells in us this day.

May we live according to the full gospel of God…… Does not His light dispel darkness?  Does that also include within us?…… Born again with hearts made new from above as written in John 1 and 3…… The Lord Himself dwells where human hands have not made…. Us. He has chosen to dwell within us to give us light- understanding of righteousness and His ways. Wisdom- to follow justice and the ways of the Spirit of God……. Knowledge of the fear of the Lord so we may walk with righteousness in the power of the Holy Spirit fulfilling the acceptable will of the Lord- being a living sacrifice unto Him.

His Light of His presence enables us to live from the heavenly realm seeing  the hidden but made known unto His own…..Thank God, we were blind, but beloved, no longer-as our hearts our full of thanksgiving. We see with the eyes of His Spirit…… We know with the knowledge of the Spirit, hidden from the world, but made known unto us.  We act in wisdom which is beyond our intellect and years of experience on this earth. Why ?  We are living the mystery hidden from all ages until this age- Christ in us, our hope of glory…… Yes, we see His call into the importance of His purpose toward each of His children.  We do not hesitate to pour forth His love abroad since His love has been shed abroad in our hearts with out limit.

Yes, we are full with the healing power of God because He has chosen us to abide in.  May we take the Words we read and speak and know  the Word of God is alive and active within us……. to heal the nations……. We are the tree as our leaves are used for the healing of the nations as written in Ezekiel and Revelation….. He said Light be into our hearts, and His light be is NOW.   Let us not judge by the flesh as the Lord corrected the leaders of His day, but let us judge by the Spirit of the Living God, the Word has declared.  Are we helping the growth in measure of the Spirit in each other or are we negating the very Word of God……

As we are born from above, we have become the sons and daughters of God because we have the Incorruptible Seed within us- the Holy Spirit of the Lord…… Christ within our hope of glory…… Let us make sure we are saying as Peter was instructed in Acts- What God has declared clean is clean and allow the Spirit of God to reign in hearts of the children…. This is our Food- Christ within, our hope of glory.   Let us let Him grow in greater measure and take the limits off our God…… If we have died in Christ and rose with Him, then what can hold us back??????? We live unto Him and Him alone…… Yes? Amen and Amen!!!!  God is definitely for us…..!!!!!!!

Do we need to check our selves as Paul spoke of in 2 Corinthians 13:5, Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? – unless indeed you are disqualified.

We must move with the Lord.  His Spirit moves as He carries us into the fullness of His purpose……. Children love to see things on the outside of them….. As we grow older, we start develop the inside stuff to maturity….. Healing is for today.  So  growing into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ is more so…… The bodies will be changed in His day but in the interim, as we grow in resurrected power of the Lord within our mortal bodies are being quickened…… as should also the image of the Son of God be bearing from our presence !!!!   As we grow in His presence, His presence should be growing in us and coming from us to others.

Beloved, that we may know the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places…….( Ephesians 3:18-20).

Why should we be living this?  Do you want to see the return of the Lord?  Who will be made manifest to the nations and by whom?

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,( Ephesians 4:11-13).

Which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is names, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body the fullness of Him, who fills all in all, ( Ephesians 3:20-23).

There is a purpose for everything under the sun and all the seasons and timing of the Lord is for the Lord….. We must move on with the inner knowledge of His leading. We must agree with His Spirit and move with Him.  His light is increasing in a rapid pace as His Spirit.  As so are we…… Do we see the change- not outwardly?—- Our spirit man is the one being strengthened as written….. All possibility is from the inside out and then will be made manifest in the timing of the Lord.  Wait on the Lord and our strength is renewed as we mount on as on eagles wings- by His Spirit. The power of God, our hope of glory and our peace and righteousness dwelling within leading and directing our ways into His full purpose for us as His body, the city of God……This is what is called an abundant life!!!!!! Amen and Amen!!!

And He carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal, ( Revelation 21:10-11).

The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. And the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it,                          to ame ( Revelation 21:23-24).

Beloved, as we celebrate the King’s birth- let us honor Him in greater way and live what the Spirit has written……Merry Christmas— Celebrate our Mighty King today and everyday….. Abiding in Him and Him in us is celebration everyday….. Dry your eyes- He has turned our mourning into dancing….. Let us be found dancing as boldly as David did bringing in the ark of God to the city…… How much greater God is with us this day…… CHRIST IN US !!!!  Our King brought His tabernacle to dwell within us…. The Ark of the Covenant of God- the Written Word embossed in our hearts and His Spirit confirming our adoption into the Kingdom that will never end….. YES!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!



My Sons, My Daughters!

You judge wrongly for your sight is not the way I AM beholds. I AM sees you from where I AM.  My beauty pours forth in you as a lovely vine produces such beautiful fruit. Oh what a delight you are to I AM.  I AM has shown my enemies My choice fruit which I  AM has preserved for the end….. The lily of the fields shine brightly of the Son’s care and tender rain to produce such a trumpet declaring My everlasting reign over all the earth.


Take delight for I AM has called you My own. Ahh, as My own, you have been scourged, but you bless as I AM.  You have been excluded but you pray for your enemies to make a way for them as I AM.  You have been misunderstood as I AM but you walk in the peace and joy of I AM.  You have been forgotten and slandered as I AM but you shine as the sons and daughters of the Most High God.   Let your delight be great for I AM has made your place of rest broad, though through distress, you have grown in I AM.  My Son’s delight in His bride as she shine forth the beauty of her Beloved.  Yes, He sits and rests for she also rests in the faithfulness of her King.  He smiles as He witnesses her strength of faith in His faithfulness….. He will never leave her nor forsake her……. nor she will never step out of the gaze of her King for her name is written on His heart. Yet, know this, His name and cross is embossed on her heart forever and ever. The King is reigning over His city, His bride. His dominion shall never end.

Hear the footsteps of your King for I AM coming quickly.

The little birds have heard their Master call them to His side. They left their warm nest and family to wander following the pieces of bread from the hand of the Master.  The bread they ate satisfied as no other seed could.  They sang their delight to their Master with the loudest voice and cuddled together to get so close to the Greatness presented before them.  The area was cold where the Master was but the bread He provided was fulfilling all they needed as they waited for Him.   He was working through time. The little birds continued singing and finding their delight in this Majesty and waited.  He provided their shelter in a tree where a hole was in the shape of a heart.  He covered them with wool and flax to shelter them from the forces.   They flourished hidden in the heart of the tree and  chirped their way through all their days waiting on the Majesty set before them.  Before long, the number of these little birds grew and multiplied by the greatness of the love of the Master.

They did not understand all the Master did but did know He took great care and provided for them against all. They often heard a sigh then a chuckle from the Great One when the winds blew and the storms came…… but the little birds were always safe and given what they needed to stay in His hand….. They found this Creator to be their shield and dwelling during their days with Him. The Master until this day and forever is still taking care of the little birds and if you are quiet and still- you may hear their song being sung through the fragrance of the air  throughout the ages of the Master. The Master is for ever and ever and so are the little birds.

Have you allowed your song  into My hearing?  Have you heard My beckoning to you to come to Me?   My song is strong but in silence, you will hear I AM’s whisper of His tune…… I AM is strong and mighty. Why do you think you will benefit by turning your gaze from Me?  My love is forever towards you.  Yes, I AM came as a little one but I AM not there now.   Yes, I AM hung and was killed on a cross, but I AM not there now.  Yes, I AM has come to dwell with you? Alas, I AM is not where I AM wants to be with you now…….. I AM has come to you, but alas, you have not come to I AM.

I AM waits outside your door- the door of your heart. I AM is knocking to enter. I AM has prepared a sumptuous meal for you…… It has no cost but to come and turn your gaze to My eyes and see the love that will never ever leave you or forsake you.  Come and see the holes in My hands which will never let you go if you put yourself in My holding.  Come and dine with Me…… My Food is neverending strength and forgiveness. In your eating, you will find your fill of mercy and grace…… They will follow you all your days as I AM walks before your step and follows behind all your paths.

There is not a place where I AM has not been watching  you……I AM is waiting. Why forsake your delight and peace and greatness found in I AM. Do not be deceived by mankind’s words- time does not heal all wounds- My wounds given to you through your time here is your healing. Why do you forsake your souls rest for your pride?   Do you not take the medicine that the physician gives to you by his expertise?   I AM your Creator…… Does I AM not know what is Best for your days and nights and for what the morrow holds?  I AM waits for you?  Hear and come to Me.

The manger is empty now. The cross is empty now. The tomb is empty now.  Do you sense an emptiness?  I AM has come and fulfilled all that is prophesied about the Christ so you may be full and have My life and My life which is more abundant than you know. Come and taste and see I AM GOOD. Come and be filled with My joy and love that never ceases.  Come and I AM waiting, I AM not lost……… I AM knows where you are……Now you know where I AM is….. Right here, closer than your breath…… Waiting for your call to I AM. I AM wants to enter your heart……. So call Home…….. I AM waiting with open arms and a smile for you.   Make My eternity and come. I AM loves you forever.
















As It Is In The Beginning – It Shall Be At The End

And in between, He is always completing  His plan of the END. The Lord God is the Beginning and the End…….  This plan  is not new to Him, but to us.  We know His standard,  the Christ. His purposes are the same, but His ways vary to achieve His plan, for those who have ears to hear.  We cannot go back and expect Him to be where we first met Him……  We are not  there any more, nor is He. He is where we are now or as written we are where He is- now.   So where are we?….Our answer should be in Him. So why do we look around? At the gatherings? Does this mean He is not in the orphanages or the displaced people in countries ? What about the lepers in third world countries?  If they can not gather, does He not manifest Himself to heal and save?  Does His Spirit not commune with the displaced children of God? Of course, He does….. He meets us where we are, but He also says come follow Me. So…… are we waiting for Him to come to us or are we going to Him?  And again, it is not a lateral change of position but a position of a seeking heart to Him. A  still quiet heart to worship God who is not like any other.  In the stillness and quietness of our seeking, He is there.  We will hear Him, the One whom we love. Then He brings us up- Arise My child! This is our call and climb to ascending position in Christ Jesus, our King……. What a KING!!!!!! He may meet where we are but He takes us where He wants us to be…….in Him….. A whole new life !!!!

Another question, are going where we know He is? His Word?  Getting a deeper understanding of Him through the scriptures?  Yes, first was the Word incarnate and then the Spirit came upon Him …….. Does not the same process happen to us?….. So we need more of the Spirit to understand, we then need more Word, so the Spirit of God can then quicken us in greater measure.

The Spirit points to the Word of God spoken to us……. Do we sit and allow Him to speak?  He does not stand in competition to the media of this world…… He stands backs and waits for us……As we rush to the hurried life in the wilderness, when we exhaust our life from Him within, He is there waiting. He does not like playing second to any one or thing that stands between us and Him……

He wants us to put first His command- Love Him with all we got and have and are….. my paraphrase. Second command- love people like you want to be loved and treat others as you want to be treated…… If these are not obeyed, then He stands and waits…….Repentance is His  way of getting our fire rekindled…….or even started…….as we wonder through the wilderness…….. He is our Promised Land as we walk and journey in Him  through the wilderness of the world’s spirit as we fulfill our days. The fulfillment of our days shall equal the fullness of Him within us…….. The good news is  Jesus is our Bread and Life to sustain us through our days through the wilderness….. We have got to change our view here…… We are in Him, our Promised Land, as we walk in the Spirit through the wilderness……. Every step we take, He becomes our increasing  sustaining Power of Resurrected Life to us as well as His purpose of manifesting His sons and daughters through out the world……. to His glory……. As written and is being fulfilled in 1 Corinthians 1:30-31, But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom- from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let Him glory in the Lord.

Maybe it is so easy for us to go to and fro laterally and then  just wait on the Lord. He has promised in the Word: Isaiah 40:31, Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and be faint.

Would it be absolutely fantastic if all who call themselves Christians actually followed the Spirit in their walk?  Not man, but the Spirit of the Living God.  Zechariah starts out that the Lord’s watchers are going to and fro throughout the earth in chapter 1. Then the Holy Spirit is then released to walk the earth to and fro as written in Zechariah 4:10….. For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see the plumb lie in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord, which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.  

As the Book of Zechariah progresses, after the Spirit came to the earth, then it was given to the people of God to walk in the authority from heaven. The Book of Zechariah spoke for the Spirit of God in chapter  10:12, So I will strengthen them in the Lord, and they shall walk up and down in His name, says the Lord.

The Spirit of grace came and met us where we were in the beginning of our revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior to the world, and even to us! Did He only come then  or does He meet us where we are with Him today?  If He does – why do we go to and fro through out the earth searching Him, when He is going to and fro to meet with us? The Dove has found a resting place within the born from heaven children of God….. So now are we not instructed to walk up and down in His name speaking heaven to earth…. Calling those things which are to not and not to be?  Yes.  When the Lord comes, will He find faith on this earth?

By faith, we behold what the great book of Ephesians instructs us of who we are and then of course be- living out the Word of God and Christ within.

We are given everything, but we still want to know the Lord greater, for I do believe He wants to give us more of Him.  He is the End…. He is doing a new thing and new way bringing us into His the plan that is unfolding….. Why do we still go back and try to relive the past?  He is here today manifesting Himself to us a new strength of grace to be poured forth. If we are in college, who wants to go back to seventh grade?

The reviving  grace is here, it always has been…….. But we say it is not like before….. Right, because the Lord is always unfolding more and revealing Himself more than ever before because as written when the dark appears to be getting darker, we shall glory because of what is written in Isaiah 60:1-3, Arise, shine: For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory shall be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

We can not stay in grade school for ever…… in the natural life and of course never can we be stagnate in the Spirit school of the discipleship of the Lord.   We are constantly being pruned and sifted to prove and enlarge us for the genuine faith that is more precious than gold with in us.

So let us quit looking for what was with God and look for what He is showing us this day.  Our Light has come, He is within us, our hope of glory…… Remember, the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters covers the earth as written in Isaiah 11:9.

The Spirit of God hovered over the chaos……. He was not in the chaos. Nor are we, we bring the Light to the world. Lord always paraded His people through other nations who were in chaos with Him… This is His way…… Through the seas, He led His people. Through the rising waves, He led His people……. as a sign and a wonder.

This is a very long day six of creation for us to understand with our finite mind….. We were made into His image and at the end, we will be found in His image….. We can behold man, but that will not transform us to His image. We may behold nature, but the transformation will be nada…… We get up and are the same inside….. As written, the only way of transforming our lives is by obedience to the Word and the Holy Spirit. As written in 2 Corinthians 3:16-18,  Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Paul again, admonishes us in Romans 12:1-2: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God which is our reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

As the God of the universe was at the Beginning – He shall be at the End…… He never changes…… we do… We are constantly being brought into His image so the knowledge of the Lord is covering the earth….Today….. Let us look for HIm and get the strength or grace we need today.   His reviving or updating our vision which will broaden  our thinking to keep up with His plan…… We can be certain, the Spirit is moving on the face of the earth as Light is …… So knowing what we see and knowing the season we are in, let us live according to the scriptures as written and being fulfilled in us this day. We are seated in heavenly places.  We are living by  the authority of the name of Jesus bringing  His kingdom to manifest….. Calling those things that are aren’t. and aren’t are…. We are being brought through the sea as His people……If we study the scriptures, we will see the plan that was, is and will be only in what was seen before is hidden within this day.

Our revival is found in His presence., beloved. We are raised with Him….We are seated with Him and we live for Him, by Him and in Him for His glory. Him in us is our glory, man, how much better can our days abiding in the Promise Land be as we journey through the wilderness. He is with us. He is in us, Christ in us our hope of glory.   As we  live according to the mind of Christ, which is the written word of God and  by His Spirit…… The gifts are alive and well within us by His Spirit…..for ALL HIS CHILDREN…… The Holy Spirit is our Teacher and we are all brothers and sisters…..

May we all live as the treasured and cherished sons and daughters of God and by faith seek His kingdom for His name sake…For Christ and Christ alone. Remember we are His body…… If the Spirit is quenched within us—– let us think – how do we live the flame of God?   Be still and wait, for Son will rise in you as the wings of healing come forth…… We must be silent and wait…..Let the Lord do something new in us…..If a child needs to learn to ride his bicycle, the father usually takes the training wheels off so the child may master the ride…….  Are we mastering the flight in the Spirit that we may soar with  the eagle because He has renewed our strength, beloved.  He has and always does….. He does not change. We do. So we must guard our ears and our eyes so we may live courageously by faith by what we do not see, but believe from the Unseen One, manifested to us.

We live by what we hear from the Uncreated One who whispers His heart unto us.   Let’s take away our props and allow the Spirit of God to have His way…… He is the Resurrection power…..Do we really, I mean, really realize the resurrection power of God is coursing through our veins?……Are we really aware we live by the Spirit of God?…… Tradition, even if it is cool, and the Holy Spirit do not mix……   Tradition and set ways and patterns are like nails on a chalkboard to the flight of the Spirit of God…….The sound drowns out His soft gentle voice……. Be still and know and then listen, He is God…… Be alive unto Him and dead to tradition that allows men to sit on their self righteousness……. There is no room for self righteousness and the Christ within……Picture a dead man not trying to smell…… The highest calling is as written in Philippians 3:9, and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.

In our services on Sunday morn, do we ever just stop and wait for Him and listen to what He says?  Or is it a program and tradition to make man comfortable…… Were there any people in the Book of Acts that were comfortable?  Nope…… The Spirit of Fire starts the fire within and keeps us moving into His best. His plan enfolds like the sun rising in the east. The plan enfolds on to the Day of the Son….. The image of the Son……In whose the people of God, where Christ dwells within live and live by rise up in His name.

When the status quo has our attention more than being occupied with His current plans, we must halt…… If we know our Lord, He likes to manifest Himself  in different ways……allowing us to catch the flow of His Spirit this day.  Remember Peter on the roof?  Remember Paul going to the Gentiles?  What about all the revelation Paul received, if he hadn’t kept it to himself for years……. Would there be any of the leaders trying to talk him out of it?   God takes our traditions and turns them inside out….. Do we say, Amen for the new or do we say…… We always do (fill in the blank), this way?   Can we allow the Spirit of God to shake all that can be shaken so the end will be as the beginning….. ALL CHRIST.

What if we were following a road in a car, a familiar road but then it started to ascend…… Nothing on either side of the road, no houses, nothing….. Just the road…….Then it ended…..We stop the car because there is no road there but we are way up high in the air….Uh-oh….. Then we get out…… the only thing that is supporting our car and our body is the air……No props…… Just God….. We then get out the road grater to make the path for the Lord…….for others to follow…..Are we pioneers ? Are we ruthless for His heart?  Do we trust Him to walk on His presence alone?

For each one of us, the road and ways are different. He has selected an individual path for each one of us…. We all follow the Lamb, but He brings us through different measures to His fullness for each one of us . We are not told to follow the crowd, but follow Him.  Jesus told Peter, what is it to you what I tell him to do? I tell you to follow Me, ( the Word of God). We are His body and every member has a different function…… How cool it will be when there is no envy and everyone is allowed to walk in the fullness that God called them to be without criticism and opposition, slander and hindrance. The Spirit is calling us out from the norm, which if we know the Bible, that is His method of operation, we go with gusto….

We  seek Him and His kingdom in great frustration because  we can’t do the same thing again.  The greater measure of strength of His grace will be given unto us.  It is written, Matthew 7:7-8, Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and  you will find; knock; and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.  This new season is not about us or our ministries or our numbers….. It is about Christ and Christ alone manifesting through His body. When the status quo for Christianity  is not gaining for the Lord, those who want more of Him no matter the cost, will pioneer the way to what He is doing this day……He has always been waiting on us, though we wait, He is first at patience!!  Are you coming with the hungry and thirsty to gain Him in greater glory? Yes, there will be a cost.  Come on anyway!!!

He is everyone’s answer, not us…. We just point the way to Him…….  Could the way we have made worship and service be blocking the very way God wants to manifest?   Is there a higher more pure level of worship that God wants to open up within us? Can we allow Him His way? Are we in  the  way in what we have set up as  a tradition?  May be a different way from prior generations but is now a tradition?   Is not worship inclusive to submitting or bowing down to the King of kings? Is not worship allowing the Word and Christ within us to reign and have first place in all things?     Let us be still and let go all for His sake.  I mean all…. Let Him take the new territory in us. He is waiting for us to walk in with Him as our Leader on the road never climbed, for it is time to ascend to another plateau in Him …… We may also have gotten stuck in our rigid ways of how we do things where He wants to say to us—— BE STILL- KNOW I AM GOD!  LET GO and HOLD ON TO ME!

The tradition of men make God’s word of no effect….. Could our tradition be alive and kicking today as years gone by….?????  If the Lord put a beautiful menu before us:….. the best foods ever created and of course, with the Lord, price is not important…. Would we pick what we wanted or allow Him to pick His best for us?  Would we sit and wait for His best to be our new vision?  If the sheet of the higher worship dropped down in front of us as we are meditating on Him? Would we also argue as Peter did with our King?  Let His magnificence be our lead this day as we wait.

Do we dictate by our imagination and desires what we want?   Do we sit and wait for His best, better than good- His magnificence to be made manifest before us?  Do we cut off the Lord’s intentions of good to great because our sights are from the below looking up instead of  from heaven manifesting His glory here.

Beloved, you are the fingerprint of God. Allow Him to write His Greatness upon you and bring His Greatness in and through you!


Let us sit before the King of the Universe and find out what is on His menu for us, beloved.   There are a lot of good there, but let us not settle for good but His best, the high calling of our Lord.

Shhhhhhh. Listen, He is speaking to you right now?  Shhhh. Get your pen and paper, beloved. Hear Him who never slumbers.


My Children,

I AM calls to come out from among them. I AM speaks- for I AM will be your Father and you, my sons and daughter, are mine.  Come out from among them. Be mine. Many are called, but few are chosen.  Blessed are they who step out to Me and never see but the love of their Savior capturing them.  Blessed are they who after crossed the cross on their heart lift their hands to take Mine as we go further on My highway to holiness.  My love never fails or is quiet. My heart is forever beckoning My beloved. My power is forever carrying My beloved.  My love parts the sea. My love makes a way where there was no way. My love is greater than the east is to the west.

Who will try to quench My love for My beloved.   My table is set.  My Food is displayed wide open. My Drink is poured forth. Come and drink and eat for My Food will never cease. My pleasure is in you taking all of Me with all your heart.  You hear the saying come and drink and be merry. I AM says come and eat and drink and live. Then as you walk through the shadows, I AM. Then as you walk on and through the waters, I AM. Then as you walk in parch  deserts, I AM.  Then as the night approaches, I AM is your Fire.  Then as the heat of the noonday comes upon your brow, I AM your shade.

Never again, will you not know I AM. I AM closer than your breath, My beloved. In the darkest of nights, you shall have Light, I AM.  In the quaking of the earth, you shall not stumble or fall, for I AM. As the stars and moon and sun withhold their light, do not fear for I AM, your Secret Place.   My beloved seeks Me for her salvation. Her cup shall always be full. My beloved drinks from a river that shall never run dry. My beloved has rested at the feet of her King.  My beloved knows My voice. She rests in My power. My beloved will not be snatched away from My hand nor My Father’s hand…. for she is Mine. My beloved is sure and steadfast in the love of her Beloved. My beloved is lifted over the hurdles of darkness to her place within My kingdom……. He gaze is steady. Her walk is strong with purpose. Her feet dance over high hills to her resting place.  This is the place where I AM chooses to dwell, her provision will be given her….. My beloved, My city.

Woe to those who call good evil and evil good. Woe to those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Woe to those who forsake My mercy and refuse to turn and come  to My table….. but what weight will weigh upon the heart that prevents others from coming to partake of I AM, their Life. Woe to the world who has put a stumbling block at My Door.   My Door is open always for you, yet you do not comprehend or understand My mercy and wisdom towards you.

Do not forsake My mercy for the partaking of the throne of My heart being established upon you. You hold on to a penny and forsake the true treasures that I AM has laid before you…… The penny will melt one day, but My love for you is steadfast and will always be burning  for you. May your sleep be quickened by My gentle stirring of your healing laid before you.  May your waking in the day, be filled of little knocks on the door of your heart reminding you of what you are forsaking by keeping Me away…… May your hunger for life and a better way stir your heart to take steps to My open hand. My hand which is going to hold on to you forever and ever as I AM embraces you with a love you have never known…… Let go of your penny and come…. Hold on to My hand and we will embrace My mercy for you forever.  Come and know My love, the love that never fails, nor will I AM ever fail you.  Come to Me.





Now The Jews Feast Of Tabernacles Was At Hand, ( John 7:2)…….

On the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out his heart will flow rivers of living water, ( John 7:37-38).

And they found written in the Law, which the Lord had commanded by Moses that the children of Israel should dwell in booths, ( temporary shelters), during the feast of the seventh month, and that they should announce and proclaim in all their cities and  in Jerusalem, saying, Go out to the mountain, and bring olive branches, branches of oil trees, myrtle branches, palm branches, and branches of leafy trees, to make booths, as it is written.

Then the people went out and brought them, and made themselves booths, each one on the roof of his house, or in their courtyards or the courts of the house of God, and in the open square of the Water Gate and in the open square of the Gate of Ephraim.

So the whole assembly of those who had returned from captivity made booths and sat the booths; for since the days of Joshua the son of Nun until that day the children of Israel had not done so. And there was very great gladness. 

Also day by day, from the first day until the last day, he read from the Book of the Law of God. And they kept the Feast seven days; and on the eighth day there was a sacred assembly, according to the prescribed manner, ( Nehemiah 8:14-18).

Now the Jews Feast of Tabernacles was at hand, ( John 7:2).

When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, ( Acts 2:1).

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of the mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you the hope of glory, Him we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily, ( Colossians 1:25-29).

The Gift of God which keeps on giving….. Jesus Christ, in whom is found all the fulfillment of the law and the prophets as well as the feasts of God…… We are to celebrate Him daily. Hey , it is like having Christmas everyday, celebrating the Gift of God, which the riches are unsearchable and yet, very filling…… Yet, beloved, we always want more of Him…… It is like a Door opened a crack. We get to smell the aroma, we get to see the wild and beautiful colors only a little at a time….. Just as much as that crack is opened- yet we want more and more….. Just like looking through a crack of the door on Christmas Eve of all the beautiful colors of the lighted tree and all the beautiful presents underneath….. We want to bop open that door and get the full picture…..

Well, experiencing Holy Spirit widens our vision of our Lord and to understand Him in all wisdom, righteousness and sanctification. We feast on His beauty…. God in man…… Our Hero!!. He has gone before us now, beloved, to make a way for us.  Shall we stay and watch or grab our jacket and head out to follow.

Yes, the last feast is celebrated everyday….. How do we celebrate our Lord daily?  By opening up our Gift by faith…. We ask for the fullness of His sacrifice to be made manifest within us as well as His fullness of His Spirit dwelling within….. The cross makes room for greater measure of His Spirit to be within…… His glory and ours.

Why do we want more? I do not know how to describe having a taste of Perfect Love but He is irresistible!  He is God- and we want all of Him – after all, He is the Desire of the Nations.  Guess what, beloved, He wants all of us too! This is the mission of Holy Spirit…as Paul wrote in Colossians 1: 28- we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

God has given us all we need in His Son and His Spirit to walk before Him blameless. Now it is not on our own accord that we can be blameless. but by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ  and all He has accomplished by the cross as well the work of fire by His Spirit…… This is the desire of God for it is written in Genesis 17:1, When Abram was ninety- nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, I AM Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.

We say what? How can any of us complete God’s will and be blameless ?  Well, we couldn’t but Jesus Christ did. He died and we died. He rose and we rose ……… In Him, not on our own accord but through Christ Jesus, we are found righteous and blameless.   As written in Galatians 2:20, I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Deuteronomy 18:13, You shall be blameless before the Lord, your God.

You think this may be important to God? I think we must take heed to Holy Spirit as He reminds of the Lord saying, be holy for I AM holy……..

James 1:4, But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

James 1:5-8,If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double minded man, unstable in all his ways.

If we would learn to discipline ourselves to see as our God views the Finished work of HIS SON. I believe our doublemindedness would be dead like our old man( carnal nature) by faith, and we would have the peace that passes all understanding. We would see as our God sees with the view of the mind of Christ. We would rest in what was accomplished rendering our lives in the flesh dead and inoperative to sin.  We would know and understand that the WORD OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST fulfilled all that has been written about Him- up until He returns again……

It is about us, but the work is not about us…… Just our faith to rend all things are possible because we believe in what our Lord did going before us and being with us this day until the end of the age…… He is with us and He went to settle the debt we could never repay…… His love has covered all of our sins by His mighty blood….. Let us render all things dead that were before and live unto Him by faith with all our heart and mind  this day.

The days are short, beloved……. The work of the Spirit is accomplishing what we cannot do….. Turning us into the image of the Son of God…. We have awakened into His righteousness and we are found blameless in His sight. How?  All of Him and none of us…. We are becoming and will be the image of the person God has called us to before the foundation of the world was formed…..

Yes, just as the Spirit hovered over the chaos and darkness and God called: Light be….. The same God and the same Word being fulfilled….. Light be is with in us and all chaos and darkness in our soul is disappearing as the Son of God’s territory is gaining His ground within and of course, with out.

By faith, we are healed. By faith, we died with and in Him. By faith, we rose and live by Him and for Him. By faith, we are going faith to faith, strength to strength, glory to glory. By faith, His will is accomplished in us by His mighty workmanship. By faith, we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice unto God. By faith, we are complete in Him who is head of all principality and power. By faith, we are His bride. By faith, His work will be accomplished in us and through us unto the glory of God. By faith,  we are now His because His Spirit abides in us.

We cannot please the Father, the Son or Holy Spirit without faith….. Our faith in the perfect love of God that He has for us calls us blameless and perfect before Him now and at the end of our days or this age…… Beloved, it is not about us completing the work. However, it is about us not dropping our faith and hope into the despair bucket or disappointment fund or the overwhelmed puddle.

This walk and life in the Spirit is to perfect within us the vision of the God we love and serve. We must have faith to walk out in the dark with His eyes in the Spirit. What we see in this world or what is around is temporal, very temporal- if the events of the last fifty days have proven……. What is here today may be gone tomorrow, even ourselves…… The life in God, in His Spirit is reality. This is where we are from and where we belong- eternal……and where we live…… if we have eyes to see by faith and believe.

As the life in Jesus Christ is more real to us than what we see in this world, we win. As the life in Christ Jesus is more real to us than what ever we would hear through our ears, we may stand strong on His Word knowing fulfillment is inevitable…. We rest in His love and His faithfulness.

As written in Hebrews 12:27, Now this, Yet once more, indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of the things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken can remain, ( Hebrews 12:27).

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, ( John 1:14).

When we are found before Him, we also in His image are found full of His grace and truth…… A tabernacle for the King….. Yes, we celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles  from now until eternity ends- which is never!!!!…..We get to live with our God in Him and before Him for all of eternity.

If we love the look of the Christmas tree and the lights and colors….. Wait, we have not seen anything yet.

Yes, beloved, may we resemble the living creature before the throne of God…… The four faces of the Gospel, the mind of Christ, full of words of knowledge and wisdom revealing the Son of God.  The fire of Holy Spirit burning within and starting fires wherever we go as signs, miracles and wonders…… Our orders from heaven for the works that we complete by His fire—winged hands. We walk and work as the servants of the Living God- hooved soles. As written in Ezekiel 1:20,  Wherever the Spirit wanted to go, they went; because there the Spirit went; and the wheels were lifted together with them, for the Spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.  

Yes, the life we live we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself for us…… It is about Him and His work…. We are found blameless as the works are His and for His glory…….We are the vessel He uses…… How can the house be holy or not holy in itself?  Are bricks and concrete holy? Is our flesh in which no good thing dwell be holy?   The house is not holy  but He who dwells in it makes it holy.

The Uncreated One dwells within man and makes us holy…… As written, who can dwell with a consuming fire?  Bless the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can now…… His blood cleansed us and is cleansing us and His Spirit is writing His laws and statues on our hearts and minds…… We are His living creatures now, beloved. Let us rejoice and celebrate.

The vision of the King: For see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh shall glory in His presence.

But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God,- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let him glory in the Lord, ( 1 Corinthians 1:26-31).

It is wisdom and grace from God to exalt Him and not to despise His name. We are grateful for His relentless pursuit of His love towards us…… One year ago, 10/7/16, A hurricane named Matthew came through United States.  Matthew means a gift from God……. Nate came through United States on  10/7/17. Exactly one year later, hurricane Nate came storming in…….. The name Nate, ( Nathaniel), means a gift of God.  Hey, you think there is a message or a sign of warning from our God. the Creator of the Universe?

It is not wisdom but foolishness to turn our backs on the True Gift of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Foolish is the man or woman or child who does not turn to drink from the clear flowing Water of the Lord…

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who thirsts come, Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely, ( Revelation 22:17).

By faith, let us live and walk in and by His Spirit freely…… living by the reality of His gifts that speak and show us all things that pertain to Truth and godliness……. Remember, chaos, Light be, then darkness……. Chaos, Light be….. then complacency……chaos, Light be for true rest – no matter the chaos, it is contained- as the Light remains forever.

It is written in Zechariah 14:6-9, 16-17, It shall come to pass in that day that there will be no light; the lights, ( glorious ones), will diminish. It shall be one day which known to the Lord- neither day nor night. But at evening time it shall happen that it will be light. And in that day it shall be that living waters shall flow from Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea; in both summer and winter it shall occur. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be- The Lord is One and His name is One.

And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which come against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. And it shall be that which ever of the families of the earth that do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, there will be no rain.

Who is this King of glory? He is the Lord, strong and mighty in battle… Open up our gates of our heart and let the King of glory enter in….. Then, beloved, we  enter into His courts with praise and thanksgiving with living waters flowing from our belly because we crown the Lord, our King of all kings and Lord of all lords- our God. He died so we died- as He rose so we may rise in Him and live in Him and by Him so the world may come and worship Him this day.

The beauty of our King is way beyond the beauty we behold on the Christmas morn when we awake to the lit tree…… way beyond our hope and imagination, beloved. Come let us enter in to His chambers and partake and sup with our King- for His feast has been prepared before the foundation of the world so we may come today, yes, this day….. You coming?



Do you not hear My whisper of My call to you? Why do you look unto those things that perish? Come to Me all who heavy with burden and heavy laden….. I AM will give you rest….. but your hands must let go and hold on to Mine. Trust I AM and I AM makes all things new.  Things in this world and this world will pass away, but I AM is, where I AM is- you shall be- Do you believe in Me?……. Where is your dwelling, children?

I AM  warned all of the pestilences, famines, storms and earthquakes. I AM also spoke how to overcome by building your hopes and foundations on the rock…… Have you not heard? I AM has planned great and mighty things that you do not know. Ah, alas, you will not let go of your hold on the present. Do you not know the morrow will unfold in greater glory than you have witnessed? Come and see, what I AM has spoke will be.  Come and behold, the beauty of your King. I AM that I AM and no one shall glory in My presence. Is it not written, My eyelids test the sons of man?

There is famine, you do not return to I AM. There are storms, will you yet, not return to I AM? There is wars and division, will you not yet return to I AM?  I AM is knocking persistently on the door of your hearts to turn. Receive My forgiveness through the holy blood of the Lamb of God cleansing you….. Come step into all that I AM has called you into…… Do not allow fear to stop and hinder your return to peace and health for you and your family…… There is nothing you have done or not done or will not do that has stopped My sacrifice from allowing you to step into My heart again….. Come and join Me, My son and My daughter…… I long for you and desire to sup with you…. Do not forsake your salvation and peace for today and always….. for I AM has called you My own…..I see you cautiously looking through the darkness to the Light that is beckoning you as a fragrance of a flower….. You cannot resist to follow the fragrance as you cannot resist the call of the neverending love I AM has for you.

Turn to I AM, turn from your ways and turn to I AM’s. Things you cannot accomplish will be done in I AM as you walk beside I AM daily….. I AM witnesses your fret and anxiety for all things are on you. Allow I AM to be God for you. Trust Me. I AM is found faithful.

Come drink of the water of life freely.  Do you know, O man, when the offer of the Day of Salvation of mankind will end? Will you tarry on your stubbornness? How has that broad way of mankind profited you? Be wise, bow your weight before I AM….. Come see how I AM says to be cleansed and arise….. Unless you come to I AM, you will never recieve My gracious word toward you…… I beckon you, come to I AM today.

Do you know what tomorrow holds? Is there a day where it is the same as before? Is a there a way to keep time from moving on into the unknown waters? Where is your refuge?  Where is your safety net?  Where is your life preserver?  Where is your God? Can you put in a bottle your future days? Can you know there is a tomorrow?  Can you know your God?  Seize the day, children. I AM knows, but alas, you do not. I AM has given you the grace to turn to Me. I AM has given you grace to trust and hold on to I AM….. I AM brings you through the fires and the waters….. and allows  you to see the King in all His beauty….. The Door is wide open…. Come in and find your rest.

As in My  creation, My delight has been in the sons of men……. I AM beckons you to come and delight in I AM. Come let us celebrate the feast I AM has prepared for you before time began. Come to Me>Know I AM and My love for you. Your seat at My Table is waiting for you!




We Put Our Protective Eye Gear Away- BUT….Let’s Get Eyes To See…

Let us not ignore the  sign or the meaning of the solar eclipse on 8/21/17…. What is the God, Creator of the universe, saying to us today? Let us not forget to keep asking for eyes to see the script play out which has been established before the world was created. We then will have the knowledge and understanding and wisdom to be a light.

Well, those who call on the name of Jesus Christ – we need to dig deep………. As written in Proverbs 25:2, It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a  matter.

But you say, well, I am not a king……..Well, throw that excuse in the trash because it is written: Revelation 1:4-6, John, to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you, and peace from Him who is and who was and is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him whom loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever, Amen.

There is a time for everything under the sun, but the time to make excuses  not to draw near to our God is drawing to a close. It is the day to  receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and King.  We, as believers, are also to increase in Him as we live by His strength to strength……..

Do you know when He is coming? No ? Do I know when ? Do not know, but, His return is closer to day then yesterday…… but one thing I do know…… There are many more in the lake of fire for all eternity that are in utter pain for their regret. I do not think there will be one regret for their choice who stand  in the presence of our God and King for all eternity. We do not know the time of the end of breath on this earth,….. but the One who does is drawing near again to gather our attention. He wants us to know He wants us so we may prepare our hearts to draw near to Him NOW…. While there is time…..While His Spirit of grace is present, let us seize the day…..Let us increase in His grace and knowledge everyday.

The time of His visitation to those who do not call on His name is NOW> Do not be deceived, if we call on His name but live as we do not know Him for His residence is not with in- then….. repent and ask for His Spirit to set our hearts on fire for Him this day…… Then we may know Him and hear Him and be led by Him….. We cannot do anything without Him or obey His commands. …… if we say we  are His, we are obeying His commands and are known by Him.

The Lord of Grace and Mercy that never ends through time is here in our midst……. Is there any thing more pressing than getting before Him and get our heart right now? If we are His, is it not imperative for this season, to turn all off and give Him, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords, preeminence in our lives and show our devotion and honor to Him who is worthy of all?

We ask for the grace to fast and pray for us, our families, our nation. We can choose to bow before Him for the next forty days or we can ignore the knocking on the door of our hearts by this Humble King.  Our choice, but not His.

Let me explain the reason for His season:

At sunset on 8/21/17 was the start of the new month in the Hebrew calendar of Elul…..Since our King is Hebrew, I think it wise to follow His timing of the seasons, since He has orchestrated them for His glory and for man to seek Him diligently while He may be found.  Elul in a nutshell is a month called for repentance and to draw near to the Uncreated One in preparation for the high holy days in the Hebrew calendar of the coming Yom Kippur….. which is the start of the Hebrew new year. Yom Kippur is at the end of our month of September.

This eclipse marked the spot over America…..There is no doubt in my mind and heart that it is the TIME for us to sober up and repent ?  Could this be the time for us to take an account of our hearts in this nation? The sun was hidden for a time—– then at sunset a new moon shouts out to us— Elul!!!!……. Repentance…….Repentance for the hardening of our hearts and allowing the things God hates to be allowed in our city, states- country …..Can we spend the time in prayer to repent. Allow His Spirit to show us how we are in His sight….. then ask for this country ……..  Ask for the empowerment to end killing of the innocent?

We pray and offer all the help we can to the people in Texas that suffered through Harvey….Harvey’s name represents a soldier or warrior……  Now there are many people that say I do not want to worship a God who allowed Harvey to hurt America……Do we not watch people kill and shoot each other daily on the television shows?….. They give ideas to our youth and the desperate?  But we still sit and worship our television shows…….We won’t miss them, nor if we do, we tape them…..Is that not hypocritical?

God orchestrated all the people to find and then establish and to war for the gain of our republic. All these men and women depended on His hand to make a way for this nation…… But we have alienated the One who has our breath and the future planned out for each one of us as well as all the nations of the earth…..

But He is still knocking on the door of the heart of this country….. So whether or not we want to worship Him,…..He will not stop His plan. Nor will our stubbornness and rebellion stop us from meeting Him and His looking for an account of our days.

Thank God, for His relentless pursuit of His children.  He desires not one perish but all come to Him….. to return and to have eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. So we as believers now may intercede for the heart of this country to return to Him.

So….. will we actually be foolish enough to lift our fist to the Creator of this wonderful vast universe and curse Him?  Are we that deceived into thinking that is wise? Do we really believe that this thinking will work out for us?

America has a seedtime and a harvest time. This time has begun and is and will be until the first frost in our country.  It is not time for the seeds to be planted but for the harvest…… When Jesus Christ walked the earth, He spoke  in many parables. Many of them regarded the Master’s vineyard. He spoke in many of sending servants to get His harvest as well as coming back to receive His harvest, His inheritance.  Us…….

In just learning about this, I often in prayer,  see the Lord walking the earth…..In research in my journals, it is about this time every year….. Well, some of the meaning in the month of Elul is the King is walking the field.  The good news is He is drawing near to us where we are.   He is coming to where we live- our home, our jobs………our lives.

This is the same King, who has fire in His eyes and the voice of many waters….. So, do we say so what?…..and well, it is football season……. The kids are back in school- busy, busy and more busy…….  Well, if the kids are back in school and we are busy, then how do we have time to watch so much football? Let us not forget baseball too?

Well, all the sales are on the stores for the holiday season coming up……. We have to shop for the holidays.  The Lord says to His children:

John 15:1-11, I Am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I  Am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them in the fire, and they are burned.

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father, is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.

As written in the first chapter of Revelation and last chapter of Matthew, He is among us always…….His Spirit is Christ in us our hope of glory written in Colossians….. So the good news is He is with us always, and in us!  So as any good Shepherd or Master of the vineyard, He is coming to check on His crop or herd…..  Checking to see how we are filled with His Sap, the Holy Spirit……  But., His judging the crop is not for crushing but for pruning and tender clipping here and there for more fruit of Him…….This is not for condemnation but disciplined children obey their father for their good.

He is the Shepherd of mercy, grace and truth as we turn to Him and wait…… We, then again, are covered  in His greatness, His love and we bow down in worship…We turn again to wait for His Word to come forth. Is there anything more pressing than Him?  We must  quiet our lives to hear Him. Remember, He must increase and we must decrease… We do not live by bread alone but by every word from the mouth of God.

I remember when I was a kid, my earthly dad, took a trip every June for work.  He called everynight…….. I waited and waited for that phone to ring.  I knew his love for me.  His love was with me as  I saw his chair and stuff around the house….. but I wanted to hear his voice……I would plow down anyone that would try to pick up the phone to use it before he called…… (land lines only then!).  Then the phone would ring, and I grabbed it….. Yes, it was Dad…… I don’t remember what all he said but I heard- I love you Squirt, then I would pass the phone to my Mom……. That is all I needed…… until tomorrow……Again, I would wait at that time for his call.  I had to hear his voice.  I would count the days until his return…..That Friday, he would fly home……. Yes, as a little girl, it was my everything. We were all okay, while he was gone, but our family was not complete……..

How is it for us with our Lord? Can we sing the Song of the Bride?  I am His beloved and He is my beloved.  I have to hear what He is saying today to me?  You returning today?  What is going on with You, my King?  Hey Lord, I know the earth is filled with the knowledge of Your glory as the waters cover the sea…( Hab 2:14).  You returning to day? So, Lord is it today?

Luke 18:1-8, Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying, There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him saying, get justice for me from my adversary. And he would not for a while; but afterward he said to himself. Though I do not fear God nor regard man, because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

Then the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge said. Shall not God avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?

I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?

Remember as kids, we would badger and continually pound our parents for something we wanted hoping they may fold and say yes? Well….. need I say more? Sometimes they did relent and give us our desires….. Do not give up in prayer and faith in the One who all the promises are yes and amen…… ( Hey, I am preaching to me too, beloved!!).  He hears us and answers us…… most of the time- it is the timing to be fulfilled….. but it will be fulfilled and WHAM! We get our longing and prayer answered…….The Desire of the Nations is answering and revealing Himself in greater measure to His beloved…… WHAM!

There is a great divide between the Old and New Testament……. Jesus spoke often of those who He did not know whose house they were from…….. He is among us by His dwelling or habitating in us by His Spirit……That is our glory and it is His….. What love He has for us.  The Old Testament was works that were all outside. Then a WHAM came!    After the Holy Spirit came as tongues of fire, well, all the works come from the inward life of His children….. They are of Him, by Him and through Him……. We are His house……. so as we have His Spirit within…… The standard we live by is His cross as He imputes us with His image….. The mark of our God….. His Spirit within us. His statues and laws written within our hearts……Here is His fruit……

A rabbi spoke that as the King is walking among us…… Seeing our lives in the mundane, reminding us, that we are to ascend to the vistas to sanctify life in the mundane….. so we do not get so accustomed to the mundane that we find ourselves profaned by it.

There are little awakenings that shake us from the mundane to get us to look up and out.  May we heed the signs of the times and turn to look for the gaze of our King and bow in humility and love. May we stop in awe today so we may not experience awe when we are asleep in our ignorance of His patience. May our days of awe be knowledge of His greatness in His love and grace for us rather than His awakening tactics.

If we were on the tracks of the railroad and off in our own little world, but the driver of the train sees us way ahead. The lights start flashing as a wake up call to stop or get off the tracks…….. Then he starts honking the horn louder and louder and louder…. So we move off the tracks of death and get on the right side of the train…….We must repent for ourselves and then for our nation now.

The Owner of the World has not sent an hired inspector. He has sent the Spirit of  His Son, the King of glory,  in our midst, beckoning us to prepare for the great vista of His return or ours to Him…. which ever comes first. We must cleanse our selves from profaned mundane vanities of this earth by the blood of the King of all kings and Lord of all lords ….. Keep heaven bound, beloved……There is the vine of the earth and the vine of heaven…….. Let us make sure we are of the Spirit’s sap flowing through us and not the soul sap that is all world  but  not renewed in the knowledge of Him by His grace.

He may tarry but He is still actively working through His reign as it is written the King was enthroned at the flood……. His wake up calls are our alarm clocks waking us up. He has prepared us to get His cup of grace that never stops flowing for now, but do not be deceived that time of grace will stop, beloved…. We must not tarry in worshiping the King- Obey Him and study Him- His Word……. May He find fruit abundant flowing to His glory…. Amen and Amen.

The trumpet of God, the shofar, bellows out over every day ……May we have ears to hear and eyes to see the King in His beauty for He is among us. Let’s make sure we awaken to the call of Him while it is called day. His land is vast and wide and full of the Lord of all lords and King of all kings….Come let us bow down and worship our beloved Holy One.


My Children.

Do not falter over the little stones on the way……The way will be narrow and steep, but do not look back….. for I AM  has blocked your sight for I AM your past now…. I AM has gone before you and I AM with you.  Be still and know I AM God. I will be exalted among the nations.   Have I AM not spoken, that I AM roots up and I AM plant.  I AM strikes… I AM heals… I AM raises on the third day.  My way is narrow and in the narrow is your growth and increase. In the deepest of darkness, I AM is the Light for My own.  Call on My name  in the fire and the crossing of waters and I AM will show you what is to come. I AM whispers the Words reminding you of what  I AM has spoken to you on the way.  The Words I AM speaks as a bridge for you over the heightened seas. Do not fear, for I AM.  Rejoice! You are Mine and I AM is yours- for all things are possible…… Rejoice…… I AM.  You are ascending to new height in I AM for you have allowed the I AM to walk you through the deep. Enjoy the fresh air in your King, your Beloved, has raised you to this for this day…… Spin around and rejoice, His smile is upon you. I AM hears your cries and prayers for those who are quieted…. They are in My hands and no one will snatch them out for I AM theirs……Be strong and mighty in My love which never fails you…… I AM shows you way to walk and the time of dawn to set your feet steady on My footsteps….Come and rest with  I AM. Be filled with My everlasting abundant water of Life, for My Spirit is with in. Be filled to your fullest in I AM.  In I AM, you are found complete. My kingdom has come…..You have been given eyes to see what is unseen so the unseen may see….. You have been given ears to hear to give hearing to the ears that may be opened to hear.

I AM gently knocks on your day to enter in. Do not hasten away out of fear.  Do not let the enemy of your soul gain more of your life… Turn to Me and be saved. I AM knows all you have done and will do against Me, but I AM bids you to come.  I carried your iniquities and sins to the cross on my back. Open your eyes and see My wounds in My hands. See the scars of My love for you on my forehead…. Do you see the tears that are shining on My face for all the days of your grace -you turned and walked away.  Do not be fooled for My love is enough for you and your pain….

Come let the eternal blood of life abundant cleanse you….. Let the sacrifice of the Lamb of God take away all your sins….. Yet, I AM is for you and there is more in I AM than your sins being washed away. For I AM has called you My son and My daughter….. Come into the life of the beloved of God, eternal life….. Your new life in I AM is forever and grows in the beauty and majesty of your God,  I AM. Come now, bid, I AM, My pleasure….

Come to I AM, I AM has bestowed upon you by My Spirit, faith to believe and faith to walk in to the path I AM has called you from before you were created in your mothers womb. I AM was with you then and now and always. Come to I AM and receive My love.




Watchman, Watchman, what do you see?

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech and night unto night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth. And their words to the end of the world.

In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out of His chamber and rejoices like a strong man to run its race. Its rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit to the other end; and there is nothing hidden from its heat, ( Psalm 19:1-6).

God gives us signs everywhere and if we are looking for Him, we will notice, see and turn to understand.  So let’s stretch our neck out, look for the understanding regarding the times as the Lord is painting His sky for us to see.

August 21, 2017 will be an eclipse….. a solar eclipse…… that will etch a cross over the country of United States. It also makes an “x”- as in x marks the spot.  We are the most prosperous and strong nation on the planet and for this sign to be happening to our country…… Well, let us listen to what the Spirit of God is saying to us….

Why August, the eighth month- new beginning and the twenty first day—– well, it means distress….. at the end will be a blessing….. Example is Jacob served Laban and came back to the house of God twenty one years later blessed! Check it out in Genesis.

So why is the eclipse happening this day?  Why do all stars, planets and sun and moon line up for this sign?   Let us ask our Heavenly Father for His wisdom> Everyone of us has a significant part in the body of Christ to complete His purpose in these days ahead. The scientist have their reason, but our God is the Orchestrator of the Universe…… Let us just go straight to the Boss!  Ask and we shall receive.  My instructions may be different than yours, so it is imperative to sit in the Word and in prayer to hear and obey…… We, of course, are to be found waiting on the Lord and be in prayer/ communion with Him….. Ready to heed any Word.

This eclipse will also happen again as predicted in seven years…..2024. However, on 8/21/17,  the sun will be darkened as well as the earth. This is happening on the 233rd day of the year. This day is also the 33rd week plus two days of 2017 representing and sign and testimony of the King and His people. It is also 33 days until the stars or constellations will reveal the Revelation 12 woman with the Lion ahead of her……

The Almighty continually repeats Himself—- Turn to I AM, find your home in My Son, Jesus Christ….. The King of kings and the Lord of all lords…..Come to Me as the day is short and the nights are long…. Come to Me and I AM will fill you with the choicest of wines and feed you with the finest Wheat….. Come to Me and leave behind the valleys, come to the Mount, where the cool Wind will refresh you with strength for the climb…… Know where you are, I AM.


Night unto night reveals knowledge……Let us see into His Word a bit….Our  day starts and we are busy, busy busy…… but as night draws near, we are quiet, and then the Lord speaks to us during the night…… in the dark….He has our attention at night so He may reveal His knowledge. Remember, the knowledge of God is eternal life as written in John 17. So as different night seasons come to us, know the Spirit of God is revealing knowledge of the Uncreated One to us…. Let us pray to have a sensitive spirit and ears to hear.  Walking by faith is a dark path but the Lord illumines the next step by His great love for us…..Sometimes what we think is going to be like climbing a mud slide turns into  leaping over it and landing on a beautiful plateau where He is waiting with a gift…… God is so good, right? Amen and amen….. He has surprises for us through the night……but it is through the night.

As the day  of the eclipse starts with a dark sun rising and the earth grows darker,….. will we just look at the eclipse as entertainment or look for the sign of the times from our God, the Creator of the sun, moon and stars, for we are entering into something new for seven years.  May   the Lord of grace and mercy prepare our hearts as we enter these glorious days of God.

The Lord is longsuffering in which He does not desire anyone perish but all come to the saving knowledge of the Lord, Jesus Christ…..When the Son of God died on the cross that day, the sun also hid it’s face from shining.

The number thirty three in Hebrew represents SIGN…….A new moon will be covering the sun this day. In Strong’s Concordance , a new moon represents a new thing and obviously a new month.  As well as, the moon represents the body of Christ……. So this may be a start to a new season…..or the same but greater in  measure of the resurrection power of God to come forth through His people.

How does the Bride of Christ get brighter and stronger and full of the glory of the Lord?   Do you know?   I hope you do and are strengthening yourself in fellowship with the Lord God- ALMIGHTY.  The Holy Spirit will always tell us of things to come for the Spirit of Jesus Christ is prophecy…….

One thing for certain for it is scripture, when the earth gets darker, the Light of God in His people are brighter as written in Isaiah 60:1-7, Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people, but the Lord will arise over you. And His glory shall be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and the king to the brightness of your rising.

So let us gather at the feet of the One who is worthy for guidance and strength so we may arise with healing on our wings leaning as we leap with our Beloved through His plan as it unfolds in the very  near coming days.  We know what is coming, but maybe we just do not know how it will exactly play out…. but we know the end of the story….. He wins! So do we, beloved.


Awaken, oh, My children, awaken to My heart for you today, while there is day….. Look up! Look up!…… See where I AM has called you…..where your strength comes from…… I AM is waiting for you this day!  My arms are open wide for you to embrace I AM…….. I AM longs to embrace you, come home, children.  Today, here I AM calling you, My son and you, My daughter…. Come home to I AM.

Be full of courage for I AM and I AM has gone before you to make a way…. You are not alone for I AM. Where you are I AM….Be strong for you are Mine.  I AM tells  you where to place your feet in the high climb….. The way is sure for I AM there.



We will get back to the Philadelphia letter in Revelation, as the Lord dictates.  Let us draw near to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the church today, beloved…… Get ready to shine with understanding and wisdom as written in the Book of Daniel….12:3, Those who are wise shall shine, like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever…… 

Christ in us, our hope in glory as written in Colossians.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for Your great love towards us in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We thank You for the revelation of Your Son being revealed to us in greater outpouring through Your Spirit. We thank You, Father, for the increase of Your grace and mercy so we may fill up in You and You in us by Your Spirit for perseverance and endurance as we ascend into Your greatness and might as the fulfillment of the fullness of times approach our doors.

We thank You for marking our days and steps before the foundation of the world……. for You have set us here for such a time as this…… and we thank You for preparing us to be ready: hearts on fire through knees knocking……. Eyes set on Your face as the hands are clammy as we press on because You have manifested Your glory through us….. No greater honor could mankind have then for Your Spirit to tabernacle within us……  We thank You as Your Spirit is within as well as Your Words written on our hearts…… Our flesh may be quivering, but our spirit is strong because of Your love always drawing us towards you for strength in Your grace…… We can do anything, Father, because of our Christ, who strengthens us for all things today and to come…. We are Yours  and You are ours. How great a God, You are and always will be because You always have been…… Thank You, Father, that at the end of our days, Your Son, will find us called, chosen and faithful….clothed in white.   Only by Your Spirit of grace, will we stand before You as Your bride……..So the Spirit and the bride say, COME!  We thank You, You are here within us, but we want more of You, so come, Lord Jesus, come.  We ask and believe You hear our prayer and thank You, in Jesus name. Amen and Amen.


