Who Are You- O Great Mountain? Before Zerubbabel You Shall Become A Plain!

And He shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of Grace, grace to it!, ( Zechariah 4:7.)  

Thus says the Lord of hosts: If you will walk in My ways and if you will keep My command, then you shall also judge My house, and likewise have charge of My courts; I will give you places to walk among those who stand here, ( Zechariah 3:7).

Then I answered and said to him, What are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains? Then he answered me, and said, Do you not know what these are? And I said, No, my lord. So he said, These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth, ( Zechariah 4:11-14).

( Just a heads up to this—– Elijah also spoke he stood before the Lord of the whole earth……. What was then and is now and will forever be- His ways in His people will be seen !)

But he, being filled full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God!, ( Acts 7:56).

In Christ, as written 2 Corinthians 5:17,  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.

Beloved, we are in Christ….. He is the Way.  His way is new and full of life, resurrection life.- in Him…… Grab on to the plow of Christ and do not turn back…….There is a vast and wide territory that is ours. We have been given great authority and privilege in Him…… Will we take the land?

There is no limit on the souls of men that He has decreed to be His……They shall hear with their ears the heart which has beat for them before they were born…… They will hear His whisper through the night and they shall see His face with pure delight and turn His way for this has become their new day.

God Almighty always has His people who stand before the throne regarding His rights on this earth…… Are we the ones?  Are we up for the call?  Choice is ours….. He has given all we need to  be overcomers….. The choice is up to you and it is up to me.

Have you noticed in married people that some times they look like each other. Some in their statures and others in their face…… I have also noticed even some dogs resemble their owners, but we are not going to go there!   As we focus on the Lord by prayer and study of His word….. We as His body,  resemble Him…. We are something other on this planet as He is  so are we in this world, as written in 1 John.

We are the bride of Christ. We were the bride and are the bride and are becoming the bride in completion—– our heart and ways resemble our King Jesus Christ.

What if in school, we stayed in the same grade for all our years and never entered into the next grade or level….. What would happen to the calling on doctors or nurses or teachers, etc….Have we maintained status quo on our spiritual growth in the Lord…… ?  We should always be uncomfortable with Him because then He is our comfort!

We with wide eyed wonder look unto Him each morning and know He will be showing us something grand from His plan.   It is not boring with Holy Spirit…… Life in the natural, we are consistently groping for promotion……. or increase of natural stuff……

Is the Lord not always increasing?   Should His people be increasing in the measure of Him…… Nothing in the spiritual realm stays the same….. Paul spoke in Acts chapter 17:23-28, for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.

Therefore, the One whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you: God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshipped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.

And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.

The last verse of the Lord is the romance of God…….. He hopes we are groping for Him so we may find and know Him…….Wow! How awesome is our God……   If we are not stretching out in Him in faith in all ways He has made the door open then shame on us…….

If there is any stagnation it is in the natural  and is death……. The spiritual realm is always alive either in Him, our Lord or darkness- under the Satanic rule and principalities……. There is no turf on this planet where man is on his own……. Man if born again is under the authority of our King. If man has rejected the King of the universe, Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior,……man then is under Satan’s dominion….. That is why we needed a Savior……

Our choice of what we choose here leads our way  this day and unto eternity….. Our choice.  We must understand our eternity is not decided when we die…. We choose this day who we serve. We are in time but eternity reigns through each soul on this planet now…… We are choosing our destination forever this day……Our God is merciful and we can change camps unto His reign any day and He will take us in.  But who wants to tarry before such a great God? Do we know when our last breath will be?

We must change and turn to Him in repentance and sorrow for turning away from such a great love given to us.   His love for each one of us is beyond our comprehension. So why does man run?   Satan fools his prisoners into thinking they will lose but the truth is laid before all men……. God wins always and so does His people. God always blesses His people —–Look at the scars on the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus this day….. Has any taken a blow and such a crown of thorns for you yet to this day but the King of glory has for you and for me….. So we may be with Him forever today and throughout eternity.

His love is that great so every mountain but the Lord’s kingdom will fall…….They will become a plain by His name and the power of His Spirit through His people  crying in the streets:  Come in here all who are simple and taste and see the Lord God is good.

Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit as written in the above scripture in Acts….. He was full of the Spirit of God……. So are we…. God has not put a limit on our growth in His Son.  We have by our traditions or our babel….. Yup – our babel.  This is babel as written in Genesis 11:1-5,  Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, Come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly. They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar.

And they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens, let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth, But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.

Let’s make a name for ourselves…… Or we can work on the team of making His name known for He is already great!!!!….. Yet, God is Love.   His rule and governing is for a purpose to make His name  known and for His people to know His Son….

When all is said and done, behold- we will see Him as He is for we should be just like Him!!!!!! ( 1 John – check it out!!)……..As written, Christ in us, our hope of glory……..( Colossians 1)  But there is a greater purpose beyond our hope of glory— the Lord Jesus Christ’s glory  which is in His people….. Yup- look at us. The ones He has called and chosen to be faithful.  Only He deserves the glory!!!! Right, yes, He has called and justified and sanctified us-… Only He could transform us, the motley crew into His treasure which has His Spirit within sowing His great love to all.

The heavens cannot contain Him- and we think we can? Really?  Let’s let Him contain us instead and have a lot of fun and adventure in Him.  Let us fulfill our part so others also will be fulfilled in the Holy Spirit.  Let Him be known as we gaze on His beauty- hey this one was filled with the Holy Spirit……Their glory is Christ is in them….. Is that why there is much hope and enthusiasm in their God?

Now back to man wanting a name for himself and the Lord’s people wanting His name to be the fame and aim……..Babel’s kingdom gropes for themselves- God’s kingdom people grope for the Lord. We rejoice for He allowed us to find Him. Now we grow in our fellowship as united to the King….. His bride.

It is written that He laughs as He holds the nations in derision as written in Psalm 2.  He was probably chuckling loudly as He squashed their plan in Babel back then…… He is still laughing as men think they can contain or control the Uncreated One……..

He is so close to us that all idols of babel have been destroyed. Right?  Is not the greatest romance of our God that He has called us His from the foundation  of His world?   How our God has been wooing us to return  over and over again?…. Let us rather be His something – and  nothing in our own eyes.  We realize that He calling us His is the greatest gift ever.

Mans endeavors are in vain unless we turn to endeavor hard for the love and name of our King Jesus Christ.  Our place at the cross, grows our love for His preeminence as first  and death for our endeavors in our pride.   Holy Spirit is nudging our mindsets to our hearts cry to Him and Him alone. The name Babel has been in the Voice waves of His people this past week…… May we turn our ear to hear and align our hearts to the One whose kingdom will reign forever and ever.

When we learn to embrace the cross, we see His greatness and His love. We then know we are nothing without Him….. Guess what? A revived heart has just been launched.

And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again, ( 2 Corinthians 5:14).

For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, ( Galatians 3:3).

Ruth laid down at the feet of Boaz’ at the threshing floor….. Women never were allowed at the threshing floor….. Well, not anymore! Ruth broke this box of rules to get into her place that God called her to be.     Then she was able to be a witness over her offspring, watching David in the field with the sheep, singing in the Spirit to our God as he slew the giants……

There is great purpose to our lives in Christ…… More than will ever be known by our natural eyes……Let us make sure we enter into the threshing floor and take our place in Christ Jesus.  Let us break the rules of men to bring the force of our God to change the status quo.

Esther had no fear to go before the king to save a nation of her people……. Her diligence of fasting and prayer  allowed God to make the heart of the king fancy her boldness with an open door to his authority……  for such a time as this- She broke the rule as did Nehemiah. No cup bearer in his right mind would not hide his sadness before the king for it was to be a joyous place….. That in itself is nuts….. Hey, you might drink poison to protect the king today and smile while you are doing it?  Huh?

Anyway, Nehemiah allowed the king to see his sadness and grief over the state of his homeland. He broke the rule and God showed him favor with the king……. He was given time off from his fun job from the king to go rebuild his homeland.

There are so many times written where men and women of faith broke  the rules of babel and did great exploits for their God because they loved Him and His people.

Let’s just do it and keep on doing it…… Don’t let the rule makers stop us from breaking the rules for the One who is above all men and has given us the authority to take the mountain and make it a plain by ……. the Holy Spirit in His people who have faith to believe that our God reigns.

To clarify, the rules of tradition is what I am referring to – not the law of a nation…… The traditions of men that make God’s word of no effect!!!!!

Praise Him and let’s just keepin on and do it!  In His name, all things are possible, even through us!!!




Arise and shine for your Light has come.  Draw near.  Hear! The day has dawned. Behold,  there is no fear. I AM is here!  The dark clouds have rolled away and the sun in the skies is here to stay….. Though the wind may blow and try to frighten and keep you at bay…… My Light is here to stay…. Walk in the Light and watch the dark move away…… Speak the Truth to all this day.

Please know children, the plain way is through the mountains and sometimes there is a delay….. but all will come forth in this new day.   No one can stop the prayers of the saints changing the tone of the groaning of prisoners in tow.   Here and speak for all will break into the sound that  I AM sending forth….. No one small and no one tall will be forgotten this day only make sure you are turning My way.

Can you stop the rain? Can you stop the star from shining? Can you stop the moon arising?  Then come on board with the One who can and sing His praises over the land…… All will bow their knee to Me….. This you can count on- do you, yet, not see?

Sing aloud and sing abroad for the mountains will bow as you bring I AM aboard….. Go – be blessed in your steps for I AM has made them for this day  and get others out of their miry clay….. Stand strong on the Rock of your Refuge. There is no end in sight in what I AM will do through you even in the darkest of night……. You see as you believe…… Come take   all that hinders and throw it away. Prepare yourself and others for this new day.  The sky and earth testify to My greatness so all may see the King in His glory has called all to Me.  Do not stall and do not hinder for I AM has set the stage for the remainder….. Come and believe and you shall see.

Arise and shine for you are Mine.









Revelation Versus Tradition……

The abuse of authority to maintain its traditions  have been proven throughout the time that God has allotted to us.  Does mankind really think the power belongs to them? They turn to usurp the authority that God has given them to oppress and steal from those who they are ordained and called to protect?  This pride  has been known from the ancient days through the time of Jesus Christ in the flesh on this earth and to even now.

Can I point to the reality  of our days are as the grass on the ground- here today and gone tomorrow.  Does not wisdom cry out in the streets? Look for the everlasting way that the Ancient One has proclaimed….. Please take the high way to love.  Do not beckon to the ways that man thinks is great but leads to death….Beckon to the way that leads to freedom and peace and forsake the rest….. Darkness draws you into the snare and binds a lot of chains on you, which are made of despair….. The air is heavy and sigh is ever there, but,  cast your eyes  upward and see, If  you turn to Me and say I am sorry- I believe. Then My beloved child, you will be set free……   Come join the rest that shine the way to the Best….. I AM calling you forsake the world and join everlasting Love- for I AM can only give you  the best of rest.

The eyes of Love pour down His  tears as rains cover the earth.  As we see the rain in our day,  we  point to the Great Lamb who is seated on the right of the Almighty.  This One did it God’s way.  He went and took the hard way. Hear the sounds of heaven saying:  Mercy is calling and saying turn in here before your exit draws near.

Nothing that is done in the dark will not pass away but have it’s time in the noon of day…… Be still, my heart, do you not know? Almighty speaks out loud and clear through the years- I AM God  so then do not fear.  I AM and there is none other….. Be still… Your tears are in the bottle which is in My hand and there they stand.   They cry out with the Love for I AM.  I AM sees the faithfulness of My witnesses to the end of the earth…. I AM with them to give all new birth….. Many may turn from their destruction.  So come today and do things My way….. The love that does not shatter or withhold is beckoning you to turn and behold  I AM in a new way.   Do not hold what will pass but become as I AM has called you…. Only this shall last….. As I AM has decreed you will become and be.  I AM has made you free. Alas, you are with Me.

Can we really be alright in our sleep at night if we turn away from the Greatest Love that has ever been presented to us?  The God who came and took our punishment that we could not be away from Him. He longed to draw us to His side to be His bride…. We stall and turn to our way.  We think our way is better. Do  we burn and then we can never turn if the day is over…. We wonder why we are stress and under duress because we have turned our back on who is our Rest……

Those who strive for power over all  will  find their place last for they wanted theirs first above all .  If they choose to be servants, alas, they will be great. Those who steal to gain what others have- are forsaking all that He has called them to be. Do those not see His greatest Gift to them is free?  He has put a great price on their head, beloved, He gave up Himself instead. See our worth is above all that can be stolen on this earth……  We can have all we desire in the King who is so gracious to His love…..But we must do things – His way. Be heaven ward and leave the world.

The Book of the Ancient One is plain for all to see.  The words for the simple so we may believe.  His love goes forth for all mankind to see….. We must turn to Him on our knees and behold the One who died to set us free.  His blood stained eyes and His pierced hands and thorned brow is proof enough of a love so great.  Alas, He did not stay in the grave.  Hear His voice, the evidence of His Spirit whispering to us through the day and through the night – Come to Me- You  are in My sight.  I AM calling you to leave the way that leads to no where you want to be found by I AM… Come to Me and the way will be much easier for you will hear My sound.

Traditions hold us bound by what has been. Tradition does not make room for a new day…. for it says what was then should always be…. But the Spirit is saying yes, I AM and will always be but I AM says I AM does a new thing…. Will you not make way and see what I AM has called My people to be……  I AM says you will do from what you are in ME….. Do not be deceived, I AM is calling you forth into greater things for I AM increases and the growth comes from ME….. So do you not want to leave behind the old and let new growth be formed… Alas, My servant, suffered until Christ was formed in his friends….. Do you not see the End shall be as the Beginning?  Do not forsake the timing of the sound of My call going out.

Revelation of His love is worth it all. Do you not see? Come to the King, beloved, and remain in His keep and be free. His rest and peace is above all. We can not understand how in the midst of the world, the peace that He has bestowed on His beloved is sure.  Hardships may come and hardships will fall for those who beckon on the King will stand through it all.  If we fall, we arise again with healing flowing through the wings of the Wind…. So come today and see the Great King.  Arise into His stained arms and brow.  Be cleansed by His blood and then you also shall  live by His Spirit.  You will hear the sound of joy as you join  the kingdom of the Ancient One.

Put others first and pray for the lost and those in prison are the first to be mentioned and do not count the cost….. Seek those who are alone and forgotten to be included. There are no orphans where I AM has been found.  We are all One in Him so then there is no first or last- we are  allowed to be part of the BEST…. He has called us -let us be found by His measure to be chosen and found faithful….. Through it all He has won our hearts…..

O Mighty King, You won our hearts …. You are our Everything…. In You, we live and move and have our being….. You are First among us all….. Only in You are we complete and found in the blessing of the Great King….. So we bow before You in awe of Your beauty and Greatness.  What a King we have in You. We pray right now, we may be true to You.  Heaven rules and knows all things, You bestow on the mighty and the small the same thing….. Your love to carry us through.

You are our Forever Valentine….. Be blessed in the praises and love of your people this day!





All Things Will Be Known As They Are……

We all have images of what we think God is and what we want Him to be….. Sort of like ourselves…. We have images of what we are and what we want to be. Then there is what God’s image of who He says we are……There is only One reality, God, the Uncreated One. God, who is the Creator of you and me, says who we are to be for He was and is and will always be. Should not we join Him and think and see as He says we are to be.  In the eyes of our God, there is one image or standard that He has called the human race to be  and become….. The image of the Son.

The image of the Lord Jesus Christ within us is changing us into the image that God, our Heavenly Father, has ordained before time began…… This is why the Bible says: Christ in us is our hope of glory, ( Colossians 1:27)…..

We were called for that purpose and are called for that purpose and will always have the purpose within the heart of every man and woman……In every heart, there is a call for eternity.  The knowledge of a place larger than what we can see or what we can imagine…… A place of paradise.   Paradise will not be found on this earth, though men keep trying to name it on a land, but it is found in the Lord Jesus Christ… Sometimes in His presence is beyond paradise and we want to stay there forever!! But true kingdom perspective is knowing our God beholds all and as we abide in Him- we are in Him- paradise seems to be quite dim in comparison!!

The Old Testament had a way of showing what the plan of God was for man on the outside, though man fell short of the standard……. But it was a type and shadow of the One who was to be brought forth into our realm- of our Hero, the Lord Jesus Christ. This One did not fall short on the outside works for He lived from the inside out towards our Heavenly Father…. He did only what the Father told Him to do as written in John 5.  Check it out for yourself!!!

The law brought a lot of rules for man to do on the outside but it fell short via a few chosen people that God had His hand on. The fellowship that our God desired in Spirit and Truth was not met….. He looked for ones who looked for Him and not as in kindergarten looking for their cookies and milk.  He wanted man to learn Him and know their cookies would be coming and in fact…… They might mature enough in His ways to desire other Food…….

There was the parting of the Red Sea for a separation unto God  and away from our sinful nature. The outward form of circumcision or baptism.  Then there was the discipleship in the wilderness so the learning of Yahweh’s way would be imprinted on the hearts of the Israelites.

When the Lord showed up the people trembled of the sound of the trumpet…… Wow!

Yahweh presented Himself on a mountain that quaked with thunder and lightning bellowed out from His fire…… His people were horrified of the real image of Yahweh versus the Yahweh they thought they knew…….. But some were not afraid, or if they were, it is not written….They heard Yahweh and wanted to know Him. They entered into the mount of the Lord and were rewarded to eat with this Great and Awesome God….. in the midst of the thunderings and fire and lightnings.

God has always wanted to fellowship with man as proven when He walked the garden in the cool of the day to be with Adam, His first created man, as written…… There have always been few to venture into the place of fellowship with the Lord in the Old Testament……  He has always a remnant.

But now, from that mount came a stone cut without hands as written in Daniel 2:44, Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold- the great God has made known to the king what will come to pass after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure.

Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him will be no means be put to shame.

Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, The stone which the  builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone, and  A stone of stumbling and a rock of  offense. They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who were once not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy, ( 1Peter 2:6-10).

He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as did receive Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of man, but of God, ( John 1:10-12).

For by Him all things were created in heaven and that are on the earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through and for Him.

And He is before all things and in Him all things consist.

And He is the head of the body, the church , who is the beginning, the firstborn of the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him He should reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on the earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the  blood of His cross.

And you, who were once alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight- if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I , Paul, become a minister, ( Colossians 1:16-23).

For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.

In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead, ( Colossians 2:9-12).

The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to the saints.

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you the hope of glory. 

Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus……

To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily, (Colossians 1:26-29).

When Nicodemus met with Jesus, Jesus was enlightening him to the way of the kingdom of God…… It was not handed down through man but a work that was going to be done by God and God alone…… Yes, He would be using men and women for His testimony but the work would be by His Spirit alone as written in the book of Zachariah, chapter 4….. By His Spirit alone, would men receive the grace to turn and believe in the Lord. Then Holy Spirit would write the laws and statutes on our heart, as written in Jeremiah and Ezekiel and confirmed in the Book of Hebrews, chapter 8…..

Jesus also gave the upper room talk to the guys at the night of His betrayal- the Holy Spirit would come and dwell in you- chapter 14:7 of John. Then He also confirmed this in His prayer to our Heavenly Father in chapter 17 verse 3 and 23: And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.  ………………………… I in them, and You in Me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

The grace of God was given to all men given through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. So is the indwelling presence of the Spirit of God in man…… as is also the perfection of man—— without spot and blameless- in Him.  Jesus Christ is the complete and perfected image of man- God had from the beginning……. In Him we are found- blameless and full and complete….. in Him and Him only.

When the fullness or perfection comes out in any religious person- it is wrong.  I hear, well we are never perfect or we cannot be perfect,- we are flawed.   What did you say?  I say yes, it is wrong- there is wrong image of what perfection should be in man via abiding in Christ.   This is not our doing- only obeying the cross and the work of the Spirit within by faith. You and I cannot make ourselves perfect- is not this a given ?  Then why do we need a Savior?

If my dog who has colors and freckles and spots says man, I worked hard to get my fur coat this way….. Impossible, right?  She was made from God.  So will the fullness of God in the complete being of Christ   in us.  Man cannot be perfected in man, however, in Christ, yes. Where the resurrection power of God resides and is being life eternal to all matters of us….. Yes, we are complete- perfect- in Christ Jesus and we are dead in ourselves by the cross of Jesus Christ- God says our image is the Son Jesus Christ……Is He calling forth what is not to replace what is—- Absolutely!!!!

Remember, Abraham waited how long for the promise of Isaac?   Did he prepare? Yes. Did he try to bring forth the perfection of the promise on his own? Yes…… Did he have to wait longer to learn patience and endurance so it would be no question on whose power it was to bring forth the promise? Yes.  He learned to perfect His faith in God even through the offering of his promise on the altar….. He learned God would provide as well as we learn God will complete or perfect us in Christ by the resurrected power of Christ within—— This is why Christ in us is our hope of glory.

He must increase as we decrease…… As we partake in the cross in deeper measures of being led by the eye of God, Holy Spirit, we also increase in Christ and Christ increases in us…… We must change the image of our mindset to the etching of the purpose of God….. He will only accept worship in Spirit and Truth. He will only be pleased by our faith in the invisible which is more real than the visible.  Faith  in His greatness and His love will  change our image of what we conceive perfection and completeness in Him to be.  We then can give Him an open canvas to paint His will and purpose on our heart and mind.  Then start to allow the image of the Lord in us to be free….. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty as written in 2 Corinthians-Look it up!.

How can we complete what we did not start?  He called us. He died for us. He bestowed on us His Spirit. He tells us to go or not to go….. to do this or do that…… Why get uptight when the mention of fullness and perfected in Christ is mentioned….. Like all of a sudden this part of His great salvation is up to us.      He looks for our faith- that is what is desired and a life that lives that out.  Our part is to believe the impossible and then obey to live out His plan and yes, it is inconceivable and very impractical……Yet, this is His plan from His heart. His word shall never perish or have not a mate of fulfillment. We can count on Him to perfect us in His greatness, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is great to count on. In truth, He is the Only One to count on in our days on the earth.

Let us just celebrate the greatness of our God and all He has prepared for those who love Him…..  He intently looks for those who instead of seeing the thunder and lightnings and by pass the fire in His eyes to just say YES- I come running to You, My King, for You are our everything.

All we have and all we are is Your handiwork. The prints of Your love and grace and mercy upon the lost now found show your majesty… So here we are, supping You on Your mount. May we enjoy who You are and all   You are…..  Your Majesty, reign in us, so all You see, is all we are and be. No more images do we behold, only what Your fiery eyes show us to know.  For in those eyes, we see the plan of our God which is so great and so vast. No man can stand a chance.  Bow to His love and His Might. So then His Spirit will take us in flight. We will reach the heights of His sight.

Please note here the few men, ( seventy plus a few), that entered up the mount to eat with God in the Book of Exodus only two made it into the promised land from the group—- Caleb and Joshua and the next generation were the only ones that entered in to the promised land- their promised inheritance…… Let us make sure we enter the narrow path in His strength to remain in Him and He in us throughout the many lies and deceptions of the enemy. These snares can rise up easily if the spirit of our man is not greater than our carnal nature……. How  imperative is it to be in the Spirit of our God and listen to His daily words to us.  So then the image of the Lord is found in us today as was  before in the beginning and will ever be….. The choice is ours.   Come on now, let us take the key and bow before the King to have His reign.

And the work is His and we are to believe in Him and His strength of love that never fails. Amen.

Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God! Therefore, the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 

And everyone that has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure, ( 1John 3:1-3).

We are His holy mountain- His body as He is the head….. We are His army………Listen He is speaking this day- for all who have ears to hear Him and have bowed His way.






Do not come to Me with all your fullness…… You will go away from I AM empty.  Come to Me with your hands and hearts empty and open wide for then the fullness of My love will be bubbling out  from within you to all outside. Do you not see it is how you perceive the Food before you to be?

Is it needful or not? Should I go to Him or not?  Should I listen to the One who is like no other? Should I hear the sound that has never touched me before or should I go my way as I have done before?

The plans of men often lead to death. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.     Or you may take My thoughts of who you are to be and be free.

Do not seek to be big. In the smallest ones, the Great One comes.

Stillness of a heart is a great book where I AM fills the pages with teachings and secrets of My heart. Does your heart quiver as I AM speaks?  Do you know the way of My eye for you to be ? There are many stones that make the house a home. Yet,  the greatness of I AM is also  found in the fragrance of a bent flower carrying the dew on its petals.

Though many a foot pass the small looking for the big of the world and yet, miss My gentle calling……Moses, My friend, found I AM out in the desert as did My David.  Almost many missed My hand upon their back for where I AM, so is My servant.  Where I AM, so is My servant, whose Words I AM confirms- the Testimony of I AM, Jesus Christ, is the Spirit of Prophecy……. Come and believe and drink from the fountain that will never run dry….. All who are thirsty are drinking this day? Why do you still stay away?   Time is not counted forever to be. Only those who come to I AM, will be.

See My hands. See My Feet. I AM has bled for you to come to Me.  I AM has covered you from head to toe in My grace that forever flows. So why stay away and keep peeking in- push open and see …. See My delight in the ones who beckoned in…… Some like you stumbled in. Some came flying with tears. Some came  holding My cross in great fear. See  I AM has not forgotten you, My dear.  Some came wondering if I AM loved them too….. Of course I have loved you. I AM  has called you and has justified you so you would become the image of My Son. I AM  bellows out.  Come in here and see. All that I AM has finished for you to be with me.. I AM has been waiting for you.   So here I AM at your door again, knocking it and trying not to roar…. Open up and let I AM come in to sup with you. So We may be together forever again.

The bird beckons to the sun. Rise, O light, for the day has come. Let me rest in your light, for it has been a very long night. Hear my song, from this little bluebird…. Your light warms up the coldest night.  There is nothing more that I wait for than the sun. So come, O fire, that burns away the night.  This is my delight to bask in your warming  presence in the day and through the night.





Sound The Alarm, Blow The Trumpet……

Why? What for? The King of glory is here.  Blow the trumpet and sound the alarm for the King of glory is around.

But you say, I do not see Him. Where is He?  So He must not be here. Ahh, can you see the effects of the sun on a cloudy day?

Can you see the fish in the ocean and declare they are not there?  Can you see all your internal organs and declare you are not complete inside? Can you look with your eyes and hear with your ears and declare the God of the universe is not here?

Can you not hear the roar of the lion and then declare he is not near?

Watchman, watchman! What do you see?  Oh, I hear sound of thunder far for the near and near for the far. Oh, I hear the roar of many seas sounding out the call for the King.  But the known will know the sound and far will declare the sound is not around.

Then the tidal wave shall surge as the erupting of the shaking shall purge.  Oh,when will this be?………. Oh, when will this be?…….

Why shall I answer you?  Can you stop the tidal wave?  Can you stop the whirlwind coming?  Can you stop the earth from its shaking and quaking?  Oh man, the day beckons for  you to become known to the One who can……..

Shall you climb high enough at the sound of the tide arising and then be able to save yourself, o man?  Shall you then be able to take refuge from the fiery whirlwind coming your way?   Do not be concerned on the day and time. But be concerned you have in your heart the King of glory.

Be wise to know the time is here to the know the One who holds time and time out in His hand.  Him, we shall call on in love. The One who holds all our days in His hand as we fall down and bow in His awesomeness and majesty…..Why? Because of His neverending love for us we have found in His Son.   Behold, the King is around and around and around never ceasing and never stopping….. He is here…….

The spring shall dawn into the day of trouble that may be coming our way.  Shall we continue on as we do? Or shall we show glory and honor to the One who created all including you and me.   He who holds the winds in the fists of His hand….. The One who rides on the clouds……

Yes, no matter the shaking and quaking that comes this day or the next…… Know the One who died and the earth quaked….. Know the  Lamb who rose again and the earth quaked.  Know the Lion, the Warrior King who is jealous for His bride.  Know the One who called you Mine from the beginning of time.  Yes, this is where we should run for help in the day of trouble for He is the Only One who can save.

Noah built the ark for over 100 years declaring the coming flood and yet, only eight were saved……. Can we ask the ones who mocked this noble man, Noah,  if they knew the day of the rain—- Would it have turned their hearts to believe Noah?  Would knowing the day and hour – would they have turned  and repented?   Or would their answer possibly be, Oh, if I had listened to the sound of the hammering day in and day out of the man whose eyes danced of the King he knew, yet, I did not. Woe is me for I had not believed.

What shall we ask the other thief who was crucified with the Lord…… Oh yes, we know of the thief that declared the spotless Lamb who was slain and now rests in Him in paradise……. Oh, what would the other thief who mocked his only hope that day say to us today?   Oh listen, for He is beckoning you to turn….. Nothing you have done or nothing you have not done can stop His love from delivering you from your stone heart, accept yourself……. Turn to Him today….. Do not delay…… For He has come to save even the worst this day.

Turn from your bitter heart. Turn from your drunken stupor. Turn from your important distractions. Turn from the drugs…… There is hope and a future for you this day….. Turn to the One who blood cleanses and heals. Let His Spirit find rest in your heart and turn the darkness into light and night into day….For He is the your way…… He is the only Way.

So as the dawn of shaking brings forth righteousness for a season, we may rest in the abiding grace of His stand.  What is His stand? The cross, beloved, the cross of Calvary.  Our King of glory made a declaration of His neverending love for you and me.  He paid the price and took the punishment upon Him so we may then in the day of trouble find refuge in Him…… Leaving all behind and then we may be found in Him…..

So what ever comes and what may be, we who love Him, will be found in Him and He who loves us will be found in us…….What delight and rest shall we have no matter the cost. No matter the day and hour, we know the Uncreated One and are truly blessed.

So as the days unfold and all that was may not be, we stand fast in the God and His Son who will always be and is for us today.   But, oh, and a big oh, we must come to Him and start to do things His way…….. So then He will say- hey, I know you, My beloved. For I AM called you then and now you are Mine from everlasting from even out of time.

Come, all those who trust in the One who holds all in His mighty hands….. Come and turn to the King of Love and also who is the Lion whose roar cracks open the sky and brings in everlasting light into the night.

Behold, the King is here and the King is ever around and around…… Blow your trumpet and sound the alarm so all may beckon the cry to turn and be reconciled with the King this day…… for who can stand again against the wrath of the Lamb?

Beloved, I have sounded the alarm. Come be reconciled to the God who is, and who knows you from afar.  He is calling you to come close and set things straight between Him and you by the accepting of the sacrifice of a cruel death of His Son. This is the Way for you to draw near…… Do no forsake your mercy and reject so great an offer to be cleansed from all unrighteousness and be known by Him near…….

We do not have tomorrow promised in time, but we do have the promise of God of those who turn to His Son this day will be eternally in life and those who reject such a great God and His Son, the promise is eternally death and fire.

So I shout to the world, hear and see this God who you cannot see but know He is drawing near to you with an everlasting love found in His bloody Son, the Lamb of God who took all your sins and all of my sins and be reconciled.   NOW!!!!

Be known by Your Creator by His Son this day…….See His hands. See His feet. See His crown of thorns bleeding drops of blood on you and me.  See His side where we fit into Him perfectly.  Come and see this Lamb of God who is our King of glory.

If we reject such love, know this…… there is no where else to turn for help in the day of trouble.  Be wise and turn to Him.

What would it be like to have birthing pains and bring forth no children?  Ahh, our God will see to His Son’s travail.  All will bend their knee to the King but wisdom is justified on those who bow their knee this day.

Blow the trumpet and sound the alarm. The King of glory is around and is here……..The fall holds the dusk in the hardened day as the erupting during time is the now sound. So all beckon and turn around. Find the King at whose feet we bow. This King whose heart we all should long to know….. Let us bow before the King. Amend to His ways. Alas, we shall hold on through the night. Knowing soon  the Light of Day is striking out too bright to behold.  Hold on, beloved. Hold on in Him who has made His stand.



Righteousness is declaring to all in I AM. Be still and know I AM God.  I AM hears your prayers through your tears.  Do not fear for I AM here.  My hand is on you. My Words will be declared through My bride.  My Son shines brightest through the darkness.  Rest in My joy over you….. Dance and sing for your King is here….. Celebrate for as you have let go, you have gained Christ.  You have listened well and obeyed My Spirit’s call.

Woe to those who hold on with a clench fist what they cannot keep and lose what they thought they could never live without…… I AM your door. I AM still holding on to you though you have not yet reached out to hold on to I AM……  Come let go and grab I AM. I AM will never turn away from you or leave you…… Leave what you cannot take and take I AM who you cannot go on without.

There may  be found more and more in the world but alas, those goods leave you empty after the imposter gold wears off.  There is more to lay hold of in I AM and I AM ever filling. I AM an ever lasting fullness to you.  I AM the Bread of Life…… I AM will never break or change. I AM always with you and carrying you into the treasuries that I AM holds for My beloved.    These treasures you do not carry…… Ahhh, children, do you not see?….. These treasures carry you.   My gifts unto you are Mine and lead you into I AM further still…… Understanding of the One who holds you in the palm of His hand.  Wisdom of the One who wakens you to speak hidden truths beyond your ancients.  Noble thoughts and possibilities that grab your attention before the start of day to awaken you to the will of the Ancient One for this day that We are sharing together.

Alas, there are so many hues of colors that paint the sky of My sunrise for you to know and as there is more in the scriptures of My decree that has been made manifest as yet this day….. Watch and behold and see what Your God is doing…..with His own. Believe and you shall see what will be….. For I AM yours and you are mine. What delights there shall be for all those who believe. For I AM He in whom you believe…… The One who was and is and is to come….. Behold and see what you thought you would be beyond your dream.  The path leads up in the heights beyond the flesh of man and where the exceeding greatness of the power that rose I AM from death.  Do you understand and see?

Be in Me and I AM in you and all the possibilities became the realities.  You in I AM and I AM in you is glorious…… Exceedlingly above all you ask and think is I AM in you.  Alas, I AM’s purpose is being accomplished in this testimony of My own.  Awaken out of the religious thought of who you want I AM to be…. Then  I AM shall break out of you…… I AM in heaven as I AM in you this moment this day and this age….. Awaken to the truth that I AM has declared from the foundation of the world……. I AM wants to tabernacle in you. You are  My body. I AM in you and you in Me….. made into the temple of the Most High God…… Where the Light is so bright, the Son only will be shining.

Contemplate on this Food for it is life and life abundant and will help to ascend to the thoughts of My own…… I AM is waiting there with another morsel of Bread of Life Eternal for My hungry ones…… Come to Mount- I AM has called you – Come.  Leave the dead to bury the dead, come with circumcised ears and hearts.  Come hungry…… My Food feeds all! Come and be filled.







Who Can Stand Before His Cold?

Who Can Stand Before His Cold?

He sends out His command to the earth; His word runs very swiftly. He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes; He casts out His hail like morsels; Who can stand before His cold? He sends out His word and melts them; He causes His wind to blow and the waters to flow.

He declares His word to Jacob, His statutes and His judgments to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any nation; and as for His judgments, they have not known them, ( Psalm 147:15-20).

The year of 2018 will be a year of overcoming evil with good or not…… Beloved, it is up to each one us of to carry the watch of the Lord that we have been given. Each member or part of the body of Christ is enlisted……. Let us not allow any MIA this year….. Every beloved saint is important to the battle of the Lord for life and life abundantly for all —– especially the innocent.

As written in Isaiah 33: 5-6, The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness. Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, and the strength of salvation; the fear of the Lord is His treasure.

Who can stand before His burnings?

Isaiah 33:14-17, Now I will rise, says the Lord; Now I will be exalted, Now I will lift Myself up. You shall conceive chaff. You shall bring forth stubble; your breath, as fires, shall devour you. And the people shall be like the burning of lime; like thorns cut up they shall be burned in the fire.

Hear, you are afar off, what I have done; and you who are near, acknowledge My might.

The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness has seized the hypocrites; who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?

He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, he who despises gain of oppressions, who gestures with his hands, refusing bribes, who stop his ears from bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil; He will dwell on high; His place of defense will be the fortress of rocks; bread will given him His water will be sure.

Your eyes shall see the King in His beauty; they will see the land that is very far off.

In the preface for the Book of Joel is mentioned that the land had severe judgments of plagues. The prophet was to bring to light the severity of the coming and approaching of the Day of the Lord where the past plagues will be as nothing compared to His Day.  This past year we have experienced a lot of stuff.   We must awaken to the call to repentance to stop the killing of the innocent which in the sight of our God is an abomination……..

Who can stand before His cold?

Who cans stand before His everlasting burnings?

I looked when He opened the sixth seal and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky is receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.

And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of the One who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!

For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?,( Revelation 6:12-17).

Who can stand before His cold?

Who can stand before His everlasting burnings?

Who can stand before the wrath of the Lamb?

Is this a day when we want to have our ears tickle with false doctrine so we may make God into our image? So we may hide behind our idols of self worship and what feels good? Or is it the day the ones that are on fire will tear down the false prophecies and false doctrine of Baals….. We cannot stand before this great God without the blood of the Lamb and if we trample His blood as trivial….. O man what is there left to help us? We are to be making a repentance and change of heart daily towards our God. It should not be as yesterday but a new day with our King…….

One of the many things which cause me to put trust and rest in the Word of God is the power of His Word which never ever never fails. Our God says what He means and means what He says. The words from Genesis to Revelation have their fulfillment in time and out of time.

The valley of decision is upon us…We are written in the Book of the Bible and it is before us what side of God do we want to be on……. His or not…… Obey His commands and shower out love or not. Stand for the ones who cannot stand or not……. Or keep going on our vain lives as usual thinking that nothing will overtake us……..Or again, we will wake up with the storms in His mercy. These are His alarm or fire alarm to have us turn to Him.  He expects the ones who call on His name to  live His life in Christ as instructed as wisdom……. Or we do  not……But know this all our actions will be weighed before the God whose eyes run to and fro seeking who He may show Himself strong……

The Word of God was and is and is to come and He is consistantly seperating the sheep from the goats as He will continue this year……. He is God and there is no other and all that stand before Him – He will destroy as written a bazzillian times in the Bible….. I dare you look it up…… Finding lukewarmness in men is His spit………or His spit made the blind to see.  Shall we mess with a God like this and ignore His demand to free the bonds of oppression and speak for the innocent.  He spews lukewarmness far from Him as spit.

Who can stand before His cold? Who can stand before His burnings?

Who can stand before His gaze of fiery eyes? Who can stand before His heart of love and walk away?

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away, ( Matthew 24:35).

As believers, we have the fear of the Lord ingrained into our heart and mind. We live by a standard that is displayed before us by the Holy Spirit. So with this in mind, I am calling and asking for all to take our stand today before the throne of grace because we can!!

We can stand before the throne of grace this day……!!!!! Yes, and we must!

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in a time of need, ( Hebrews 4:16).

If we fail to find a great need to ending the slaughter of innocent lives…… We will enter in a travail of great need ourselves for the turning  away of our hard hearts to their blood crying out on this land.

We have a great and mighty God and He has bestowed upon us a great country…….. However, the shedding of innocent blood is an abomination to Him…… We must persist into casting the mountain of the culture of death out by choosing life and life abundantly…….. The blood of these innocents are crying out….. This great injustice which can be changed by us, the ones who call on the name of the Lord Jesus……..We may not be able to bring back those lives but we can save many from now on. Let us seize the day with the power of the name that is above all names and free the innocent.

This is not an option for us in this country. Our God cannot withhold His judgment or else He would not be a faithful and just God…….. Every member or part of the body of Christ must engage their prayers and fasting as well as their voice to move the culture of death out and allow the life and life abundant to be free in this country.

If we believe we have been called here for such a time as this – then we must make our stand in the Word of God and know if we turn from our wicked ways, He will heal this land…… and abortion shall lose its place as a choice of death in this country.

We can do this because of the God we serve and love. He is waiting. He has bestowed the power. We mean business……our faith shall prove the results.

Let this not be said to this generation: You have not gone up into the gaps to build a wall for the house of Israel to stand in battle on the day of the Lord, ( Ezekiel 13:5).

There is a breach in the wall surrounding this country for the innocent bloodshed on our land….. We must intercede for the correction to mend the gap before the Lord this day.

What if —– not a given but a what if…… our days have come to an end and we stand before the Lord Jesus Christ…….. He shows us every child that was aborted on our watch……. Can we stand before this truth? How can we stand before the One who died in loving us and we put the cries of the innocent out of our conscious because it was depressing? Or we shook our head at the horror and went on with our day……. What if we hear the cries and stop and turn to Him in tears and fasting – repenting for the lack of heart in the land that allows such cruelty to the ones who can’t speak for themselves.

Can we stand knowing that over 60 million babies have been killed on our watch and see the face of Him who sits on the throne?

This mountain must be cast down on our watch, beloved. Nothing is impossible to him who believes…… Didn’t the Lord say, if we believe, we shall see the glory of the Lord? Aren’t all the promises of the Lord – yes and amen if we abide in Him?

Is it not written, if ask anything in the name of Jesus and according to the will of God that it would be granted to us?

Did not the Lord say, but by prayer and fasting this comes out…….?

In this time of grace and mercy, let us beseech the Lord for His mercy and take the mountain and kick the death culture out of the court.

If we persist, who can stop us? We must overcome this evil with good this year…… This must be a priority on every believer’s heart in prayer, fasting and a shout before their government statesmen.

2018 can be the year we take the land and overcome—– Let us be known as the ones who had a different spirit and took the mountain for the Lord….. The battle is the Lord’s but He wants His army to stand on their knees and not give up or give in. May one year from now, we are found thanking God for the gift of life abundantly celebrated in this country by the voices of many innocent ones crying and giggling for their lives.

We can do this, the Lord has given us the platform and a mouth and a heart of steadfastness so we may stand for the ones who cannot speak for themselves……. Come let us overcome this mountain by choosing life and life abundantly …… Then many generations will not suffer for lukewarmness of the previous generation…..

If we do not tarry for life, the Lord is not mocked…. We will reap more chaos leading to death…… If we sow to Spirit and life, we will reap life and life eternal….. Our choice but every one who calls on the name of the Lord must take their stand today and tomorrow and the next and not relent.

Let us keep our watch as written in 1 Corinthians 16:13, Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with the truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness…..( Ephesians 6:13-14).

Let us beseech this Mighty One of grace for our need and help this day….. for we may stand before Him by His blood and mercy over us and His Spirit quickening us within to the task.

We have an open heaven before us in Christ, we are sitting with Him now…… Let us use our time wisely before Him bringing our many supplications and prayers for the innocent….Let us take down the idols that stand before our Christ that usurp the attention that is due to Him and His watch.

So in His Day, we may bow again knowing His great mercy and grace has been bestowed on us because we stood our ground for His battle today and stood in His victory.

Then another angel having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.

And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand.

Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.

So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound……….. Then the second angel sounded: something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea became blood, ( Revelation 8:3-6,8).

Glory to God in the Highest and His peace to all this year!!!

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come!



Please go to Themoraloutcry.com website and sign the petition to be presented on the 19th of January to the Supreme Court to reverse Roe vs. Wade. Thank you for your stand and prayer.

May the next coming years find us celebrating the life culture erupting in this nation! Glory to God for this to be established.