Love Has Been Perfected Among Us……

Wow! Meditate on the scripture…… Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is so are we in this world,               ( 1 John 4:17).

What does that mean?  Huh?  Love is perfected among us because as He is so are we in this world…….Hmmmm……

So where and how is Christ Jesus, our Lord, today?  So how He is  should be as we are….. How and why?  He is with us and will never leave us according to Matthew 28 and according to the Book of Ephesians He is seated in heavenly places and so are we……

The song goes what does this have to do with love? Everything like the old stories of rags to riches is the story line or His story of how God brought us back from eating at the pig’s trough to now seated with Him…… His love if we believe all He has said is brought to fullness…..within us and for us.

Did you ever try to help someone and they got offended because you offered to help?  Their pride was blocking your love given unto them what ever way it was offered.

Having His love received into us is a big thing to God.  Yes, He is well aware of where we came from….. and He is well aware of His grace and mercy  perfecting His plan to correct us into the position we were born for…… In Him by the power of His Spirit…..

Pentecost is a big deal to God as well as to King Jesus Christ….. He was frustrated and said this in Luke 12: 49-51, I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!  But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I AM till it is accomplished…… Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division.

I never thought I would hear the word wish out of our Lord…… But He was wishing time would speed up- for two reasons….. Maybe He was getting a little exasperated with His crew…… Maybe …… He had such a Gift for us in His Spirit being deposited inside that He couldn’t wait for the freedom of blinders coming off and the cotton  coming out of the ears of the ones He loved so we would understand and love Him greater.

He wanted fellowship…..Like minded offspring to know and love Him….. He wanted many with Him as He is the Priest of the Endless Life. He desired multiplication.

Back to the above verse….. His love perfected among us.

The clue is in the book of Ephesians…… There are such great illustrations to show us the pattern of Christ to put our faith in the Rock above all rocks….. Our Lord.

Jesus Christ was the perfect man perfected….. Yup! He only did what the Father told Him to do as written in John 5.

Holy Spirit worked through Jesus Christ…… and now who is He working His mighty power through? Pick up a mirror, beloved.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,  just as He chose Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure  of His will, to the praise and glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on the earth- in Him,

( Ephesians 1: 3-10).

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of our understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all,                         

( Ephesians 1:17-23)

But God who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, mae us alive together with Christ ( by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,

( Ephesians 2:4-6).

That Christ might dwell in your hearts through faith; that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God…….

Now to Him who is able to exceedlingly abundantly above all we ask or thinks, according to the power that works in us,…………….

to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, AMEN!, ( Ephesians 3:17-21).

Let the above Word be found  alive and active in the generation on the earth this day. Let it be not so that we limited God by our unbelief.

Let it be known by Him, we pleased our King and did great exploits in His name…. The name Jesus Christ which  all names bow in heaven and on the earth and below the earth and in all the seas.

Is the Lord saying- I call you to come to Me on the waters…… Lord, is that You?  He says, Yes. Come to Me – walk on the wild side and walk on out to Me.

Well, I was wild before for the wrong side…… I’ll be wild for you Lord.  It is the only way to live by faith….. There by faith the past pattern are broken by the newness of His breath. The past pattern of walking by faith is new today. What we walked by faith last year must be updated as we keep in the timing of His presence and purpose.   Remember the temp has changed…. Let us hear the new beat and keep the timing as a beautiful sound of us being one in Him.

First His crew saw Him walking on the water and calming the waves….Then He said, hey come on out and join Me.  I AM is your Guide….. to support You in the overcoming the natural by My Super Spirit…… In His Holy Spirit, we become holy and without blame.  Right there, overcomers arise and shine.

That is wild and only our God could want that and work it out to accomplish that within each heart that turns to see His voice and say – Okay….. You can do the impossible with me……Let’s run and not miss the mark of the high calling.

Paul, the mystery solver, shows us how the great power of God raised the Lord from the dead and was seated in the heavenly places……. Then it is written that the same power that raised Christ from the dead raised us with Him and also seated us in those same heavenly places.

The same power as written in Ephesians 1:19 is also written in Ephesians 3:20. This same God and His Spirit of power is  working not only through Christ but through us who believe. The Holy Spirit rests on the inside of us……. Christ—- We are little Christians….. running around as His body on this earth…. The fullness of Him is known as we, His body, are as He is in this world. This is now—- not later, but now.

Please- all the religious just put a hold on your mouth…… for a minute…….. He asks us to be perfect before Him….. or blameless before Him…… Perfected in Him is the power of the endless life made whole or complete in Him by Him through us…… His power is being worked in you and in me to complete us -in the power of the endless life……. as written in Hebrews – check it out.

This is His love fully received and lived by His saints.

His temple made by His Spirit will not have cracks and will not be shabby….. So if that bothers your mind- get over it!  Or not, your choice…. But this is His plan. We are being made into the temple of God Himself…. Check out 2 Corinthians….His place is glorious and beautiful and so are His people.

As written in Genesis 17:1-2,When Abram was ninety nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him,  I AM Almighty God; walk  before Me and be blameless.  

And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedlingly.

His  thought of perfect and our understanding need to be aligned here.  Many days and nights have I probed and bothered and asked again to get the -HOW-….. He was showing me His why. Then the light bulb clicked!  OHHHHHHH!

Okay, think about this…… God multiplied Abram into Abraham greatly—– in his seed beyond the sands and the stars are his offspring……. Abram and God covenanted and Abram became Abraham….. joined with God.

Is Jesus Christ’s covenant and sacrifice any less valid?  No….. Multiplication is God’s MO….. Always is the same and always will be the same…. He changes not….. So we are also being multiplied into His image so as He is the head of the body of Christ…..His government will not cease.

It is not about us but about Him in us. Then  what is done through us  as His kingdom keeps expanding on earth as it is in heaven.   As He is in heaven we are here….. As it is in heaven , it should be the same as here.

As was the growth of Abraham’s seed over the earth is great.  Is not greater the Incorruptible Seed of God, Christ Jesus sown into our hearts going to reproduce the same?   Believe Him and we shall be established….. for the Lord is the Great Prophet……. Believe the prophets and you shall be established as written in 2 Chronicles.

Only by our belief in walking it out by our  faith- our Lord meets us in all of His greatness established  in this earth ….It is to show His exceeding greatness. As well as  to show off His greatness and mercy and love and kindness and wonderment. May many be drawn to this great God and Friend to all.

This is not hard….. It is His power and His strength and our ears and heart to obey His instructions. Our prayers and fellowship with Him will gain us to understand what the width and length and depth and height of His love towards us in Christ. Then we pour it out….. as a forever bride does to His children.

We cannot pour out what we have not been filled with…..

We can never pour out what we have not come to know first hand by our King……His love. His coming through all the time. His answering our faith by signs wonders and sometimes little whispers or tiny fragrances of His touch of saying- yup, your on the path or the slamming of doors when we went through the wrong door….

He is always faithful to complete the work He has started within each of His beloved…… No one is left behind with this God……Only if they want to be. He is a Gentleman…..He back’s off but only to show up when He hears His name called out for help……

Our King is knocking on the doors of the hearts that have kept closed to Him….. He will never give up or give in until the last breath of His pursuit is breathed.

See Him now. The Door of Heaven opened wide to those who say I AM is mine.  He is waiting and praying for your inclination His way. Oh, please make His day and turn to Him today.

Oh bride, make sure your place is by His side. Do not be distracted by running here and there. The seat is reserved in Him today. Great is the way to speak what He says.

Eternity is where we live in Him this day. Time speeds up but we have no delay because we  have eternity and endless life as our Guide. He holds all the keys. The mysteries of His secrets are unlocked by our understanding of the Great I AM. Time is not concerned for it is in His hands. We are then also in the Great I AM….. Rest assured all will be disclosed that is hidden and obscure.

We rest in Him and know His faithfulness in His plan….. Things that are will not be as the things are not seen will always be and are set for now and eternity.

Things come and go but what remains is His plan for His government. I AM is always increasing. Multiplication is My way…….. I do the math because I AM has called it for the glory of My great way. I AM will always be, so if you are in Me….. What does it matter if those things I AM speaks rise and some fall?

I AM in you and you in Me…… That shall always be….. My image multiplying for all to see. I AM is here and active in My bride. As I dwell in the heavens with her too…… Oh do you understand this mystery too?  I AM divides the day from the night…. Ahhh, come to the morning bright….. The Son is brilliantly shining for all to see the glory in the heavens is also in you as in Me.

As in the first day I AM called Light be……. The first day is again for you to be in Light from Me.   The darkness folds his tent and vacates his rent.  He leaves bitterly but leave he must for the Light is too bright.

My power is endless.  I AM works greatly for My purpose in My people. Then all will see what I AM has for them. There is a God who is for them. I AM has made a way for all to be in My endless life with  Me.  All to see the Great I AM is here as well as in their eternity. I AM was with all before they knew breath.

I AM asks prayers be sent for those who delay but must come to I AM now as I AM calls this Today. Their deception may turn them away.

There is room in I AM for all…… Do you not see My arms are open wide from the east is to the west….. My bowed head is in obedience to the call from above….. Father wants you now to come home….This your call to return to the place you from the beginning called home….. So turn today…… Through My bloody sacrifice is the way to complete your destiny…. For in I AM is your place and I AM has set your in My side.

Come now and come all……..Enjoy the journey that I AM has designed for you from the beginning.  I AM saw you today hesitating to come do things My way. If you count the cost, weigh your scales, if they balance….. What is the balance that you seek?   One quick wind may shake the change that you won’t take in today.

I AM knows when time end….. Do you gamble on your own life today?  Put your struggle aside and make the stride to My cross. Be cleansed with My blood that was shed for you. Be washed clean with Fountain of My Endless Life….. Washing My bride. She is all clean inside. White as snow. I AM is in great delight for this is why I AM did not count the cost…How could I AM turn from you and encounter such great loss.

Now those who call on Me but will not heed to hear My reply. Why do you rush here and there….. When I AM holds the keys and answers of wisdom that you are seeking….. Wait and rest and all will be shown in the eternity of your moment.

I AM in no hurry and I AM delights in your presence…… Come sit with I AM and let be what does not matter. You and I AM  together as one in the mind and the heart……. Fellowship is what I AM is all about….. You must be in My rest to hear and strength to obey otherwise all will go astray….. Your help is I AM in you. Rest is the way that is shown through. I AM is the Word and the Voice that keeps you safe and accomplishing much fruit.  Do not be about you with out Me.

I AM will allow the pieces to crumble and then you will see that I AM is all you need to complete the task that is before you from Me.

Abram was changed from Abram to Abraham as he knew  I AM was needed to be what I AM said he was to be.  I AM is what will increase and multiply Christ in you.  Rest. Listen. Be quiet and still… Trust in I AM in all you seek.

All the work from you is through Me and from Me and for Me.  Listen to Me. Blessed is the highway as you walk on the water by the power of I AM in you working mightily.

Climb the hills of My mount for all is clear.  Into My land is the way of My delight. Do not hesitate and do not delay. The deep passages lead you into greater light. This is  My glory.  This is My story…… which you follow and all will see this is the road to victory.

The way of increase and multiplication is the way of the corn….. Bow to rise and then fly like eagles on the heights….. Air is thin but all you need is carried within.

My way is the passage of faith- You may not see with your eyes but you have dreamed the way. You will recognize the stones of the cliff as  your faith makes the path to see.  My power of My hand will guide you every step….. We are together and you can count on I AM through the thick and through the thin….. I AM has never been unfaithful to you. I AM will continue until My work is complete in you.

Remember you are here for I AM. They may say you have turned the world upside down but it has been upside down. The words that I AM tells you to speak tries to set their things straight. Some will come turn their lives upright by My righteousness.  Some will turn and want to live upside down and allow deception to keep them bowed  down….. But alas a few will come out and I AM will draw in… As Noah’s ark speaks out today…….

Do you know your last day? The Sower and His Seed still is working among them all.  Which is the way any of you will allow the Seed to fall today?

Thank you for allowing My love to be perfected in My bride.  The beauty of holiness is radiating at My side……My beloved, how I AM has suffered until the fire is poured forth to create My body shining as the noon day sun. My righteousness is found in you, My child. Be full of delight and joy as you radiate My life, oh My bride. This is My plan…… My family all around Me -Behold, My children you are all My glory!

What was and what will be and from what was forever then….. I AM the great I AM.

All things come from I AM and all things will be for  I AM.  Please come and learn  to be in the way and do things My way.  Woe to those who say they are the shepherds of the flock when all they do is keep My bride locked.

Do not call what I AM has cleansed as unholy and unclean… Learn of I AM and I AM makes all things new….. You are a new creation in I AM…. Do not step on the work of MY Spirit this day….. It will not work well for you – get out of I AM’s way.

My body is My masterpiece… Hold it dear and hold it sacred and do fear I AM in regards to this hear……..Do not resist the Spirit of Grace.  Ask the many who stepped in I AM’s way how it worked well for them in their day.  There are many around that can tell you about knowing I AM and not doing things His way.

Will you focus only on sin and not acknowledge the Incorruptible Seed growing within.  The Light of their eyes and their hope in I AM will continue if you water  what I AM speaks over them.  I AM sees what I AM has created from the beginning…… If you are My worker than I AM knows you by My fruit…… If the fruit is not coming forth……Then check the deliverer…. For My Words are fulfilled…… Do not steal their joy of being Mine……. Do not step in the Way of I AM at this time…..Come to I AM and we will set it right……

Love shall be perfected among My own…. Call out for this in all that I AM calls Mine. Do not frustrate My Spirit today…… This why I AM came to set a fire and be not the one who stumps it out…..I AM calls My own out to come in and go out again.  This is the way……

Learn of Me and all will be set free…..My Spirit delights in liberty.    Where My Spirit cannot dwell well, He is not. But do not be deceived, He has found rest in many that I AM has called home today. They may have left the crowd….. The chains of bondage were so broken by My power and tasted freedom and delight. They are mine and they will walk in the fullness in My way. As I AM, you are to be. Do not be deceived on any lesser way for Me. I AM has made the Provision- Vision- for all to see.  See the way I AM is showing you…… Ah, yea, there may be division….. I AM calls to come out to come in and go out again.  My love has been perfected in these that  has I AM in their sight and they fly high in My might.









If You Offer A Grain Offering Of Your Firstfruits To The Lord…….

You shall offer for the grain offering of your firstfruits green heads of grain roasted on the fire, grain beaten from full heads. And you shall put oil on it, and lay frankincense on it. It is a grain offering.  Then the priest shall burn the memorial portion: part of its beaten grain and part of its oil, with all the frankincense, as an offering made by fire to the Lord,       ( Leviticus 2:14-16).

There is so much in the above verses. Yes, it is astounding in the book of Leviticus we can find treasure- if we  search.   I see Romans 12:1-2 all over the above verses. Let alone the life of a believer being transformed into the image of Christ being laid out in two little verses. Who knew?  He does!!

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice., holy acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect, ( complete), will of God(Romans 12:1-2).

God calls His family  as those who worship Him in Spirit and Truth…… Spirit and Truth are found in Christ Jesus and  is found in us, if we take His name as ours….. As we abide in Him and Him in us,——- we are walking by the Spirit and Truth.  This is His way……This is not man’s way.  Man’s way does not display a cost……Man’s way has a cost but it is hidden……  God’s way does have  cost but it is not hidden…. Are you up for it? Jesus Christ was very open with His cost……

When we come to Him,—- we are awed by His neverending love….. We captivated by the understanding of what He did for us on that cross starting at the garden of Gethesmane.   Okay, He has got our attention.

When we come to Him do we just automatically give Him our heart?…… Not usually….. We say we believe and sort of act good for a while until our flesh and unrenewed mind get the better of us again……. Some stray away as the first batch of Seed from the Sower……. Some return later and renew,…….their stance to and for the Lord……..All intentions of men fall short of the glory of God……even after years of calling our selves “saved”.  But, this is not His plan, He has supplied us with everything we need to overcome the flesh and man’s ways- world…… but we must want it…… We must want Him….. We must ask to receive the grace to make us seek Him. Or not….. Our choice now and His later- from our choices.

By ignoring our coldness of heart we are set up as prey again to our ways that have not been corrected or burned by His fire…… We can go around and around the mulberry bush until we cry- I give up-  How can I live this life that I know I should be living by the conscience You gave me- but I can’t…. Behold, all you [enemies of your own selves] who attempt to kindle your own fires [and work out your own plans of salvation], who surround and gird yourselves with momentary sparks, darts, and firebrands that you set aflame!—walk by the light of your self-made fire and of the sparks that you have kindled [for yourself, if you will]! But this shall you have from My hand: you shall lie down in grief and in torment, ( Isaiah 50:11.)

Some find this cry soon and some never find this cry and some wait so long before this cry – I give up all I am for I am  broken. This cry that our King waits for is a broken heart…… Nothing has gone right or because of ourselves things are falling apart or we are just tired of the games…… Whatever the reason, know He has allowed all to fall apart so we may turn to Him and ask Him for help. He is the Great Shaker And Recreator!

He is the Healer and Restorer of all hearts and minds and bodies, if we allow Him to and believe He will and wants to do this…..But He is not into fixing as He is creating in each of us His new creation….. with a new name…… His work….. God does not like bandaids….. He just remakes and renews us into His image…. The old man is dead and there is no fixing death. There is no fixing the old man- he is dead with Christ on the cross. We must learn to do things His way- take His stand by faith and walk this out.

But again, His work is to bring us close to Him…. He wants to share His life and love with every person on this planet. Alas, the broken heart is replaced by His for His fashioning of His plan…… Our hearts remain in broken as we are living from the death that we live to life, His resurrections life……..

Broken hearts see the needs of other broken hearts. Their answer  is  Christ Jesus.  Jesus Christ’s scars of His heart made way for His bride to take her place by His side.  Broken hearts allow Him in and allow Him out…… They pour out His fragrance of the knowledge of Him and His glory in us …… Christ is within us – Folks, our only hope of glory.

Mother Theresa’s heart was always broken yet, she helped many because of her heart breaking for their need. She was a huge faucet for the King.  Those in prison for His name sake—– hearts broken but they are really sowing His life for His right turning all meant for harm to good for many…….

As we meet the clouds of many witnesses, brokenness happened and their joy and resurrection power came from them at the cross and then His chambers and  arising  continually in Him……We died at the cross with the Lord as He did and we also live this out daily……as we also live out the fullness of His life within daily.

We must do things His way………His instructions to pick up our cross was given by our Leader….. Ignoring you are not My disciple by our King if you do not pick up your cross is leaving a grand opening for rebellion and  deception……..

This is a part two to receiving salvation……… We must then pour out for others to receive salvation from our place of abiding and living in Him…..

We are complete in Him as written in Colossians.  The Spirit of God by the Word will bring that scripture to fruition….. That is His purpose…..Do not resist His Spirit and not enter in to His rest.

We must grow up.

But all must first come to the Lord Jesus Christ and be set free by His blood and mercy of the cross….. His pain for our shame. His shame for our gain.  His mercy for our hand to grab His for His help up and out of the miry clay…..

Our ways as we come to Him are not His….. We are clueless of Him….. We are a babe born from above and must be taught the way of His kingdom……. So we have full heads that are so green to His way, we stumble over things we do not know are not part of Him….. Again, we are clueless….. But that is okay with Him—- He is patient and He is kind….. He is gentle and He is strong for all of us to tag along in the dark with His light beckoning us to His more and our becoming so less to none.

We are like puppies stumbling over our own paws as we try to follow their mom…. Wondering why this mom is going here and there….. We are no different in wondering and following in the dark the King of Light……  As we keep groping for Him in our ignorance…… He draws us deeper into His love and opens the eyes of the blind. He reveals Himself to those who said I can’t anymore but I believe You can…… and He then is writing His laws and statutes on our hearts. Renewing us into His as written in Jeremiah and Ezekiel…. Check it out.

There is much more in store for us as we answered His call….. We cannot go on living as before…. We have been made new and we must check out what He has in store for us before we lose this precious step we took and the world swallows us up in the  unseen snares as before. By the way, the same snares are there for all in Christ….. Day one or year 30!  The deceptions come in many a way from the serpent of old who delights to make men fall.

Woe to those that allow evil to use them to put stumbling blocks to make men fell…… Hope they enjoy a millstone tied around their neck.

We have some light turned on as we trust and start out. We have some understanding and wisdom releasing the knowledge of God within us……

But there is more and we know it and we ask Him….. He smiles and says —– There is One who dwells with you and within you whom you shall meet this day…….He is the Comforter I AM has sent your way…… He shall open the Scriptures so you see how much value you are to Me.   You will see heaven rules in the sons of men….. You shall understand with wisdom and speak My Words to all so they all may hear.   So this is My way, I AM has not left you alone as an orphan. You must take heed and pray often with Me…. I AM here and we will fellowship. So do not fear.

My Spirit shall come and take place in you this day.  Be aware that the power of My Spirit is what  makes you full and complete in My will and in My plan- In Him and with Him, you shall be able to stand….. Do not turn and run. This is My plan from the Beginning of all till My breaking the Dawn…. The Dayspring rests in your hearts…..

This is where you are found and supplied to you is the strength and power of My call. For you have chosen the needful. It shall not be diminished for you today but shall be shown as the chosen in My Day……

As you see I AM through the Book, you will see all things that were kept in the dark shining through. This is the way of knowing and discerning what is Mine and what is theirs.

Stay in Me and I will show you all. The  hidden and obscure things will be known.  Holy Spirit is My eyes. The All Knowing Uncreated One. He is the source of the fountain of  the Holy One….

All power rests through Him to bring My children in to their home. All power is within Him to transform My little ones into the Sons and Daughters of My kind.  My image is resting in them through the fires and the waters. They are chastened and molded into the kingdom ways they shall be….known to all  through all of  His story…..

Do not be deceived- I AM makes all things new. You have come to Me with your heart. Lay it down in My hands and stand and take My heart. You are born anew from above…..

Your ways are not your own nor do you know the thoughts of I AM…. So come with Me into My chambers. You will know and understand with the heart that is yours as is Mine. This heart is yours forever and beyond time.

Now the start of the new way is born in you from this day. Do not fret and do not worry all will be manifest by Me and I AM in no hurry.  I AM will awaken you and tell you things that only Holy Sprit knows.  I AM wants you to see all that has been planned for you—this is the Dayspring.

The power I AM has showered in you is  transforming you from the world to My ways easily….. Some of the strongholds that you thought were real are all false and this we shall deal….. So the fire burns the chaff away and only always what is My realm to stay…

All has been shown and opened   to you….. In time through eternity this will be  manifest in all you do….. You are My Son and you are My daughter….. Come drink deep and fully from the fountain of My Spirit.   Do not tarry and do not fear for I AM has brought you here.  I AM waited to be gracious unto you…. When you came to the end of you , I AM knew this day and hour to start the celebration from this hour.

See the marriage feast has begun…… My bride is drinking from My hand.  I AM her Supply that never runs dry. She is My delight, for this is her right to come to I AM and to be filled to the brim with My Bread and My Wine….. My feast she delights in through now and eternity.

So as you come to Me- Do you not see how important you are to Me?  The light draws all to the Fire in dwelling  in I AM’s body this day.

Turn around and dance a jig for you have won many to Me.  Many do not see what you are to Me….. but rejoice here My little one, nor did they see the King in their midst until My part was done. Then many still  did not see even this day.

We walk together to draw them farther into the depths and into the heights My call does cry.  Do not follow as the crowd follows, but as your understanding opens – My bride enters into My beauty of  holiness.

Yea, not many join Me this day.  My way is hard to follow…. Not many walk this way in I AM. I AM came looking for fruit. What I AM saw defiled My plan for their day. So bear the fruit  from the Rock which is for all eternity.  Your fruit is found in I AM.

Do you know the times that I AM has in My hand?  Does the world yet, see the writing on the wall?  Does the world believe all will go on as before?  For they refuse to see the Truth that I AM sets them free.

The Day My beloved cried for they thought the dark had overcome them all, but yet the Day dawned into the greatest Light of all for mankind…… Through the dark into the Light is My way for all mankind…..

Some want to remain in their state….. Blind to grow in I AM.  Some like their seats in the front  and some like their seats in the back but how great is those who chosen seat is in the Great I AM.  Their tears in My bottle have turned into great revival….. Do learn the ways of I AM is not of man.

What I AM did before may not be now, but new.  I AM  growing and increasing. As you abide in Me, you will hear and ascend into a higher new sound….. Can you hear My tempo? It is a new beat……..

The thunder rolling is setting the stage for the coming of the Ancient of Days…… Things will not be the same for I AM is  in My own. The growing of My Kingdom is what I AM seeks…. I AM dwells in My bride for all eternity.

Yes, I AM has prepared a place for all My own….. The many mansions is where I AM calls My home…….. So I AM has sent My Help to prepare the Mansion in all of you today. I AM calls this  today.

Hear My Spirit, quit playing at things as they are for children. Walk in your cross and be known as Mine….. Do you not see the time?  This  way is of Me.  Fellowship is what I AM seeks.

Is this the fasting and prayer I AM is pleased? That in I AM and I AM in you. This change will bring  what prayer and fasting is about.  The fire by night and cloud by day is within you for this is Today.  You do not need to see the cloud and fire to follow I AM. I AM is within leading you all by My whisper or shout. This is what My eternal Life is all about……I AM’s  higher way.

This family is Mine. There is no other like them…. I AM has created a special  overcomers that climb the walls of strongholds and show the cracks that men lean on. They swim in the depths of the seas to gather so many unto Me.   They are little lambs with the Lion of Judah roaring inside.  These are My fold who blindly fly the heights for making the new path for all to climb for they are My way before the time.

You shall see. All will be made manifest from the workings of My own by Me.

I AM has always called My own out then to come in. Then we go out and return again….. Mine come out to come in…Know My way from Gideon’s army today. Not by man’s power or by man’s might will the victory be- but by My Spirit is the Victory of today….. Can you come and climb the altar and be known not but My hand be upon you still?  Can you allow all of I AM to be in the plan? Put your desires and will into My hands and be still. Remember through dark into the Light. Through insurmountable is where I AM stands…… Allowing freedom in Life- death must be abolished…… What has raised up its head against I AM must be fallen to arise again.

The first desolation of destruction was held but man did not stand to their word. The blood  on the land is still screaming into My ears.  The second thunder is calling out…. Does man not hear of the crashing sound that  speaks of justice  crying through the streets?  Two different outcomes can be displayed…… Does man still want to play games?

The shaking and baking is heading our way. May we bow and turn things and do all things HIS WAY.

The talk of man on Sunday morn must change and awaken the sleeping pews to the Living Word within them. May He hear the crying out for Him or  put to sleep for ever this day…. He will have His way, do not  deceive He is the King of all- even today.  Hear His Spirit is talking. In Your Majesty and Grace open our ears to hear and understand the Voice crying loudly to us-  this is the DAY!



He got a new crew to replace the old crop of grain heads or big heads that would not get in the now walk of the Lord…….. The fruit was His that they tried to destroy. Nobody can stop our God from His will be accomplished on this earth….. No one….. I dare any one to try…… Please email me and let me know how it worked out for you.  Try to stop the wind with your hands. Try to the stop the rain as it falls. Try to make it rain when it is withheld.    Let me know how it is has worked for you.

We need to ask often and more often for the strength of the Lord because His strength, His Spirit, is our joy. Endurance keeps us going on when the goings get tough. The air is hard to breath as we ascend to the mount of the Lord. Remember we are being built into the temple of Living God.

This is the pattern that is shown to us on the mount.  We see His feet, we heard His last gasp of breath as He cried out.   We have been given a grand opportunity to be world changers into Word changers……. This is our moment and our time, we need much endurance….. Satan, you get behind us, we are following the pattern shown to us.  Our faces are set like flint.

Endurance has been granted for those not faint in heart.  We keep our eye and our heart, hope on Him. We dwell in Him and live from Him.  All of God’s fullness is measured out  as we find His Christ in us. Christ in us is the fullness of God. Him, beloved is  all we need to accomplish in the pattern……… We abide in Him and He in us….. We can not accomplish squat without us in Him and Him in us…… If we think we are, we will see our pride of works go up in smoke by the fire of His eyes.

For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,  in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,                       ( Colossians 1:9-14).

Now it happened on the second Sabbath after the first that He went into the grain fields. And His disciples plucked the heads of grain and ate, rubbing in their hands. And some of the Pharisees said to them, Why are you doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath?

But Jesus answering them said, Have you not even read this, what David did when he was hungry, he and those who were with him:  how he went into the house of God, took and ate the showbread, and also gave some to those with him, which is not lawful for any but the priests to eat?     And He said to them, the Son of Man, is also Lord of the Sabbath, ( Luke 6:1-5).

There is desirable treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man squanders it, ( Proverbs 21:20).

Which shall we be, the wise virgins found with oil? Or the foolish who slept through it all…..  ( Matthew 25). Check it out…… He is concerned greatly with our garments and our measure of oil……. What do you think He means?   ASK HIM. He will show you.

There are three mounts. Do you know what they are?  Sometimes we can get stuck on the mounts but that is not His purpose….. We must climb each one in His order……More on this later.



Therefore, Holy Brethren, Partakers Of The Heavenly Calling, Consider……..

Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession of Jesus Christ, who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was faithful in all His house. For this One has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, in as much as He who built the house has more honor than the house.

For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God. And Moses indeed was faithful in all His house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward, but Christ as a Son over His own house we are if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.

Therefore, as the Holy Spirit, says: Today, if you will hear My voice, do not harden your hearts in the day of rebellion, in the day of trial in the wilderness, where your fathers tested Me, tried Me. and saw My works forty years. Therefore I was angry with that generation, and said, They always go astray in their heart, and they have not known My ways, so I swore in My wrath, They shall not enter My rest…….. Beware brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the Living God, but exhort on another daily, while it is called TODAY, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: Today, if you will hear His Voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.

For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt? led by Moses?

Now with whom was He angry forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness?

And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey?

So we see that they could enter in because of unbelief.( Hebrews 3:1-19).

First of all, just a thought, do we want to try the Lord in the amount of years we are living on this earth?  Do we really want to try and test a God that is a consuming fire?  Really?   Let us get our ears cleaned with the Gospel and admit our hearts broken so He will give us His….. Amen.

Recently I heard someone compliment their house and I heard their reply…… I did not build it, I just live in it.     This scripture popped up.  All things are built by God….. He who built all things are God…… We get to live in His creation and be His new creation which is in Christ Jesus….. We are privileged to live in Him. Abide in Him…..We are the partakers of the unsearchable riches of Christ.  I believe every time scripture pops up into our hearts, it is revelation of the Lord. A time to draw near and hear what His Spirit is showing us in eternity from this moment.

Again, the Lord is not way up there and not involved in our daily life, nor is He silent. Nor is He blind. Nor is He dead…….. Our idols are blind, deaf,  mute……. but the Living God is not.    He lives and moves amongst us.  Do we dare to look at Resurrection Sunday or Easter as another day to increase our kingdom and not bring the Holy One to their eyes as their new Reality of Life? Then make sure they are fed with His Spirit?

Do we still look at the numbers?  Have we not changed our ways to His?  Each number is His own child returning home.  Each number is His child coming to be restored into the house of God, His house……

Why is it written in the Gospels, when Jesus Christ went to numerous synagogues, it was written  their synagogue and not His?   Why as He entered the Temple is it written He threw out the money changers?  What had His house become? What had the synagogues that had gathered to read the Word of God – Himself- not written in the Gospels- as His synagogue?

So if God builds the house and the increase is from God?  How can man boast?  If we are the temple of God now, how is His house today?  He cleansed the temple then and at the cross for us….. We are His house……

We must be watchful and with Holy fear not tread on the work of the Holy Spirit.  Our Maker is calling His people. They are called and recreated or reborn into His Son’s image. Yes, there is reconstruction going on as in ALL of us.

What the Holy One has cleansed we must not call unclean….. Is the unforgiveable sin to call the work of Holy Spirit as unclean?   The Lord said His work is finished and His blood cleanses us and makes us white as snow as written in Isaiah.    What is man that he should speak on other children of God as unclean……?  Who can boast against the work of the Almighty God and His Son?  Who dare?

To whom the Son of God manifests Himself is a wonder and beautiful and sacred.   We must not bring the works of heaven and call them mundane.  Then call what we see instead of what shall be or as God speaks…… Gideon became what God spoke over him- Gideon was a mighty warrior….. Would any of us go out to a war with torches and fire and broken jugs today with a mere  army of three hundred…… We are what God says we are….not what man says. God makes the warriors and makes His saints by the blood of His Son and His Spirit’s fire…. Faith is the fuel that turns weak men into the sons of God….Take God out of any man and we are weak. It is in our weakness His power is made perfect…… Let us eat and munch on that Truth!,  (Sounds a lot like by His Spirit says the Lord!- 300 men with fire like torches and broken jugs and us as the jugs!).

More is accomplished or His kingdom come if we speak what the Word says about His children, His new creation. His Kingdom is within them now….. Let us make sure we are watering His Seed with the Word and the Truth of His Spirit…… The newness of their lives in Christ we celebrate and nurture…… They are not numbers to our King….. They are His treasure….. The apple of His eye.

Gideon was a warrior because He knew His God was fighting His battle……..The battles are the Lord’s….. We are just His army that He uses.  We are His house on the earth that He uses as His. We are the weapons that He uses in His hand against His foes…… Can any weapon boast of itself or is it the skill of the User of that weapon that is praised.

God is building His body through the precious blood of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit….. We are the building of God today. We are all being made into His spiritual temple of His Spirit as written in Ephesians. Check it out.

The functions of my feet compared to the functions of my hands are completely different but are very vital to my body to complete the will of God through the body He has given me.  Each member of Christ is vital and important….. He who has called- He has cleansed- He has justified and He has sanctified to Himself….. Who shall condemn whom God has called and justified….. If God is for us- who dare speak out against His work, us?

Is the western church still stuck in the Corinthian church mold?  All boasting on their stuff? Really?  Is that where we are after all the knowledge of possible, more like pending,  judgment coming our way.  Corinthian church received the Holy Spirit and went WACO in pride because of gifts….. Forgetting their Maker and Giver of all things and who the gifts are to point all to-CHRIST JESUS not man……  Are we still there trying to prove our importance and  not yet died to the next higher cliff of Galatians???

Do we remember how the disciples were fighting over who was the greatest?  Does that not speak of the kingdom of babel?  The kingdom of business runs that way and that way should not be found in the body of Christ nor in its leaders…….

We can choose to stay on the cliff of Corinthians, but we will learn over and over again- as written- he who glories, let him glory in the Lord, ( 1 Corinthians 1:31). We must pass this and move on to the higher heights in the Lord.

People boasting on their gifts and works…..Choosing to be like a balloon full of weird gas  instead of  like the wind that blows the Seed of God into the fields of hearts of men… Ignoring this mystery is trying our Lord.  What shall  help us stay in Him and in love to all the body of Christ?…..For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body- whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free- and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.- But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He pleased…… And if they were all one member, where would the body be?, ( 1 Corinthians 12, 13,18, 19).

If we move out of Corinthian mentality of  – all about me and what I am and do….  but decide to join the death of Christ  and be His disciple so He may rise in us.  We stand in the life of Christ as He is within us today – Living as the Sons of God knowing our work is only eternal and lasting if the work and prayer is His- through us by His Spirit….. We cannot boast or claim…… This job of His reigning is His always and  always has been and will  always be His……

May He enter as a Visitor to the body of Christ, His church, today- and not want to throw out the money changers or the ones who tolerate Jezebel. May He be known through His body and not ignored because of our hope to be someone. Is not being His treasure  the greatest call and position to be held in this life?

We must learn – He must increase and get large in and through me and I am dead- My member now is among the living in Christ, His bride. This also includes the bride ambassadors in other nations for the King.

Hey- Don’t you see there is a greater place to be then here today?  Hey, let us climb us up this mount to the sign marked His Way, this day.

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself  for me, ( Galatians 2:20).

We realize His plan that He is Vine and we are His branches….. His Spirit is the One who does the work and the power is His….. Not of works were we saved and are working today but by His Spirit – we live today. We do what He says and when the fruit comes in…. He gets the glory…… This is His work which we are called to partake and commanded bring them in. The neatest part of God is that He likes to disguise His kings and priests as common and not of noble means…… Jesus Christ was a common Man though He was God. Most did not take notice until He opened His mouth and Heaven spoke.

So we move on from here where the air is clear but as we turn we behold a great big Tree where the leaves are for healing of the nations. Boy, there is more than I ever knew to be in Him this day….. Let us climb some more- we enjoy this freedom from the curse. Let us keep climbing. Let us see  what more for us He has in store…….The Spirit has paved the Way and is leading us into more and more of His way.

We are someone important because- we are His…..That is beyond any of our hope and dreams to be known as His on His day. So our function in the body is vital, but we are all one and HE ALONE is the head over the church…. His body.  The promised land for us this day is walking in Him and Him in us.  Then  we walk this life out in the flesh as written. Ephesians 3:20, Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, Amen……. 

Can we see as we move from Galatians, glorying in the knowledge of the Lord as written in Jeremiah 9;23-24. The glory is not from us….. Or should I say, the gory details of what we have or don’t have or done or not done in ourselves. We glory in this, we have knowledge of the Ancient of Days, as we celebrate eternal life as written in John 17.  We enter the realm of the heavenlies where we sit with the King and reign His way through His days….

Then as we move we see His Awesomeness as there is none like Him. Our Guide gives us so much training> Abundance in understanding and wisdom which are from  the treasuries of our King, so we learn and have the mind of Christ…..We never knew of the Feast that He had prepared for us that special Day.  We glory in Him forever from this grand day, called His.

The Door is open. Let us not wait any longer. Look He is beckoning us into His chamber….. Do we dare tarry or climb the stone steps that glistened with the myrrh and frankincense.   But wait, look at you and look at me. We are covered now with these.  Look at the One who is seated within Brightest of All. There is only One who is in charge over us all and we are blessed to have Him as His Christ is  within us.

We celebrate our King that He has bestowed His Spirit within- Christ in us is our hope in glory… This One whose power all the earth belongs to…. who is beyond all our imagination and hope- the Spirit of God has rested within us! God has made a dwelling place, a mansion within each of us for His Spirit.  Do you not see?  These are the dwellings that He has made for you and for Me…… For those who love Him….. He turns His gaze, this Ancient of Days, and says – these are the ones in which I AM chooses to dwell….. Yes, you may be a pauper and may be a mom or a kid, but I AM has turned your heart in to His dwelling place. Yes, where the Holy Spirit dwells is a mansion. I AM has longed for My rest within My children…..In all these generations I AM has sought….. a tabernacle  in each one of My children does I AM seek.  You need to go not here and there….. I AM and you can fellowship in the Spirit and truth right where you are…..and in this I AM delights.

Then we are fitted for the job He has spoken to be…. But who can boast of any thing we do for if it is eternal and forever as this fruit is His.  His sap made the fruit develop through the vine into the branch and it is Divine…. Who can claim as a branch they are the head…..Oh No- we learn as we sit and behold the King. As He has declared that it shall be…… This does not originate  from you or from me.

There is only One of Him and many of us, but He is the head and we are the body.  He has to have our preeminence for He is over all. We bow our knee for He is worthy of it all…… As He sees we are now complete in Him… We are made by His hand circumcised by His Spirit and long and seek those things that are above. Alas……

We find our way through the Philippian door. This door is not traveled often, only the searching have nerve to go through….. The scent is beckoning but there is more I need to see. The aroma draws me in where sometimes it is dark but He illuminates all for me.

We understand the beauty He has is from the myrrh and frankincense. Now we are clothed in that same garment  which He has bathed us in before His throne…. We may not get it all but we submit to His hand that kindly guides us through out His land……. We bow and submit all for His name sake.   We are here and want to know His greatness that He has bestowed.  His shine is beyond from any earthly stance but we are covered with Him as we take this new stand.  We need to know the mystery of Him.  His power of Life consumes us all….. How can this be but is His life and power flowing through me…… I do not see me but only His face is all I see. He has consumed me with His love…. Praise His name forever. Our High King Christ Jesus is Lord over all….. We  bow before the King.

He is our King who is speaking to us all through His Spirit. He is still trumpeting out. Come one and come all…. Do not delay, the bell tolls for you today.  Come and see what I AM has prepared….. The walk on the narrow is against the tide but come any way and see My arms are opened wide. See My  way that I AM has planned for you today. Leave your sins and your shame and come to ME this day.  Pick up your cross, in this I AM is here to help you carry this cost….. But staying in your lies and sins of turning Me away will leave you a burden that I AM has taken away, but if you do not come, that burden will remain forever yours….. Why do you stay and linger in death eternal for I AM has made a way for you in My life eternal…..  Do not turn away from I AM this day….. You will soon regret the stand you make. Do you know if you have another day?

He has restarted through many that His plan will come to pass through all His clay… But if we keep  raising our head in our acclaim we will be found in the heap of clay that has been discarded. The works burned with His fire on His day but our salvation will not be lost. His body is set only to the acclamations of the King of all today….. We only boast in the cross of our Lord Jesus for this is HIS WAY…… He is our Savior and Warrior Hero to us. We see His cost and His smile to the lost. His hand extended for all to come….. Bless those who have the courage from His Spirit to turn into His cross and walk through the other side into His chambers we then hide….. His life is ours and we live in His peace.We are new as babies, but by His Spirit we grow into His kingdom we are sons that all of creation are waiting for. He is patiently waiting for you this day, please come and meet Him and start your new day.

Rise up and leave the dead to bury the dead. Let us proclaim His greatness instead!

Do we not see that all creation is waiting for the sons to mature as we  come into the knowledge of the Holy One and He reigns through us this day?

Are we not going to acclaim our nothing in boast and send adorations and praise to the One who deserves it all?

Games are for children and they get put away as the sons of God mature this day.

All ingredients that go into the stew do not say I am better or you are worse- they just blend together in the fire for the Food of the Shepherd to bring the strength that is needed for His sheep to eat.

Let us make sure babel is not the words of the day when His sheep come to gather- let them see Jesus- Present Him today. His Spirit speaks today. Make sure it is Him working through you in His day.  His Spirit  who shows all  of the Great King that is to return.  Do not keep them from hearing  Him today.    If we block, He will manifest Himself to them in His way….. Do not be deceived He is hot after His sheep so they do not go down the cliff but climb to Him from His beckoned call.  Man in himself  will not help but Christ is here for those who believe He lives within for all this day. Hasten quickly do not delay, be not  found as the block to His sheep  keeping them from seeing and hearing Him today.  We are dead to the world and the world dead to us…..We sing the tune of the Heavenly Man and His Spirit is beckoning us…. Come to the Mount where the Holy One dwells- do not hold your life precious for then you will lose all. Leave it at the cross and be My bride and do not count the cost to be at My side. You will see no shame. You eyes behold your King in all His beauty and there you go sold on the sight of the Lover that  has never let you go.

Mankind will see the Truth,  the King with His bride, by His side.  We climb the heights to manifest the sight of the truth of our King and His suffering that Day….. We sow His way to the lost and pray they pick up the scent of the King as He calls them home as we call this Today.  Today is the grace given to all, even those who are slow to the call.  But the Day will end and the offer of salvation shall stop then.   Come we are not complete in the body of Christ without you. You are fitted for such a time in the bride.  Please come and see the greatness of our King…. He comes to all manifesting Himself in what they need.

We are here to point to You. None of us are qualified to be You.  May we remember the preciousness You treated us as we  first came and bowed to You. May we wake up to the purity of holiness found in You…We ask for the purity of  heart that be our goal to affirm Your fame.

All honor and power and glory and riches are Yours- to the King of glory…… You are worthy of it all.

May we have the courage and guts to climb the mount of the Lord this day and do things HIS WAY!







Here Is A What If Question…..

If we were alive in the days Jesus Christ in the flesh walked Jerusalem and……..If we heard Him talk to us straight from  Almighty God’s heart….. If we heard the words He spoke as they penetrated our hearts like little swords….. If we saw Him heal the sick, cast out devils and hang out with sinners………If we saw Him walk on the water and calm the storms…… If we saw Him give us coins from marine life…….. If we saw Him see us climb the tree to see Him……. If He saw our thoughts as we wonder if He is the real deal…… but still smiled at us with a smile that would melt stones……. What if as our eyes met He knew all we had done and not done towards God and others and…….. What if He held out His hand and said come to Me……. What if He met us in the tax office…… What if He met us in our banking…… What if He met us in our giving  our help and aid to strangers or people in other countries, which we will never meet or met us as we ignore any one needs…… What if He met us in the neighborhoods…….. What if He met us at the bars?  What if He met us at the liquor stores? What if He meets us in the buildings we worship on Sundays?  What if He walked by us and we did not even notice?  What if we saw Him then over two thousand years ago this week…..?

Would we bow before the Messiah coming on a donkey?  Would we also be in the same week crying out for Him to be crucified and to let the rebellious one go free?

The same opportunity  is before all mankind as it was over two thousands year ago …….. Do we lift the Messiah, King of Love this day or do we stand with  the crowd because of fear of man and what people might say?  Where do we stand today?

Will He come to say to us- Calling our name-  Why do you persecute Me?  His eyes of fiery love…….burning right into our hearts….. It is easy to join a pack of dogs surrounding an innocent lamb. It takes courage to go in amongst the dogs and save the innocent. It is easier as a coward to stand in the crowd and say crucify Him……. But can we then take the hammer and pound the nails into His hands and feet?  Can we then make sure His crown of thorns is thrust deep into His brow? Can we then stand and watch Him die knowing we are the ones that put Him there?

Ahh, but these are the words that are spoken to Him and others this day…….What we speak we believe and live out…….

For when we stand with our mouths and confess our belief in hate towards Him and mankind —– We are doing the deeds to Him and others, even the innocent. Our words and actions today are as if we are there over two thousand years ago…… We are not innocent at all………. none of mankind is……But………..

This is a BIG but, His blood was shed to cleanse us all…… ALL……..His Spirit has been poured upon us now so we may boldly to go in amongst the dogs and rescue the innocent.   Which stand do we take?  The stand of the popular and turn our back on the One who never stops loving and partake with the crowd? Do not be deceived there is a reward for which ever we choose. The path of hate is as a disease has over taken a person and slowly saps all life away. This is bitterwood that becomes the hater’s drink……

Or do we stand with the One who we know loves us with such an everlasting love, we cannot deny or turn from…….He has apprehended us……..He has for me, what about you? I will drink His cup of salvation…..and give Him praise…… His water is free and is clean and plenty for all to come and drink…..

Where do we stand today….. At the foot of His cross weeping, alas, turned into an awakening of  the dawn to the empty tomb……. All those screams of hatred could not keep Him down……. He has arose from the dead and the plot of evil was turned to good for all mankind….. In spite of our weakness, His glory reigns over this earth and all mankind….. His Love does not stop at the crowd or the one or two in His midst.  His love abounds to all  for all eternity.

We know where He stands. Our God is mighty and great and awesome……. And we allow Holy Spirit to bring to us the truth of reigning with Him through our all until it becomes His all….. Remember, as He is in the world so are we……As we honor and thank God for the Christ and His suffering and victorious resurrection, let us take the strength and endurance available to us to be bold in all our steps.

Can you hear Him ask, why are you persecuting Me?   Or can you hear Him say, you are chosen as My vessel for such a time as this…….and know those who hate Me will also hate you……But be of good cheer and dance a jig for you are where you belong for you belong to Me.

The hiding followers not understanding of all He had spoken was given a great reward for their stand…… They saw the Resurrected King and Messiah coming to eat some food with them…… as He walked through the door. How cool is that…… Now we live with His supernatural being our natural.

Only five hundred were given the reward of seeing the Resurrected King before He totally upgraded from earth to His heavenly position sitting at the right hand of the Almighty….. The pure in heart shall see God as written in Matthew chapter 5.  They confessed and they lived what they believed…… The crowd cried out hate and they saw nothing of the King for He was hidden from them. Now some from the crowd could have heard from others and changed their heart. They  believed because they spoke and confessed on the One who is here again though we thought He was gone.   They then lived to see what they believed.

We will see what we believe as He presents Himself to those who seek……. The suffering Messiah has risen then and is now the Dayspring in our hearts.  His promises He keeps and fulfills. All His words will last forever……. But most important to us is the King who has resided in the hearts of His own….. His voice is Life itself to those who have ears to hear….. His presence is Bread of Life  to those who hearts have made Him first.  His Kingdom has come and His will is done in those who stand for Him alone…… Do you see there is great reward for those who believe?  Ahhh, there is also a great reward for those who do not believe too……. I choose the King and His Door I will live in. The other door leads to destruction and hell, that is not what I to be a part of…… I hear His call and know His gentle hand upon my shoulder always guiding and leading me. He is so much not like any other.

Hear His plea to you and to me…… Leave the crowd and be known by the Majority, the Uncreated One, Me.  Do you not see? My blood has covered and has washed you clean. just believe.  I AM your Life and I AM your way. All you have to do is come to Me, you shall be clean and made new. My Life in you shall be full and you are branded with My Spirit in you…..Sealed for all eternity. Come to Me, and see how all I AM has spoken  is for you, just believe I AM truth.  I AM has spoken and promised nothing will be the same for you now have spoken out My name.  The heavens have recorded and shout for joy, you have come to the cross, the neverending stand of the King for His lost……You have joined the family of priests and kings for all to reign in victory.  Look up to me, though you are standing at My feet….. See I AM’s tears on My face running down in joy of you. See I AM did not despise the shame of dying for I AM has won you.

Woe to those who do not believe. Who think they are all they need.  May the hardened hearts be made soft as the Spirit cause them to turn and hear the Voice.  Why do so many forsake the cross? This place of sacrifice is where their life are drawn for I AM has paid the cost. Do not trample upon  the blood for the lost. It is most precious, for the blood speaks today……. The cost has been paid. Do not tarry for the way has been paved by My feet and hands for all that one day. Alas, for that day was spoken by way in the past, for the sins to be cast from as far as east is to west.  The covenant was laid out bleeding for all. Shew the vultures away, the deception that you do not need a Savior today.

Eternal life is you shall know I AM. This is the call I AM has for His bride…….. The city on My hill that shines to the heights to the widths to the depths to all  the lengths of the love of her God  showering over her is seen to be as the in of the coming tide.

Do not be deceived those who are called and come to My feet covered in My spilt blood for all to see, they now sit beside Me for always through eternity.  Their place by My side is the position I AM has wanted through out all  time.  It is not easy nor it is free of  cost but all will see the not one drop of blood was lost without being applied to My cause.  Your soul and others has been worth it all.

Those who have chosen are free and they have been given the reward to have eyes to see and ears to hear for they have received all I AM has given them to eat.  They have been prepared for this day. Trails of  trials of myrrh and heights of sight of the frankincense make the deep path into the  place of My side. The cross is embedded in their heart and My Spirit is at rest bringing the victory to test…… My image is found in them and that is the best of My rest.

Hear My Spirit say- for you may not have been there at the mount that day but My words speak and are alive to all who hear today!  If you hear the Spirit speaking today, do not harden your heart as in the day of the rebellion……..Blessed are the  poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth, ( land). Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

You are the salt of the earth; but if they salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?  It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.   

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden, ( Matthew 5:3-14).

I AM has called, justified and sanctified as My own are covered in the blood of God and Holy Spirit speaks through them is the testimony that I AM seeks.  I AM delights in hearing My Words bellowing out they beckon all great and small to partake of the Feast that is laid out at My feet.  Come all and this day, please do not delay. This is the way I AM is calling you today…… Do not allow the stumbling of your plans and deceptions turn you away to other lands….. Come to Me where the honey is good and the milk is free….. Turn from the ways that will leave you tired and full of regret…….because you forgot the day of your great awakening.

Join the ranks that declare I AM their Life. Look how they stand so strong in My righteousness. They are My redeemed and I AM says it is so. As I AM has always been so they shall be in the palms of My hands for  I AM rejoices greatly over these. I AM does not despise the shame for I AM has My bride by My side throughout all eternity.  Which choice will you make this day- to come to Me and do things My way ?…….

Lord, You have told us that in our faith and love in You, we will never be put to shame for those who wait and hope in You……. Our God has always come through for us and will always for He is a mighty Warrior and nothing has stopped Him. He has never ceased  from turning our impossible to be His, of course, possible….. No question as to His showing up and showing off for His Name. Who is this that we call Beloved? Alas, this is the Hero of heaven  who has prayed for the Godhead and His own to be one. Who dares to stand against the prayers of the Holy One? He is worthy to have His prayer. As He has written His name on  His bride as His seal of His Spirit rests inside.

There is never any way but to shower You with our adoration this day, that we love You and hope in You and trust You with our all. This all is all we live towards….. Christ in us the hope of glory as we live by faith for You have died for us because You love us.  So we gladly die to live in and for you.  All our death to disappointments are a drop in the bucket to the love and adventure we have found in You…… You have blessed us in Your Spirit with understanding beyond our capacity and mercy beyond Your judgment.  We have nestled into Your truth as our foundation to stand through the fire and the floods….. You have branded us in Your great love and we are forever Yours.  We are for You, for You are worthy of it all. All the glory and praise and joy  this day is to You, our King….. May our praise and obedience to You raise all through the earth unto the heavens the love we have towards  You. Glory be Your name.

Holy, holy, holy,  Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!, ( Revelation 4:8b).

You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by You will they exist and were created,  ( Revelation 4:11).

You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals ; for you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests unto our God; and we shall reign on the earth, ( Revelation 5:9-10).

We praise You and love You with all we got. Thank You for loving us as only You can do. All belongs to You and You won our hearts!  You have all of our praise for You are worthy!  Thank You,  our King for all You are and will always be. In You, we have found our life and have found our worth.  The finish You have started is beyond compare because we are complete- we are found in You. This knowledge is beyond compare! Praise be to the Father! Praise be to the Son!  Praise be to Holy Spirit!  Praise be to the God Three in One! Look At our God and worship Him for there is none other for He is beyond compare!

Thank You God for You!



We honor our King this Sunday for He is the Resurrection and the Life we live today…….. Yes, we celebrate Him everyday…… His resurrection power is coursing through our veins for this we live and breath and have our being in Him not just Sunday, but praise to Him, EVERYDAY!

Praise and honor and glory and power be unto the Lamb forever and ever- Amen and Amen……




Do We Know Where We Live? It Is Eleven O’Clock, He Knows Where His Children Are………

When we are raised in a family what we believe is carried out by the words we say and the decrees we make from our belief.  The words shape our lives and the communities we are in because of the background we have been in.

So the born again ones from the heights bring all the treasures to where ever they plow for their God is mighty and  is in their sight…..The steps where they tread have already been made long ago by the Ancient of Days.  The path we walk has been designed by the Master Planner of all mankind.

The finders of the path that has been laid out before will be made known to all this day….. The ways of old are marked with great zeal for all to come and partake of this meal.  The cross is seen by the ones in His dream for those to come and drink from His stream.  The cross, alas, is the focus point of all this day…… We must carry the cross by His Spirit and only do things His way.

To the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not only I, but all those who have known the truth, because of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever, ( 2John1-2).

For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth…. I have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in truth, ( 3 John 3-4).

Do you not know and do you not see how I AM pleased when you walk in  I AM and I AM is found in thee?….. This is fullness that I AM has been speaking…. You are Mine and I AM yours. I AM is the  same house you are from and be assured.  Rest in the fullness of the call and place you are from….. See you are Mine and I AM yours…… The truth within you that springs from the fellowship we have in that I AM abides in you and you abide in Me……The truth of My love for you surely sets you free so the place you tread has been already been tread by Me….. You are free to be who I AM has called you to be…. You have been born again from the place of the strength and wind of My Sprit. So My Treasure is already within you….. Where your heart is  I AM found…. You are My inheritance and I AM yours. The truth is beyond renown. What you heart sees as treasure will set apart My chosen forever.  Faithful and true shall always be a part of you.

Love has been perfected before us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is so we are in this world, ( 1 John 4:17).

This is your warship and your decree- you are free and the fire will burn for all to see…… This will start the world ablaze for the One who has fire in His eyes burning for you and for me….. Has not also the Great Ancient of Days  spoken out for all to see the cross is empty. So be found by the One who arose from the tomb of decay. But you can be found today. Just call His name and turn to hear Him….. Then you shall see that you also have been born from above as He has decreed. You shall also speak from your family in the heavens, your home this will be. All will be new in Him and the chains that kept you will be gone and alas- you are free.

The fire will spread as My love cannot be controlled….. My Force like a wave cannot be contained but will disrupt what causes some to disdain. I AM is turning the world around  all upside down for this has been decreed and is complete. Those of Mine known before time are the ignited for this chore – Remember—- they are Mine. If you have not joined My force come it is not too late…. Come to Me then you also will be apart of My army.

Those who follow My heart in My way will gladly walk through all their days but those who stand to oppose My force will be reckoned to stop their way.  Will they then  turn and face Me this day?  Be embraced by this God who has called you in, so that you may dwell in Him.  He longs for fellowship with you today……Please do not hesitate……Turn to Him and hear His voice so that you may be at peace. Please trust in this… Know His love that Has been poured forth from the blood of His Son….. See His eyes full of compassion. Do not turn away but come back today….. be found His by the end of this day.

These are the Words that set men free…… Speak and decree then all will see that great change is apart of you and apart of me.

The holiness of our God has come through again. His mercy is steadfast from generation to generation to see His fulfillment of His dream that includes you and me….. Come, believe then you too shall see.

I AM the Way. I AM the Truth for your day. I AM the resurrection power that flows through you always…… I AM your peace and joy.  I AM all you will ever need. Do you not see? I AM is always watchful of the ones that I AM has called…. This is the Truth that is known….. I AM has always been and will always be…. Please allow Me to be apart of you – I AM will heal your need….. Come and see how I AM, the Truth, will set you free into My liberty…….   You are My care and My love….. How can you forsake such a great Love?    Turn to Me and then you shall also see. Your blind eyes will be changed so you can see  your value to me. You will step out with I AM in faith with a new view…….Come and see, allow Me to be with you as it was decreed for all eternity.

Hear and believe and you shall be set free, My children…….

For those who see, keep the fire aflame and do not falter for the mountains are plains and the treaded fields have produced the grain. Though it be spring, look again, the harvest is full and ripe for the getting…. Spring forth and get all your getting.  Speak the Words that I AM has decreed before the century and that rings through all eternity!  Though destruction was seen to come. But now spring up all righteousness that covers the innocent never forgotten.

Amen…. May we believe all that has spoken by our God this day…… May we not forsake such a great salvation as we have today…. The Deliverer has come and saved the Day……. because from now on we are doing it His way!


Amen. Amen. Lord, we believe and we walk into Your total victory…. No one will be left behind and all will hear Your trumpet sound to set things right with Your heart. We will not stop nor do we tarry for You have quickened our hearts to get totally on the ferry that takes us to the shore of the place many have walked before.  You as our Leader and Victorious King….. We bow and follow your instructions for You have led many this way and we will stop and turnaround and do things Your way.

Thank You, our King, for allowing us to be here for this great awakening…… We will speak and decree as we are abroad your warship of worship to You we bow and love and adore….. For You are worthy and You have our hearts. You King Jesus Christ, are worthy of it all!

We bow our heads and ask You to lay Your hand upon us today and please increase our faith so we may walk in the fullness of Your grace for the appointed time that is before us today.

We bow and receive all You have for us today…. Lord, we will be back for more of  You before dawn of the morrow!!
