The Days Of Elijah? What About The Days of Nehemiah And Ezra Too?

Yes-  The brother books of Nehemiah and Ezra….These guys are very well to note and listen to what Holy Spirit says to us regarding these two books. Their loyalty and faithfulness to God midst many obstacles are worthy to take note for us today.

The Days of Ezra and Nehemiah…… Let us make a song of victory for their name sake for they show us our way in restoration and reformation of today.

‘The walls have been broken down….First of all, I am not talking about any literal wall in this country. So let us not get political and in offense. My thinking is the spiritual state of our body in any country, our country.

The spiritual walls of this country which is body of Christ, the church, are as the walls in Jerusalem in the days of Nehemiah and Ezra….. The rebuilding of what was lost is the place we stand this day…. Restoration of the high place in Jesus Christ we had is lost or much lower in standard then where we should be. The standard be Christ Jesus, our King……

When we study the Word especially in epistles and in the Book of Revelation….. Why do we settle for status quo?  There is so much more to know of our King and experience Him in greater measure than most stand  in Him this day.

Is not reformation and restoration the task of our day?  Restoration to the heavenly sight of God that He has for His people in this country any country….. in HIS SON.

The cross is our key and the link to restore all unto His glory.  We speak of what we see instead of what He spoke to us long ago but still speaks to us through His Spirit this day….. If we listen, we will hear come up here…….and see what I AM has planned for all that enter into the Son of God.

Sometimes our agenda and His are not in alignment. That might be an understatement…..Man has preconceived ideas and  we must drop them and take His….. Make room for the King and His kingdom today!

We must go to the cross and lay ours down.  He will not lay His aside for anyone, not even His bride.  We must let go all preconceived ideas and allow Him to tell us what is on His mind….. Be still and listen.

The idols of this land follow more to the Greek side of humanism. Human reason stands strong against the God of love.  The god of me and my wants…. Then there are always the idols we raise up to serve us as being our own little god…… Which is NOT to be! When all is said and done the True God will only stand.

The reason for the departing of the spiritual plan of God for His people is due to idolatry. The people put before God other gods. They followed the ways of other nations….Gave ear to lying snakes and false doctrines arose for tickley ears. Beloved, man always will be as he was and is and will be without redemption and salvation of our God through Jesus Christ, a surplanter and deceiver.

The written word lets us know what is to come and history has repeated itself once again. However, we have been given such a great salvation…. Let us not rest a bit in the worldly soup that deadens us to His call today!

Let us rise up and restore all He has died to give us as well as live in the greatness of His fullness available to us as Christ is with us and in us…. Yahoo.

We have more to work with this day than our brothers, Nehemiah and Ezra, did….. We have the living presence of God in us thus directing us and protecting our soul from the culture of the day.

Nehemiah and Ezra saw what was and how things are and was determined to bring restoration to their country because God had put this in their heart. They had His vision and then received the courage and boldness to accomplish His task for they knew they had the victory for He was with them.  Do we not already have the victory?

Now our God is so great that even when we fall as His people- going astray from the heavenly calling…. He is strong to bring us back. As we know Him,…….we see the place of restoration is greater than the place where we fell…… He is so awesome!

There are many oppositions within the camp as well as outside the camp in any restoration. Study Nehemiah and Ezra for the days we are in. See the stand we shall make.

We must put any weakness of unbelief,  disappointment- for our appointment in the Lord is at hand….. We must put away our feelings representing what we hear and see with our natural eyes. Replace our earthly sight with the plan and vision of our King. Get His Son glasses on and keep them on.

If you do not know the vision- go to Him and be with Him!

A remnant won the battle against the Midianites with Gideon’s obedience…….Midianites represent strife and contention…… Get it?  The glory will be our God’s and not by man’s ingenuity or skills but by the God and the Lord of hosts….. His glory be known before all men on this earth today.

We must remain through the holidays steadfast and take the time in the rest of God- which is prayer- communion- so we may know His plan as in the taking of Jericho….. Only God and not by man nor by might but by Holy Spirit. Be clothed in His Spirit and know that Christ is in us for our hope in glory. May the new year be the new you in Him emerging for all to see.  Holy Spirit fire is all they see….. Be clothed in His victory.

We must put on His view of His Son…. There is no other god. There is no other that will be found all and in all but the Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of all lords this day and forever.

This includes us burning what is not His this day- be prepared for battle- plow in one hand and the Sword of the Spirit in the other. Really the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God in our mouths to speak to His Words to all about…..

But first remain in prayer and then as He has spoken, the Words then will be the hammer and conviction that enters in and takes the root. We are His sowers of the Word….. But our heart must also be fertile ground for His fruit to grow….. Into His presence we must go!…… AND STAY!

Willing to the do the task and sacrifice for the generations to come!

Our God is a just Judge and all will see His glory!

All things that are will not be as those things that are eternal will always exist.

So strengthen our hearts and be strong in Him for who is mighty. Let us hear His laugh that holds His enemies in derision as written in Psalm 2.

His story is always redeeming and restoring mankind to the place He has called us- reigning and ruling under Him and with Him. the Word of God, made flesh. Jesus Christ is the Standard and Banner of His people….. His government rests on His shoulders and will be forever and ever.

He wants a people on this earth to represent Him and show off the glory of His Son, the King of all nations, even ours.

The fire of God will burn away all that stands before Him now and forever in the hearts of men and in their nations….. Idolatry is the fall of any man in the sight of our God.

May we meet with our King in Spirit and Truth and let Him burn His truth into our lives. Let the fire remain in ourselves by destroying all things which are greater importance than Him.

There can be no compromise or mixture of the world in His people….. If there is any mixture, the faulty line of the wall is there. Eventually, as we see today, it  weakens the wall of protection and eventually  that weakness makes the wall crumble and fall.

The same principle stands if found any compromise and mixture in man and his desires and it shows in past times- which are time wasters. Our time is His….. Remember we have a Redeemer……

Laodicean church that they had come- to where I do not know- but they thought highly of themselves. The Lord thought totally different.

He called them blind, naked and poor….. The Laodicean church was not clothed properly  according to our Lord………. In the Book of Revelation 16:15, Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.

Now this scripture was put right after this verse 14, For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Who is they?  The demons will see the unclothing of the people of God. They see the faulty line in our personal wall as well as the wall of His people….. This is the disunity….. Christ in us, well, the Spirit calls us as one body and the head is Christ Jesus. There is to be no mixture in loyalty to our King.

What is the clothing or the wall?  The clothing or new garment is Holy Spirit. As written in Colossians 1:26-28, The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you the hope of glory.

To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily.

Remember in Acts 19:13-16:Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits saying, We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches. Also there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so.

And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus, I know, and Paul, I know; but who are you?

Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

He has given us all things that pertain to live a life in godliness as written in 2 Peter….. His Spirit, Christ in us…..The demons should know our name and say oh man she or he is up again!

The purpose of God is His glory and His love that has been poured forth in our hearts for all to see….

And to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which is from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to the intent that now the  manifold wisdom of God  might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, ( Ephesians 3:9-12).

Beloved, it is not about us. We are blessed to be the object of our God’s infinite love and wisdom for His glory and for all to see and give Him praise…..for He gave us His Son and know we abide in Him.

We are in restoration of what was given by our Heavenly Father which was set aside and lost…

Our authority in Him…Cannot have mixture and reign with His trust to use His authority for righteousness sake.  His kingdom sake needs loyalty to the King…..

Man’s agenda and ambition has removed the intent of our Lord……Numbers replaced love and grace.

Remember what happened to David when he had his kingdom numbered?  Business and corporations  mentality replaced the fellowship of the revealed mystery of Christ in us- in each one of us….

If the Christ is not found in them, then the main objective is to cloth His people with the knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ so they do not perish and are found naked at His return.

The wall of the city of God has a faulty line where it was found weakened by not following the scriptures as written for our admonition and exhortation……

The wall is made strong as written from the gifts of the Lord as written in Ephesians 4:12-16, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things, into Him who is the head- Christ- from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what EVERY JOINT supplies, according to the effective working, by which every part does its share, causes growth and the body is edifying itself in love.

This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus.

God has not changed, we are to be the ones changing. We change as we align our mind to the scriptures so we may live by them and for them….in His presence.

This is the way of the Lord and why we need Holy Spirit’s power to walk in holiness, for He has called us holy and blameless before the Lord.

He has given us all things, Holy Spirit within us, to walk out the godly life He has called us up and into….. We are found then clothed and not naked by Him and the powers of the air will also see how He has loved us and given us all things so there is no breach in our wall.

When it is all said and done, it will be to the glory of our God…that we are standing in Him.

Thus says the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty not glory in this might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I AM the Lord exercising lovingkindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth, for in these I delight, says the Lord, ( Jeremiah 9:23).

Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the latter rain and former rain to the earth, ( Hosea 6:3).

Beloved, let this be our battle cry: But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world, ( Galatians 6:14).

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. 

Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth; fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry,     (Colossians 3:1-5).

If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments and perform them, then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit, ( Leviticus 26:3-4).

Let us not lose our focus during the coming days where we may get distracted. Let us remain in our stand a plow in one hand and a sword in the other and do not take off His garments of praise during these days.

You, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.

And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops. 

Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things, ( 2 Timothy 2:1-7).

This is a faithful saying:

If we died with Him, we shall also live with Him.

If we endure, we shall also reign with Him, if we deny Him, He will also deny us.

If we are faithless, He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself, ( 2 Timothy 2:11-13).

He is a mighty God. Beloved,  He is worthy of our all….. As He is so are we in this world…… written in 1John.

We have a lot to be grateful to Him that goes beyond all our days and years and unto eternity. So let us stand and smile with Him and to Him. Why? Because we love Him so and He is so awesome!!!

Let us be found faithful in this restoration for Him be all the glory. Amen and Amen!  God be for us who can be against us……. and silly them for trying!  May God turn their hearts to His love and victory found in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  If not, we must be found faithful to Him with no compromise or mixture.

Please keep standing on your knees!

Father, we love You and thank You for hearing our prayers.  We wait on You and trust You…. We know You are great and worthy of all our praise. We know You have orchestrated all of our days….. So we bow before You and wait and know Your Spirit is on and in this earth, us, speaking to us…. So we wait and listen and watch.  We love You and thank You for all You have done and are doing now….. Give us Your Word for this day for this is our Bread. Courage and boldness to walk Your way through in the faith that only You can do!

We wait  before You because we want to! Speak Lord we are listening.



My Children,

Thank you for coming to hear Me. Thank you that this day I AM found in your heart.  My desire is to dwell with My children and you to call I AM your God.   Know My love is surrounding you and consuming you.  Nothing can stop the love I AM has for the world.  Only the world will stop from receiving My fire. However,  My fire and water will never escape them. Thank you for all will see My love  burns for thee.

My son and friend, Daniel, knew the smell of the circling lion but his glory was in his knowledge of Me, the Great  I AM.  I AM stayed the lions and then to My glory, all saw this power could only be from the Great I AM,  the God of Daniel.

Be quiet and still and know I AM God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

My body fitted together in My Spirit is the Light this world needs.  Though they try to slay, I AM delivers My resurrection power to stay.  Only victory is found in them for I AM in them.

My beloved, do you not see yet, the victory  is completed for you have chosen Me above all others.  My heart delights in My beloved for she has eyes only for her King…. She is Mine for all of eternity.

Hear among you for My footsteps come to beckon all. Hear My knock and let Me in for I AM wants to dine again. Do not keep Me waiting for then I AM will turn and move on down the path that I AM has chosen alone.  I AM has called you with an everlasting love,  I AM has long to embrace you with a love that you have never known…..

Come to Me today, and turn to My way. Leave all behind….. as the days unwind, you will never remember all that you left behind, You will remember My words that have carried you in  and through the fire and the waters.

Molding My body into My likeness is what I AM longs. This is My family. These that mold into Me are My precious jewels for all the world to see….. They will know I AM loves them.

Be still and know I AM. All that oppose you now will fall…….This is My call, so then they may arise and come to Me.  The supper I AM provided is My main theme.    Beloved, this is My key for them to enter My eternity.

The revealing of their King and My love is what draws them to Me. This revelation is the Key to their victory found in Me.   All that are exalted will fall unto Me. I AM the Stone they will come arise into for all will take note and see.  Oh see My hope is full in all eternity for all will come to know My glory.

Stay steady at the plow.  The Seed is being laid so when the Stone blocks the way all will turn to Me in My Day. The valley of decision must fall on all so  they may turn to the valley of Vision and be writers on My wall.

There the souls that I AM desires will come to know Me if they will come to Me in their fall. If they stand away, then they decide to remain in  their continued fall….. But hope in My heart arises for they still may then turn around to Me….. Some I AM knows will never turn. They long to be with the exalted against I AM and remain in their fall.

Pray for the decision to be made for all for the valley of decision comes as My fire does fall.   My glory will be known to all.

Peace I AM gives, but some refuse Me.  Stay in I AM and remain with Me in prayer. Communion in One is My position which holds for all  This is why you must remain in Me.

I in them, Father, and You in Me so we may be all One and the world will know I AM has come from You. Those You have given Me are from Me sent into the world. This Truth is revealed so all come to know Me and their victory.

Some will hear and not come. Some will fall and get up and run and run into My arms, they shall come to My call…. Watch your prayers manifest this day as they are embraced by the Holy One and watch evil’s dismay.

Pray they may believe the revelation of Myself that My Spirit sends their way. Pray the grace may be received for the coming of Me into their heart.  See how My grace beckons man throughout all eternity…… This is the Day for them to come to believe and know Me as their Savior and King. This is the showdown of your times.

This generation makes way for the next to enter into their eternity in Me. Blessed are those who call on Me. Please bring this decision before them that they may be with I AM during their time.

The Day of judgment has already fallen when the sun hid its face for the death of it’s King.  Oh yay, the judgment has come, they do not know that all that believe is found in My freedom, for they are found in Me….  But alas, they think their day is far away from them because they do not see the Son shining on them.  The reality of My death and resurrected life is for them today and they should not turn away. Has not My blood covered them well?

Many of them do and perish for they do not know I AM their breath and life and hold their days in My hand……. Oh pray for the veil of unbelief be torn from their minds. My blood is for them too this day.

For does anyone know the day that salvation of the Lord will stop and go away?  When the day is earthquaked into the air and all that will be is I AM and you in Me?

Come to know Me for this is what I AM desires. This is the drink for all eternity….. Come know Me put away all that distracts you away from Me.  Find then the victory of knowing Me and be free indeed.

I AM sees their looks as they turn away and say this is a foolish way…So strange and different from me.  They do not see My blood working in their day.  They do not hear My whisper calling them to come to Me and be at peace.  That is not the thing to be done today to call the Lord as mighty….

Oh, My one sheep. I AM does delight in the finding one crying to Me. Though they may be hidden, I AM sees and hears….. I AM comes billowing through the dark lies and deceptions that hold My lamb from Me. Please know how heaven sings over thee.. They rejoice that you allowed Me to find thee.

O, the bravery of one turning to Me in the face of all hate and strife of families.  Do you not see how I AM carries thee?  Never again, will anyone steal you away from Me.  Come find your place in Me. Watch the delight all of heaven as  you returning to I AM.   Welcome home, please find your place at My feet where all My saints dine with Me.

Hell is not a place you want to be.

Now My little ones, know this day, there is a cost to follow Me and do things My way.  The world will hate you as they hate Me for no cause….. This will follow you too, do not be alarmed for I AM has overcome and so shall you for My Spirit lives big in you.

I AM will never leave you or forsake you all your days and into eternity. This is My will for you to know Me and My great love that I AM has for you. My Spirit will be in and on you for all your days so you may how I AM lives and do things according to My way.  My Spirit will keep you from stumbling away and getting enticed in the worldly way.  He will keep you blameless to Me and you will then be holy and set apart for Me in this day and for all eternity.

I AM reveals unto and in you more and more of Me when you keep coming to Me. I AM delights that you revel in Me. You hold in your heart the revelation of I AM. These are the keys that unlock your freedom  and victory as you know Me. These truth will keep you close to Me.

These revelations come to the humble in heart. The ones who want to be known by men and use these revelations for their gain will meet Me once again.

Fame and gain and name will be darkness to those who want Me and them. Let them go and be found in Me and there is only One who holds the righteous in their hand….. There is no room in a heart for ambition and Me.

One will flee as there is no room for Me.  Do not despise My Spirit and His words and leading for they are from Me.  Hold these Words close to thee.  Let them sort out what is good for thee….. My best intentions is Him in thee.

Listen to Him not sparingly.  Put aside all to hear His voice unto thee. For His Words are your victory.  All that is done against you by man is against Me.  So put the judgment in My hand and I AM will do accordingly.

My Ways are just and My Words are a hammer on the blocks of decision and  opposition. I AM does not wish any to perish so the opposition to Me allows a meeting with them. Their opportunity dawns so they may turn and choose Me and live in victory.

Be still and see I AM.  I AM sends the trump of God out to all so they may hear and turn into Me today……

Do not do against others as you would want done unto you…… Has there been anyone who did harm to another and did not pay a price? Be not deceived from the enemy….. Speak the truth to one another and do not believe a false report against another….. Love and truth shall be your peace as I AM there amongst you all….. I AM knows all stuff and I AM hears all your stuff……. Speak righteous stuff and be blessed.

The God who created your eye, you think He does not see and will  not render accordingly to justice?  He who created the mouth, you think He does not hear your lies and slander against another?  You tally with the God who is love and assume that He will not render justice.  Ahh, in this deception you have errored.

May it be your whispering words to be upon you for all your days that you spoke against another? Stop it now and ask for forgiveness before the words that you have spoken fall on you….. As I AM speaks, treat others as you want to be treated, for in this is your peace.

There are seven things that I AM hates- know these as you know Me… Be wise in your days and in your speech. Slander starts because the root of  envy is found in your heart… You align with evil for his start was his envy of Me.

Come and repent of your ways….. Your evil ways will send you to the pit. Where the world is saying does not exist.   You who speak lies are also hearing lies of deception.

The justice is rendered for as you have sown lies of deception you are being lured in deception, allowing you to think there is no justice.

God is I AM and I AM will not be mocked….. I AM here, turn to Me now. Set your steps in My Words and let My blood cover you. Be clean and live clean and be set free from all- for you will then live in Me.

Watch, for what you have sown – you shall reap….. Sow unto righteousness and let this be your reward. Truth will then lay a bed for you of peace in the company of Your King.

Now, beloved, if they speak lies against you- rejoice, they are speaking lies against Me too.   Rejoice and be glad, for you are counted to suffer for your King….

Rejoice and be glad,  your place in Me is close indeed. Do not fear and do not fret for the weapons they forge against My beloved shall not prosper for I AM and I AM their inheritance…… This is the righteousness that I AM bestows on thee. Rest in Me and you shall see all that shall be for you will remain in Me throughout all of My His story….. All shall see that blasphemed you has blasphemed Me…..

Speak these words to My own that are coming home.  Do not promise a rose garden for this I AM does not delight….. I AM shows the cost that always will be for those who follow Me.  If you do not show a cost, you are not gathering unto Me and this deception will cast you far from Me.

Speak the Truth and know I AM brings a division not of races, creed or color but of the Truth and Justice for these are of Me….. If they do not come to Me, the division is set for this time til they return unto Me.  I AM does not reject them for they have rejected Me. I AM then orchestrates another valley of decision so they may again make the choice to come home to Me.

Thank you for hearing Me.  Please make the changes accordingly as the fire forms and the winds blow the doors of hearts that are opening may say yes and come home to Me…. I AM waiting patiently.

My love is all inclusive but their choosing seperates us- though I AM watches through the night for the return of My dove to come a flight.

Speak of Me, the Truth shall set them free….. If they go away, then again later they may return to me.   There are many hoses in My kingdom but the water must be from Me.  Do not keep what was meant to leave, these all belong to Me.  I AM sets the course for the bud to open to the Son.  Do not mess with My divine discourse to My chosen ones.

Thank you for heeding to My words.  Set your pace accordingly… There is great things yet to be. Prepare yourself in My peace so shall you listen and have victory in Me. So then,  those may turn and see and return to Me because of what they see to be is real and free….. They do not bow to men but bow to Me. Watch the evil around them flee for this is in their victory turning to Me.

My home is the temple they desire to be…… I AM has made them for Me. My new creation is made up of Me.  Do not speak against My Words for your theology.

They do not need to go to your place to be with Me. In Me, they are home….. Set the pace for what will be in the days ahead….. Let them know I AM with them for all eternity and I AM will never leave them.

Take these Words as from My heart and heed them, please. Thank you for listening. Seek My face and see the shining countenance upon you this day!



The Lord’s first board meeting after His Spirit was in and upon His men came as the men positioned themselves around their big table…… Waiting on the Lord quietly….. Then out of the sky came a huge board crashing down on their table…….. They all ran and scattered…..God has spoken.

His will be done here as it is in heaven…… I did not make that up but heard it from somewhere- Blessings on the one who saw in the Spirit man trying to figure out God instead of allowing His Spirit to spread like wildfire.

Let us step aside and free the Lion of Judah to be who He is and watch our God make His story! And then watch all His children enter eternity! Praying when He says to pray- always and speaking only when He instructs us to.



Blessed Thanksgiving in Him and remain standing on our knees !


















Our King Jesus, The Christ, Is Worthy Of OUR All!!

Give ear, O My people, to My law; incline your ears to the words of My mouth, ( Psalm 78:1).

Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice, ( John 19:37b).

Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters, and your footsteps were not known. You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron, ( Psalm 77:19-20).

Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed saying, Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure: Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.

I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, You are My Son, today I have begotten You.

Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. He shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.

Now therefore, be wise O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth, serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little.

Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him,

( Psalm 2).

Our Lord is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega. There is no other god but our God. We praise the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD. He is worthy. He is sooooo good!!

Our Lord always has something up His sleeve. He reveals His plans.  Those to whom His plans are revealed are as to their hearers  a pretty song which they love to hear the words but arise and do not heed them….. And it is written, when this happens, know a prophet has been in your midst.

But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let him glory in the Lord, ( 1 Corinthians 1:30-31).

Remember how Jehovah had a showdown with Pharaoh of Egypt through His men Moses and Aaron?

Remember how Jehovah had another showdown with the nations that He was displacing for His own people? The people were called Israel and then the country or land became known as Israel.

Remember how Elijah had a showdown with the priests of Baal…. The showdown brought the fire of God showing who was Jehovah and who was a false god. Then the people knew the One True Living God.

Remember the showdown of our Lord, Jesus Christ on that Thursday through Sunday regarding  His cross, death and resurrection? The earth quaked at His death and the earth quaked at His resurrection……. Who won? He triumphed over evil displaying them all to see!!

Is there any need to fear at all?  Is there not a greater need to remember and exalt our God who has been for us through all of time?


We must learn of His ways. I pray we learn to change our sightseeing to seeing from His view…..

But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him,               ( 1 Corinthians 2:9).

Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: Behold, a sower went out to sow. And he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them.

Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth

But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away.

And some fell among thorns, and thorns sprang up and choked them.

But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop; some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear, ( Matthew 13:3-9).

Now the Sower knows where He is throwing the Seed and still continues knowing the outcome…… Hmmmm. Let’s take note on His way!! Now all the hearers are responsible for what they hear and act on or do not act on….Hmmmmm.

Our sight to all we see is linked to our heart. Our ears are linked to hearing what we also desire……. Maybe we hear a dentist drill and we turn that off as we do an alarm.

However, if we do not heed to the drill of the dentist, we may lose our teeth…… If we do not adhere to the Word of God, the desires of the world, such as riches, ambition, name and fame, cloud and may destroy the connection we have to Holy Spirit. Then we lose the vision and purpose of God.

There may even be offense to trip us up….. David had an adversary named Saul. Saul hunted him through the mountains and the valleys…..

God never left David’s side.  He told him to go or stay……. so Saul never caught or destroyed David….. In fact, David grew stronger under the hunt.  Just as Israel grew in Egypt under great duress from Pharaoh……

God had given David an opportunity to slay Saul while Saul rested.  David did not but brought the judgment of this antagonism to God and Judge of all……  David went on to become King and Saul was slain in battle.

So between all offense, we should lay it down before the Lord and forgive all knowing justice is in His hands and He is a JUST GOD. Holding on to offenses, riches, etc keeps us on the earth ground.

We  then can go on His way and be free to ascend where He wants us to be- by His side.  We rest knowing He is the God of Justice and is faithful to Himself.  He will be faithful to allow us to know to act when we need to, if any action is needed at all. He is quite able to reign justice and mercy.

Look what He has already done!

If we are running a race, we do not carry extra weight if we want to go very far…… In fact, we throw down all extra weight….. Actually, we are running with the yoke of Jesus Christ….. His yoke is light and His anointing is also ours covering us…… We  run with His Spirit on us as the armor of God…..

In actuality, if we would see us in the eyes of God, through Christ Jesus, He sees His Son…… not us….. Now He knows us, but sees us in His Son……We have been clothed with His blood unto all righteousness….. We have been given the armor of defense and Holy Spirit against the schemes of the devil.

As we see His children, we should listen to the delight of His Spirit giving us His words of knowledge and wisdom…. Readily giving His gifts to His children. Seeing them as God sees them…. Or not…. our choice….We live and speak not to deny His power among His children.   We do not deny His power on any occasion.

We are a new creation- in Christ Jesus…… Now we could be walking on old ground in our thinking but this is not according to the Word of God……Or we could chose life. Resurrection life is the ground we walk on…in Christ, where the new creation is and is also being formed and completed.

This resurrection ground, we should be found celebrating and experiencing our  new lifes which are found in Christ Jesus…… We are not on our own ground anymore…. Or at least we should not be if we say we are His……

Do we live as we know- there is nothing good in our flesh. We can only truly worship our God in Spirit and Truth….. That is the Lord Jesus Christ….

If we step out of Noah’s ark, we would have been killed in the judgment of the Flood.  If we stayed in the Ark of God, we will live…..

In Christ, is the new ground, His resurrection ground…. Out of Him, we are on our own ground- where He has judged for we died with Christ and rose in the newness of life….. We must adhere to His purpose here, beloved. We must abide in Him which is the newness of His life within us.

We accept the salvation of God so we may live and by Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus. He is the ONLY WAY.

Knowledge and understanding are some of the gifts of Holy Spirit….. Knowledge and understanding of our God and our Lord Jesus Christ is everlasting eternity…..

If we do not know Him because we do not study Him and spend time with Him,….. we forfeit our rightful place in the revealing of God. He has it on hold, but the chance of worldly things  or traditions to usurp our seat is very real as in the parable of the Sower of the Seed.

The truth is we are seated somewhere- either at His feast or the world’s….. You choose this day- life or death….Remember our God will not be mocked nor will His Son’s travail.

God give us all things to enjoy, but all things are not His best.

Let’s say someone took our place away from the dinner table as a great meal was planned- well, we would fight and shout,- Hey!! That is my seat……

Beloved,  let us not allow the vain empty things of the world, keep us from our place in our Lord and feasting with Him….

He has prepared a table for us- shame on us if we are too busy or tired or too self important to get to know our Divine Romancer….

This Creator is who  wanted your nose to be just the way it is. He called your height and color of your hair to be just as it is. He placed you into His creation at this time for His purpose…He has called you by name to be His….. You are loved greatly.

Do you know your purpose in His great plan? Come on and see!

Our God loves us with an everlasting love.  He wants His bride to be with Him and this is possible by Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus.

Let us not forsake such a great salvation……..There is more to know in Him, beloved, He is as a land of great and wide distances…..

As we know Him, we remain at peace—–knowing Him.  There is always opposition in the world going on…… We will know what is up His sleeve. He shows us great and mighty things, if we ask Him as written in Jeremiah 33:3.  So we always look expectantly and never fear.

What happened before with our Lord, will be again…..He always wins….. There will never be any glory but His now and then and forever more.

Things looked pretty bleak to the Israelites before the Lord bared His arm to Pharaoh in Egypt.   Things looked pretty arid when the land was in a drought but one man prayed and remained steadfast through it all…… The drought was broken as the fire ate up the sacrifice from His man standing for His rights as God.

The Friday that the earth broke open and the sun hid its face when our King suffered that horrible death and all deserted Him….. But He had a plan up His sleeve and He does now for all who believe. That day, the earth broke open once again but  in victory.

Who thought on these shores long ago, the Lord’s favor was for those who established this country- United States.  Remember how those brave ones stood against a well established regiment. We are here today because of those brave souls and their faith in an awesome mighty God.

Stand for the liberty we have in Christ this day, beloved. His plan and purpose goes on and on.  His heart beat goes on and on.

As He arises, so do we….. As He stands so do we. As He continues with His plan, so do we. All is accomplished by us in Him.

Do not let any offenses, nor the thorns, nor the heat, nor the black loud mouth crows turn us away from such a great God and fantastic brilliant salvation in God. Know He is increasing and so are we- and there is more to know and see in Him…. So come on….

Millions travel tons of miles to visit Disneyworld or Disneyland…. That land as fun as it is, is fiction….. Some exhibits are science and history based but most is fun day but cannot be carried forward except in memory. There may be debit carried forward for the loss of tons of money that it cost to visit the mousey place!

Our King’s kingdom is real and it behooves us to visit Him and to know His kingdom and ways. His adventure taking us by His Spirit is everlasting and does not fade as a vacation would…. He is real and so is His kingdom….. Holy Spirit takes us in the high country of our Lord. Much greater ride !!

We must worship Him in Spirit and Truth- and that maybe with out music…… But music may help us get into His realm and forget ours….. So be still and let Him be God, today!  Do not fear anything or anyone. Let our fear be a healthy fear of God which is the Beginning of Wisdom.

His glory and knowledge  was and is and will be known to all mankind as the waters cover the seas! Amen and Amen!

Heavenly Father,

We thank You for Your great salvation.  We glory in Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is our King.  We rest in all You have given Him to be for us.  We rest in His strength of the grace You have given us in Him.  We rise in the hope You have given us in His resurrection.  We also are seated with Him now in His resurrection…. For Who is and was and is to come, we dwell in now by faith in Holy Spirit…. You are the best ever! We thank You for us to walk with Holy Spirit on new ground we have never walked before.

May we see the greatness of Your love and vastness of Christ Jesus that we never stop coming to the table. May we always relish in delight of all You have given us in Him……Thank You for increasing our ear capacity to hear and our eye sight to behold all the beauty of our Lord.

Holy Spirit, please come and burn up the sacrifice of the offering of our hearts to have the audacious faith to say- we will not falter on who is God- Is it Baal or the One True Living God?

We will say- water down the wood and then you will see who is God over all here and through all eternity!!!!!

The Fire is sent……

Come out of the cold and get hot again…. Burn from within where His Spirit is…..The day of burnings are again. Do not get caught in the length of stay where you have been.

If it has not been in the fire with I AM, it is in vain. Do you not see that is pride rising in the flesh for I AM to hear and see? If you have not been in Me, all is vain…. Vain things seems to build our eternity in our pride and not in the King of all kings!

Have you let your fire dwell down to nothing within?  Leave the way that you have known so well it is rooted and grounded in flesh but not in Me.  Choose life this day and you shall be made new unto Me.

Thank You, Holy Spirit for always igniting the  burning desirein us for the Lord, our King.

Heavenly Father,

One more thing, please

We stand on Your faithfulness and Your Word, Our Lord…..Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world, have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!,  (Revelation 11:15).

Let the shakings and bakings awaken Your bride, Your people to loose their double mind  and be sold out for You. Let them lose their cruise ship sight seeing  and join the Worship- warship Bride who speaks what You say and sees the picture of visions that is before us this day….. We arise to the pattern set before us  because this is Your day…We know You have strengthened us mightily by Your Word that is abounding in us today.

May Your peace and strength flow through us greatly as we lift Your name above every other name.  We stand strong because of You are the One True Living God and there is no other.

We will not bow to another and burn away from You. We chose You to reign and be glorified  You have strengthened us to be true only to You.

In Your grace, we will stand and not by our might but by Your love in Your Spirit in us, we will look back and know if it not for God- we would all perish, but by Your great mercy we stand here to praise You this day!

Please let us stand in the armor He has given us and fight the good fight of faith….. What He has spoken is and will forever be…. in us and around us for now and all of eternity,

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to Holy Spirit, our great Three in One God….. who is above all and is worthy of our all!


My Children,

I AM the One who changes not. If you are established, you are not found in Me.   How can you be changed into My image from My glory to glory if you are established and set in your ground?

Come up here to My place of Spirit…. You come close to Me and you will be ever changing.  Stay away and your traditions are as old as the sycamore. Their roots will hold you down and then topple upon you to the ground.

What  I AM speaks that your hope of glory is Me within you.  Mankind may lean to good works, but of Me, My works are the ones I AM sets forever to be fruitful unto Me.

There are plans that I AM has set you there fore…… My voice of authority rings out on the land by My bride who is set to My stride. She remains close in My side, from her birth freedom in her reigns but not she goes but by Me all her days of liberty.

My hand guides her and leads into My path. My gentle Voice quickens her to see the plans I AM has for her and through her presence in the land….. She reigns in victory from My hand.  My blood protects her from all astray hands.

My bride is the one who saw My eyes before I AM died on the cross. She saw My eyes from then she has never stopped  setting  her sight on them again.

Yea, ask for the salve so you may have eyes to see.   Pray that you may give Me the one hundred fold victory.  Pray that all you do glorifies Me.  Pray for the courage to let go what must go.

Trust Me for I AM knows what lays in the morrow.  You may not so live as you do not know and be full in the day and do not put off I AM till then….. Then may never come.

Big is only big and large is only large….. Great is from Me.  Yea, the greatness of My own is never known by the world, for they see humility unto Me as weakness. I AM lifts up these one unto My arms  for they come to Me and I AM is found with them .

Remember, little children, who exalts himself and puts others low will be also put down, for he has sowed and he also shall reap.

Those who hear My Voice and My Spirit carries them far, see how they are bowing before their King….. They have wept and they have sown My plans and purposes to be  upon the earth then  I AM known. The knowledge of I AM and My glory is on display for all to see then come to believe because My bride remains close to Me.

There was  a day where as My son Moses said who is on the side of the Lord, come stand with me…. The valley  of decision will be….Whom do you serve I AM or  Baal…… Which will you put your trust in?   This day was and is and will come again for all.

My city has a wall made up of precious stones who all came to be fashioned according to My call.  They are shaped and molded in the fire and in the water. Their testing is beyond any that can compare for My hand is laid on them showing all of I AM. My everlasting love is shown in and by them.

Wanting riches and holding riches are the thorns that bind My Spirit out of man….. This is Baal- can you not understand? Idols will topple.

My seven eyes will burn the seven mountains of Baal built by man’s hands.   They are there to distract and serve man so he may be god today…..

Oh, but watch, o man, what will come your way. The wind and earth will shake those idols. They will not stand…

Then come running to Me and do not  hide. Come to Me and know My mercy covering you in My Son today.  Do not run away but come to Me.  He has arms set wide to embrace you.

The mixture of clay and iron will not stand, do you not believe that out of the mountain  came I AM and  I AM now stands?  Those will fold and crumble in My Day.  So be found in Me for the remnant will be those in Me on My Day.

The Ancient of Days will blow the whistle on time. The trumpet will sound to gather all unto Me who sacrificed for I AM.  Come and be found in Me this day. Here the sound of My heart trumpeting this generation to come to Me.

Allow I AM to love you with My never ending love.

Do not wait and throw out this great opportunity to meet grace and truth today. Throw down your idols before they crumble and decay at your feet. Do not let My Day find you naked and not clothed in humility. Clothe yourself today in Me and glorify your King. Allow Me to inhabit the beauty of your voice singing praises unto your King.

Love is I AM. My beacon of light, all shall see the love I AM has for you and you to Me. Then pouring  forth My fountain has cleansed all that you  then point to Me.

Why look through the windows of My own and think you cannot come to Me?  Nay, come to Me and be with Me in My throne…. Do not stand out – turn about and come in and see why she is singing and standing for Me relentlessly.

She has seen the everlasting love in My eyes which My desire has burned for all of mankind.  She will not rest until all come to know and see I AM are for all too. She knows I AM wants you all to come to My home. Come home, children, I AM calls you to come.

Envy and jealousy has shut the door on Satan for all of eternity with Me and who he can deceive to fall into that rut – they too will never taste of My love.  Do turn away from all that envy turns to green and come to Me and learn of all I AM has planned for you.

You are special in My eyes but turn from your wicked ways…. Turn to Me and be covered in My blood and be made clean.  Come to Me and see all that I AM has planned for thee in Me…… Please come and see and know My table has a place for you always.

The secrets of My fellowship is all I AM has planned from the beginning of time…..I AM speaks and shares with man the plans I AM has for the earth and as it in heaven…..  Unity is found in Me.  Stand in My counsel and intercede for the decisions that lay hold of Me through the day…

Thank you children for keeping the faith to be all I AM is calling you to be….. Do not shrink back nor stop going deeper and longer to know My love that never stops.

Keep learning of the love that keeps burning the mountains of idols away to bring My bride that I AM has called today.

Be consumed with your eyes on I AM.  Yes, I AM rewards those who never stop seeking Me.

Stay away from those whose eyes are on others who speak as the whisperers. Why are they busy on others and not on Me? May it be, that I AM will point out their hearts are far from Me?

Why be busy staring at a tree?  You know what they will be. There is no surprise or wonder but in I AM…… Do you know what I AM has in planned for the morrow…. Be busy studying the great I AM for in Me are all the answers the tree cannot give….. I AM the Creator of all, come to Me……

If you have been given a mountain or a sea,…… will you study them or their purpose that is found in Me.  The mysteries have been made known to you…. Life in Me reveals more of My Wisdom  to fill the mosaic stones of your next foot fall.

My Word does not change…… The wind cannot blow it away or delusion or wickedness, will not change My word that is upon this earth today in My children.

The days have been decreed long ago how men would be.  Do not be deceived, but alas, I AM has given golden opportunities for My bride to speak and act accordingly.

I AM always calls Mine out and to bring them in… Alas, this day, know where you be and not do……. Be in Christ for only this will be your victory.  Rest in Me and not in yourselves…. then you will be found  in Me…. I AM the resurrection ground.  Behold, I AM makes all things new…..

The Last Tabernacle was not built by man… Take heed to the place that I AM has made for you, be found in Me as I AM then will be found in you. Learn to see My eyes that day and you shall never leave Me.

Know this is My way- you are in Me…. See then the rain fall heavenly….. A reviving of hearts has never bestowed by Me without the mystery revealed in Christ. For in this is My Bread given to My children….This discovery in Me will bring the rains abundantly. Abide in Me.

Live in the mystery of I AM unfolding in man and man abiding in I AM. This is I AM’s plan before all of time.

Thank you children for listening. Know My Words for in them is your understanding and wisdom for the coming days.  You know the secret place of the Most High.  Abide in Me and I AM in you.

This life is found in Me. Abide in Me and see My peace prevail abundantly.

Rest and abide for these are the keys for great trust in Me as those things which are become not and things which are not are seen. Keep your eyes on Me. Come to know the fire of love in them for you and for all…..

Rest in Me and My love that fails not. Find your place that I AM has called you to be with Me.  Come up here and see!

May you see My face shine upon you and know My hand upon your back guiding your every step.

Bless My children for all to see their victory is found in Me.

SELAH!!!!! SELAH!!!!!!!

Now therefore, listen to Me, My children, for blessed are those who keep My ways. Hear instruction and be wise, and do not disdain it.

Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at My gates, waiting at the posts of My doors.

For whoever finds Me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord; but he who sins against Me wrongs his own soul; all those who hate me love death, ( Proverbs 8:32-36).














And Lo, I Am With You Always, Even To The End Of The Age. Amen.

And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, all authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen, ( Matthew 28:19-20).

Thank You, Jesus !!!

He will pass through Judah, He will overflow and pass over, He will reach up to the neck; and the stretching out of His wings will fill the breadth of  your land, O Immanuel, ( Isaiah 8:8).

The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood, and the Lord sits as King forever. The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace, ( Psalm 29:10-11).

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His eyes are open to their cry. The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the remembrance  of them from the earth.

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He guards all his bones; not one of them is broken. Evil shall slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous shall be condemned. The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned, ( Ps 34:15-25).

Is the Lord a liar?  Of course not…. should be your answer. And you are probably a little indignant that I would say such a thing…….  Then, may I ask , why do we speak about Him that He is not with us or does not hear our speech? Did He not say,- He is with us until the end of time?

Has any Word of His changed since He arose to His place of glory besides Almighty?  Has there been any altered Word  of the Bible since then?   Has Holy Spirit changed the written word to any one’s knowledge? If He has, please show and tell me?

As the Lord ascended to His place, He left us instructions……and His written Word to know Him….. If anything has changed regarding the Lord and God Almighty and Holy Spirit, it has been by man and their deception revealed by not knowing Him.

If anything- t0day- there is a greater revelation of Jesus Christ in the knowledge in His people….. by Holy Spirit. So if the days have revealed greater knowledge of the goodness of God through Jesus Christ, then we should not be deceived….… The declarations of men speaking untruths of the will and intent of God would be like lightning in the sky at night…… to us….. Knowing the truth as we know the difference between night and day.

God reveals Himself through Jesus Christ and now through  Holy Spirit points to Him…… God reveals Himself to me different then He will be to you…. just as it was written in the Gospels  Jesus healed and did good in many different ways- healing, raising the dead, speaking the Truth, casting out demons….. etc..

He meets us to give what we need in a God as good as He is….. We never go away empty unless pride stands its ugly head and unbelief wags it pointed finger.

Man has changed the doctrine of the Bible. The fault- yes= lies with them but also to those who sit and listen…. If we know the Word of God, if we know Him, we know when there is a slight deviation of the Truth…..

It takes just a little to set a ship of course. and because men do not know the Word and get revelation of Jesus Christ, they are perishing.   WE NEED TO KNOW OUR GOD FOR OURSELVES…..

We cannot leave it up to the leaders, at the building  where we go to services,  for knowing Him. We must go to Him ourselves and He know us by our presence before Him…… There is a lot more He wants to show us but we must show up in His presence and turn off the world and its distractions.

As a kid, we had a staircase, that I often sat on and hid behind the banisters.  I listened to the conversations that were going on  amongst my family…… I wanted to know ! I was the youngest and was put to bed, so they thought!  They talked as if I was not in the room, but I was!!!

Well, I was sneaky in my eavesdropping….. but God, our King, is quite open and puts His Word out- He is with us through out all of time. His Word decrees- Christ in us is our hope of glory….. as in Colossians.

Is our King with us?  Yes, He is. It is written, His eyelids shut to test the righteous.   Not to catch us or punish us…. but, to see if we speak highly of Him.  If our words show how much we love and appreciate Him being our God.  Do our souls magnify ourselves or Him?

Should we not be as Mary in Luke 2:46-55?  And Mary said; My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.  For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud and the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly.

He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his seed forever.

Now she saw in her faith her Savior that was within her with her already and acting as Savior…..No doubt, she had to walk among the women who were gossiping on her condition……. Did they not know their God was with them- Was He listening to their naysaying or were they saying – this must be God because…….. we know her ?

She spoke all generations shall call me blessed while her generation was probably not….. Do we see her faith magnifying our King? Yes!!  His Spirit is within us as His Seed was within Mary.

In every situation, He is with us. In every thought and response, our God is with us.  In every waking moment, He is with us.  In our sleeping, He visits us with dreams of His heart and revealing ours…… Our God is with us and within us.

Do we say Hi?  Do we say and sigh, I love you Lord and I am so grateful, You are here and within me.  You did the inconceivable so I could be with You and know You this day and all days.  You are the God of the impossible.  You are My God.  Praise be Yours forever and ever.

Our belief and unbelief is known by Him……. by our actions and words. Our soul always magnifies something.  I pray that our soul magnifies Him and Him alone.

Mary saw with the eye of faith – speaking what was not seen as seen- Her Savior was very seen in her eyes before He was even born!….. She knew Him. She was given the God kind of faith which helped her through the heart breaker and sword piercing which was in her days with her Son, our Savior and hers.

The Gospel of John reveals the heart of our Lord more than the other gospels.  He wept is written in chapter 11…. His last earthly prayer before His cross is written in this gospel.  Holy Spirit reveals the heart of man in John’s gospel and the need of redemption  as well as the heart of God searching  to bring back His children to Himself.

The Holy Spirit depicted often in John’s Gospel the use of women and the Mary’s to reveal the state of His people’s coldness of heart versus His desire of how He wanted  His people to be. There is much symbolism to show us how He viewed His people at that time. As well as  His plan that He was revealing from up His sleeve and manifesting through His Son!

Study and see the women symbolized His nation that was far from their God and the Mary’s who walked in faith toward Him. The preparing the people to be married to their God through Jesus Christ is known here….. and yes- this means you and me…… Heads up!

Holy Spirit reveals the Son of whom was sent by the Father is the only Way and is the Truth and Light in the account from John.  This same God who sent His Son and who gave us the Gift of His Spirit….. is within us….. so we may know the Truth and the Light that illuminates our Way which is His will for us.

The Lord Himself stopped to answer a blind man’s call…… The Lord turned and asked what may I do for you?   The blind man spoke, give me sight. The Lord did as the return of the man’s sight was gradual but the Lord did not leave him until his sight was fully restored.

We must ask from our King for our sight so we may see Him….. Ask Him for Son glasses.

The knowledge of the King is with us and within us…… is a gradual revealing of His will for us this day.   We are not left here without Him….. He is with us.

He has not stopped reviving the dead who call out His name. He has not stopped healing the sick that call out for Him and stand in His name.  He has not stopped answering those who are seeking Him with a heart of need.  He answers….. If He is not answering……. Keep on knocking….. Keep on seeking…..The problem is not with Him……It is in our hearing and knowing Him…. so let us draw closer and listen.

I have been His for over thirty years; He has never not answered me….. I ask a lot of questions and seek Him for a lot of stuff in His Word and to other matters…… He has never not answered me…. He has said no to me and yes, but it has never been a dial tone or a busy signal….

He knows how I need Him so much.   He has become my Everything…. I will go where He sends me and not go where He says no……  I must obey for He is my Everything.

I dare not go to man for what God only can do.  My soul will magnify the Lord.  Yours too? Fantastic!

Why? Because He is watching and listening so He may show Himself strong on the behalf of those who are seeking and calling on Him as written in Chronicles….. Look it up!

Prayer or talking with God is not easy on the flesh…… God’s timing is His and He abides in eternity…. So we learn patience and honor for the One who has named all the stars and also holds the body of Christ in His right hand.

Sometimes  it is to wait and be silent and allow the Uncreated  One to speak and it may not be reply to us but it is of His heart He reveals… then we may pray His heart over the peoples.

Yes, we come O Lord, speak to us, for we are waiting and listening.

Beloved, He is calling us to come up here to where He is….. This is not a little thing for His people….. Obey His call and see what He will reveal of Himself to those who hear His whisper in the night and through their day….. If the hand of the Lord says stay so I AM will show you things you do not know….

Do we stay or do we go?

Do we wash our eyes in the pool of Siloam and obey?  Or do we get our sight and go on our way ?

Our Lord is mighty and strong, but when the Spirit says- this is the way I AM wants you to go… It blows our heart out of its hardness for the King has called us to gather unto Him today…. Do we go or do we stay?

Do we make the excuses that have been written for our exhortation through out the Gospels? Do we turn and go and ignore the warning from His Spirit?

Do we exercise the fear of the Lord today?  Or is it that we call it legalism to obey His whisper…. I certainly do not want to run from Him. Then to hear His thunder rumbling because I cannot hear Him speaking and then be a part of them that said I heard it thunder.

Our King is not a respecter of people but a respecter of faith…….Our God is so good. Think about such a great God that we have and how He desires to be with us every minute and in every day and night we live and breath through…… How can we refuse such an offer?

But, beloved, we do….. when our focus gets too horizontal and we do not step out of the horizon.  We must look up and bow before the heavens and behold His beauty.

He shakes and bakes our world, so we may know what we are standing on- the sand or the Rock of ages.   Do not fear the shaking, for He is with us.

His Spirit is as a huge white horse with a brilliant white glowing glistening mane and He is shaking His mane as He rises up.  His shaking causes the winds to blow and move the chaff from the wheat….. Keep your eyes on the wheat and store His Words deep in to our heart….. This is where He is.

Turn to the Whisper  which may cause this and that to go astray…… They are not needful in this hour and day.  Be quiet in our souls and listen for the way we should go.  Do not be heighten in agitation or excuses, let them go and loose them.  Bind His Spirit’s sound to you now. Know the knocking on the door of your heart, stir yourself up from your sleep and open the lids of your eyes….. for He has come to speak with you awhile. Write the vision down for it will not tarry…. Learn to obey His voice today.

Know Him above all the winds that blow the chaff away.  Know Him this day who has called you up here.  Sit with Him and then you will know His ways.   Sit with Him and you will know the Light who lights your path.  Sit with Him and know His Word and the Truth then you shall speak….. He is listening today how you magnify Him.

Our words should be His and these alone bring His Word to pass.

Heavenly Father,

We come and bow to Your greatness and love.  You are worthy of all our praise and honor and thanksgiving….. We have gone astray and You remain faithful.  You gave us Your Son to be our Lord and Savior. What a sacrifice You have given us in Him.  We are forever grateful for Your love and faithfulness.   Where we did not know where to turn- You showed up and said turn here to Him….. and gave us Your Spirit to dwell within us  so we may never be far again.

Thank You for empowering us to know You as the great God You are.  Thank You for Your Wisdom and knowledge being put into us so we may see You as the One and only True Living God in this universe……. Yet, You have called us Yours and to come close….. Lord, we ask for more grace to come running to You and to stay and behold Your Love in Your Son, Jesus Christ, and yet, He is the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords…… Oh, Lord, yes, we come.  How can we refuse as we see Your smile towards us and Your hand gesturing us to sit. Oh, yes we come.  We come to learn of You and be known by You.

Amen and Amen.


My Children,

Can you capture yesterday? Can you hold your fist tightly on the morrow? Do you own this day?   The gift of today, I lay at your feet, to do with it what you need and desire. What a gift to I AM, when you turn and lay your day and your desires back into My hands.

Where the desires of Your King are written on your hearts and minds. As is My head so does My body. My body follows the intents of My heart, do not be deceived.

The flesh profits nothing. My Words are Spirit and Truth.  They take aflight when they try to enter a heart of stone.  They will fly unto a place where I AM has been called and this heart becomes My home.

Is the strength of your walk for all that you have accomplished or is it found in the joy I AM is here with you and answers your prayers…… Is the strength in all that you do or does it rest in the power of the Most High who does the miracles this day?

Do you align with those who deny My power ?  My son, Paul, thought of My purpose only.  He saw the flesh alight over My people in Corinth.  He saw how they bit and chewed each other up and then smiled being filled with My Spirit and being endowed with My talents.  Nay, this should not be.   Again, I desire love and unity among the brethren and not gossip and deceit laid against the brethren.   Nay, this should not be found in My people.  If I AM the head, then you must be found set apart and holy in Me as My body.

If you are using others to feign your importance to Me……..You are not found in Me. Woe, for the humble will be exalted for all to see as well as the pride will be humbled and all shall see.

This spirit is not found in My body. This is to your shame that you have lack of knowledge of I AM this day but you are on high and rest in the religion of the day. You must be found in I AM as then you do things I AM’s way not from the flesh do you arise but, only when I AM is by your side. Then your life is hidden in Me and saved from the enemy.

If there is no persecution in your day, then I AM questions how much Word is found abiding in you? I AM searching for I AM  today.  For the Word’s sake, persecution comes….. Prove Me this day!  My Word does not bend or change for any at all for any time.   I AM does not change.  If you are not experiencing persecution, how much AM I in you this day? My son, Paul, spoke how I AM revealed His Son in Him and do you see how much trouble came to him because of Me?

How hard a time does the rich have to abound in Me? Their riches are not the key for entry. Do you not see the shackles that hold you down are the riches that you hold instead of Me.  Where I AM, there is freedom indeed.   Greed is not from Me. Transparency is what I AM desires….. for I AM sees all.  Pray in My Light you will be found as My sons and daughters of light.

What you give to the forgotten will be seen by all….. Do you not know the poor hold the faith of God?  Why do you hold on to the world whose  chains that will pull you down.

If you sit down with Me, you will see how special you are to Me. You will not have to put down and lie against your brother and sister….. You will welcome them in to your heart and not deceive them as they walk away to another.

If you sat down with Me all your striving to be some one would flee….. You would be enraptured by My love for you and see….. all Mine is yours and will be for all of days. You will rest in  joy to be known this day as Mine as your fullest delight.

If you sit down with Me, you would be come all that I AM has called you to be.  You would then see the worth and presents others before you are to Me.

If you sit down with Me, the value of what you do for Me will suddenly flee but what you hear then do is what will last for all eternity because it is of Me. You will find your joy to be full in Me.

If you sit down with Me and learn the value of being with Me is greater than all you do. Then the envy and jealousy toward others will die and be replaced with who I AM has called you to be. Then you fit in My body perfectly.   The same that tried Me are the same that  will try you this day…… Be glad and rejoice when all speak against you as they did your King….. They were afraid of I AM taking their reign……. My children, who is here with you today?

As I AM has spoken to you, know there will be those who will try to make you stumble and fall but be not those who do that call, be the ones that lift the fallen and love them through it all.

The King of heaven visits My dove, with  delight and knowledge that people would give all their substance for, but alas, I choose My dove who has eyes only for Me and they will not be deceived. Money holds no power nor does the fame……. They know the True power of I AM as well as being known in Me is all they need…… They have laid down their all for lost as they chose their high calling in I AM to be their gain….. They have gained all I AM this day…

They are hidden in I AM from all the deception for they are My bright and shining shields found surrounding Me today and always. These are My friends and My people who have a heart after Me….. There is no delay in their speech for it is from Me.  They have set their hearts to please their King….. If any oppose  them on their stand, they bring I AM with them…They still stand.

Children, let go of your fight. There is no good thing in your flesh…… if there was, I AM would be there….. Let go of your struggle to prove that your deeds are worthy of My kingdom to all.  Lay down your life in the cross of My Son, I AM, and then rise into My bride.  She alone reigns with Me for she is out of My side.

Do you not know I AM did what My Father told Me and as I AM did then, I command you to hear and then do as I AM commands…… Rest in Me and then you shall know Me and do what I AM says for you to do….. As My head is so is My body….. As I AM in the world, so are you.

Know My saying- for if we died with Him, we should also live with Him. If we endure, we shall reign with Him, if we deny Him, He will also deny us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.

I AM that I AM. Do not be deceived I AM not as I AM was….. I AM ALL  I AM ever was and is and is to come.  But I AM comes to you to come and be with I AM today…… I AM has many things to show you but you are not ready….. Sit with I AM and be all I AM has called you to be for then you shall see  as I AM sees……

Thank you for coming to Me and listening. The seat is waiting and I AM delights in you, please come and let your delight be in Me.
















Do We Really Get The Heavenly Meaning of His Tabernacle And How Much He Is For Us?

Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail,  (Revelation 11:19).

After these things I looked, and behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened, ( Revelation 15:5).

And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

And it shall be that which ever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain.

If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the Lord strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

This shall be the punishment of  Egypt and all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of the Tabernacles, ( Zechariah 14: 16-19).

The unveiling of Jesus Christ has been determined by the Godhead before the foundation of the world.  The world’s Savior is Jesus Christ……The world can only see Jesus Christ in His people…. His body…..glorifying the King of all…… How do we glorify? By being His vessel full of supernatural power….. This is what the world is seeking and needing….. His love manifested through a people with no guile but in their humanity, God’s power is manifested and made perfect as written in 2 Corinthians.  Daniel was a normal man but leaned into God for everything as well as honored Him because He took the time to know Him and His Word.

Now we know the Great Exodus of the Israelites  from the land of Egypt into the land of Canaan which was the Promised Land according to Yahweh…… We know the saying the Israelites were out of Egypt but many, I mean, many hearts were still in Egypt.  God could not get their focus changed from where they came from to bring them into where He wanted them to be…. They refused to see the great plans He had for them. In essence, they did not realize His great love and call He had  for them. They did not trust the Lord God even after all the signs in Egypt and manifesting Himself on the Mount of God. We must compare us today with the knowledge of the Lord’s sacrifice and the Gift of Hoy Spirit to us.  We must not fall into the unbelief as the Israelites did today.

Our Lord is not Santa Claus that we sit on his lap for two minutes give him our list of wants and needs. He shows up on a morning and then we forget all about Santa until the next season of his return…… Nope, that does not fly with our Holy God of love and desires union with us……

As written in Psalm 78:41-42,  Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power; the day when He redeemed them from the enemy.

And they tested God in their heart by asking for the food of their fancy. Yes, they spoke against God; they said Can God prepare a table in the wilderness? Behold, He struck the rock, so that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed. Can He give bread also? Can He provide meat for His people?

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,  for reproof, for correction, for instruction, ( training, discipline), in righteousness,( 2 Timothy 3:16).

Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under a cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ. But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.

Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted. Abd d not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.

Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty three thousand fell; nor let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents; nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer.

Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages has come, ( 1Corinthains 10:1-11).

For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, ( Hebrews 3:14).

Unbelief is the cancer of our faith in Christ. We must watch out for it in ourselves and destroy it  as we would if a bear was loose in our house.  The devil, I believe, lives in fear, as he should.

It is no secret to the end that is laid out for the devil by our Lord. We cannot be partakers of fear or we are aligning ourselves up with evil.  Faith in the God who does all good for those who call on His name and believe in Him, should be our anchor at all times, beloved.

Fear should have no place in us, if there is fear, ask ourselves?  Why?  I can bet you all the sand in the world, that it stems from a missing gap of trust in the Almighty and His unfailing love for  us.

If we recognize the fear, run to Him, in  the Word and prayer, and see the place where He will reign in our hearts over that empty spot….. He will love to fill Himself in us to overflowing.  Remember, as written, the body of Christ is the fullness of Him on this earth to His glory….. He shows off through us….. Yes, He does……through our weakness, His power is made perfect…. Check this out….. It is scripture…..( 2 Corinthians).

We must live in His greatness of His preparing a table for us, Himself, in the present of our enemies…….  We must know this and live by this at all times.

How can we do this?  Well, God in His greatness of mercy, prepared a place for each of us in His Son….. In Christ, all the promises of God are yes and amen….. Not in ourselves, but in Christ. ( 2 Corinthians).

Look up and study all the places in the New Testament that In Christ or In the Lord Jesus is written….. There is no option….. But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let Him glory in the Lord, ( 1 Corinthians 1:30-31).

Did the above scripture say glory in our selves or did it say have false humility in our weakness and then still glory in ourselves?  Oh, most pitiful selves.  No, just checking…… As scripture says, there is no good thing found in our flesh. Check it out. – God killed us through the death of Jesus Christ and we then arose anew in Him….. A new creation in Christ Jesus….. the old is gone, or should be.

Yes, we are to renew our minds. How? The Word….. not TV, not facebook, etc…. I hope you get the meaning.    There may be a day, just saying, that there will be no availability as in other countries to have the freedom to study the Word of God…. I hope not, but if we take this Gift for granted, we may lose it…. What you don’t use, you lose.

Yes, we should be constantly learning more and living more in Him daily…. as Paul said I die daily….. So He, the Lord, reigns in greater measure today, because we hear His voice….. saying- Come up here on this problem too!  Keep coming up and staying in Me for I AM your King. I will reign over your enemies. Now, you learn of Me as this is how your new life in Me should be… Turn to Me for all I AM all you need. Though you may not see all just lean into Me and believe….. For We are three in One and complete so rest in your God. This was Our plan before all time  for you to abide in Me.

We must dwell in Him, where He is.   In Revelation chapter 4, there was an invitation to John to – come up here- by the Spirit of the Lord – to witness the Testimony of God, the unveiling of Jesus Christ…

What if?????? What if, this question, to come up here, was not an option but a strong suggestion linked to a command by our God as His purpose for each of us- is fulfilled and only fulfilled -in this Secret Place- provided by the Godhead before the foundation of the world?  Guess what? The Secret Place is not a secret anymore- only to evil…… Do you know what the Secret Place for you and for me is?   Guess His name>>>>>

Do you ever get stopped or pulled over by the law enforcement? Then you were given a stern warning to slow down your speed…… And it was not a suggestion…. I believe, I have the Lord’s heart intent for His beloved at this time…. We must choose and command ourselves to partake completely in Christ Jesus and not stand on ourselves. Beloved, we are not righteous in ourselves even if we believe in the Son of God as our Savior, we must abide in Him as then we are righteous, but it is of Him….. Okay, your in the house and step out of the house, you have no safety or protection of the elements outside…. But inside the house, well, you got protection, safety, provision and rest…. The same is true of abiding in our King Jesus.

The Israelites, came out of Egypt, but they still remained there in their thinking.  They did not turn to- be in the presence of their Yahweh.   They kept looking back and at the current circumstances instead of saying…. Hey, remember what He did back then to our enemies….. This God, who we are learning about, is beyond AWESOME.  He has it all planned.  Let us praise Him and see what He has up His sleeve today!…  Let us turn to Him and know He will be all we need Him to be and supply all our needs- now we say, through His Son, our King Jesus Christ.

What more should He have done for us to lean in His greatness? Hello?  He has done and will be all we need forever.

I wondered of this next scripture and He answered- the God of wonders always supplies our wondering with Himself….. This is what I mean:

And so it was, when Moses held up His hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand Amalek prevailed.

But Moses hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other  the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.

So Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.

Then the Lord said to Moses, write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.

And Moses built an altar and called its name, The-Lord- Is- My- Banner; for he said, Because the Lord has sworn: the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation, ( Exodus 17:11-16).

When I researched the meaning of Amalek, I found through round about ways, that Amalek represents the fear and doubt.   Well, the third chapter of Genesis, in the beginning, the serpent- a big tail or “tale”, showed up to instill doubt of God’s word and then manipulated that into fear of lacking something- for Eve, it was knowledge…….She took the bait- hook then line and she sunk.

So when we praise our God by lifting our hands and  speak our words to His faithfulness, we win. We repeat His goodness to us in the past and know and state to Him, He has all things planned for our good and it is as He has said it will be….. and stand fast, even in the face of daunting giants or little naysayers…… Their words and actions fall to the ground as we raise our hands and tell our God how great He is……His Words to us stamp out fear and doubt always….. We must lean on Him and turn to Him and remain in Him….. Do not take the doubting questions- answer them with the promise of the Lord to us….. See then what He does.

We must come up to be in Him- His reign over us and through us….. Those who remain in Egypt symbolically and not live and abide in His Word, Jesus Christ, will not receive the rain of God, which is His blessing….. Not that He withholds anything, but our unbelief turns His blessing away. We do not believe He has prepared a place for us to dwell….. How could the Lord Jesus Christ want to abide in us and have us abide in Him? But by His Spirit says the Lord. As written in  Corinthians 1:30-31, But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption- that, as it is written, He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.

Well, abiding in Jesus Christ is the only Way that God has set up for our righteousness, sanctification and redemption to be fulfilled…… We must climb or abide in Him, the Word of God and stay there. Holy Spirit pours the rain of His blessings of intimacy upon us.  So as He is, we are abiding in I AM and He continually manifests Himself anew to us…. fulfilling all His greatness and faithfulness to us.

There will be a great Feast of Tabernacles as the revealing of Jesus Christ. He reveals Himself to us always, if we have searching eyes looking and beholding our Lord.  As He is this day, we also celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, as it is written in Colossians 1:24-29: I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church, of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God, the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to the saints.

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you the hope of glory.

Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. To this end, I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily.

Holy Spirit has His job to do within us as well as give us all  the power we need to live a godly life unto the Lord for His glory……He is the acting power of God….. He is the Third Person of the Godhead….. Holy Spirit is the Person of the Godhead who Jesus said He could not wait for His Father to send. Jesus Christ knowing He would be able to come to those that called on Jesus Christ as their Savior to help them overcome the world as the Lord did.

Let us pursue the Fire of God and the Breath of God upon us and in us….. He is the One who opens the Word of God, Jesus Christ to us…. I guess He is the Unveiler of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  It behooves us to seek after the Gift that the Father was sending as Jesus Christ was received into heaven to sit at the right hand of Almighty.

But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

But God has revealed hem to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that been freely given to us by God.

These things we also speak, not in words that man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing the spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 

But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ, ( 1 Corinthians 2:9-16).

As we abide in Christ, we will know the testing of our faith and still remain lifting our hands in praise…… We will discern an attack versus a testing…… We will be given the tools to stand on the hill of the Lord and wait and watch for His greatness to manifest so all may see the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ to the believers and unbelievers….. So let us stand our ground on the hill of the Lord knowing He is faithful. We lift our hands in praise and thanksgiving for all You are and will be for You alone deserve all our glory and praise.

We discard the naysayers and giants and use the tools of understanding and faith and power given to us by His Spirit that dwells within us….. Thank You, Father and thank You, Great Son, our Lord for Your Gift, of Your Spirit…. What a great God You are, three in One.

Praise and honor and glory be Yours forever and ever!  We honor Your request and we are up here in You, Holy One…. We come and obey….. Speak to us, we are listening. We honor and love You. We are celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles. How great You are for the plan of us having a place set in Your Son in Your forever presence.  Thank You and we love You.

Amen and Amen.



Search the Scriptures and do you find Me?  Watching television is not where I AM will be.  You are  searching and listening to the wrong door to know what You mean to Me.

If you delight in I AM, you will pursue Me to be where I AM.  The divided heart is known to Me. As those who are searching Me out to know Me and who I AM has called them to be. They know their end is in Me. They delight in Me and I AM sees them as My precious jewels placed upon My crown. You should be found in Me if you are searching for your DNA and identity.  Your divine nature is found in Me and Me alone.

Please see My children as they are created in Me as I AM has called them to be…. Stop putting the stumbling block before them to see if they trip up….. Do you not know you are doing the same to I AM?…… The trap you are making for My child, you will fall into greatly….. These abide in Me and as you do to them, you are doing to Me. The trap you are setting for them as been laid now before your own feet, for what you sow you shall also reap….. Do you not see?

Is this the love of God manifesting in your hearts or your carnal flesh for all to see, including Me?  Beware of the seeds you sow concerning Me, they are your harvest that I AM knows and will reward generously…… Each will be rewarded according to their actions that be.

I AM the beatitudes in you….. Do you not see the weigh that you weigh towards others are the seeds that you sow infront of Me? Tares and wheat, which are they ?  Do you see Me in your brethren or do you see with the eyes of your own carnality?   As I AM has said the flower grows more in stature as you throw your dirt on it….. My flower grows in Me as  I AM is watering down your dirt on it. The plan that has been for harm I AM has turned to good. The dirt has gone down and nourishes greatly at the  roots to remain steady in Me. Persecution is not good for those who hate but for those who receive the heat and bare under it in Me. The favor of I AM proves the heat of persecution turns to greatness  for My own. They shine brighter of My love. True gold is proven in the flame.  I AM the flame of Yahweh.

All that is done against My own I AM turns to good for they are known by Me and love Me.  May I AM ask you? Do you love Me? Then why do you throw dirt and slander and steal from Me. As My son, Jeremiah, saw in his day, the same goes on this day:….. The prophets steal My Words everyone from his neighbor…… If you come up to Me and let go of your name and fame and fortune and be like the little one before Me today…. Oh, look at what you could receive as I AM reveals Himself to you today.  But alas your seeking for the lateral and she is seeking the vertical….. She has died with Me and behold she sits in all eternity, for My beloved is who  will remain and be in Me.

Do you also think as the son who was envious of his wayward brother returning to My home? Do you not know that all that is Mine is yours?….. Why did you not pursue your inheritance in I AM?  Do you hold a hardness in your eye and heart towards those who do run after what I AM says is theirs? Behold the servant and behold My friend.

Remember, those who are forgiven much, love much.  They are concerned for I AM and My rights on this earth…… Are you?

Is this not the same spirit who deceived with lying words against I AM urging the crowd to cry crucify Him that day? Will there be a cost for your actions unless you come clean to Me and repent of your ways against Me?  Do you gather as My shepherds or do you select for your own gain and benefit…… Do you not know some are as angels standing before you? Do not be deceived, all I AM sends are for you to tend. I AM the sifter of the harvest. You have not shed your blood for these and if you did, you would cry out, Father, forgive them they do not know what they do. You would say to Me, thank You for such a blessing You have given Me in them.  You would see them washed in My precious blood and forgiven as you are to Me.

Ahh, some of the leaders are in My day saying that this one or that is not Mine, but they do that out of the same spirit as even Pontius knew-they were envious of My Son.   What is the rule of your heart this day- envy and ambition? Did not My son say, if the envy and ambition of man is there in his heart is every evil thing?  My Spirit and the world’s do not coincide in the same habitat….. Enter in to the Son of the Living God and be made clean and abide in Me. Wash yourself in Me and see men as I AM. It is not what you do but where you are with Me.

If you bestow the mind of I AM, these actions will not be produced from your heart. What may I AM ask are you protecting?  What you go against Me to keep, you will lose on account of Me.  What you let go for Me, you will gain on account of Me.

Know My Words and you will prohibit seeds that are foreign to Me to grow in your heart. You slander My little ones to keep your name noble before men. Is this not what the Pharisees did unto Me?  May I AM ask you, is there a price for their action this day? Do you think they sit where I AM this day?

Do you sit with I AM this day?

Then you would not slander and steal from I AM today.  They have come to Me in their emptiness knowing I AM fills. Do you, who are full, come to Me humbly? Do you speak against Me saying I AM does not give because you weigh Me by your own heart?

Know I AM knows you. There is no lukewarm ground with I AM.  You are apart of I AM’s house or you share in the house of wickedness which has no part of I AM.  Your end is not here as of yet, so make the turnaround in to My arms by your repentance and sorrow for using My own for your gain. Gain Christ for all. All else that is done out of Me is burned for its iniquity.

I AM still binds the cords into whips to cast out the money changers of My house this day….. Wait and see the shaking coming your way if you doubt My power in righteousness to act upon My Word this day.

I AM will not deny Myself…. I AM is the Truth and all else will be destroyed by the fire in I AM for all that is will be in Christ…. Christ will be all and in all… Take heed to My Word. Come to Me and do My walk in My way….. Learn of Me for I AM lowly and humble….. Those pursuing the world  have the hardest walk in I AM, for they cannot be found in I AM and their own fullness. So choose this day…..

The name above all names is written on thee if you are of Me.  None of the world shall I AM find in thee ..… Come know Me for this is eternal life…… Cannot you see you cannot covet the world and the name and have Me alongside thee?   Lose your deception this day…… The richest in this world are not of the world. They are One in Me but the world has cast them aside for they do not see them as from Me.

Were the prophets of old found in the palace of the king?…. Not if they were Mine… If they were, it was not of their choosing but of Mine to be My spokesman to the world to know and turn to Me.

Do you know not how great My love is for you this day?  If you did, you would not slander My children. You would gather them in as your own, but alas they run away from the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Remember they have the eyes of a dove towards I AM and in the wisdom of their God, the Great I AM, tells them to move on out of harm’s way.

Do you not see if they are not welcome, so I AM not.  Where two of you are I AM, for you ask Me then you speak against Me as though I AM not there….. You speak as to know that I AM is not acting this day….. But ahh, is not the cause for I AM’s distance that you have sent Me far by your words of unbelief.   I AM does not act where faith is not found….. Learn of Me and then speak to I AM knowingly.

Do not plan to build your barns and not know this may be the day, I AM calls your soul to Me. Accountability  may fall this day….. How many of My poor did you turn away for they did not feed your teeth.  Watch and see how I AM accounts His shepherd’s actions this day.  May they know their heart towards Me today. If far away by the their claim of name and fortune, then let Wisdom cry out on the high hills of what is called Christianity…..Do not use My name for what is called your gain….. for you will lose all you seek to gain by the deception of using your King falsely. Do not perjure My name for your position of acclaim.  Hear Me as I AM speaks to you today.

If you do not knock the idols down of men that stand before I AM, their idols will knock down yours. What you bow before you gain and lose Me. When you bow before Me, you gain Me and maybe lose men, but not all….. My remnant will remain with thee….. Do not fear but stand and honor Me.

Come and do things the way I AM speaks today….. I AM is walking your hallways today…… If you do not fear the shaking of I AM because I AM holds you close then rest in I AM.  If fear strikes you, then you have much to abide in I AM and die to the world.  Take heed and accomplish this today… For I AM here for you, the Spirit is speaking to you today….. Get the fire to burn within so all which is not of I AM is dead of the world as you arise in I AM today… Today, hear for the Spirit is speaking to you today.

As you abide in I AM, you will be full of I AM. You  love your brother and sister to lift them above into My arms. Do not try to pull them down below what you perceive to be as you are  as the world does. Do you not know yet or understand- who you say has a speck, you  have just revealed the plank in  your own heart. As I AM in the world so should you be…. not as the world is so should you be but a little better. Nay, this should not be… Abide in My Spirit and the old thinking will be gone- you shall see.  The Feast of Tabernacles, this is what I Am seeks.

Unity in Me is what I AM seeks.  Division I AM sets but it is because of Me. Not the nation, tribe and tongue….. Honor Me and let I AM be the One you seek….. The television does not speak of Me. Why do you allow that to speak louder than Me? Do you not see into your hearts those words speak as well as all the sights you see are death to you?…….. Not all knowledge is good to behold, but come, study Me and be with Me…. I AM will bring liberty and freedom and wisdom for I AM the Ancient of Days. Come to Me and get the Wisdom of the day that you need.

Please do not cast this as judgment but chastisement is for the sons of God, and I AM prays you do hear Me.

My Word to you this day may be of healing and not the hammer that must come your way if you do not heed My Word for My body today.  You cry for rain. The reign will come as you bow and allow My Spirit to ignite His fire in thee…..  First the cleansing of My blood and then purifying of your ways into Mine. Then My body shines forth as there is love abounding much as My Word is planted and grounded in thee. Let the Feast of Tabernacles begin and the reign of  My kingdom shall increase. Do you seek the rain for your kingdom increase, nay it will not happen until you bow unto Me and release your hold on your desires and bow to what I AM says to be.

Thank you listening to Me.















Hey, It Is Time For Another ..What If ?……………………

What if we had joined the army of the United States or any of the armed forces of our country or your country?  We went through the rigorous training in boot camp and came out as a new armed force. We were credited with the honors of being in the force for we completed the training.

The candidates have been remade in a new weapon in the hands of our government and when all the force of the military are as one in force….

OH! OH! Better watch out!

Well, it is more than words can describe as our government has the best military in the world.   A great weapon as they stand united in each of their unit, then branch and then they form the tree of the U.S……..

Would our Commander tell us to walk in the ways before you enrolled ? No, of course not, that would weaken the troops. The training and equipping was mighty in offense and defense and would be utterly foolish to drop the weapons that were given to us.

So we are the King’s army.  We signed up to be His….. He owns us- our time, our life. That is what the word redeemed or redemption means…… This is also what it means to sign up for the armed forces in the United States….. Their time becomes the government’s, they are no longer their own…..

We have also joined the army of the Lord,……sooooooo……..

He expects us to act in all we had become in boot camp. He would speak over us all that we had  become and are growing in. He would expect and tell us to stand our ground in the force we are posted in.

What if our Commander in Chief gave us His cell phone to handle and use….Would this act towards us enable us to speak and act in His authority? Would we put his phone in the drawer or use it?….. How do we use his phone?…….. Would we explore and find out?

What if this is all true in the God’s purpose and plan for His own army?

God is the Lord of time. He can speed up our time of getting in His purpose on this earth because as believers we already live in eternity.  What if we could see ourselves from His view  and live according to what He says over His beloved?  Beloved, this is you and me!!! Do we really know we are His beloved and His army ?

What if a queen or king came knocking on our door to come and sit with us? What would we do?  Keep the T.V. on?  Keep the facebook open?  Would we keep looking on our phone?

Would we not turn off the world and show them the honor?  What about our King of all kings and Lord of all lords?  Let us make sure we are not giving lip service but we honor Him in action of making room for Him because He is worthy of us all. He is the Lord of the Sabboth.  He is our Lord. He is the Lord of hosts!!

We discard the words of gossips as they are the avenue for Satan’s whisperers. We discard the dirt of the world just as we do when we shower, but we do this by studying His Word.  We clean our palate of our hearing…. We enable  our ear to His voice….

We clean our palate of our thinking turning from self focus to God focus…..We incline our thinking to what He wants to be done the day we live……Let us seek what is His desire for this day over us and our city and country and the world?  Beloved, we should know this answer…. We should know the desire of the One who gave His all to gain us….. Beloved, I pray we know what is His desire this day,( It might not be what is on our calendar!).

The Book of 1 John is a wonderful letter to us….. Not many sermons are spoken from the words spoken to us in this book…..

This 1 John book cuts the chaff  away from the wheat…. Yes, the mustard seed grew into a huge tree that houses all sorts of birds; the field grows which includes a lot of wheat and a lot of tares in it, which will be separated by our Lord at the end of the age.

We had horses awhile back and I was in the barn a lot, but that never changed me into a horse,…. though that is where they lived.

I can go to the  food store often and by me going to the store does not change me into a food source!

Or we can cheer and scream for our favorite team and be faithful to watch them when ever they play…. but, those actions never  make us a team member…….

Our Lord spoke in Luke 13:24-30: Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.

When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open for us, and He will answer and say to you, I do not know you and where you are from, then you will begin to say, We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.

But He will say, I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and the prophets in the kingdom of God and yourselves thrust out. They will come from the east and the west, from the north and south, and sit down in the kingdom of God.

And indeed there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last.

He is Lord of all and Lord over us….. Today, over our past and our future unto eternity.   We must make sure, we know Him and He knows us……

In this country, we have the grace to choose who we marry…… How horrific it is for those in other countries where the matchmaker and deals are made for whom we would marry. These  get to a spend a lifetime in union without any approval or even knowledge of who they are to marry!!!!….. Oh, ugh!!!

As in the time of the Book of Esther, many women were called into the kingdom of Ahasuerus but only a few were chosen to enter into His chamber…..Esther was chosen to be his beloved queen.

As written in Matthew 22:14, Many are called and few are chosen,…….Hmmm.

Now, let us get into the Book of 1 John…… John was the beloved of our Lord….. Sometimes I wonder if John just gazed on the Lord and was mesmerized by His greatness and gentleness. He was in awe as he studied the Lord in His strength and seeing  His beauty  shining  also……as Jesus walked the earth before His death and resurrection……

Even though John was known as the son of thunder, he was seeing our Lord and probably just replying- Holy, holy, holy is our Lord God Almighty. He who was and is and is to come made so much sense as he witnessed the  awesome sight he saw in the heavenly realm of the Lord, after our King ascended to His rightful place at the right hand of the Almighty and called John- Come up here as written in Revelation of Jesus Christ, chapter 1 and 4.  Check it out!

John splits the wheat from the tares quite easily in his letter of 1 John. Though we are not to judge as written in 1 Corinthians 4:5, Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise shall be from God.

He shows us our own heart check list before our King….. These words were confirmed by the Spirit as  John knew the Lord very intimately and knows His heart…. So therefore, we should take heed to the great salvation that we have received from our God as written in Hebrews 1 and get our ears at attention.

When we are ingulfed in His Spirit, we cannot but see the Lord, and live to  exalt Him by our life…… We are so totally consumed by Him as we are gone, but here…I guess this is confirmation of Colossians 3:3, For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.….

He is and we are existing in Him and His ruling and reigning over all the earth.  We are consumed by the reign and glory to be His now and forever.  We are totally smitten by His Spirit which reveals all the love of God has towards us.

There is nothing else but Him….. and His glory. Beloved, Christ will be all and in all….. Let us be there now as well as we can be but by God, all things are possible…… Thank God, if we draw nigh to Him – He will and does draw nigh to us… help us abide in greater measure than yesterday in our King and His ways, His Word.

You may say this is way overboard….. May I ask you, what man has ever laid down their life so you may gain their inheritance for you and you didn’t even know them?…. They were not of any relation to you, but this man did it for you….. What do you do knowing this?  Ignore the man and the gift of his inheritance toward you ?

Do you wonder why this man did this?  Do you think you might need this inheritance later?

Do we leave all to gain Christ, for those who call on His name?  This  is the God/Man called the King of all kings and Lord of all lords- even over us He reigns now…… Every knee will bow to this great King…… I choose to bow now and get my lamp full of His oil….. so when He comes again, for He will be coming, I will be found by Him, not in my own righteousness but His alone. You too!  How awesome you are to choose so wisely!!!

He is worthy of our all, for He has given us more than we can think or imagine and fool for us to put anything between us and Him.

If there is no Fire of God working within us burning away the chaff of the world in our ways and our thinking, then, beloved, get  His Spirit today!!!  His Spirit makes a fire line to protect us to stay in His fire.  His Spirit is strong and mighty to keep us from stepping out  so  His fire within will not diminish  by  bowing to the world’s ways again. Abiding in Him, His fire burns the ways before us that are opposing the King of glory.

He is coming back to a pure and spotless bride….. He has given us all we need in His Spirit to stand and abide in Him.  Why? Because we are His beloved, but we are also His army representing Him in this world. We are about His rights for His Spirit to remain on this earth in the hearts of men.

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

Beloved, now we are the children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is.

And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies Himself just as He is pure, ( 1 John 3:1-3).

Whoever abides in Him, does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.

Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.

Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in Him; and he cannot sin, because He has been born of God.

In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother,      ( 1John 3:6,9-10).

Beloved, let us love one another,  for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love,     ( 1John 4:7-9).

No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us.

By this we know we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and testify the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world.

Whoever confesses  that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in Him, and he in God.

And we have known and believed the love of God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is so are we in this world, ( 1 John 4:12-17).

We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.

We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. 

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen, (1John 5:18-21).

The Word of God is Jesus Christ,…. our King and Lord…. He is the Truth personified from God the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit….. When we have the Spirit of God as our seal of our birth from the Holy One, we have peace and we are secure as we remain in the obedience to the Word, our King, by the leading and prompting of His Spirit.  If we love Him, we will want to please Him to be in faith of His Word.

If the Word of God is the Truth, then we believe and stand on it. The seal of His Spirit is the reminder we abide in Him- which is abiding and living by His Word, we are in Him….. When I see that, then I sigh, I am in Him and I am safe and protected by the Lion of Judah, my King reigns over me…. I hear His voice and He hears mine.

If any mess with me, they mess with Him……The Lord fights my battles, and He always wins. Yours too?  He is so awesome, isn’t He?  We love you, oh Lord. There is no one like You!

We look at Paul, the apostle, as a strong man in God….. Yes, He did many exploits for God because he prayed more than anyone and remained in Christ, acknowledging nothing of himself, but all glory and praise was the Lord’s from this man…. He was jealous for the Lord’s place in everyone’s hearts.   He sold out for the King of glory.

So should we sell out for our King as His army and His beloved.

Father God, we love You and thank You for Your Son, our Lord, and all that we are apprehending that He has been made for us. We ask for Your might and strength in Your grace to prepare us for what Your will has called us forth to be in this day.  May we be strong in faith to put all aside that is not worthy of Your presence  as it is written we are where You are…… May we put You first and be with You  where You want us to be,  as You write Your love upon our hearts. May our purpose in You be fulfilled. Your will, Father, be done in and through our lives.

We love You and we praise and honor You in all we say and do….. because You are so worthy and most of all, because we love You.

Thank You, Father, for Your Gift of Your Son to us so we may learn and know You this day.   There is only one way we may show You our gratitude for our King,  is to hear and obey what He speaks to us this day by Your Spirit.

Thank You for Your Grace and Truth in Your Spirit we have found in Your Son. In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen!!!

Let us use all He has bestowed on and in us by His Spirit and be found chosen in the Beloved when we awaken!  We then will find us in His image. Amen and Amen!


My Beloved,

Where are you today?  Where is your stance this day?  Do you not know you are with Me?  Where is I AM this day for you?  Are We together this dawn, this work day, this dusk and night fall? I AM has not moved from you for I AM does not change.

I AM was not sacrificed on Calvary so you may say yes and then go your way -away from Me.   This is not I AM will’s and to be away from Me. I AM the fulfillment of all you need.

Be like My son Jacob, he thought, oh, is not God in this place?  I AM came to him and he knew My voice.   Know I AM’s voice so as I AM comes to awaken you from your sleep, you may turn and awake into My will for being in My presence…… For I AM desire’s you to be with Me where I AM……I AM will be with you where you are You may know Me,  so you may then turn and join Me where I AM in the realm of My reigning.

Is this still the day where I AM longs to show you many things, but you are not ready? Be filled with the Oil that comes within and on you as you partake of My blood and body…… Three in One is the way of My God and yours. The Life Blood of The Father and the Body of the Son and the Fire showing the Oil of My Spirit is God is with you this day and always….. Come be One with us  for this is My kingdom.

May I AM ask what hold does the world have on the ones I AM calls His own?….. Why is there a divided heart or a doubleminded person that stands in My presence but his gaze is not on Me?

What false beauty is attracting your eyes away from I AM? Is it the pride of your life and in your name but not Mine? Is it the bigness of the world and not the greatness of I AM?  Which has blessed you and remained true to you through your days until now?

Beware of the snare that says the world holds the key for you and makes you turn your heart in deception. Alas, the fall may come for the knowledge of good versus evil is knocking on your door….. But I AM will not let you go…… I AM praying for you as well as all My children….. The Light will dawn again as it did for your brother Peter.

Stronger than ever did he return, then My Spirit sold Him  unto I AM forever  and he is with Me.  Refining in the fire  and being kept above the wave is how  My children know I AM with them where they are. Alas, through the fire and the water, you are with Me where I AM. You shall rest in My presence knowing you are with I AM always forever and beyond this day.

The sifting winds blow through the hearts of men…… Will they fall or will they stand, but see, I AM with them through to the end and beyond……Be as One as We are One.  Keep you eyes on I AM and I AM will be your all……I AM the End from the Beginning and I AM knows your End because I AM your Beginning.

Why do you look unto your sister and brother for their way in I AM is different?….. The same faith but the purpose is different….. Comparison was in My son, Peter. He, also, inquired of Me of his brother.  He was told to keep with Me for what is it to you  what I AM does with My own……. You did not die for them as I AM has…. They are Mine until and beyond the end of time.

You keep your eyes on I AM for this is where Your next step comes from not your brother or your sister.   What is it if they sit at My feet until I AM returns?  You follow I AM.

My army has many souls redeemed unto Me. All are My treasure fitted perfectly in My body to complete the purpose of My glory before the world, the angels and principalities and powers.  All the instruments in an orchestra are one sound of I AM in the earth so are My children working together as one. Hear My roar!

Division of the brethren is not of I AM…. Oh yes, I AM calls Light and Light is….. Be sure you as My own, also call Light is and not  calling darkness to be. Division of My body  stops My purpose. The return of  unity of My blood and My body as One in I AM has been decreed, do not fight against Me.  They are  One as We are One.  Is not I AM’s prayer answered?

So follow Me and decree My body is One and know no one after the flesh, but decree My new creation I AM has called all to be is in the Beloved.

Revival starts with I AM in your own hearts….. Then the Fire of Love will transfer out and ignite the dry wood ad bones.

Remember, My little ones, I AM calls what is not to be so what is is no longer- practice My ways then unity will be— My One body which is complete in Me this day and always shall be as I AM the head.

My view of My body is not as man. I AM has no dividing lines. How does Love separate those who I AM calls My own?   Yay, the tares have sown their seed, but My own stands on them and brings the love of the brethren to reach out and call Light and Love  to be. This is the way My body is to be.

Take heed of what the Spirit speaks to thee, this day. One cannot call Me Lord and not be in My body. They may acknowledge Me as  Savior, but as their Lord, My Spirit rules and leads them for Me.  So hear and obey.

As man has a spirit so does I AM- The Holy Spirit is throughout My body. There is only One Holy Spirit in I AM…Not a foreign spirit will be attached to Me.  Do you leaders still not see, please do not be like the Pharisees who refused to see and then believe!

Be complete in Me and see all as I AM has decreed  for I AM the head and you all are One in My body. Be One in Us for this is from Me.  I AM the head and why do you say you do not need the ear because you are the hands.  Be One in Us as this is the way I AM has called you all to be.

Living by My Spirit is the fullness I AM has planned for all in Me. The lines of separation will diminish as love is the My seal of perfection to be My body on the earth as I AM has designed before time for  I AM asks you to obey Me.

I AM asks you this day, do not use an eraser to remove the blood covering My beloved for she is  spotless and without blame before My eyes…. She is dazzling in white from My side she is drawn, do not trample on the blood of the Lamb for what you try to erase from the love I AM has for  My beloved, will come startling ablaze  this action on you when you stand before Me on My Day.

Heed My Words this Day, for they will not return to Me void. Mark My stand for My beloved is Mine today and forever beyond time.

When the days are complete, My glory will be shown through her as she glories only in Me.  She is brilliantly white for she is covered in My blood and claimed her place in My side…….Her love showers over Me as rain c0vers all the earth…. She is Mine and she has climbed into Her place at My feet. Do you not know this is the place for  My saints at My feet?

Know Me and the Words of My heart are written on yours. Know Me and My house shall be complete. Know Me and evil flees from thee. Know Me and you will loose your will to fight Me. Know Me and you will become the lamb before Me and the lion before men. Know Me and the heavens will answer thee. Know Me and devils will flee at the sight of you because of Me.   Know Me the sky will rain and the blood will run the waters and you are used for My glory. Know Me and  you will testify to all of Me.   Know Me and then the Spirit will find His rest in thee.

Thank you, children, for hearing Me.  Please adhere to what I AM saying… I AM searches the earth to and fro to see who I AM may show Himself strong for?  May it be you.  I AM here for you, I AM has always been here for you.

Learn of My love which never has failed you nor will I AM ever fail you for I AM Love. Love never fails.