2019 Equals 12 Too!

The number 12 represents perfect government….. As written in Daniel 4:17, This decision is by the decree of the watchers, and the sentence by the word of the holy ones, in order that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men.

This day is not news to our King.  He knows all the things under heaven that men and women are doing.  He is all knowing and all seeing.  Every generation has a chance to know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men.  Every generation……And here we are for such a time as this.

Let us remain in prayer. Be still and know He is God…….. He will be exalted among the nations. Do not fear but look expecting His glory and peace…… First His glory and peace must be resident in us…….and then we will see His perfect plan evolve before us. Expect in faith and keep looking.

Beloved, if we have eyes to see we will see His kingdom reigns through the sons of men. Do not worry or fret when the grass grows up very fast…….We then always get the mower out.

Stay tuned to the thunder of heaven and stay still in trust. His voice we hear as others think it was thunder. He is a mighty Warrior. Our Warrior has the government of the universe on His shoulders on which there will be no end…… His government also increases…… Rules and laws as written would be the agenda to change but His Word only remains and those who do the will of Him who was sent.

Remain in prayer….. Beloved, take heart the altar of the martyred  are in His presence where there is perfect peace. There is nothing broken or missing there………Take courage and stand in Him- our ground is secure. His life is our resurrection life…….

Lean into Him. Judgment starts at the house of God…… May His ground in us be full unto the capacity He calls us to be.  Be holy as He is holy for this is our command…… Remember this kind comes out by prayer and fasting.  Fasting from the world and feasting on and in Him as in union with our King…..Then you will see the plan that He has called to be from the Beginning.

Psalm 101:6 My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; He who walks in a perfect way, He shall serve Me. 

Psalm 99:1-5, The Lord reigns; Let the people tremble!! He dwells between the cherubim; Let the earth  be moved! The Lord is great in Zion, and He is high above all the peoples. Let them praise Your great and awesome name- He is holy.

The King’s strength also loves justice; You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob.

Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His footstool- He is holy.



Be still and know I AM God…. Quiet your hearts in My everlasting Love.


Who Is The Audience Of One?

And in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.  His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire,      ( Revelation 1:13-14).

John answered, saying to all, I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His  barn, but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire, ( Luke 3:16-17).

If we are not moving forward in the Lord- we are moving backward.  Fire is never stagnate. Let alone the fire of God….… Fire is unquenchable as is love…… Our God is moving…… You know that right?

Have you met Jesus Christ?  Please ask to meet Him- my Best Friend ? Do not go another day and miss His love. Do not miss the opportunity of understanding why you are here- to get in your heart  the knowledge of His love for you.

If you have seen the eyes that never stop breathing love, then for sure He has left His mark on you.  The mark of His love that burns forever- every minute of every day. He burns whether it is below zero or in the 100’s. His burning guides us in to a place where He is King and all else is dim.

Hey, I have been so enthralled with Him- I have yelled – Shut up- He is speaking- shh– I can’t hear Him!!….. Not very Christian  am I?….. Hearing His voice and hearing what He is saying today is my all of my day…… I will not leave Him alone- unless I hear….Him today.  Second thing is to pray for the ones He loves—- He has a very long list. You are on it too!

The King of kings is interceding for you right now….. You are very important to Him. Come and see…. He is waiting for you at the cross. The cross must be at the center of our life in God…. His cross and our cross…This salvation is free but we live here as He is for as He is so are we in this world. We died with Him and rose in Him and live by Him…… A new creation- a new species of man…..

Living before in the knowledge of the Audience of One is knowing He is always watching and is with us always…… It is so cool to have such a great big I AM God….. As He is with Me – He is also with you.

Mark 4:22-23, For there is nothing hidden which  will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. If anyone has ears to hear let him hear.

Let us start to realize He is there and is not silent….. So let us turn an ear to hear Him. He is the Answer we need in everything and every way….. He will teach and speak to us His way to take.  He will be the best for us…. It may not be the easiest but it is the best and He always helps us yield peaceful fruit of peace.  No missing the nerves shaking awake for we have never been this way before but peace will yield its fruit from Him…. He is the Prince of peace.

Truth is in us- after we have the veil of unbelief removed by the Spirit of grace- the world’s glitter and clamor fall away just as the wave vanishes as it reaches the shore….. Transformation of our soul is His doing and He is marvelous in His workmanship…… As we allow God’s love to penetrate … He sets up His house and we turn into a living temple….. Only our God could work this out to such a  Gift as He has given. The cross is first as this is knowledge of what He has done for us….. our love grows.

It is hard but wonderful to be so consumed by this Great One who has stolen  my heart and my ears!   Has He stolen your heart?  Has He stolen your ears and your eyes?  Oh yes- it is grand life in Him we live ….but……as we see as He sees….  Oh, how hard it is to witness from His view all of His universe. Our God’s breath is life and light…… He gives us His gift of life……..

What was the leading cause of death in 2018?

A day of weeping and day of mourning- for 42 million children lives were forfeited on the face of the earth  world wide this past year….The leading cause of death is abortion….. The innocent have no voice but ours.

A day of weeping and mourning for His kingdom who love the little children for theirs is the kingdom of God as written.

As written there is no good thing in man’s flesh….. but then Holy Spirit came in power upon the Son of Man to redeem all mankind.

Let us not forsake such a great salvation…. Let us take heed for the days are few and His call has rung out for many a day.

Let us see the face of our Lord and His great love for us before the day disappears and the night that is long comes along.

A life that is lived before an audience of One will be not known or seen by the world but the eyes of  One who does matter – knows.  I often wonder if they are the ones who do the great exploits because all that is known – IT HAD TO BE GOD!

He knows all and sees all and there is nothing new under the sun that He has not ordained and allowed by His sovereignty.

Beloved, how can we forsake all that He has given us to live life in His Son……We step from glory to glory…… We have been given authority over all by His name. We are being conformed into the image of the Son of Man.  We have Christ in us as our hope of glory…..He has given us all that is beyond what we could think or imagine to be restored in His name.

Is there any other that has laid down so much and given us so much as is written in the Word of God,  as our Warrior King Jesus Christ?  He is beyond compare and is worthy of our all.

In my opinion, there is no contest…… I tasted the world and smelt the breath of death……. My King showed up and there was life again….. I saw the rainbow of His love showering over me…… His love gave me a steed whose name meant ascend before I knew what the term meant…… Never was there a love so great as my Savior’s toward me then and this day…… Please know My King and call Him yours- He is so plentiful to go all around….. Please know the love that breathes life eternal into us every second on the day and the night-There is nothing greater but to keep Him in our sight.

Take heed, the Christian life is about Him that we live and sit and wait to know……The Christian way is not to attain a better life to live here – It is His life we live now….

It is not to fix our past because it is burned in His fire of the Spirit of God.

It is not a way to use the bible for self help…..

We are a new creation and we are told not to look back from the plow…..Or we will be disqualified…..The way of a believer is His cross and ours….. What is past is gone as far as the east is to the west as written…… Let it go and grab Him because of His cross……

Know how Satan wins in a believer’s life……. Make him feel shame about his past and so he will  try to fix himself…… Eyes are not looking ahead towards the King’s place as we are now in the heavenly places with Him….. We cannot be there in Him and alone in our past….. It is finished…… So must we be with our old man before Christ…..  Religion holds on to your past so you cannot enter into your future today with the King.

How can you learn to drive in a car if we are still using riding a bike skills to drive a vehicle….. Have to leave the old to obtain His new creation in us….. Christ in us is the only way to live in His new.

There is a cost.  Are you willing to be His?  Salvation is free but as we are His, as He was treated so are we….. Are you willing to heed the cost?  He is with us every step, but know the cost is real….. The trial and suffering are for but a moment…..until all that seen fades away till the unseen is seen this day.

There is so much at stake if we forsake His call……. There is much to forsake if we do not continue on in growing in grace and the knowledge of Him whose death split the earth and rose the dead…….If this happened at His death and another earthquake at His resurrection…… Oh my, what then will His return bring?

The One who sees our every move and knows every thought and word and deed is watching and waiting to have fellowship with us….. How can we put something or anything before Him…..Do we not see His eyes?   His love that transcends all this world is looking at us….

The blood of His body pours forth this day for all to receive.  His call for His own goes out far and wide… Help prepare the way of the Lord and do not stand in His way……. Let us not trample the blood of Christ as written in Hebrews in chapter 10. We know how it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

We must not think His great strength of grace is greasy….. His grace is strong to deliver and keep set apart for His use….. Let us be for Him a vessel of silver and gold and not wood and straw….. Let us go through the fires  of Holy Spirit and be bright and shining vessel for the King’s use against His enemies…. Holy Spirit will do it in us…..

He will make us into mighty men of God now….He is faithful and He is also fun….. The reality of the cross we live as we die daily is not as hard as He is with us every step of the way….. To learn His new and leave the old way behind is easy….. He is like a gentle breeze bringing a fresh breath for us daily.

Let us yearn to be the  sharp arrows which penetrate into the hearts of the King’s enemies. We can be doing that without even knowing it by living to closely with Him.

What do you think  is the definition of  the fear of the Lord?  Is it to fear the One who creates the hurricane and tornadoes?  Nah,  could it be we miss Him and His call?  What will happen to us then? That we miss His outstretched hand and neglect our salvation and friendship with Him?  Maybe……. Knowing His grace will end one day and where we will be then if we turn away such a great love as He has given us in this age.

If books are written on those who weep and sigh over the abominations that He calls abominations, do you ever wonder what other stuff is written? Do you wonder if time was given when Adam fell?  Maybe time was not even there until He wanted to make sure evil had a end to rule through the lives of men.

If our name is found in the Lamb’s Book of Life, our past is His as is our day and our future….. For in His hands is the new creation in Christ Jesus. A new name is given to you- have your received your new name, beloved?

A great God has given us so much….. May we have eyes to see for it is the Truth. Those who are pure will see God…… as written in Matthew.  If you are His, it is written in John 10, you will hear His voice.

Holy Spirit purifies after the blood washes us clean….. He keeps us engaged in Him and focused on our Great Author and Finisher of our Faith.

If you have been given a beautiful steed to ride on through the age and to come, do you go back to the little pony that only knows to go back to the barn…. Oh, we miss so much because we do not see as He sees us in Him….. Why go back to the old when we have been made brand new in Him? Should we not be busy on how to live in His power to be the new He has called us to be- conformed to His image.

We must not forsake such a great and awesome salvation as well as forsake and trample His blood once we have entered in….

Can’t you hear His trumpet?   Declaring the sin is gone if you chose it be. But woe to them who hold on to sin willfully.  Trumpet says carry your cross after you count the cost.  Bearing the cross is the followers way of Jesus Christ….. Let His Light of Love shine bright through our face. For His is the only Way and Truth for our Day.

The Lord’s day is this day….. Let Him find you in His stay….. His mighty and strong to keep us all the way long…… Woe to those who say you and you  sin because they are covering up their own indiscretions. Be aware for blind leaders will always lead some into the ditch, so leave them be… for He has spoken this shall be….. Check out the Beatitudes if you do not believe me.   Hear what He says and follow Him as His Word keeps us on straight and narrow.

Those who follow make sure we hear what separates the clean from the unclean, the holy from the profane….. Let us make sure we do not hear peace and peace when we should be in sorrow and turn from our wicked ways so we may be healed. Is it we do not die daily but live fully in the world and want Him for the good stuff?….. Oh let us not live in the Santa Clause syndrome…..

All things are possible for those who have God.  The sacrifice for our sins has been done once and for all…… We then make our lives a living sacrifice to live and know the whole counsel of God,…. the will of God.

The negative word of die daily is but as cleaning out our closet at Christmas……. We make room for the new in Christ Jesus in us……There is always a positive which always out weighs the old for His new.

Why is it written: in Matthew 13:14-17: And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing  you will see and not perceive;  For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts, and turn, so that I should heal them…….But blessed are your eyes for they see, and you ears for they hear.

We have the choice to have our eyes opened or keep them closed……..by asking or not -to have the veil of unbelief to be removed by the Spirit of Grace….. This is all our choice…… Read the above scripture- AND THEIR EYES THEY HAVE CLOSED>>>>>> This day I pray, we chose life and not death. We ask to have our eyes opened and our ears cleaned to hear Him speak this day.

Fame, fortune and a name taint us from His name to be the fame and He being our only aim.  Eyes of a dove is His delight…. They will go after Him and fly easily from any darkness. Wisdom is found in them and understanding in His Spirit is their key for stability in Him. He is their only delight and hearing His thank you is their fulfillment and joy.

Know this : there is nothing done in our heart or by action that is not known by our God.  The slander you speak is  known by Him or any sin against Him that is hidden.  Oh beloved, no it is not  hidden for He sees!!  God will not be mocked.  Fear of the Lord is an awesome character trait in a believer…..

Knowing He is there will bring us His strength and courage to live righteous before Him….. What ever is done in the dark will be revealed in the light….. What we sow, we will reap and usually twice over. So all the life of the Spirit will be given to us double….. How awesome is God!   Double blessing of Holy Spirit within.   So if we are praying for the health and protection of those in prison for the Word’s sake….. Wow….. If we pray for the voiceless to have life and life abundantly…… Wow…..Look all that can be.  How great is our God!

No one will be unchecked by those eyes of fire – How great is the fulfillment of My Spirit in you?….Did you believe in all things I AM has spoken to you?  Hey, I AM dwells with you this day……. Your house and Mine is one of the same.  Let us make sure the house we are is His and  not the world. Know what His temple is this day and let us make sure according to His word that we fit there perfectly.

As Paul speaks in 2 Corinthians 6- Do you not know you are the temple of God?  

The above statement is showing us how much God wants us to be with Him….. How He has done so much for us in His love……. His blood and His Spirit have made us prepared to be His home- a place where He can now place His head….. He has called us friends. Let us ask Him for the grace to honor and respect and fear the Living God. Not to tremble but learn how much He has given us. Know  how deep His love for us which transcends all  through time and through the universe and the heavens.

Let us live under the  Living Truth- we live before an Audience of One.   We will see the authority this day to those who have been given His rod to stop  heresy. Jezebel’s immorality and greed will not have her way in our day.   Our Lord’s fire will burn all this dross away.

Holy Spirit has come to make us one with the Lord. It is wise to put all things aside and be His bride.  It is spiritual understanding that we leave the world and KNOW AND BELIEVE  the fire of Him burned all that was behind….

Look unto the King for He will show us His way to be right in sight and then all will be alright. Know His Word and then your foot will not stray from the narrow way.  Many turned to the wide path and have been caught in a noose and lost their sight of them being His bride.  Let the fire burn in us today and be  His delight. If His fire is not burning within then there is more chaff to burn away again…… Come into the flame and see His face once again.

Get the eyes to see all He wants us to see. The word for 2019 in Strong’s Concordance is perverse……. So we must stand on and  be in all His Truth.  Do you see we have been given the authority to be…..The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and rough ways smooth; and all flesh shall see the glory of God, ( Luke 3:4-6).

This day is not a surprise to Him- for He has given us all we need to live a life given unto Him- full of faith and courage, boldness to point all things to His way. Let us remember judgment begins at the house of God…….His fire will burn all the chaff away……. See His eyes of fire burn for us this day.

As written in 2 Corinthians 13:5- Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? – unless indeed you are disqualified.

We cannot be with Him where He is seated in the heavenly places as written in Ephesians and be in ourselves in the past without Him…… Our choice to start to live in Him and accomplish the work He has planned through us for His kingdom……  Do not let the devil immobilize you into the past….. He is the God of I AM…… not I then……. Let us learn to be with Him where He is and see as He sees the work before us…… Amen and Amen!    Religion binds and He alone as the Son of God sets us free…. If He has set us free- we then are free indeed. So hear Him say- Do not look back…. Keep your eyes on your King.



My perfection is not as you see. Please see from My view of how My love will always bring you through. Please remember in your weakness My power is made perfect.  Live in the faith that I AM bestows on you….. Live in the perfection of your faith in trust towards Me and the plans I AM has for you.  Increase in Me is the great measure.  Measure your days as I AM has planned in you and for you…. Rest in Me and all that I AM is for you. Fill your capacity with I AM and how fill of I AM will your life be in Me…..

Live in the love I AM has for you and then you will fly as I AM has called you to…. Wings of freedom in your life in Me will carry you unto the heights where I AM has called you to be…. See and then believe in I AM… Do you not know yet?  I AM is all you need…. Know we walk through the days planned for ever in My hand.

Keep your eyes on Me and not on the land….. Heaven decrees and then you speak and it shall be as I AM says- Light be as I AM says and darkness flees when the first brightness of light breaks through…..I AM did not say things will get brighter but alas, you are the ones that light the world now, My children.

Align- you have the mind of Christ…… Align now and you then shall be as I AM has planned from the Beginning….. Know the Beginning where you have been begotten then you shall live out your days as from the  first day after I AM spoke it is finished.

What then Began in the Beginning?  Are you not brought out from the Rock? Live as you are Mine then you shall see all is then done….. Brightest of days are ahead of you – though the darkest of night be surrounding- you shall shine as the noonday sun to all around…..

Do you not see this has been the plan from the Beginning?….. Do not fret at what is seen in the natural. This is the design for the supernatural to be shown way above and beyond…… The enmity with the natural will  decrease  as the Divine in Mine shines and shows forth in Christ is all they need.

Do not look back and desire before….. Time is winding up and so My plan is also….. As I AM has spoken as darkness increases from mankind so what shall come forth from the Great I AM? Oh the glory of  My life will shine forth so bright in My witnesses as I AM rides on My clouds for that is  their destiny.

I AM asks you to align with the Mind of Christ….. So then you shall see as My son Gideon saw what was planned and took heed to what  was spoken to him. He went on in victory for He knew I AM was with him through  the battle> He broke through the barrier for him and his army. ..… I AM all you need.  The victory is sure if you believe in all I AM says shall be….. Then walk and see life happen as in the Jericho and Jordon and  the Red Sea…… My children, will you please just believe in Me and all I AM has called you to be.

See the glory of I AM in all of My plans will stand…… Be still and listen to I AM and perfect your trust in faith of what I AM,

Thank you for listening to I AM this day…. Give me your ear and be still.








Oh- Oh! Another What If………

What if as a child we had a great treasure box.  We collected many heartfelt treasures that we wanted to keep under lock and key!   Days turned into years as we forgot about the treasure box……We forgot about the box because we grew into life……We stumbled on the box one day. We opened up the box. We chuckled at how we thought the things collected  in the box were treasures. Yes, there were many fond memories, but  we are very appreciative we are not there anymore….. There is so much more.

We preceded to clean the box out and then refill it with the treasures of our heart as we walked through our journey……. Life consumed us and we forgot all these treasures kept in the box……. Again, one day we stumbled on it…. We wiped the sweat from our brow and decided to take a break and for fun open it……

We again had a faint smile and chuckle on how we thought the things collected were our treasures when we were now experiencing so much now that was so real – heartbreaking as well breath taking life.  We saw there is nothing in that box but memories that led to a greater more open life now.

Again, we cleaned out the box.  The lid of the treasure box is open ready to be filled again with what we value as a treasure today. We ponder what is value of our hearts that we would collect today in our treasure box?

Go through the Bible and study the great treasures that occurred in the cave with men and God.  We always have to leave the old to embrace His new for us in this life, or actually His life.

If you want the current status quo….. Please do not enter His cleft……

But if you are looking for His face, please come and enter in…… Elijah made the way for Elisha.   Elijah made his way running from Jezebel’s threat because he knew he needed more of God….. God called Elisha, the double of power came on the scene …….Elisha was now prepared to take care of the Jezebel and Ahab opposition to God’s people……The Jordan had been crossed!

Who would think the tomb of Jesus Christ became our hope as it led to His resurrection and ascending to His rightful place….Then the Promise came to empower those who were called to His place with Him.

When we see the face of God, we die but, live in Christ in greater measure….. And He lives in us in greater measure……. If you do not see this….. Please I double dog dare you to check  out the ways of God with His people.    The people who saw Him – never went away empty handed of Him. They are His. He is becoming in their Treasure all He planned to be for them.

Moses saw the Lord and look what came forth from him then? Check it out in the Word…. Check Him out…..

We must clean out our treasure box, our heart……. Yes, we must see the treasures were perfect for then but not now…. We must let go and let Him be the God of now- the I AM.

We must move. Our moving on is  shown as we are making ourselves ready for where God is leading us…. We get rid of our past treasures even if they were from Him…… The foundation in Him is laid solid and firm….. Move on with Him in all He is.  He is ready to broaden our horizons in the revelation of His Son,…. if we say yes….

Or we can stay on  before crossing of Jordan and not venture in to all that He has promised us by His Spirit…….His Promised Land!

My revelation of Jesus Christ might help you to see a little bit but you need your own revelation of our King and Lover of our souls. Keep silent and listen….. You cannot eat my food from the King….. He has a plate set for you….. You come and eat from the King. He is waiting.

He is waiting and is relentless towards you in His love…… Let us learn His relentlessness towards us and return that passion to seek and pursue His face….. Oh yes, we die, but we gain Christ. Our treasure box is then filled anew with His life and love, not to mention the power of God present in us by His Spirit.

As Paul said- I die daily……. Are you ready?  Yes, we die to our ways, our thoughts….. I think so what!!!! Look at Who we gain, when we die daily. We gain Him- His mind. His character. His power and His victory…… To me, this is a no brainer…..

Hello?  Of course, I will dump out my treasure chest….. Man, I will throw out the box and get a moving van, so I can get all of Him that He has longed to give Me from the  Beginning of the foundation of the world.  He is worthy of my all to get His all. This is a no brainer here…..

In the cave of Yahweh, the current is stopped and the new revelation of His plan is seen.  The eyes of those who have been in the cave know the way this is to be now and again. The new creations is revealed increasingly again in Him for us to be.

Do not block your ears and think things will remain in the status quo….. They are not now if we admit we have been shown and do not deny the Truth that He has been showing us all along.

Learn and see – the fall of man brought the plan of God’s greatness to fullness for all generations to see….. He did not bring us back to where man fell but brought us into a greater plan – In His Son, is where we dwell.   Greater than any garden is given to us this day. The Son of Man is where we stay.   We delight in the Presence of the Almighty and hear His voice clearly beyond just the cool of the day….. In the heat of the season, our God and His voice is here always being within us.

Greater than before are any Beginning…. The Lord God is seeing His completed plan in His Son all the way through to His End.   We either stay in what we call the comfort zone and the Jordan won’t be crossed by us. We will not fill our treasure box  into the greater fulfillment of His promise for we will not obtain.

God always increases….. His purpose is growing to fulfillment. His purpose in us is also obtaining His goal…. Christ in us brings us to the image of the Son seen by all. The glory is God’s but blessed are those who go the distance with His King and will be a part of His glory.

It is time to empty our treasure chest and make room for the King of glory because He is claiming His. After all, He is the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. He does  rule and reign.  Let us move on in His ride…… We follow Him riding on the power of His Holy Spirit…. YAHOO!

We can either choose this day for the reign of 2019 to be in it or set aside for the bench of comfort.  We can partake of the greatest adventure of the King today for His rule has been for always as scripture states…… Check it out…. Make your decision and please do not be late…

Hear His trumpet declare: Those who come up here and died on the altar of My gate….. The cross is the entry way into the finding the greatest Treasure known to man in this age. Yes, your belief is known by Me, but blessed are the ones who come seeking after Me.  They are empty and know I AM will always fill their treasure box to the utmost. My life is their stance and overflowing will be their place found in Me.

The Son of God’s reign is here to stay. No one or nothing can compete against it and stand His gaze….. If you enter in to His cave. Oh joy, for we arise in Him today!  The old is gone for us, for we  have seen His face and His life is reigning in us for all our days.

His power is seen as we ride on His Steed.  We are not known  but by Him is our cause. His power is seen for all the company that rides with Him follows His lead.  We cry as Caleb, O Lord, as You lead, give us this mountain as we ride Your Steed.

We will not settle for the seen until all that is unseen is known and revealed to all mankind…..The Son of God revealed as the sun is shining in this sky at noonday.

Your kingdom is here and we will ride on in Your Word. We cry out and upon You we stand. You always hold us in the cleft of the cave and hidden we remain.  You O Lord will be seen by all mankind.

Do not put off what is called tomorrow for tomorrow may never come.  See this today is where I AM.  For this day, you are filled for all you are in Me.  This day turns to morrow, then the filling I AM called you to have is completed for I AM has begun and will complete My work though it is finished…. I AM completed all that lays ahead for you….. It is finished as when We laid and planned the foundation of the world.

Man thinks as it not seen it is not complete in time by Me…. Oh no, the day is filled with all I AM to you ….. In you, is where you think you measure I AM…. I AM knows where I AM stands…in you and beyond all the sands of time. Come stand and believe what I AM has already  completed in you. All is because I AM is and is there because I AM was then too.  I AM speaks the light is and shall be because I AM was then.

Start seeing as I AM does and then the flow around you will be as I AM sees. Then you shall receive because you believe and has seen as I AM sees.

I AM has no pleasure in those who do not see by faith and then again as I AM.  Do you not see?  Believe and then you are free because you have the eyes to see because you have read and seen what I AM has said shall always be.

The parables I AM speaks so you may search deeper than  how you see and what you know. If all was plain, would you believe….or go on your way again. ?  Only things remain hidden so they may be found. Those who heart seeks the Treasure known for all mankind, will find the hidden to be revealed.

No one knows there is a path until you search for the way. The Light always draws your steps.  You are always drawn to the Light. Then the path is lightened as the steps  find their way.  No one ever crossed over a mountain thinking there was nothing on the other side.  If the thought there is nothing more beyond what you know, then the revelation of what I AM holds is far and drawn from you.

Go back and stay and shake for the morrow is the dilemma without I AM in sight.  Gaze of Me draws the  forward in I AM is  the standard of march in heaven and on the plains….. for the mountains are our gain. In Christ, His city is light beyond what mankind calls bright.

The treasure box is filled with what we have in our sight.


The Lord is close to all, but we must turn to Him and then we will be filled with His all.  The morrow holds whether we have Him or not….. The tide will turn with Him in our sight. If we get captured by the tinsel and all what the world is a matter.  We then may be swallowed up by the tide coming in and clatter…. Oh what a drastic sight!  We must keep pace with the One who keeps our gaze. In His step we shall reign and the victory is His as we keep riding again and again. Keep close to Him as we enter 2019.  Let His breath be our peace and listen to His Voice speaking…..Do you hear Him?  Listen …..shhhhhh! Listen……shhhhhh!

As He says, we shall listen and obey…. We will remain at His side through the days of 2019.

By His grace, beloved, by His grace!



Let’s Ride With Him…..

Let us ride with Him where we have never been before…. You ready?  Have we been quiet before the King to hear what He says to us this Day?

He is speaking, after all He is the Word. We must quiet ourselves down. Let go of our traditions and look for where He is abounding.

He is not in the manger as we celebrate His birth into time…. He came and died and rose. He is the holder of all in this universe for all of time and beyond.

He is mighty and He is our warrior.  He is great and awesome and yet, He comes to us at times  gentle as a dove.

Spend this time knowing Him as He is now…… For He knows us – all about us.

God will not be mocked. We will reap what we sow……

The time to be free in Him is here and will always be if we choose eternity in Him…… We must chose to leave all behind and know and trust He will bring us in to His abounding love in greater and full measure.

His Spirit is here to bring the hearts to His again, but oh my, He is here to do so much more. Holy Spirit is bringing us to the fullness of Christ. Are we ready to climb aboard the wings of His greatness?  This position which was destined before the time began and the fall of man….. Climb aboard and hold on to the mane of Thunder as He brings us through. He will never drop us but we must hold on for at times the ride is dangerous to our flesh but oh our heighten spirit will fly with Him…. Over the seas and the mountains will we be with the King of all  and His glory will be seen.  All will see the Desire of the nations as He has unlocked the chains that bound man to darkness.

But there is so much more light to know Him in….. He is dazzling and brilliant beyond we can think or imagine and He holds so much more for us to explore.  Come and see and know Him this day….. He is not in the manger and He rose from death grip to be known as the King of glory…… Come and see the One who holds your heart in His mighty hand….. Find His love and be free again….

There is so much more for us to be in Him this day….. Let go and let Him lead us in His way…..Know His face and we can never go back again….. The hold He has given us is beyond our strength….. He has shown us His love and we chose Him above all else.

Merry Christmas and may this be our best 2019 in Christ ever been….. to the heights  our hinds feet will climb. Nothing will stop the cross before us and His strength holding us in Him to the heights….. We must see His face and then all the old will gone.  The new in Him will remain growing and strong…. We must move on for He is bringing us to this place He has called us before time began and it is time again.

What is happening in others will be again so make sure we know Him and not religion so we may hold on to His strength to the end.

He is mighty to save and faithful to see us through in what He has started in me and in you.   Do not deny Him and we then are locked into Him. His glory will be seen in all nations that bow to Him.


There is so much more – way beyond our score. Blessed be His name- Jesus Christ, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords….. Judge of His creation is worthy of all praise and our honor and our hearts and our lives.  Be still and know He is GOD!!

Watch and see what is up His sleeve in you and in me…… His glory will abound and will be seen….. Pray for the eye salve to be given so we may see. Pray for His mercy to have ears to hear so we may be healed over our religiosity…….Broken hearts that bleed the love of God through Jesus Christ from His bride.  Spiritual understanding is the key ask Him now so Holy Spirit will see us at the gate looking for His gaze.

Do not stop and doubt…. Throw those thoughts way out.  Listen to Him speak in your heart for that is where He reigns now and for all eternity. Be still and know He is God.

Listen to the Voice of the One who has always been crying in the wilderness…… The kingdom of God is at hand….. and is in you.





Stay Close To And In Me During The Coming 2019; Have Ears To Hear

A love letter, a love poem, spoken by the One who is Eternal : I AM the Key. I AM the Door. I AM the Everything you need.

Listen to Him for  His Spirit is saying: this life is a vapor ; we must find the One who has the key for our victory in 2019.  He is the Key. And will lead us as we enter into His everything and all we need…. Be still and let Him be God….. We are waiting on You, King of glory. Speak Lord, we are listening. Change our way of thinking to align to Yours… Thank You, Father of All.

As the Lord has spoken and is speaking today by His Spirit in a mighty way:  Take heed and hear for in the power of My Spirit, these days are redeemed…..In Me,  through the fire and through hills and through the valley and on tops of the mountains, My rain shall come and  is.  My Spirit always sets the flame of Yah -My way is the only Way for you now and for all of eternity…..Be wise and kiss the Son all you sons of men of the earth.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of all, I AM the Way for all humanity to be saved from the coming destruction. Does the day death will knock on our door know unto you, o man? Did you map out the day you were born before you were here, o man?

Run to Me. I AM the Door that will allow you to know I AM and be not far…… Your sins separate you from Me now and for all eternity….. Do you know how long is eternity?  Turn to Me and repent of your deeds….. Then your days of peace from Me are here and through out your days and for all eternity.   I AM the Door and I AM the Truth for you to know….. Come, see  how Wisdom, Redemption and Sanctification will guide you through your days- I AM yours…..

Come and be removed from the day of destruction that is coming upon all humanity that do not believe in the Son of God. I AM He who is here to set all men free…… Holy Spirit send them all to Me.  Pray for My Spirit of grace enter into their hearts so they may turn today and believe, My beloved.

My Spirit is the glory of I AM through man…… Be still and know I AM, the Almighty One, the God who created all for My plan. My throne is set and will not diminish but grow in My established increase. The patience of Yah turns to be the folly of man.

The waters came first as man could know the Word of God, I AM.  The I AM that I AM set the stage for the good ways for man to live and behave….. The fulfillment of time came for fire of the threshing floor were to arise….. From My eyes come justice upon all mankind. So, come the fires of  I AM…… Can man control the winds of time?  Can man change what I AM has planned before mankind?

My flame of love is burning within for all who call on Me to come and be in them….. They hear the whisper through the night…..They are in My sight. Listen, in them I AM delights.

The horizon reveals the Light is arising as the deep darkness has covered the earth….. Take heed, the Son is arising and His beloved in His light  bellows out for He always has the victory…..Hear creation groaning….. The tumultuous times brings who forth? See what will be that has never been before on this earth but has been in My mind for this time and then will be again.

Though the schemes of men arise and fall as He stands through them all for in His eyes are the plans of Almighty for His bride. He carries her on His wings so she shall be fed by the Everlasting One throughout all her days. She knows Him greater through her plights by His lifting her into His heights in them all.

Take heed and know the rise of pride is to cut them low. This has happened over and over through My arm for they would not bow.

Stay close to Me and I AM will feed you to know what will be and you shall know the great fall.  Just when all looks lost, the resurrection and glory of God shall be…. But not by man does this unfold….. but by My Spirit that lives in thee for all the glory is for Me.

The little one who no one sees and sits at My feet will give My words that lead into My victory. Hold on fast to My Word for there will be greater knowledge and wisdom for the day….. Leave all to Me and know this little one is Mine through all of time…..and belongs to Me.

The gift of  glory and love from My beloved to Me will  be seen. The ones who lean on Me will know as all this shall be.  As all the time, and the days have allowed the glory of the Holy One made known. I AM gathers His own by His side as they speak His love  over many country sides.

Fire has fallen throughout My reign…… to some My flame sets afire and others My flames burns away….. Know My flame has always been and is and for always is surrounding Me.

My fire is here and is coming again and was before and will be again…..Know this day My Spirit is within thee, believe Me in what I AM says….. Know the fire of My love unites us closer than you could ever think or imagine. There is much more to know of My love for you  and I AM longs to reveal more of Me into you…….Just lean your ear unto Me. Trust Me for I AM and I AM your King.

I AM came to bring us close again. Turn away the world and know you died with Me. In the Spirit we were joined in death and in My life, see how We reign.  So acknowledge and reckon yourself dead.  Live only unto Me….. It is all of Me in you that I AM desires for you to live accordingly. My resurrection Life is greater than all you know…. Partake of Me and live from the overflow.

There is no place other than in Me that you should be striving to be.   Know Me this day and all will be okay….. Times come and times go, but remain within Me and your days are set  in eternity for you are in Me. You are set in My victory. Then the rest of God shall surely be yours now and in all eternity.

The bud of pride has blossomed. Study to see how I AM was then and then this shall be again. My beloved speaks to allow them to repent and turn again once to Me…. My arms are open wide for all. Their day is now for them to return unto Me.

Let My fire within speak out the Truth for all to hear….. I AM reigns in the midst of all men. The One who created the ear. Oh yes, I AM does hear all that is said and records accordingly….. The One who created the eye, oh yes, all seen by Me. Even the dark is light unto Me.  What is done to others by  love or in hate will be rewarded here on earth and in eternity by Me.  Set your heart today on that Truth. I AM the Truth.

The place called  hell was not made for man. Hell is place you do not want to be……Change your ways and come unto Me. Turn to Me.  Honor Me with your heart….. Say to Me: you are sorry you did not turn to I AM before….I am sorry, I allowed Satan to fool Me….. Oh, Lord, You are all I need. Please forgive Me. May I make my heart in You the place I want to be?  Please help Me to live with You in Your ways…Let me hear Your voice speak to Me always. Please give Me wisdom to go as You say and stay the way You want this day. Father, thank you for allowing Your Son to abide in me today and always….. Please help me make You, the Son of God, my Everything.  Your victory now reigns over Me. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Son. Thank You, Holy Spirit, Three in One.

Now let My love wash you clean and  come learn about Me. Please know this is eternity!

The folly of  despising of My laws and statues shall be not with out a reward from Me….…. The Word of God has spoken and will always stand no matter what man plans……

Folly is the man who thinks he may stamp out the laws and command of I AM.  Does not man read what reward was given to the ones who rebelled against what I AM has decreed?  My Words are the only that will last….. Fools never leave their folly.

Come and stand before My eyes and allow Wisdom to be Your Guide…..Live unto all truth will reveal all of Me and steer you away from your folly.

Ponder My eyes upon thee, and see how I AM speaks to you today….. Ask of Me, what your reward shall be.  Live as I AM sees all should be.  Breath My life into being….. See yourself as I AM has spoken you to be….. Do no wait for man to say yes or no….. You have My Word hidden within- Now go and live as I AM has said you to be….. As Abraham was to Me, he lived as I AM spoke to Him and he was….. It was not about Abraham but about I AM speaking to Him.  No man vindicated his life that was given by Me…. See how Abraham is the father of more over than the sand in the sea. This is because I AM said it should be….. Light be for Me.

Listen to Me!  The sons of God shall arise for the set time is upon thee….Listen to Me….as a head arises from the sea, what then shall arise out of Me?

Wake up My children!  Do as you see what I AM sees? Stop doing the same things that have not My victory….. See what My finger is pointing to in My Word today…..

Steer your ship to My path through the seas, then you shall be the sons I AM has called you to be….. I AM the builder of My house. What shall be is what I AM has decreed….. There are many captains on My deck….. for the work is many to gather. Woe to any who hold My captains back into the pew to keep them rowing for you.

Do not be deceived, in your youth, that the reward of your actions are not noted by Me.  The life you live here is a stepping stone. Live for the next stone coming your way to lift you into My way for that is lasting in all eternity  ….. Be wise and see I AM that I AM eternity.  I AM knows your days and all your breath is given by Me.  Know time is increasing and knowledge is running to and fro…… Turn to Me and get in My flow….

Turn and see,….. the grace, I AM gives you, opens your eyes so you shall see I AM. You shall believe  the death I AM died to give you covered and removed your sins against Me…. Do you not know, you may then arise in I AM and have My life for all eternity…..

Turn and live and escape the death penalty that is upon all mankind.  Man sins and lies. The heart of unredeemed men is known and is no secret unto Me. The curse of death has fallen hard on man…..  Come and let I AM bestow on you My heart so you then may soar with Me and be free from death and live My life for all eternity. Do you not yet see the love I AM has for thee?

The fire is coming and is here…… Destruction or life, the choice for you is near.

Take heed to My Spirit and all He says these days……Do you know if today is your last?  If not, will you allow  your morrow hold My hand and follow Me?  Then you shall live and be free.

You will then love Me and your neighbor as should be and hate will fall away as a leaf fallen from a tree.

Troubles are set to arise but you have now Me in your sight, I AM will lift you, as you wait with patience…Then patience is in you to be forever because all good comes from Me.… I AM your God and love you with such a passion…..

The weak are strong as they wait on Me…… All the troubles are set but will not prosper against thee for they are not from Me, but I AM will always turn them into yours and Mine victory….. So rest assured and put your trust in Me….. For this is My plan and all shall see…… How great My love is for thee.

Your life will be full in Me and all shall see the great smile you have because you now are known by Me and love Me. The shine and laughter of Your King will reign through you to all, and you delight Me!

Come to Me!

There is more yet to come  of Me…. I AM revealing more of Me for you and all to see.  Things that are hidden in eternity will arise for all so they may take hold of Me.

Some will wonder why the earth quakes and splits asunder…. Others will see their sea in great heights coming up on the sand of thier land. Some will see so much cancer eating all of humanity. They see the fires that are never satisfied quench all it touches to nothing.  They will blaspheme the God who could have stopped these events,……as well as the innocent not given a chance.

Instead of lifting your fist against Me, ask of Me to reveal the hidden kings and priests of Mine living as I AM has called them to be.  The valley of decision is in front of everyone this day on the earth…..Whom do you serve?

There are many kings and priests serving Me than what the pulpits allow to be or  think…… They cannot even stop the Almighty! Many in My day on the earth, thought to lead others as they were doing My work, but as I AM walked in- they threw Me out! Why do men who think they call on Me but always reject the work of My Spirit among My humanity?

Do you not see My throne is surrounded by the groanings of creation for a certain revealing…..?  Do you not see what I AM is calling for My own to be? Do they not see My Spirit is their only hope of glory.

So now, arise into the knowledge of My plan  which I AM calls for His own. They are My own because My Spirit is in their habitation and I AM in My temple.  This is My plan for all who call on My name- I in them, them in Me- this is the plan…This is all of My story.

The new creation that I AM has started again….. The third day came and then the temple was constructed not by man nor his strength, nor men words but by My Spirit came took charge as the Engineer then and up to this day and beyond. This is My glory and My story so all will see what I AM has planned and completed for man throughout all of His story.

Mt Spirit’s  job is  sure for there are no faulty lines developing here….. The foundation of the Son is sure and true….I AM keeps to the sound plans of heaven.  His Spirit is the eyes of fire that molds the bride together. Keeping her pure as her works pointing to the Son, the King of fire, who reigns over all even beyond the setting of the sun.

Some in wisdom will see the opportune time to go humbly to their God and know His Son. Some will arise with healing in their wings and decrees for their King……

Events are displayed letting all know the earth is under the curse. The earth will not last for all eternity….. Come, know the Truth.  Do not let evil have His way deceiving you in to thinking all is okay. I AM has not spoken in secret to all: I AM has made known that this world is not your own….  Seek God and His Son, then you shall be free to live in  Me.   My resurrected life is for all who believe. The smell of death shall not touch you. You will be found in Me  when he knocks on your door….. See and believe the second death will have no victory in thee.

Do not listen to those who boast against the Great I AM….. Their folly will be seen by those in Wisdom. The view will be the same for others as those who have  listened to the serpent increasing his crew in their folly.  Be wise and learn God is the God of the universe. I AM that I AM and all will bow their knee to My Son here  and then enter into their later or Mine….. Be wise and kiss My Son.

All who dwell upon the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

He who leads into captivity shall go in captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and  the faith of the saints,  (Revelation 13:8-10).

Come to Me and you then shall be free!  Is your name written in My Book? Dare ask for the Truth……The Truth shall set you free…… You find peace in Me that you were searching for but the lies kept the peace from developing.

Look for My hidden kings and priests for they know Me. Ask, they shall tell what will be.   But from Me, you shall have peace and for the wicked, peace will never be…..

This day choose life from Me or death that sets you forever apart from Me….. Your choice to keep your sins attached to you is not from Me.   Your will has chosen your day and end this day…..

Tomorrow be not dismayed, you may come to Me and chose the Way of the Son of God…..Do  you know when death will come to your door and knock. You then find your door cannot be locked. Eat today from the Tree of Life, and not let folly be your fall.

Choose life this day….. I AM has chosen you before time began…. Stop your folly and turn to Me….. I AM will never let you go. I AM requires you to be faithful to Me.

Please, I AM asks you to turn and see My eyes. In them is My love pouring forth for you in My blood.

Thank you for listening.

I AM calling. I AM gathering…… I AM standing. See My footsteps in the land hidden from many but revealed to Mine.



He has never stopped speaking to us through His Son by His Spirit…. There is much more to hear and know.  Let us pray for enlarged heart so we may receive the Word spoken and strength to receive His vision and to follow the Word out by faith… We are no different than Abraham in His making…

Much is Him and little is me! He is truly a King who is a land of far and wide distance to know and understand. Understand the hidden secrets in the His Word for the wise to eat and discern for today.

Let it be not said of us, those who have ears but, do not hear! Are we going to let go? Let God, His Spirit, take us all the way into His purpose for His people this day. Do we mean business with Him and Him alone-not our ministries and agendas or holding our name up above His? Be jealous for Him and not for our sake….. Him alone be our vision this day.

I have heard of many speak of that  day on their battlefield, they die a thousand deaths…yet, they live to strengthen others that are on their way…….    Let go and bow to the King and then…….we shall have the greatest adventure that He has planned in His Kingdom to be known throughout the land……. Do we not know yet, the Lamb of God is the kingdom of God!

Enter in Him. We are in. He will then show what is next. We must let go and obey to do things as He tells us. This is new thing we must climb up and into- meaning we leave behind all that was before and enter into His new…… Empty handed and empty heart to fill us completely with Him…. Are we ready?  He is way beyond what we think and imagine. What He has thought or imagined will be in us for all to see if we allow Him to work His work in thee!!!!…… We must be silent and let Him speak into us what He has decreed.

In the darkness, He is the greatest Light….. See His plan for you and me. Father, thank You for empty ears and empty troughs of hearts to fill us with Your Son, our King….. So we may be filled to the stature of the measure of Your Son that fills all and in all.

We may be in the dark on what is unknown but we always take delight in His Light…. So we are never in dark but by faith the just live this way through….. into His fire and into His cloud, we are forever known. His path is revealed one step at a time for we finite and He is soooo divine!

Thank God, He is not like us….. Who wants to follow any one of us…..But we delight in a Great God that we have and delight in whom we set our trust…..
