Did You Know?

I did not know this but have learned a lot of the last months or so……I will explain, read on, please.

I love to learn and understand how and why God set up His world as He did. Why creation is set for certain purposes.

He is beyond but allows us to understand some.

Do you believe in our heavenly Father’s hand nothing is lost?…..According to His foreknowledge, all is for His glory and His purpose.

We have trees on our property that were not healthy so I called a tree arborist , a tree doctor, to check their heart beat…… Well, prognosis was not good. This type tree had lived his known life span and was dying……It can take up to thirty years for some trees to die….. Not ours…

They were pretty hollow inside….. Their rich pulp was dried. Their branches were still producing leaves but the branches had some weakness in them….. They all have to come down before they fall and really due some heavy damage to our surroundings.

Our storm season is approaching all things need to be strong and prepared for the storms.

We had them cut down. The stump showed dried wood in the center out to the edges of the stump….. There was not mulch healthy pulp left. Our trees were hollow. They can be easily toppled by strong winds.

Also, these tree roots grew out shallow not very below the surface so if there is any kind of floodwater, they cannot make it. They will drown from the salt water.

Other trees roots grow out but down deep to keep the water fresh and to persevere strong against any approaching storm, even flooding. Through it all, if the roots are deep and founded on good solid foundation , they will thrive even get stronger.

Now, the time between prognosis and the cutting, I talked to their and my Creator and asked for some help because many little ones lived in the trees and came to partake of the many seeds and nuts they produced.

I mean, I reminded Him daily all things are possible in You.

He knows best and I truly trust Him….. I was blessed to see the many new homes and places the little ones found next day….. I was relieved…. He does provide for all of us even, if we have feathers or fur.

The trees were so big and tall, I did not see the tiny little trees that were trying to survive under their shade. These big guys were blocking the sunlight which the saplings needed.

So by the Word of His power, His life is sustained through every living thing… Especially, His beloved.

There is a time for life and there is a time for death…… Hmmmm-where have I heard that- The Byrds? Just kidding.

Wisdom has been made unto us by Christ Jesus. In all our understanding- get wisdom. Get Jesus and don’t let Him go….By the way, He has you even if you are running away, He has you!

So lesson learned, we must let go of the old and embrace His new thing. Somethings look alive but are dead…… Perhaps, they just take thirty years to show the fruit of their decay.

We died on the inside when the fall happened, but God through His Son Jesus Christ has given us His life within us as we are born again from heaven…… We live because He does.

We live because we chose to believe in the only Son of God who died so we may be free.

We must be found in Him and Him alone….. Filthy rags of our self righteousness will not pass the muster because His blood washed all. No one was exempt because of their works…….even in ministry or church stuff…..or government or military or just us simple folks.

Pride is a nasty trait that must be destroyed in us. Or He will – humble the proud and rise up the humble.

We either go away from Him full because we were starving or we walk away empty because we came to Him full of our selves. We never saw our need.

Don’t let Him pass by without calling on Him.

Our choice- Stay alive in ourselves or die with Him because our need for Him is so great in which we will lose all to get Him. Then we will never let Him go…..and we will never die.

Our choice……However, our lives one day will die here on this planet….. Where will you go? Will He know you? Will you know Him? Will you gamble on what day this will happen?

Be wise and listen for His whisper and turn to His love. Repent and be restored to our God, while there is day.

The Old Covenant was abolished that Friday that the sun hid its face and the earth quaked……. as the Son of God breathed His last breath on that dead tree……….. for all of us.

Remember the water was still bitter, so they threw in a a dead tree branch and the waters were drinkable in the journey of the wilderness.

God changed the waters from our heart from bitter to life eternal…..We are thirsty for something and I AM is the Water that we thirst,

God knew we were hungry for more than bread from this earth…… He gave us the living Bread to sustain us for eternal life and not just our flesh, His Son.

He gave us everything….. He gave us Him. God Himself died for us so we may live…… God gave us His Son, who is God…. God gave us Himself and He is glorified in our belief and love to and for Him.

Then the third day, the earth quaked again as the Son of Man was quickened by the power of God….. His resurrection power flowed through Him and brought Him into resurrected state of being….. Firstborn to bring many in His way.

Out with the Old and in with His New Testament….. He will give us freely of living waters to those who are of thirst.

The fullness of His person bestowed in us, His precious Spirit, full of Life and Light within all of us who believe and rivers now flow from us of that precious living water.

There is nothing righteous in us but Him alone, but we get to dwell in His righteousness and as we grow in Him and He grows larger in us, we learn to live out that righteousness.

The other day as I was praying or talking to Him. He instructed me to live from His fullness…… His gentle instruction spoke- you live and move and have your breathing in and from Me….. All things are of Me and all things will be of Me and in Me…. Live from My fullness…..then nothing is lost…. The fruit is Mine as written that I AM bears within and out.

Faith is the key to living from Me. Nothing of you but all of Me is how you are seen so all may come to Me. Remember, all of creation is awaiting for the sons of the glory of their God to be…. to set things as they should be.

Let go of what is dead and keep in My breath and the Wind of I AM will guide you into all things prepared for this time. This is the way after the fall into My hands all shall be quickened to My stance. Then as you all shall see what has been called before time began to restore the age to Me again.

Where you are – I AM.

Where you live- I AM.

Where you walk- I AM.

When you breathe- I AM.

When you hurt- I AM.

When you see- I AM.

When you eat- I AM.

When you die- I AM.

When you are hidden- I AM.

When you take your first breath- I AM.

When you talk- I AM.

I AM glorified in you as I AM.

In you hope of glory – I AM.

When you are hurt- I AM.

In the storm- I AM.

In the flood- I AM.

In the fire- I AM.

In your search- I AM found

We are glorified in Him and He is glorified in us.

Himself in us is His glory and our hope of glory. I AM that I AM……

Be found in I AM.

This is our purpose and what He desires…..

We have eyes only for Him and listen to Him alone.

O Lord, be our vision, O High King of Heaven.


Hmmmm….. What IS THIS?

We know how to discern the face of the sky, right? Do we know when it is time to pull up or to plant? Do we know when to clothe in winter apparel or summer shorts?

Yes, I hope so!!

Holy Spirit I think is my Best Friend……. Then I think, no, Jesus Christ is……. Then I think, but My Heavenly Father is always watching over me……. So I say My God, how great you are to me……I need My God three in One.

My breath in Yah and out Weh is Him…. My life is found in Him. He is the Spirit and He is life to me.

So when I rest in Him and know He is always there and never fades away or sleeps….. He is steadfast in His love towards me. I can rest and sigh in peace because He is my God and there is no other.

He holds fast His surprises and enlarging my heart and vision to understand and see His plan from the start to end……. How He will accomplish His plan is a surprise…… and I watch and wait and wonder.
Every time I think this is how He will get this into our reality…… He does things different.

So what if you saw a huge snake head in a tree that was positioned on a tree lawn. A tree lawn is the area between the sidewalk and the street in a residential community.

This head of snake was bigger than my Saint Bernard- mix’s head. Larger than any snake I have ever seen before…… I thought it was a Anaconda snake….. When I saw this snake, I did not even know this type snake but I knew it now…. I thought I must tell everyone to be aware that it has come. Only God could give me the name of something I could never even want to know. I hate snakes and when I see a poisonous one, destroying it’s head is my job.

This snake did not know I was there as it was very dark out as I stood on the sidewalk in front of houses in a residential community……So it came down and I saw it had legs as it walked off…… This snake/ dragon was bigger than a any alligator I have seen in my days living in Florida.

It had dark spots on as does the Anaconda Snake.

So I knew in the heavens the serpent is Satan but as he was demoted to the earth,….. he got a name change to a dragon and dragons have legs. At least the pictures show this to be true.

I will let you to investigate the tree and the time that we will be approaching so we may discern.

A leopard never changes it’s spots………..

Someone is allowed out.

Others are ruling and reigning where this one was cast from.

Happy praying!

Father God, Your Spirit always shows us what is to come. May we bow before in silence as we discern by Your understanding and wisdom to know all the enigmas that You put before us.

We love You and thank You You are always with us and we may get all we need in Your Son, Jesus Christ. You again have prepared the Ark of God in Him for us. He has been made to us Your Wisdom and Righteousness and Wisdom……. Thank You…..

May we appropriate all You have given us in Jesus Christ, our Lord, by Holy Spirit. Thank You as we sit before Your feet, You are filling us with all Your goodness as Your Presence is what we are content in. We live in fountain of life and we are never thirsty for we have You.

Thank You that You do not take Your Spirit away from us. When we have so much to learn and receive in You, there is no enticement of the world to lure us. We thank You that Your presence is everything we need and yearn to worship You. In silence, we whisper. In loud song, we shout out….. But all in all we worship You beyond what this world has to offer for we did pick up our cross and we learned that we were crucified with Christ; it is no longer we who live but Christ live in us; and the life we now live in the flesh, we live by faith in the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us, ( Galatians 2:20), my paraphrase from I to us).


Happy praying and listening!


Isn’t It Frustrating When….?

I know all of us can fill in the blank here….. And maybe go on in detail over our deal, however, I was thinking the other day……

I really hate it when I am speaking and the words I speak are not heard and then told to me that what I said is not what I said…… When this occurs, I almost wish I sent an email instead of using my mouth… At least, I would have proof.

Then, I thought of our great God……. Most people quote words He never spoke and misinterpret His words and bring them out of context.

Well, He did speak of ones who are running when He has not spoken to them to run…… He does not appreciate His Words being spoken wrongly in context nor does He like it when His Words are ignored and not brought out to view because they will not be as honey going down- maybe more like vinegar…… Sometimes truth hurts but cleanses and gives much freedom of peace.

Now He does have proof of all He has spoken to us. These precious Words have been recorded in the Bible. So we have no excuse. NONE. If we know how to read. Then read the instruction book! If you need understanding, ask the Author!

We must find and seek the Words that He has given to us as His creation to know Him.

I always say if you know God, you love Him. If you do not know God, you will not love Him…….

But His Spirit has been shed abroad all over the world and even in our hearts as written 2 Corinthians…… so we may know Him and let others know about Him……

I pray it may not be said of you, they liked the darkness more than the light as written in John 1….. Check it out. This means those who prefer to stay in their sins and not draw close to Jesus Christ like to remain in the dark. In Him, we see all Light for He is the Light of the world as written in John, Check it out.

He is God and we are not.

When all else seems to drift away and be shaken. We must stand on what our purpose on this earth is…….

Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the Prophets, ( Matthew 22:37-40).

So when all else is different as day is from the night….. Remember His commands to us and sit before Him and understand His Words….. For our time may be short but His Word will never fail as scripture states.

So as Hosea says to us: chapter 12:6- So you, by the help of your God, return; Observe mercy and justice, and wait on your God continually.

Hosea also states earlier in chapter 11:12: Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you.

And also in verse 7: My people are bent on backsliding from Me. Though they call to the Most High, none at all exalt Him.

If Jesus Christ has the preeminence in our lives, then we exalt Him….. The presence of God in all His greatness and goodness to us, we just obey and lift Him up……. My heart gets overwhelmed with Him as He presents Himself as I call unto Him…..

He shows up to us…… How cool is that we have such an awesome God who makes the earth tremble with His thunder and lightning and also makes His abode in us. This is written in John 14….. Check it out….

There is a condition, we must love Him. This brings us into His obedience and then BOOM! His grace falls as we say, Hey, I do not know how…… He give us the grace to obtain the knowledge of Him and then love Him.

But He does manifest to us when we call out to Him, like all the times we called for help….. He comes……. Where sin abounds grace abounds much greater…… See the scripture in Romans.

If we need answers, He reveals His mind to us. If we need a Redeemer, He pays the cost. If we need supply, He always gives us the way. If we need light, He shows up and smiles. If we need strength, He shows us His strength is in us. If we want Him, He comes and sups with us. If we think we are alone, He taps us on our shoulder and whispers I AM.

He is all we need….. Our breath in Yah- and our breath out -Weh.

This is the foundation where I can always be grounded in Christ, no matter what comes…..

He is steady and trustworthy. He is gracious and kind. He is loving and forgiving and His mercy is endless….. His love never fails to those who call on Him.

A few weeks ago. I prayed—– Do I know You? Or do I really know You for what others have presented Yourself to Me as You.

I sat and studied Him…… I listened….. I learned…..as He chuckled.

I want my relationship with my Lord to be authentic- not passed down by a man but God’s Son revealed in me.

When all is said and done….. This is what matters.

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you no know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? unless indeed you are disqualified, ( 2 Corinthians 13:5).

People tend to be more concerned about their ministry and status then they are about hearing and seeing from the Uncreated One. My concern is how He sees and thinks at this time on the affairs of men.

Two times in twenty four hours, I heard preachers misinterpret scriptures and leave very vital ones out of their message.

How does God see that? Foolishness is messing around with the Word of God. The result can be cancerous. We may have a good showing and a great following but what if the One who sees all is not okay with the message. What if it has been perverted in His eyes?

He is the same today, yesterday and forever as written in Hebrews—– He is the Word…… Keep His Words His words.

Well, I wouldn’t want to be around any lightning storms uncovered if I were in that spot of misquoting for interior agendas. What if they do not understand? What if they leave offended? What if they get convicted? They better or the Holy Spirit is not there! We all get cleaned by Holy Spirit and correction and chastisement is proof we are sons and daughters of God……as written in Hebrews.

We must know if God is speaking through His Spirit.

The fear of the Lord is still the number one basis of having Holy Spirit moving through our lives.

Preach the whole counsel of God.

Many times He spoke that the ones that were not called to speak were called, they would have made all turn from their wickedness and iniquities and be healed.

Please, I beg of my brothers and sisters preach the truth of God. Do not hold back and do not quench His Spirit. Let the fire of God through your lips and be His fire. Then those who have ears to hear can also be ignited.

My heart breaks as I hear and have been shown our state before the King of all kings and who rules in the affairs of men.

Then on the other side of the fence to the hearers……. Let it be not on our soul these words of, Jesus in Matthew 13:14: And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; for the hearts of this people have grown dull. The ears are hard of hearing. and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand and with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.

God is God and we should not take Him lightly. His promises are going to be fulfilled. They are all yes and amen in Christ Jesus as written in Corinthians……. All of them. The ones that makes us shout AMEN! And the ones that make us gulp as we say, Please, Lord, give me Your strength in grace….. Thank You Lord.

Romans states in chapter 11:22-23: Therefore consider the goodness of God and severity of God; on those who fell severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you will also be cut off. And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted them in again.

Times of threshing have arrived and He speaks for us to arise and thresh.

Do not speak what He does not speak and speak all of what He speaks in His Word.

Do not add and do not hide His full counsel.

His lamp is a light unto our feet representing His presence and knowledge of Him within us……We have His Spirit of oil sautéing our hearts in His fire revealing the Lord Himself so we are a fragrance of Him wherever we put our feet.

Saying yes to Him without having His Spirit revealing His Son in us as we are being conformed to His image…..is as a foolish virgin who took no oil in her vessels…. She knew the King but because the oil of His Spirit was not in her vessel…… He did not know her and was cast away in Matthew 25.

God is God and we cannot make Him in our image…… He is not American or Chinese or African….. He is Himself—- The Uncreated One who is our Audience of One….. If He is pleased…. then we take another step closer in the fire.

If not, we bow and wait until we understand His ways. We do not want to be a Uzzah……

He is going before us to make the crooked places straight for all of His children in every nation, tribe and tongue.

Father God, we bow our knees and our hearts to hear and wait. We are listening and do not want to take a step without Your direction in this new day….. We need Your Spirit to open the Scriptures to see You more clearly than ever before.

May we have ears to hear and a heart to receive all You have planned for You to accomplish and become in Your grace- the image of Your Son. Then we shall know when to speak and His Spirit will flow from our lips as hot oil to the hearer entering into their heart the Words of Life- Jesus Christ.

God will use all that is meant for evil for the good of His purpose.

This is scripture as His words never fail.

Psalm 18:25-27: With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful;

With a blameless man You will show Yourself blameless;

With the pure You will show Yourself pure;

And with the devious You will show Yourself shrewd.

For you will save the humble people, but will bring down haughty looks.

God is full of justice and mercy but most of all…. He is God nd will not be mocked, people will reap what they sow as written in Galatians. Check it out.

This written scripture is not heard very much but it will come to pass when the Judge takes His seat: This is the Truth of God….in the next verses.

So many are fearful of COVID….. Why? Death? Death is inevitable. But where you spend eternity starts today……The decision you make today may change your eternity because you decide to know Him who is eternal….

Revelation 21:5-8:

Then He who sat on the throne said, Behold I make all things new. And He said to me. Write for these words are true and faithful.

And He said to me, It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and He shall be My son.

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have thier part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Our God will not be ignored. He is always trying to obtain our eye and ear for us to turn to Him and receive His goodness and life which is found in His Son, Jesus Christ.

If you choose to walk away from Him….. Your missing out on a whole lot of love and kindness and strength and peace, most of all, the chance of our lifetime to know God who beyond any thing of this world…… His Spirit always tells us what is to come……. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is prophecy…….. He always was and is and always will be to come………

Join Him this day and hear what He has to say. He is not quiet at all, but what may be keeping His sound from entering in today is the iniquity that is found that you play today….. Repent and turn from that and turn your life to Him and see the turn He will bring you around in His plan enfolds….. Your eternity has been changed if you invoke on Him this day.

He says to you- See my brow where the I took the thorn of death on for you…….

See My hands where the nail marks were placed so freedom is found in Me where your chains would have been for all eternity.

See the marks from the nails on My feet, where I AM will lead you from the fire of death and will be with You today as we walk in the fire of My Spirit lighting Your way.

See the slash in My side where the soldiers made sure I AM was not alive….. This place, My beloved, is where you reside as My bride as was a given promise before you were.

Come to Me today…… Your story in Me will make My History……Change the place where you dwell and let Me in – I AM has much to tell. Turn away from death today and come to Me and live a life abundant in I AM. There is much more to know…… Understand and knowledge be given unto you and then you shall start to understand what My presence in you brings you unto.

Come to Me and know Me and then, child, you will be with Me in eternity today….. Do not wait and do not hesitate.

My love for you never fails…….. Check and see My arms are open wide to gather you unto Me this day.

Are you decieved to think behavior that is not of Me will be accepted into My domain? Nay, see what I AM has spoken through My son years ago. I AM does not change as the times do before you…… Be sober and diligent to know the time and not fall away to the evil one’s plan of demise.

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetousness, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioner’s will inherit the kingdom of God.

And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

Turn to Me. Watch and see how I AM makes all things new. Leave the death trap of sin and enter into My arms of life and knowledge of your God. Be My son of whom I AM says, I AM is well pleased.

Be My daughter of whom I AM says, I AM well pleased.


Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Son, Our Lord and Savior and all. May we have the ears to hear as our eyes perceive all you show us to live and be so we may adhere to you completely.

We love You and lean into You today and always in Your grace we shall stand and see the morrow of Your promise as through the night we plow into the day Your ways on this earth for all to adhere to and partake.

Your Son, the Lamb of God, is here to give us a place in His Kingdom that has come, for the Lion of Judah as become the Keeper of the Keys of hell and death……. Hear the click of the keys as He has opened His Door of life to all who chose to believe.

We love You, our God. Three in One. What a delight to know the God of this mystery tonight.


God Never Sleeps Or Slumbers, Even If We Are…..But We Awaken By His Touch Today!

As the New Year is right around the corner…….. Are we panicking or confident in our God? What does our God say?

However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of the age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

But at it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him, ( 1 Corinthians 2:6-9).

Hear ye!!!!, Hear you who are all around!!!!!!!

Do you not know the Lord abounds? He does not stagger or wonder….. or stop. He is as a freight plane with His Word of power pouring forth from His breath which thrives the mountains and the valleys. His engine ascends forward to His End which is perfect and good in His sight.

Come one and come all! Obtain the night flight of faith which abounds through and abides in My mountain. As we arrive and are arriving, we shall go as we travel eternity, we will cross the vast sea of tunnels and see them part their way as My Victory has made the way. For My ways have been in the seas. My path is in the great waters. Yet, My footsteps are unknown…..

But to My beloved, her eyes see My handiwork for she is with in Me and sees.

She knows the signs of the heavens and the earth and delights in the perfecting of My will in her heart and on the earth. She steps in My rhythm, the beat that she steps to for it is out of time bringing heaven to earth.

Do you not know or see My hand is reaching out to all this day? For in time, the grace shall fall away and eternity will be wide before My Day. The gathering of Mine, My Ark, the Tabernacle of God shall be the scene displayed like a bride before all to see. Alert, as the One who is the desire of all nations is standing before every eye.

His waiting and watch is complete, His Day has come for the Father has lifted His hand and said time….

Some I AM have chosen to go My way for they have walked alone in My footsteps hidden without blame though the words of accusation came flying forth against My beloved….. Why? She is found within Me. Hidden in God she is kept by Me.

My way is hidden but is made known for those who love I AM that I AM.

Joseph, My son, walked My way. My Word within grew in stature according to plan. My Word in fullness made alive through him so My perfect will to be accomplished.

Moses was alone for forty years to learn how to lead My chosen to live within the way I had led Moses…..He was sustained and now He could teach others to walk and lean on Me alone. Did they?

Do you not see My ways are known if you have eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to understand….. Pray for the salve to be put on your eyes to make them aright.

Spend your allotted time to seek and know Me…… Come up here while the day is waning. Your strength is in My presence. The hidden will be made known as revelation revealed of the King will be opened to you.
There will be the day of knowing is different than what you thought and perceived things to be….

The threshing floor is where My feet rest……. The fire is burning what is not of Me as My fruit is gathered completely in My heavenly place.

Look and see how the harvest is white….. Pray for the laborers hear their call to let all go and bring the Holy One to their faces…..Though they may want the vision to cease thinking if they git rid of you they get rid of Me……..

My arm is not shortened as My Word never ceases to accomplish for where it is sent and all then will be known by what they have done with the Words displayed of Me, the Truth…..

Fire is hot and burns the chaff……My place is where We are seated is also fiery for I AM there………..My eyes burn close and far away……….Truth brings to all the Light of the World to be known…..

Do you not see? Do you not know yet, I AM mighty and My purposeful hand never swains or drops down stunned…..

I AM is mighty.

Strongholds crumble as I AM is presented as Truth. I AM Truth which is Love…..Hidden agenda’s crumble before Me. Nothing is hidden from My sight….. But also know, My love never fails….. Trust Me and put your hand on Me and hold tight. My Ways are bumpy with hills and dark tunnels that you may think I AM not there and have you let go…… Know I AM here with you all the way through. My faithfulness shall grow in you too……

Nay, it shall not said of you, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak…. Nay, I AM is there to say flesh is quiet and the Spirit speaks alive unto Me in that one that I AM has called.

See all the things I AM has prepared for you because of your love towards Me. Dark and lonely? Nay, here is where you let all go for Me. You are now shining as My lantern for all to see. No one needs the light if it is already lit and I AM is known…..

Chaos was replaced by Light…. Follow the hidden footsteps of your Beloved and you shall see the works of I AM is not anymore a mystery.

My beloved, where is the need for My Light? I AM is mighty in pulling down strongholds and fortresses where trust is misplaced…….Do not be dismayed for His body brings the handiwork of I AM to light……

Even if what they may look to others as misfits or not noble, they are My prized treasures. Do not call unclean what I AM has cleansed………Be wise in this day, and do not call what is good evil and judge evil as good in your sight…… for a great fall will be in your pathway…….

The trap you are setting for My beloved ones, you set a snare for your own feet to be gathered and fall…… Do not be deceived I AM will not be mocked- for what any man sows – that he shall reap…… Godly to the Spirit of Life. Lies and deceit to death.

For whom I AM has chosen are Mine forever and all the days…….Do not blaspheme My Spirit and the cleansing of My blood…… For when you speak against Mine, you speak against Me….. Come and get cleansed in my flow of blood for your ways are contrary to Mine…. Get right and cleansed My way this day as it is called today.

Never a building didn’t fall which had their foundation in the Rock of God. You shall see they stand through it all. They stand mighty in God but small in their sight as I AM is seen ruling and protecting their souls for they are never out of My sight.

Oh, My loved ones are always thrown into the trouble as they slowly wake the sleeping giant…… But the lions in the dens will not they touch as they are thrown into….. For I AM there.

Those who lift their little fist towards the sky and speak against Me who gives them their breath will be seen to fall for I AM Lord over them all. As their knees hit the ground, may they look up and see My mercy abound….Eyes to see I AM will abound in gathering them all. For this is I AM….. My arm and hand is never shortened towards those far and those close. Come to Me now, when time is calling you to return to Your God.

Eternity is and was and always will be, but time flows through, but will end. I AM eternity….. I AM surges on. Are you in or out….. Decision time has come about.

The tides may stop but I AM gathers to take you out of time in to My land. Your spirit will be raised again in My gaze…. I AM will call you Mine once again….. Now enter up into the place I AM has made for you.

Learn and see all that I AM has planned for you…….. My kingdom come and all must be clothed by Me…. My blood flows profusely. Be clothed in My blood and in My Spirit is life again to all that believe….

Leave behind all that is death and come to My life which is abundant. Repent of your farness and sins against Me and humanity……. Allow the fountain of My mercy cover you today….. Come one and come all, there is always room at My table…..TODAY.

Do you know Tomorrow for certain the table will be there for you to partake? Do not gamble on the God that creates the universe….. Hear Me now. Do not gamble on My grace… Though My grace is sufficient, it is not forever as I AM.

My Open Door is called Time. One day it shall shut as I AM still is moving on and the earth will shake and crumble and pass away, but only those in I AM will remain.

Hear ye ! Hear you, one and all…… The God of love is calling you now! Shed your garments and ask for Me to give you bright and shining Holy Spirit to dwell within. The Lamb of God will clothe you. Come to Me.

Come to My banquet of choice meat and wine. They have been presented by the cost of our King…. Come to the table and see Him today. Allow 2021 be a new Way. Leave the hate and bitterness at My Door. Allow My love to wash over you all. You shall not regret it or look back for the days approaching, you shall find to be worth it all that you left behind the past and came to be holding on to My robe for all time. I AM will bring you through it all.

Many I AM sees leave My gaze because their pride has lied to them again. They are misguided by lies that tell them they do not need a Savior as I AM. They are good people….. But, nay, what about the lie you told about someone yesterday? What about the stolen item in your tent? Or the fraudulent deal you made today?

Open your eyes and see….. I AM has created a rule to live by on this earth in the time I AM has given you……. The ten commandments are the plumbline showing the way of man should be towards God and towards each other.

Have you not heard? There has not been one man or woman born on this earth which has not broken these commands…… Understand, I AM has taken the punishment for in those broken commands, you are dead in MY sight…..I AM the only pure and spotless Lamb of God. Come to Me.

So come to Me, meet Me at My cross…. See My love and forgiveness shed upon thee. Come to Me. Understand the penalty that death reigns through mankind with out Me.

Ask for understanding of My will to your heart today….. Do not allow Me to remain hidden from your sight…. I AM is your Light…… You will see once you turn and believe ME! Even in the night you shall have My Light.

Make 2021 a new Day and new Beginning in I AM. Start your life again in Me.

I AM waiting for you to enter in and understand the endless width and length and height and depth of how I AM loves you..


Turn today and meet the Lord of the Harvest. Come to His throne today. See all that have gathered to bow to the King. Their crowns have been removed to honor and give glory to His majesty and greatness. Come and see His eyes. His eyes of fire pour forth the greatest love that can be seen by any mortal today.

Come meet the King of glory and open the gates of your heart for Him to enter.

He is mighty in battle and will never let you out of His hand…… but YOU must come to Him His way…… The hidden way of your heart to Him. Asking for Him in His greatness and our humility.

Your heart is My crown, child…… Give me it and I AM will give you Mine….

Come and see all that I AM has prepared for you that love Me.

This is My promise that I AM is I AM to you for always.


The God and King of Glory of all Creation

Let us start 2021 together….. Leave your resolutions in the basket and turn to Me and learn of the promises that I AM has said which are for you – beloved. Learn of Me and what I AM says about you!

It will be hard and it will be different than you think when the flesh is told you do not count any more…… I chose to live by the Spirit and walk in Him forever more. He never promises life as sweet as a rose garden but it is heavenly and that is all that matters…… We are with the One who has caught our gaze and always is gazing on us.

Come and see ! Come to Him who holds all eternity in the palm of His hand and our breaths……. He is I AM that I AM.

Amen and Amen to Him – the Great Lamb of God!


Time To Clean House?

We have moved back into our home in St. Augustine, Florida. We had it rented while we had gone out of state for awhile……

Well, we came back to the right address but the house was in bad shape. To say, it was dirty inside and out is very much an understatement. There were things which had more than four legs set up their living abode. It seemed there were generations that had taken over…… So that speaks of the state of uncleanliness that had set up house…….

The address was mine but not the house any more…..

Now being on the prophetic side of the mind of Christ that He has given me, I saw a symbol of His way with His believers now…….and mankind.

The men and women of this earth are brought by the blood of Jesus Christ. We are all His. We are bought with a price, the most powerful and precious shed blood of the Lamb of God. The blood of His life shed for us all, if we choose to hear and receive His salvation today!

Now He has redeemed us back unto God,…… but the house of which He plans to dwell needs His blood to wash us clean….. Inside out….

We think we are okay without His blood, really? We see ourselves okay with out Him? Really?

If so, pride has not just budded – it has bloomed…. But, do not be mistaken,,,,,,,,

The flowers fade as the grass is cut down and is blown away by the wind….. What will happen to pride which is lodged firmly in our heart at the end of our days as we stand before the King? ….

As our works say, we did not need You through our life….. We went our own way….. He may say, well, I do not know what house you are from…… Hmmmmm….

Silly me, He did say these words! Find them in His Word….Keep reading, and I will show you…..

When I got back into our house…. I first hired a couple of women to help clean the kitchen and baths…….I spent alot of time on the refrigerator and freezer. Then they cleaned the floors and windows and cabinets……

The inside had to be cleaned with clorox and water…..I was hoping the clorox would get rid of the bugs because of the strong smell….I know my nose was clean from those strong fumes….. But the bugs prevailed…….

I vacuumed three times a week so there was no food or doggie biscuit crumbs for them to enjoy as a meal,…..but bugs were found as we turned on the light at night……

Even in night, He sees all for nothing is hidden from His sight, even the intents of the heart of every man. Can’t hide from God……If this may be how you think, then you are deceived….. God is all encompassing consuming fire. There is nothing hidden from His sight. This is the reason why God sent His only Son.

Why do we want to hide? He is the Best Friend I have ever had in my life….. He has given me life and life abundant……as I abide in Him and let His Word abide and take root in me. The adventures of walking with God are unbeatable and unmatched competition on any worldly temptation…… No one can compete for my heart to tear me from His feet……

Maybe I am nuts, but I think to be called to sit at His feet and hear His Words is the highest place to be in the time of life He has given me.

His feet are the place where the saints of God sit as depicted in the Word of God in Deuteronomy 33:3…. Check it out…..

Bugs seem to be a part of life if you walk with the King…… Bugs come to the light….. They are hungry for food…..

Then the exterminator came and if I see anymore, they are belly up….May they continue to be found raising their many legs to heaven in Jesus name.

Bugs cannot be transformed by God’s hand but only human beings——Only the caterpillar- a worm- HMMMM…….

He warns us to be cleansed by His blood and allow His Spirit within us to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so we live now unto God bearing His fruit to life and not fruit to unrighteousness leading to death as written in Romans….. Check it out in your new Bible!

I started to see what Jesus Christ meant as He said this warning after the beautiful beatitudes He spoke…..He wants us to check our attitude under His Word from the Beatitudes.

Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?

And then I will declare to them, I never knew you depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!

Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:

and the rain descended , the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on the at house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:

and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall, ( Matthew 7:21-27).

I have scrubbed every place that can be scrubbed….. I poured a clorox cleaner on the tiles and left it there to penetrate the dirt that had accumulated……This reminded me of how the blood of Christ cleansed us….. so that we may become……….?????

As Romans 8:29: For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among the brethren.

Made into His image………

Yes, the blood and then the Word of God takes root and starts to grow in us His life and kingdom. As we abide and partake of Him, the Son of God………

His Word and presence is abiding strong within all who believe. We expand our capacity for Him to put His Words into us.

Then we get understanding and wisdom and knowledge of the King and His kingdom. We must turn to Him and leave the world behind.

The house I had left clean to be a blessing- when I returned was not found that way. Let this be a heads up to all who think partaking of the world ways is going to cut it with the King who has eyes of fire……. Do not be deceived. Pray for open eyes to His Truth…. He is Truth.

Uncleanness had moved in and taken over…… But….. the blood of Jesus and what He had done in my life- I knew I could restore my home to its proper clean way……By His name and alot of clorox!

We had a covenant with the renters and a property manager and they did not keep the covenant…… Hmmmmm- Who does this remind me of?

The Word of God written is His Covenant with us…. All the Words we are to abide by ….. God keeps His covenant with people. There have been two- and He keeps His side for He is faithful,…… but people do not keep their side to Him…..

But God-——–….. sent His only Son Jesus Christ to take the brunt of our disobedience…… He shed His blood and cleansed all the people that turn to Him and believe.

But then we follow Him and lean on Him as we start our journey on the narrow road in Him….. But the road is narrow but wide is the grace of His kingdom…. There is much to learn to walk in Him and understand…. That is why the Holy Spirit is His property Manager over His house…..

He cleanses and then sent His Property Manager, Holy Spirit, to manage His dwelling place of our heart….. We are sanctified and are being sanctified as written in Hebrews….. Check it out.

We know- we need Jesus Christ and He knows it also……. We accept the sacrifice of the Lamb of God in our place….. Then we are born new from above….. and His Spirit comes to clean house……We are cleansed from our sins, but a renewal of our mind and habits need to be done away with so we may be aligned with the ways of God.

We got bugs! But Holy Spirit gently and diligently always makes the Word of God come alive in our hearts and He is like clorox on any thing that is against the way of God….. Any lawlessness or unrighteousness with in our mindset,

He is faithful to show us and cleanse us from all sins and bad habits. He is the power that allows the divine nature of God to reign in righteousness in and through our hearts,

But then there is more than the eradication of sin- Sorry, Baptists,,,,,, There is a lot more to God giving us His only Son….. As we partake of Him, our eyes are opened and we can partake of His life….

We can live a supernatural life by His exceedingly power to us who believe. Holy Spirit governs us into His kingdom and His great power to live a divine life as written in 2 Peter. Check it out…… There is more from Him for us than we have even touched upon yet.

He is never ending and there is more for us that He has stored up if we are earnestly reaching to grasp His grace because His love is everlasting….. You coming with me? There is much more to see and know of this great King…..

Should we not be alert and watch for Him? Hear Him? Know we are before the Audience of One daily? Minute by Minute….. We are never alone…..Never.

He always leads and cares for His own……Though there may be perilous days for us but this is always the way of His beloved….. We must know this…..He will always deliver us from every affliction and the plans of the enemies will fall into their own pit….. as written.

And on our end, the resurrection power of Him resides in us in a larger capacity…… God reigns and God rules in the affairs of all mankind……He was King over the flood during Noah’s time and He is still reigning…. Do not be deceived or intimidated from the Goliath’s……

We are the Elijahs and Davids and Pauls in the making of His hand…..

Even through the night of darkness, He is our Light…. He is our resurrection power within us to overcome all things from this world….. We come up higher because He has brought us there and partake of the table He has set for us in front of our enemies…….Only our God and His love that never fails can do this……..

So back to cleaning…..

The clorox, so to speak, is like having the fragrance of Christ to the world around us…… The fragrance of Christ is convicting and ruthless in pointing out mankind ways which are offensive to the throne of God.

We are His house. It is written in 2 Corinthians, we are the temple of God. He is holy and we are to be holy and clean as He wishes us to be.

The Word of God is a also a purification to our mind and ways that are antagonistic to the Holy One….. Reading the Word keeps the dust off our feet as well as our mind and heart of being in the world but not a part of it.

When we keep our eyes on Whose temple we are…… We keep our ears soft to hear His slightest sigh or His movement…….We keep our eyes on watch and follow His gaze to know where His eyes have put His fire on…… All this is the watch and seat He prefers before Him.

I am slowly getting the house that is my address back to be my home….. It has been a long process and will continue for a while……

The process from being children of God to His sons and daughters is also a long process but we must be purified and allow His ways to clean us and teach us. Remember…… His ways are higher…..but He is revealing them to us who have a hunger for Him……

Look up….. Listen up……. Come up…… Sit with Me and learn from Me, for I AM lowly……. My burden is light….. Learn of Me and be Mine……. I AM knows you but I AM wants you to be from My house…… My kingdom is where I AM and should be found within you.

If I AM comes to your door and knocks, will I AM recognize your body as His? My house is filled with I AM, Wisdom and Understanding and Sanctification and Righteousness and Justice are I AM that I AM.

Please, Father God, expand the capacity to understand more of You in me…. Find Your house in me filled with Your fragrance and knowledge of You… May I be filled with Your eternal fire of Your Spirit. May Your face always be before me as Your cross is implanted in me pouring forth Your fire and truth. You are God and there is none other but You…… You are all and in all before me and may it be so within me….. May this prayer be prayed and found on the lips of His saints.

As we listen to His reply to His beloved:

Your heart is My domain. The fragrance coming from your open window is pleasing to My nostrils. The words that come from your heart to Me is a sweet melody to My ears. The look of wonder and hope in faith towards Me makes My heart leap in strength to pour forth in My Beloved. My hidden kingdom ways fulfilled in My bride as I AM makes her shine from the inside out revealing My glory as her love encompasses I AM. Though My bride may be unlearned of the world, the world will know she has been with Me for the Christ of God, resides here.

Let it be found within Your beloved, Sir. By Your grace and love, we shall stand full of Your strength in endurance because Your Word shall never fail or pass away.

Let us hear His reply to His beloved:

All of My children who have presented themselves as a living sacrifice, an altar of the fire of their love towards I AM shall have My reward……The inside transformation revealed will form My Mosaic Temple beautifully created by My Spirit and My blood and the Word of their testimony. See My beloved, laid her life down to be raised in Mine,

Oh, the wonder of His glory divine. Glory divine found by Him as we abide in Him and He in us- His transformation in us takes place again and again. From glory to glory we go forth ….. Just as from strength to strength, we find the exceedingly abundant power that works within towards us who believe….

So Beloved, take heart, His Property Manager, Holy Spirit takes care of the house of God…. Listen to His lead and check our ways of the world at THE ONLY DOOR for we do not need them anymore. We have risen in Christ, because we have died with Him too….. So we can lean on Him all His way through. His Spirit shows the Door of grace open wider and wider each day….So we are raised in the newness of Him from glory to glory as His Day approaches.

Be glad and rejoice…… His power and grace gets rid of the nasty bugs in our house and lays them to rest in the tomb and will never be found again.

So rise in His grace and be made new. Never turn back to the past but grasp ever so tight to His Word as He brings His Day to view as the morning sun rises in our hearts. Shout for joy, He knows our name and knows we are His because we have left our old man in the tomb and will never be found again. The One who has called you has also planned for you. He has seen you before the world was and is orchestrating His perfection in and through you…… His love never fails.

And His love has not failed you and nor will He ever…… Come and know Him today while He can be found…… Leave the road that leads to death and death eternal…. Come to eternal life today that is found only in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Know Him and may it be said today of you, He knows whose house you are of……

Put on the new garment from His hand that is before you today….. God is not changing for us, we are being made new into His image…… He is changing us…….. Change is good…… The mountains may be low being cast into the sea or high but through all the days of time……. Our God reigns.

Romans 11:26: And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; For this is My covenant with them, When I take away their sins.

Romans 12:1-2, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Galatians 2:20: I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.


+Let us rejoice for we are known by Him and know where we are going!