Every Man is Right, Right?

Seems to me that everyone acts according how they want to. Is it to be accepted in the crowd, click, neighborhood, school system, or state government or federal government……?

This twisted thinking starts with our own heart and how we value our values. Do they also act as they want at church?

Just wondering……

Lives matter……. if you ever want to know where the heart of a country, a church or a city ….. Ask this question….

What is the first priority to you?

What is the main thing to you? What is the main thing to your family? What is the main thing to your city, state and government ? Even your church? The church you attend…….. The body of Christ has the Head as their Leader…… Is that the purpose of the body you attend? His commands are put as first rank, right?

  1. How do lives matter to you at where you hang at church or bar or click?
  2. How do our actions affect others? Is there hate or acceptance?
  3. Why?
  4. How is your own backyard? Meaning people who tend to be experts on others and invade their lives, usually have a real mess of their own, that they are avoiding by being codependent on others. Example: King Saul was rejected by God as King of Israel because he was disobedient in taking down the enemy and sacrificing when he was to wait for the prophet…… This disobedience got him fired as king from God…… Instead of looking at his heart and seeing why he feared man more than God….. He didn’t…… He persecuted the one that God chose as written. God chose one after His own heart…..that was to replace Saul as King…. Saul feared and then hated with envy the life of David…… But why? Anyone you envy? Envy is from the evil one and we better not partake of that weed.
    1. Whose heart are we after to please? Man or God’s.
    2. What things in this life matter to us? Who has first place?
    3. Do you know what the first commandment is? Just wondering. If you own a bible and do not know…… Why do you not know? If you do not own a bible, then google the question. Do you know the grace of God to get right with God through His Son will not be forever? Do you realize the consequence of not coming to His face and seeking His grace? Just wondering….. God does not act like a government of men….. He means what He says and always says what He means…..If we do not partake to seek His kingdom first, we are then the harlot church…….
    1. Do you know what the harlot church is? Read Revelation 18. If you do not have a bible- go to google.
    2. What was the least important items to this harlot church which God took vengeance on? Read it……. Yes, bodies and souls of men were the last of importance to this group. Things were first and people last.
    3. Where do you stand?
    4. Where does your family stand?
    5. What about your church?
    6. Do you know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah?
    7. Do you know why?

Do you know what the last Book of Revelation stands for? Yes, right! The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ……. King, Prophet, Bridegroom and Judge…..being fully revealed in all His glory!

I double dog dare you to read the last book in the Bible. Again, google it. No excuses. Unless you want to lose a dare.

Scripture says, Everyone is right in their own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts, Proverb 21:2

Every act and thought will be brought to the judgment seat of the Ancient of Days….. Do we but only have His blood to stand on, right? Forever thankful and humbled by our King. That is why our Lord Jesus Christ took the bullet for us so we may be written in the Lamb’s book of life……. Are you written in it? Why not? Do you really want to wager with God? If you say to me, well, I don’t believe in God….. then , I say to you…… eternity is a long time to be completely and morally wrong.

How silly for a little ant to lift up it’s little leg towards man and say who are you to move me out of your house? And we say, watch this…. Stomp and his body, little fist and all, is thrown in the trash to be burned at the next pick up of trash.

In continuing, this thought from Proverbs 21:2…… Please continue to read the rest of the words of Charles Spurgeon….. I do not know from what book of his works I found it….. But, I sent it to my family and put it everywhere in the apartment place I was living at the time.

Is your heart ready for the weighing?

Have you no fear of the final trial?
Is Jesus enthroned in your heart by faith?

If so, you need not fear any weighing.

If not, what will you do when the King sets up His final scales?

Then, as I prayed, a prayer formed :

I wrote:

Oh!!! My Father,

May they be stunned by Your grace:

May they be amazed by Your Love;

May they be humbled by Your Mercy;

May they be moved to Your Healing Presence;

May they be shocked at the sacrifice of Your Son;

May they be awakened to Your Everlasting Arms;

May they have eyes to see and ears to hear Your call :

Come and drink the only cup of Salvation;

May they have the wisdom to understand Your way of Everlasting Life ;

May they receive the Truth of Life, Your Son, Jesus Christ;

May they be set free in Your Truth, Your Son, Jesus Christ;

May they live with Your Word ruling and reigning in their hearts today and forever;

May they rest in Your everlasting arms of Love;

For now and forever, Your glory and dominion and Power reigns in the Highest;

May they love to learn and grow in the knowledge of the Uncreated One;

May we all live in the eternal joy of knowing our God and that He has called us to Him. Amen and Amen.

Hear Him and Turn to Him this day!

Do you know how long your life will be?

Do you really want to wager with God?

We have two choices…..

Shine as the sun in the noonday by His Spirit of power within us.

Or we may be utterly burned with the fire……as written for strong is the Lord God who judges her, ( paraphrase of Revelation 18:8).

Yes, our King is a great Shepherd….. He holds us gently and tenderly as new born lambs as He is keeping….. But He is terrible and awesome to His enemies. As written in the Book of James, if we are a friend of the world, we are in enmity with God…… Hmmmm.

There is His Day coming to all! There will be judgment on the harlot church as well as those who do not want Jesus Christ to be King over their lives….. They may say yes, but have not turned their hearts away from the world and it’s evil ways….

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me,(Galatians 2:20).

He has prepared for us a dwelling place and a new garment to be clothed in. ( He is our dwelling place and His Spirit covers us. Sin is death and His ways are life and life abundant. No matter what comes our way, His protection and guarding us is there. Faith in Him is our way …..

This life on this earth is short but life in Christ Jesus is forever and ever…..

For those who think it is okay to destroy life or abuse, oppress and slander others………You are partaking of the wrong church….. Eternity is a long time to not change your behavior and repent to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Get right with the King and restore those you have hurt whether by tongue or hand…….

Get right while you have a breath to speak….

Our King spoke of floods and earthquakes and rumors of wars and wars……

Get your white rubber boots on to keep your eye on His Voice.

Do not tarry. Read the signs of the times.

We must know the end is the Beginning and the Beginning will never End.

Does He know what house you are from?

Do you know the two commandments He left us with?

Live them! He has given us all power to live a godly life so we walk in the snow and keep from the floods. The last stone in the wall of the city of the King is amethyst.

I wrote in great detail each stone found in my book….. However, the stone amethyst symbolically is to be sober. Awake from deception and start living in the Truth, Jesus Christ…… There all things that are being done in the dark which will be exposed by His light….. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed in the Light of Jesus Christ. All of Him will be revealed and all things done hidden will be known and made known. HE IS THE LIGHT OF ALL MEN!!! Even though some choose the darkness, there is no darkness in His sight…. He brings His light to all things. He also shows His own the hidden secrets by His light.

As we live and abide in Him, all things are revealed as He shows us great and mighty things.

I am ever grateful He gave me the grace to turn to Him and repent. I am ever grateful for His blood and His Spirit who has come to dwell within me. He never promised me an easy life but He has given me all things in Him so His life is fulfilled as I walk by faith and not by sight. He promised me He would never leave or forsake me.

Beyond all that I have attained in Christ, I have found He is always faithful to complete what He has started in me and others……

He is worth my all….. First seek the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.

Do you still want to wager with God and keep your idols?

As written, only a fool says there is no God.

I know and He knows you are not a fool. Turn to Him now and get right with Him and others…..

WAKE UP!!!! Live in Jesus Christ.

Know Him and know peace.

No Him and no peace.

Do not spend all day looking for fault in My own…… Do you not see the fault in your own heart? Why does it bother you that I speak to this one or that one? Why are your own ears not tuned to Me? Why are you not being your brother’s keeper? Why do you seek to destroy and not build.

Build your own heart in Me. Listen and see all that I speak to you if you will turn and listen….. Time is short…. Do not waste away in dullness of the enemies plan……. How many heard My warning on that September 11th. They were told to go another way or to stay home that day……. I AM that I AM. I AM faithful to those who are abiding in I AM.

I AM faithful in the first of breath and to the last as I AM there with you in eternity. Do not fear but believe all things are through Me. My hand is not shortened to save…… and keep you in Me.

As Winter turns to Spring and Spring turns to Summer as Summer turns to Fall….. Are you surprised by the seasons turn and as your time points to I AM for all eternity? Children gather around and see I AM then and I AM and I AM forever. Lean on Me and then you shall always be amazed but never surprised as events are revealing Me. I AM shall never be ignored or left out of the minds of men for long.

For I AM all and in all…….

As a nation, we have been granted such abundances. We have so many servicemen that have sacrificed their all for our constitution, our freedom of liberty and rights and happiness…… My family’s prayers and hearts go to our brave military who we are forever grateful…. These warriors and their families are our heroes. Thank you for all your service and your shed blood and sacrifice…. This nation is forever grateful and shame to those who are in authority to put our military in reckless harm’s way.

May God’s love and comfort surround those families who are witnessing the loss of their great heroes lives which were taken ruthlessly this day.

Amen and Amen!

Potluck Or Vessel ?

I remember when I rode, I use to hop on any horse and then ask if they have any quirks…..One horse named Jessie, a Tennessee Walker, who was taller than a sky scraper to me, his owner asked me if I wanted to try him.

I said sure, they got me a ladder. Just kidding,…. I got a leg up and was a freckle on this horse. Off we went. The ride was sooooooo smooth and no work. Then I asked, anything I should know about Jessie….. The owner said, oh yeah, he likes to rear up……

Never rode a horse who had that quirk… She instructed me what to do if this gorgeous animal tried to be stupid with me…..Hands on training.

On all quirks of horseback riding, the best answer is to keep them going and busy with our leading….They should not get their head, we have to use ours and the reins that is in our hands with our seat and legs.

So how is this relating to being led by the Spirit of God? Well, Peter had to go where no Israelite went before into a Gentile home and then see God bestow upon them the Spirit of God, too. So, if we are going on new ground, where we have not been before but the only thing we have is the trust in Him who is faithful to Himself and is Truth personified, why hesitate?

Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God as written in Romans, check it out.

Fear has no hold and off we go. If we get in to dire straits, He instructs us to do this or that or He shows up…..Things may not be easy but that is why we have Holy Spirit in us……We need Him ALWAYS!!! Do not rely on our intellect or feelings or experience….. Him alone as we rest in Christ Jesus. After all, we do not want to be caught not abiding in Christ if He should return in our day!

So we must be busy with His leading as He is our King. He always teaches as we walk in the doing as He spoke to do….Hands on training….. He wants us to have the mind of Christ and not be lost in our thoughts that can be as random as a dog sniffing on his walk if he gets his head or nose, if you will.

Now children often are taught on horses that do the same thing over and over again and have no spirit left…… They just go roundie round the ring…..This is fine for a young person learning to sit and use reigns and get the cadence of the horse. But, watch out for the first chance they get with the gate opened is to return to the barn….Also, if they can knock the rider off on the way, even better yet! A drive through with no line to their feed bucket.!!!…..

Now as we mature, we want His Spirit to keep us moving in a forward motion so we may not get stupid and get out of alignment with His highway for us.

Some like to go round and round and go back to the potluck after hearing His voice…. Others want to venture in His path to find every opportunity that He has opened for us to bring Jesus today to where ever we are led.

Fire always flares up with the ever slightest of wind….

I believe Holy Spirit prefers hands on training as we walk in obedience. We have been given all wisdom made unto us in Christ Jesus. I do not think the Lord wants us to use our head of the reasoning mind….. Don’t think just obey and let God be God for us and others as we listen to His voice.

Peter had to let go of the rule of the law in Acts 10 when he was presented a sheet with all the animals. clean and unclean…… and hearing the Lord say, Rise up, Peter, and kill and eat. Read it and see how Peter chose to hear and obey the Lord today……. Thank God , Peter obeyed.

As written in Hebrews 4, Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion as in the day of trial in the wilderness…… Check out the whole chapter……

We cannot limit the God who created the universe…. for all things are possible to those who believe God. I want to be on call for hands on training by the One who has spoken that will teach me concerning all things as written 1 John 2.

The door to fellowship to God, the Uncreated One, has been opened through His Son’s blood and resurrection…….He is the Open Door…… You coming in?

Okay, so we walk in the temple. Our gaze follows the noise of thunderings and lightenings behind a torn veil that is between two pillars….

We hear noises that sound like we are in a storm but in depth of the seas….. Sounds that are not from this world are bellowing in that room beyond the veil…..yet, we search with eyes that cannot see. but we hear….. We hear Him, whose voice is ever so gentle, yet pierces into the core of our soul, call to us, Come here.

We look around to see if there is any other that heard the Voice……. Much rather go with the crowd…….No one seems to notice what you are. You seem to be the only one hearing His Voice as you sense you have left this world with your first footstep toward the beckoning room beyond the torn veil.

You do not even look down as you climb the stairs. You are trembling and don’t think your breathing any longer but you are so drawn to follow His Voice…….

As your foot steps on the platform leading you to enter in, you wonder what if it was not me that He is calling?…… What if I made a mistake? But you keep going. You notice as you enter, the air is cold and the fragrance is awesomely beautiful…….. You are consumed by entering into another place than you have ever entered before……. Then…… He speaks and calls your name and says,…… You chose well.

You legs are numb as you fall to your knees….. And then………..

Each one of us have a different “and then”……. We are all the body of Christ. We all are one body with many members…….

Unity in Christ is as depicted in Revelation chapter 4……… They all gather around the throne and worship God and Jesus Christ….. Our sight is full of Christ alone where He has the preeminence. It is not about us, but all about Christ…..Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.

Now we may go back to the pot luck which is the vessel we are choosing to be. Same day as last week and same year as last year or……

We may choose to go into the holy of holies with and by His Spirit be transformed into His vessel of fire…

Remember, the journey is only with the Audience of One……in the Holy of Holies……..He calls us one by one as we then form His ruling and reigning body of Christ in the earth at this time……

Fellowship with the Holy One is open to you now……. Then comes fellowship with His body….. We must first be connected to the Head of all, Jesus Christ. When we meet our King, I pray for all of us, that we hear, “I know you…… I know you are of My house”……….

Unless we know Him and love Him and fellowship with Him, all our churchie stuff will be in vain…….We serve from our place in Him and by Him. He is calling you and you and you…….COME HERE!

Someone I know saw a cauldron or pot with two 2×4’s under it and no fire. The pot was silvery blue with the same color flames coming from the pot…..Yet, no fire underneath….. The flames of fire were contained within the vessel….thus, changing the color from black to a beautiful slivery blue matching the flame that was within……..

Enter into the thunderings and lightnings. We come through the fire and the water because He is with us. He is the Potter and we must be the clay workable in His hands for any new adventure and leave the yesterday’s “this is how we do it” behind us.

Father God, thank You that we will run the course of Your commandments, for You shall enlarge our hearts, You shall increase our tent. You shall fulfill all Your good purpose through us….. Father, we thank You for Your Son, in who we abide and receive all our strength and boldness. Father, we thank You, that we may fellowship with You and You have made our hearts turn towards You…… Father, we thank You, that You have made us hunger after You with all our heart and mind….. Thank You Father, for Your Spirit indwelling us so we may be instructed well into Your thoughts and ways so we may not go astray but stay rooted and grounded in Your Son, the Word of God. Thank You Father,……..

For through Him we both have access by One Spirit to the Father. Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself, being the chief cornerstone in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit, ( Ephesians 2:18-22).

I have seen 222 often. I changd my thinking on what 222 represents. He is asking us to pray —– Ephesians 2:22………It’s a new 222…..The number 222 in Strong’s Concordance also speaks Hebrew as a flame of God.


Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts,

( Zechariah 4:6).


So let’s keep riding into the knowledge and love and grace of our Lord unto His land where there are no limits. His land is far distances….. We will always arrive but never complete the trail……for the way in Christ is neverending and always new. We must continue on in exploring the depths of His inheritance which we have in our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank You Heavenly Father for all You have given us in Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. You are incomparable and unstoppable in Your love for us in Him….. Father God, let us never take lightly or stop pursuing all You have provided for us as our sufficiency is of Christ Jesus. Our God never stops and is never weary……. Gird up our loins and let us continue the trail that may have many new heights and new depths as we pursue the high calling of God found in our Lord Jesus Christ.


You cannot look back and say this is the way it has been completed before. Oh no, You shall miss the new height in My path provided for you this day. Turn and see where I AM is for you today……… What was before is not My way this day! Do not call change evil….. Transformation is what I AM is about being in My children and completing My temple.

Look and see the Feast of Tabernacle is here to stay…… What abides in you is here today. My image breaking through is this day. The props will drop out of My way. My End shall be as My Beginning for I AM and there shall never be but Christ is all and in all…….. So keep your eye on Me and enter more often into Me…. Abide in My Words for I AM all encompassing….. All of Me in you as I AM bids you to enter in and come up to your place in I AM today….. Remain there and see all that shall be for I AM has proposed and will continue today to fulfill My perfect will through My love which is perfected in you, My beloved.

For those who just look and think, that is not for me……. I AM speaks, it is for all those who believe…… Do you not want to hear your new name that I AM has just for you? Do you not want to know where you are placed in My body and your function in I AM? I AM wants to give you all of Me, but you must believe to receive…… Just glance My way, and I AM will pour My grace towards you to believe. Call on I AM and see how I AM is true.

Come to Me! Yes, it is you that I AM is calling….. I AM has given ears to hear so you may turn to Me and be saved today.



Hey, Do You Know What Time It Is This Day?

God has set the times and seasons for a reason…. His reason has been and always will be…. as written:

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth- in Him.

In Him we have also obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.

In Him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. who is our guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of His glory, ( Ephesians 1:14)

Do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,

the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,

far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to church, which is His body the fullness of Him who fills all in all, ( Ephesians 1:16-23).

This is His time.

This is our time. He has given a shake up to get out of the norm of routine and rules that we lived under that may not be His…… He gave us grace to break out of the routine box of what we call today Christianity- man made or God making?

So are we ready to start afresh with some truths He has implanted in our hearts where He dwells with us?

Yes, the Lord has come to dwell within us here on the earth. Where is He seated?

Where are we seated as His body? A different place then where the Head of all things is seated? HMMMMMMMM.

This is a big HMMMMMMM too!!

A couple of blogs back, I prayed a prayer for the Lord to see me as Caleb and give me this mountain…….. I inquired why I asked that because it really was not in my mind or heart about getting a mountain….. I am used to telling them to move out and prepare the way of the Lord in prayer…..

So as I asked…… and waited…… Child, My little one……. You are in the mountain…… Daniel 2 came flooding into my memory and I saw His mountain, His city, His bride…….Yay! He is the Mount of God !!!
Wow, okay……

Abide in Me and remain there so shall you see what is in the inheritance of Your King as I AM makes Myself known.

So…….. Now is the time for this dispensation – for us who believe—— to live from Him and where He is seated.

I heard a song where they were speaking or singing……. I will follow You…… I will follow You…….I will walk with You…. I will walk with You…… Then I heard I will sit with You,……come from within me…… Every time I hear this song—– that phrase comes out of me without even thinking…… Soooo….

I asked Him another question, is this presumption or is this truth?

Sooooo, He answered in a question…..

If I AM is in you and you are in Me? Where are you?

Here on the earth, I answered ………( Thinking is this a trick question?).

Where is I AM? In me. Where is I AM above? I said at the right hand of Almighty seated…… Where is My body?

Okay, so I saw a body with no head floating around in the sky…….. Not what He was looking for as an answer. Where You are seated, Lord, is Your body.

Correct answer…

So live this and reign with Me……was given as a command….

My response is by grace, make a way where there is no way in me and I will be as You call me to be. I shall be and obey. Please show Me all You planned for me.

The time is this……

Ephesians 2:4,-7: But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

Okay, so we died with Christ and have been raised with Christ…… We are a new creation as Paul spoke in 2 Corinthians 5:17….. Old things have passed away….. and BEHOLD…….

Behold you and me have become new….. We are the body of Christ…. Think about that phrase as the truth….. He is the head over us and we are His body….. They are not separated but one body……..

Read it and check it out for yourself….

So we must learn to abide in Christ and learn this new person we have been created in Christ Jesus.

We have been called and we have been chosen….. Now we must be prepared for us to be faithful……. By His Spirit within us- we have God’s might and strength and courage and boldness to go where only our Forerunner has gone beyond the veil.

Are you coming?

We are seated with Him because we are resting by faith in His finished work……. There are so many sermons on how to fix ourselves…..but are they the Truth?

My question: Are we fixing the old or allowing by His Spirit to make us in the new creation in Christ Jesus ?

The new creation is under the authority of Holy Spirit and He is our Teacher as Jesus spoke in the Gospel of John 14:26:But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you……

I am not saying we are not to get help from folks, but we must be aware of our inheritance that we have in Christ Jesus…. He is not going to fix the old man…… He does not deal with corpses……. You are a new creation found by our Heavenly Father’s eye in Christ Jesus….

He is our Helper in all things that pertain to godliness. If you mean business with God- You have just left the ways of the world behind and are on a new adventure in the ways of heaven……..We have an eternity to learn them.

I want to live with His eyes showing me how He sees me? Don’t you?

When we have seen His face, His eyes which are not like anyone’s we have ever seen,……the living fire of His love pours on us and we fall and kiss the Son….. He has our heart and we like a stray puppy, will never leave His presence……. He is way too comforting and strong to stray from.

Just remember all those who pursue godliness will get persecuted, as written in 2 Timothy. It is one of the perks where He sets a table prepared for us in the presence of our enemies….

I really suggest to read over Ephesians 1 and 2. This meal that He has given us here is like a trillion course meal….. We must slowly digest and walk to what He has called us to be for these are the days and the reason we have been chosen for such a time as this.

Or you can walk away from the inheritance He has called you into….. Your choice.

This is not a road for the faint in heart…… He will strengthen you to complete His work in and through you. Just believe…

Our God is beyond all and yet we are called to go with Him there.

You coming?


Come and see all I AM has planned for you with Me. Just come and drink My water that runs so deep. Fly with Me above the sound that all You hear is My voice ringing out…… In rhymes of the seasons My trumpet blows.

Hear the sounds of heaven above all the noise, for this is the place We have called you to share and be with us now where We are.

The plateau you thought you reached was just a stepping stone for more of Me. Keep your eyes on Me. There are great and mighty things that I AM longs to show…… Come up and see the glory of God. My glory flows through My ones whose eyes see their King. The coming of their King is their hearts beat. My vision is of them and their vision is of I AM.

Those who mock and whose ears are closed to the voice of the Holy One….. Turn to Me as you read this……. I intercede for you that you may believe. The evil one has you blocked in coming to Me….. Do you not want to let go of your sin or is it your sin that has hold of you? Watch that what you hold dear will hold you down in the plots of darkness. Do not be deceived, I AM has planned much higher things for you than for you to hold onto your pride to your death.

See I AM is pouring My grace into you now- see My blood. The holes in My hands and My feet have felt the pain that you have gone astray….. Come to Me now so you may receive My crown of glory to leave all behind for My Name’s sake. Be brave and courageous and come to Me…. Break through the chains of unbelief that have been saddled to your mind from Satan.

Let go of your mocking and lying and come to Me….. Freedom is here if you turn to Me. Do not be deceived, I am is waiting and you know I AM is speaking to you…. I AM is touching you with My love….. Be wise to receive the grace from above.

Come to Me and see Me….. Encounter Me….. Hear Me…… Be My sheep who hear My voice.

Come to the Uncreated One who loves you with an everlasting love even if you reject Me…… My love for you never stops though My grace for redemption will…… Are you willing to risk the cost?


Do You Believe A Lie?

Do you ever sift through what you believe and see if it is the truth? In other Words, do you ever think or wonder if you believe in a lie?

What is the basis that you put your faith in? The newscaster? The women’s neighborhood gossip dirt line? ( Gossip also works in men too!) .

Do we stop and see and check out for ourselves the truth? Or do we believe just any body’s word? Do we stop tongues wagging without seeing proof?

Do we sift out the truth from a lie? As the wind blows away the chaff and leaves the wheat, do we know where we stand in our thinking and belief system. Are they wheat or chaff? Will they stand through the sifting of time and eternity? How about the storms of life that are not respecter of people.

Just wondering? What is your basis of truth? What is your basis of life? What is your basis in the knowledge of God? What is the basis that you set your life to live by? Do you know?

Is the basis of what you do and say the way your family that you were raised did? What is the basis of your right from wrong? What is the basis that you take your next breath, the next medicine you take?

What will get you through the next storms?

Do you see the life of God inside the person you speak with to see if the truth is the origin of the words that are spoken?

Do you know Him to know if He is in that person speaking or is it the enemy of your soul……. leading you into a lull of lies and then destruction.

See, it does not matter where you work or go to church on Sunday or shop or live…….It matters that the King of kings and Lord of all lords knows you and you know Him….. personally……

How you ask? Glad you asked!

I’ll tell you how, keep reading……

Do you know why you are here and born? Why? What is the purpose in your heart for taking your next breath….Why?

Check out those reasons you answered…. What are they based on?…. What happens if they crumble before your eyes.. What then?…… What then?…….

What happens if you believe the lies and have based your whole life on a lie….?????

What happens if you have based you whole life in the Lord Jesus and His words in the Bible? Joy does abound doesn’t it???? No matter what comes, He is our Savior and graces abound. We know Him deeper and wider and to lengths we never could imagine….. His love never fails.

What if?……..How do you sift the lies from the truth if you have also spoken these lies….

Oh no, what to do now?

There is a danger in following a group or the news of our day….. or people if you do not know Him….. You may be jumping off the cliff with other people just because they are doing it…..

That thought process is stupid is and stupid does stupid things with a life full of regrets……. Life is precious and His gift to us. God should not be taken or the air He has given us to breath out Yah and in Weh for granted.

You can rest assured of His telling us all the lies to leave behind and cling to Him, the Truth of our lives.

Know we have been given many openings or chances to leave the alignment with Satan and living the lies that we believe…….way behind us……

Repentance is a strong grace gift from the Father in heaven who is calling you to Truth.

Do we check out all things or just let the evil one fill us with darkness because of his lies. Time to take some action here, while we can.

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteousness deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

For this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they may become condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness, ( 2 Thessalonians 1:9-12).

These words are the truth from scripture above……. Take heed or not……Be wise and kiss the Son or not. We are aligned with either God and His Son by His Spirit or with Satan….. There are only two ways in life……

Believe it or not, but it is written that all authority has been given to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:18-20, And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, all authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

Go, therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.

God who spoke at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son whom He has appointed heir of all things through Him also He made the worlds, who being the brightness of His glory and express image of His person, and upholding all things by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they, ( Hebrews 1:1-4).

Jesus spoke to the crowds illuminating truth revealing Himself in John 10:1-5: Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.

To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear His voice; and the sheep by name and leads them out.

And when He brings out His own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know His voice.

Yet, they will by no means follow a stranger but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.

Now we have many keys to enter the Truth displayed before us right now. If you continue to read chapter 10 of John, the King Jesus goes on to display the difference between Himself and others….. I tell you to check out rest of chapter for your own life.

We are not smart or wise enough to tell ourselves what we should believe and act upon or not believe and act upon……. but if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ then we have the Holy Spirit who dwells within us as written in John 14. He is everywhere and knows all things….. Should we not lean on Him for all counsel?

The Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him or knows Him; but you know Him for He dwells with you and will be in you, ( John 14:17).

Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our home with him.

He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Fathers who sent Me, ( John 14:23-24).

So, there is a choice to make for each soul who lives and breathes on this planet. We may chose to believe to live a lie or believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be led by His truth of His Spirit.

Then God also has a choice……… if we choose to believe the lie over and over again, He gives a delusion for us to be entangled in,,,,,,,

Do you read His Word?….. Do you know His Word becomes alive if the Spirit of God dwells within? Do you know He gives great counsel if we ask? Do you know Him? Has He called you by your name? Have you stopped and listened for His whisper?

Some go away empty that came to Him full because they could not let go of the darkness. Some do not even know the day of His visitation to them. Then some go away so full of Him in joy because they were empty and broken and saw their great need of a Savior and His love…..

The love of a Savior whose eyes never stop their gaze upon you……

No brainer to me, but as I speak to people, they make what people say their truth to live by….. So I guess if they say, to drop off a cliff because that is the way…… Do you jump? Do you allow the evil into your heart or stop the evil?

Or do you call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?

All I know is Jesus Christ is Judge of His creation……..That is enough to me, in fact, more than enough…….He poured out His grace and I grabbed it because I needed my Savior to rescue me. I came and kissed the Son.

Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or the age to come.

Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for a tree is known by its fruit.

Brood of vipers! How can you being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks.

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.

But I say to you for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.

For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned, ( Matthew 12:32-37).

That leaves His way pretty black and white. The fantastic thing about Jesus Christ is that there is no grey area.. We may be left in wonder but we know the Truth after we see Him and learn of Him. We know where we stand, but for the grace of God……..Yes????

If you ever wonder about the 7 things that the Lord hates read Proverbs 6….. But know once you read it, you will now know the Truth. You will be held to His standard.

Holy Spirit has been given to us and is on this earth as well as in heaven because it is written….. He already rent the heavens and is among us. Thankfully over two thousand years ago…..

Some forget that in the storm, it rains.

We must acknowledge the King and His words if we want to be living in the truth …….. Or we can believe every Tom, Dick and Harry…. Who are these men any way?!

Holy Spirit has been given those who have our King as King Jesus…… He always leads us into all truth and gives us the grace to stamp on the evil head of the snake.

As it is written in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, 4:2-7: Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is liberty.

But, we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.

But even if our Gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing whose mind the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God should shine on them.

For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves, your bondservants for Jesus sake.

For it is God who commands light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to the give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

We must know where we stand for many will be taken by delusion. God is God and He designed this creation and each of us…to run by His plan.

May our ears Heavenly Father, be Yours…….May we have the ears to hear all You are speaking to us by Your Spirit…. May our hearts be open and receive Your Spirit of Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification of Your Son. We bow and kiss our Savior and Your Son…. Make Your home in us, please. Teach us how to live and abide in You now and forever. Thank You for Your great never-ending love which never fails.

May we be preparing in the knowledge that Jesus Christ is all and in all as written in Colossians.


Who you give your ears to then also has your heart. Protect the heart or home of where I AM is to dwell….. Look about and see with the view of heaven. As it is in heaven it shall be in you! Believe and see the brightness of your King shining through all who believe.

See those who stumble and trip as they lay snares in your way….. They do not see the snare they are laying are for their own feet. I protect My sheep from the plots of men. The lion den was not for Daniel but those who plot and scheme against My faithful one. The fire burns from My burning ones for they burn the way for all to see the Holy One is right before their face.

Those who live before My Audience shall lighten the field of earth with the song of their Beloved for He is near and here for His Spirit cannot stay away from their adoring gaze of faith. Do not call way up for Me… I AM here to those who have eyes to see…..

Come to Me and believe and leave the lies behind….. For you cannot dwell in your darkness and have any part of Me….. I AM the Light of the world and the Light of yours….. I AM shows all the darkness so you may leave death and then come and dwell in I AM and become the Light……. Choose Me and be Light or leave Me and remain in the darkness of your deeds.

Again as I AM has spoken again and again……. Choose Life….. Choose Me. I AM has already chosen you to come to Me…. Turn from your ways and believe in Me and many joys shall be yours – come and see what I AM has planned for you as you walk in Me.

My arms are reaching out for you to come and turn to Me. Hear My whisper and leave your sins behind…. Come clean at the feet of Me. Holy then you will be because you are of Me.

Come and see what is the life of the those who believe.


Are You Ready?

I was walking and talking to God. Well, actually asking questions, which He then leads me in one word answers. Then I walk and then think and meditate on what He means….. Sometimes, well, most of the time, His answers are very layered with many meanings.

Fellowship with Him is like mind climbing into the atmosphere that is wide and open, but He only opens the eyes when He wants us to understand. So I wait and think and search,,,,, Then BOOM!!! I got it, well. sort of…..then there is more definition to His Word…… Life giving Words of guidance. Then a parable kicks in for me.

Then I looked up to see someone para surfing……. This guy made it look so easy……Sort of like the way Jesus walked the earth in the Spirit of God. Completely obedient to His Father’s heart. His suffering was accomplished also in the complete strength of God.

So, I watched this man para surfing……. I saw the wind carry him over the waves and directed his moves as he triumphed. Knowing how to be carried by the wind, our Father’s Spirit is the narrow path for us today, beloved.

This new season, Holy Spirit is preparing us how to keep unscathed by the waves and sounds of darkness. Holy Spirit wants us to have a tender heart towards God and a lion roar towards darkness and lies.

We can be His sons and daughters, the overcomers…… This is new for the western world……Not so much for other family members in other parts. We partake of the Word of God to be made true in us. The Word of God is alive and is alive in us, beloved. We must grow up in the stature of the fullness of the Son of God as His body which is the fullness of Him in the world.

I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me as written in Philippians 4:13.

Allow the Word of God be proven in us— let us live this to the max.

But first comes questions to Him from each of His sons and daughters…… That’s you…… He has a tailored made plan for you and you must seek Him out for the path your feet go on…..

Time for school.

This new thing, this new timing or season, Lord, what do You see? So what does the vision of the sons of God to be formed by Your Spirit be and what is the business ? Working in Your business……. me,?

My body, child, has many functions…. But all are important was spoken to me.

Show me the many things that I do knot know. Lord…..What is the inheritance we should be seeking after? Lord, let, us not be lost on the trivial when You have such plans….. Lord, I do not want to be like an Esau and despised his inheritance.

Lord, call me Caleb and hear me say, give me this mountain….. You have always brought me to meet You where You want me to stand and bring You……. Do it again, Father….. Give us this mountain, we are ready to overcome, aren’t we? Lord?

Life in parasailing was flying high by Your Spirit….. You carried us everywhere and showed us many secrets….. Father, we come again. This new season, we are to live by faith and not by sight and the scriptures become fulfilled within us as the body of Your Son, our Precious Lord Jesus…..

Lead us over the waves. Let us delight in the surfing in Your Strength. We can only overcome when there are waves to maneuver over.

We know Peter saw the waves and freaked out as we would have without Your mighty Spirit within us, but now Lord, the Spirit that raised You from the dead resides in us as Romans states……… So, no fear here, but faith abounds from Your body as we position ourselves to learn to surf the waves and be carried as overcomers by Your strength and grace of Your Spirit.

We learn how the many times, Your Son walked the earth and until the time You had deemed, He was indestructible. His voice was carried to every ear You had called to hear….. and still does.

May our love and knowledge of You be as roots descending deep into the Rock of Your heart that we do not fear but know our steps are ordered by You. You have given us every step of land where You have called us to walk.

Your Spirit is like that parachute guiding us here and there as we jump those waves…because You did, we can and will ascend into all things You have died to give us and raise us into as the sons of Your glory.

We keep our eyes on You knowing that in prayer and our steadfast gaze on Your eyes we shall become the full stature of Christ on earth as it is in heaven. We may stand and receive because You said….. As You said, it shall be done according to our faith.

Parasailing in the Spirit of God was exhilarating and delightful as He led us along to trust Him, We learned easy as children in kindergarten, but now the university of Christ is being filled with many riders or surfers.

Jumping horses over gates and whatever, takes tremendous strength and determination of rider and the horse has to be fit,……. Any overcoming obstacles or making opportunities takes practice and true grit to succeed. In Him, we have all we need……

Get ready!!!

As written, we learn to ride by His majesty prosperously because of truth, humility and righteousness…as written in Psalm 45.

As written, now we are children of God; and it has not been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him. for we shall see Him as He is,( 1 John 3:2).

So then those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.

And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you. He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

Therefore, brethren. we are debtors- not to the flesh to live according to the flesh.

For if you live according to the flesh, you will die, but if by the Spirit, you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God.

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba, Father!

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,

And if children, then heirs- heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us.

For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope, because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God, ( Romans 8:8-21).

The mystery has been revealed to all the gentiles- the mystery of the riches of His glory,…………….Christ in you, the hope of glory, (Colossians 1:26).

The royal daughter is all glorious within the palace; her clothing is woven with gold. She shall be brought to the King in robes of many colors.

With gladness and rejoicing they shall be brought to the King; they shall enter the King’s palace,( Psalm 45).

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, even though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling.


There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God. The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.

God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn, ( Psalms 46:1-6).

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in His holy mountain.

Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.

God is in her palaces! He is known as her refuge, ( Psalm 48:1-3).

Beloved, the inheritance we seek is the most glorious to behold and imagine………Glorious within is His daughter….. Christ within is where He will be known as we are known by Him on His Day.

As we go about His business- knowing Him as He reveals His secret personna to us by His precious Spirit….. We will know how our Savior walked this earth and set His apostle to follow…… Many adversities come against His Truth and Word within but the Lord delivers us out of them all.

Yes, we walk from glory….to His glory and to His glory…… His strength unto more of His strength to the inner work of gold is woven within as we are clothed with His robe of many colors.

How by para surfing…… Fly over the waves of world…….. Not by my will but Yours be done, O Lord……

What inheritance we have in our God. We cannot afford to let the hunger of the world overtake us as did Esau. The bright lights of fame and a name or discouragement or fear….. replace His name and His Truth and Light in our inward parts. Remember, He desires truth in our inward parts.

He is worthy to lose all to gain Him, the Christ, the Son of God, Jesus Christ…… Every knee will bow to this name and His rulership. It is wisdom to bow your knee now………

There is One Savior.

There is One Redeemer.

He is smiling and laughing to all who chose the path that His feet have walked to bring His Father joy of family of His own. All are born from above.

So, I am setting my parasurfing under the wind or direction of His Spirit….. Waves will rise and waves will change direction, but by His grace of strength will keep me jumping the waves, as I keep my focus on His smile and my ear to His whisper…… Turn here. Speak to that one….. Lay hands on this one….. Keep the night with Me. Take a walk, I AM speaks over the waves, come and see what I AM says will be. Know, My little one, questions and the answers you ponder originated by your I AM.

I AM speaks – know Me while you can. The days are difficult and short, but those who know Me will rise with joy and healing in their wings. Keep your soul quiet and listen to I AM….. I AM is here and laughs at the enemies who think they may outwit their Creator.

The way you will find Me is a bloody path….. The cross I AM hung on for you will never diminish in power or strength even as you turn and walk away…… I AM has died to bring you back from the darkness wher you dwell….. The cross is the path you shall find Me, the I AM that I AM…..

I AM is waiting for ears that hear and turn to My whisper.

By wisdom and knowledge of I AM will be the stability of your days and peace for your soul….. Stay leaning on I AM……Look to the Son where your light comes from….. Not from the west to the east or the south, does your help come from……..

.See the Son in the new way, My way. See with new sight as if you were once blind…. As when the sun shows when the shadows decrease and revelation is greater than earlier when I AM was walking the earth,,,,,, See where I AM all the time in your day,…. Closer than your breath, I Am speaks to you.

Write what you hear and shout it from the rooftops and let all the world know that darkness will be growing, but I AM is here shining their True Light that they may see I AM through all the day and night.

They will never be alone if they chose the Light of the world today. The night is to come and then their darkness shall remain….. Oh, I AM says take heed of this day. Hear My call and turn to Me today.

The day draws closer than you know when what you think you want will be gone. What shall be the remaining in your hands? Was the worth of it, worth the cost of losing I AM to gain it? Your soul is dark and without I AM’s light…. Turn to Me, oh children of the world. You mockers of My little ones who follow Me. Do you not know they are pleading for your souls?

Oh, regrets are many in the place of Shinar. Oh, the cries are many in the place of Shinar……… The heartaches that never end are in the place of Shinar. The place that is built for wickedness and deceit…… Not for children was My plan. The children of darkness liken to a bucket. Though they try to gather and be watchful of the world, without I AM, the bucket bursts of holes and all is lost. Great is their loss. In I AM is your peace.

Darkness appeals to darkness and My light gathers those who desire to breathe the breath of heaven. My little ones shine the fragrance of Christ. Yes, they shine My fragrance to all they touch….. Showing all, the way to life and to leave the way of death. Come and see, My Spirit is calling you to come to Me…… Hear the wind, the tide is low now, but the waves are rising. Are you ready? Are you on sand or are you on the Rock that will keep you?

Yes, My little ones have a weighty inheritance for they have learned to overcome the waves of the world……. Wilderness, they leave leaning on I AM…… I AM prefers this path for all that call on I AM….. Called, chosen and found faithful is My full plan for My beloved.

Do you dare to ignore so great a King?

Selah!!!! Selah!!!!