So have you all seen the The Chosen Christmas Celebration at the the theaters? Huh? If not, GO! Box office hit- come on! How cool is God!!!!

The show was excellent as well as the acting of the special couple that perfect night. I know I am weird but in one of the dissertations of the actors I heard- God was silent in over four hundred years. So to imagine not to hear our Lord…… The silence from heaven for over four hundred years. I have to listen to Him all the time…… Oh God, thank You for Your Son. Thank You for disturbing the sound of silence!!!

Thank you also all The Chosen for bringing into our life the True Reality of God.

WOW! So grateful for our King! Can you imagine?

So another smart see is the a Christmas light spectacular playing with the Sound Of Silence song written by Paul Simon in 1964. This great work of the lighting is phenomenal as well as the sync to the song……Thank you so much to the family and their dedication to WOW America!

The Lyrics are outstanding as well as the the lighted house celebrating our King’s birth……..

We are not in the four hundred year silence between the prophets and our Lord’s birth. Thanking God does not seem enough when we understand……. The silence is over…….. at least for those who believe in the Christ Jesus, who came as a babe long ago.

Can you imagine not hearing His voice by His Spirit within us anymore? Can you? Jesus Christ is not in the manger any more…… but that night He broke the sound of silence.

The death and the shedding of His blood opened up the gates that were closed for, oh, so long……for us to know our God again……His bloody death was the only way for us to walk in heaven again in Him. Do you not see the greatest victory was obtained by Him for you and me?

Imagine all that can be with His Spirit living inside you? Nope, not even close…… The Uncreated God desires to have all that He can in us……We are His purpose in Christ Jesus on the earth…….so all can know He is God and there is no other.

Knowing Jesus Christ and all He came to give us. He broke the sound of silence…… By chance, you are reading this, and the kingdom of heaven is not within you…..Let Him in and allow His place to break your sound of silence.

Here are the lyrics…… Paul Simon

Hello darkness, my old friend

I’ve come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

still remains

Within the sounds of silence

In restless dreams, I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone

‘Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night

And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light, I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never shared

And no one dared

Disturb the sound of silence

Fools, said I, You do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my Words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you

But my words, like silent raindrops fell

And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed

To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

Then the sign said, “the words of the prophets are

written on the subway walls,

In tenement halls”

And whispered in the sound of silence


I never knew this song for I was 6 years old when played by my older brothers on their stereos and 45’s!! But I recognized the tune and words but never knew the meaning.

But I do now.

Many folks may want to keep the sound of silence with their Creator.

He is not silent and is always working.

Many may think God is dead, but they are wrong.

If He was dead, ahhh…we would be too! Every breath we breathe is from Him!

He is the Uncreated One, the Holy One, the Ancient of Days. He is Beginning and End. He is Alpha and Omega. The Almighty One. The Everlasting God…….

Sending His Son to you again….for every tongue shall confess and every knee bow that is in heaven, and the earth and below the earth that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Now all is summed up in the Beloved Son of God….We must hear Him….. We must abide in Him.

As well as, always speaking, as His grace abounds to those who are seeking Him. He is always found. He was not the One who was lost.

Four hundred years went by and the heavens were silent with mankind. Four hundred years.

Can you imagine?

And then, the heavens and the earth rejoiced by the astounding sound of angels on high singing of the Savior to bridge the silence for us to hear Him again.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men as written in Luke 2:14.

The little precious child of God broke the silence for all to hear God again.

That which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life- the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us- that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you may also have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. ( 1 John 1:1-3).

The liberty in Christ to have mankind’s relationship restored.

The Gift of Christ to hear His guidance daily.

We apprehend His light to walk in Him though the world is dark……We learn the unseen is reality above the seen.

Yet, still to top it all!!!!!

We are in fellowship with Him!!! We are involved in those conversations and moments in the King of all with His Father.

Keeping in the counsel of God as Abraham.

Hearing the plans of the enemies of God to pray against so they do not prevail. The place secured for us is way above our heads and paygrade, yet, we are there with our King! How glorious and marvelous is is He because He loved us first.

Yes, all of the goodness of God was given to us in this little Baby in the manger.

Who knew the Gift of God was born then?

The people who were humble to know their need..

Who knew the King of kings had arrived?

Oh yes, the evil one did and played in the rulers of the day. Nevertheless, his plan did not avail. Truly heaven rules in the sons of men.

Who hears this day the good tidings of the angel’s chorus and hears His Words and receives His abounding love?

Those who are humble and seek. In their heart they hope there is more so they call out to the One who hears and wait. Then our fellowship starts with the One who was and is and is to come. They will not follow another voice. Their King is here and will never leave them or forsake them. Their King is here.

Our King is here…..

You may say I do not see Him. Do you see the wind? But the effects of the wind are very evident.

Do not be deceived, the natural man cannot perceive the things of God. Check it out in the New Testament…….Read it. I double dog dare you. Get to know the Savior that is always calling you.

Let Me show you the path that we shall walk as one, though My prints are left in the Way.

My saints, My precious broken ones, My vessels, who pour out the golden delight of My perfect light. The Truth of God does always shine bright.

Speaking out- all who are weary from trying to make their own light….Do you not see the road of darkness? The road blocks that you complain of are from Me. …. Come and see what I AM has created in the path for you.,…..from Me.

My way is bright and full of My light….Oh yes, the path is narrow but, oh,the delight of My sight will get you through all the night.

Turn to Me who, yes, is bloody for there is Life abundant in My path of Life. Abounding in you if you believe and see that I AM your only way of peace and tranquility. Through the cross of death is life of resurrection. You must come by faith and then you will see the path of victory, Join My team and joy you shall be. From death to life you shall live……Come with Me….. Just believe.

Yet, others may say, I do not see the highlighted paths you abound to, oh, just keep your step to My rhythm of breath. Let them say, but do not turn their way. Keep your sight to My eye as I AM guides and leads unto the hills with feet of a deer. Grace to grace and liberty to liberty.

Oh, so shall you leap. Just keep your step in Me. All you do shall abound in grace abundantly as you believe. Just come with Me as I AM leads you into greater depths of the mystery.

The Door in Me is open for all to see. You must come to Me and believe and you shall be set free for this is the way for all humanity. Mankind was created for much more that what you see in the here and now. Do you not see the great plans I AM has for thee? You must come and believe in Me.

You shall hear My saints say about Me as you turn to see the sound of the Great I AM speaking to thee…… See they fade in the distance as they display the kingdom of grace where I AM abounds bountifully. For My Grace reveals the majesty of My being before you each day to each minute.

There is much more to Me then the building where you may come for an hour of your time to worship Me….. You are missing more than you can imagine or believe. There is much more of Me than listening to others than coming straight to Me. My Door has been opened. You do not need to break on through, Your faith is the key to walk in boldly. I AM loves His kids. I AM has said if you believe you will see the glory of God. Now do you believe?

Come before Him now and open wide your gates for Him to enter in…. Your heart is where His heart seeks to dwell…… Hard to believe but is true, the King of glory desires to rest in you!

Have you not heard?

Have you not seen?

My King of glory wants to abide in thee. His Word takes life and produces eternally. His glory shall then be seen for all to come and believe. His delight, the delight of the King, is to abide within you and me. Hard to believe, but. oh yes, it is true…… He does not dwell in things made of men…… His longing is to be within you again.

I speak manifesting His truth……This truth is evident by the fruit of peace, when His love abounds within you and me….. The effects will be moving as the wind, and glory to our Father. Thanksgiving will be forever given for His Special Gift of our King.

Do you not hear the change to the North wind? It shall blow as the the King of Glory is trumpeted into the hearts of men all across the nations for all shall stand to bow before Him now. His train is filling the temple of all….. Oh see, this is His extreme delight. Though there will always be Sonshine in our hearts through the night.

Having His preeminence in man, claiming our hearts, will and mind to be His again. His love in us is beyond human nature, which never avails. See then, the world will see His fame, His glory and His victory.

Now you see? Oh, praise God that you have come to believe.

The King is here…. Bloody and ruthless but tender to loving us so far from Him to bring us near….. Then to seat us with Him where He is beyond this world and yet we are there…. Never separated from the King shall we be ever again. Now you come and believe for this is His reality for all eternity and He has desired to share it with you and me. Christ in us is the only hope of glory.

This is His doing and marvelous is He and His Spirit’s work in our eyes. Hidden in God is our place in Christ as one day it shall be for all the world to see the unveiling of the King of glory with His bride by His side shining in the city of His delight. So come on to Him now and allow His Light to shine within and without as you witness our King.

See the north winds blows. As the night shall be dark but do not fear, for we all walk by faith in our Christ to bring us in….. He is a Savior of great renown.

Hear, He is after more! We to crown our King of glory upon all hearts desire and want….. He is our One desire. So supreme is He that He rewards those who are after His heart and His kingdom….. Watch out as He comes in glory with in you… He brings His entourage with Him. As He abounds His grace abounds within thee. This is His reality.

All make room for the King of glory…… He is no longer a babe in the manger – no room for the little Babe who was King of all. Warning to all who won’t allow the King to enter to His victory now.

The sound of silence will linger yet, if you ignore the earnestness of my plea. True reality will see all creation bow before His name who is above every name on this earth, in the heavens and below the earth. As the night gets darker, allow Him to shine from within you bright. Do not turn your ear from this cry and plea….. Time is the essence that we all turn to His reality,

As the night bellows upon all the world, all will see His return. We who have learned that He is the ONE that lights the sky. His angels came to announce His entrance once before on that dark midnight hill, they will be singing again the alleluia chorus- glory to God in the highest and His Son, the Christ has been revealed. Do not fear.

So come and believe His return is near. Glory to God in the highest. He has sent His Prince of peace to be in our hearts for all eternity, and we shall abide in His. Amen and Amen.

There is more than will ever meet any one’s eye the plan of God for His Son and bride……. Come to the Greatest I AM that was and is and will be again…..

He is calling you with His arms wide open….

Yes, His way is bloody but it is surely an everlasting foundation for His plan has been consummated by blood and death and His resurrection from the Great I AM…..

Come in and believe….

He came for you today…….

Break the sound of silence between Him and you.

There is rejoicing over you as you bow to Him and allow Him to come in to your heart….. Can you hear the sound of heaven?

Heaven sounds in gladness for you…… Come and hear!

He loves you and has with an everlasting, never stopping, over reaching love.

Repent of your wayward path of sin leading to death….. Repent of intentionally running when you heard His call…… He has already forgiven you but you need to make the call!

Faith is the key to the Door, our King and Savior……..

Repentance opens the Door into all that He has died to give you…….Now live in Him and be born again!

You start a reborn life in God, with your spirit alive which was dead. You then mature by His Spirit sanctifying your house so to speak…….for His dwelling place…… Changing your love to Him in all things as maturing sons and daughters of God shall be………

The adventures to start as you by faith repent to God….. Come on and join the Team! We have been waiting for you!

Merry Christmas!!!

Celebrate God’s disturbing the sound of silence.

God’s grace is sufficient. The strength of God will carry us through!

God bless you all and have a great Christmas in Him and a greater New Year in Him to the glory of the Father because of our great King and His amazing grace.



For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe, ( 1 Thess 2: 13).

That you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His kingdom and glory, ( 1 Thess 2:12).

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.


1 Comments on “CAN YOU IMAGINE?”

  1. Merry Christmas, Marianne! Thank you for always being one to “break the sound of silence”….please keep writing !!

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