Month: July 2015

Month: July 2015

Let’s Have A BBQ! Hey,The Fire Is Burning Up Everything!!

A grill is an altar. Isn’t it?! What is an altar for? The Lord’s temple always has an altar, right? Are we not the temple of the Lord now? Hmmmmm. In Strong’s Concordance, the word altar is described as slay…… Let us ponder on the following scriptures. This is My commandment, that you love one

AT-TEN-TION ! Our Commander In Chief Has Entered Our Presence!

What will He see as He enters our places of worship, our homes, our hearts? A battalion ready for preparing His way? A host of disciplined children/ army in the Spirit standing on the Truth of the Word and knowing our warfare is spiritual and not carnal?…..Will we notice that He comes to embrace us?

Whether The Rain Or The Whirlwind Comes, We Shall Be Found Not Lacking Any Good Thing….

Because…… our mind is fixed on Him, the Lord Jesus Christ. We shall live in perfect peace because He is our Peace. Peter took his eyes off the Lord when he walked on the water to Him and started to sink…. Well, if we learn and train ourselves to keep our eyes on the Lord,