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Transcending mortality into immortality “Aryan Kshatriya” of a warrior class, in protecting “Nobility” and for Just Cause, on the path to Self-realization, he made Atonement in serving and protecting the Royal Crowns and Christianity, post 9/11 and on a “Path to the Royal Road.”

This “service in sacrifice” with Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II in accomplishing Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga on a Path to the Royal Road, are blessings with rarest of eternal gifts in 53 godheads.

Having exalted in 12 Celestial Kingdoms to fulfill a measure to Creation at a time necessary to the resolve of G 20 and in establishing global financial equilibrium 2008 – 2010 at a cost of $10.8 trillion.

He served in moral agency with acceptance and in realization of Full knowledge in truth, with the office of The Vice President of the United States of America and The White House.

Born June 16th, 1959 in Hindu family of patriots, martyrs and freedom fighters who were integral to Indian Revolution 1930 these brave warriors are written in The Talwar’s of Pathan Land and Great Escape of Subhash Chandra Bose.

Vikram Talwar inherits his traits from his rich ancestral heritage from the warriors in Northwest Frontier Provincesof Punjab in protection of the Bolan and Khyber passes, before the legacies of Sher Ali Khan 1836 A.D. and Maharajah Ranjit Singh, last of the Sikh Emperors from Punjab 1839 A.D.