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Inner Power

A Guide to Find and Activate the Wisest Part of You

When I started my journey of self-discovery, I often wished I had a travel guide to my inner self. This book is meant to be yours, no matter where you are in your journey.

If you’re at the beginning of your inquiry into self-knowledge, you’ll learn a framework for understanding the key parts of yourself to reliably locate and access the inner power that lies deep within you.

If you’re already hearing the whispers of a better, more turned-on, tuned-in life, you’ll learn how to validate those whispers and listen to the contents with devoted attention.

If you want to experience a higher or alternate consciousness without the use of illegal drugs, you’ll learn a completely sober, substance-free practice for accessing higher consciousness.

If you’re experienced with alternate states of consciousness, then this book will provide validation for your experiences and varied and creative ways to journey within.

This book has found you because you are ready for an inner adventure. It is your time, right now, to shed layer upon layer of social conditioning, ego-building, and self-armoring to unleash what’s always been there: the true you … your inner self.