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Michael Grossman, originally from NYC, moved to the Catskill Mountains in 2017 but now resides in St. Augustine, FL where he is president of a not-for-profit corporation, “Friends of Lake Maria Sanchez,” whose goal is to protect the wildlife of a small lake in his new home town. He is an attorney and has served as legal counsel for a company that manages lab-animal colonies used for bio-med research at the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, private universities, and pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer. He went to DeWitt Clinton High School in Bronx, NY (1964-1968), attended the University of Michigan (1968-1972) and New York Law School (1972-1976). From 1999-2003 he served as president of Congregation B’nai Torah in Greenwood Lake, NY and wrote 47 articles for his congregation’s newsletter “From The Lakeside.” “The Leviticus Rats Experiment” is Michael Grossman’s 2nd book. His 1st was “The Reluctant Jew” published in 2007.