
“Coincidence or God?” will come to mind in the events of our lives from this day forward. The personal experiences shared by this author remind us of experiences we have faced. Were they just coincidental or were they allowed by a Higher Being whose priority is preparing us for Heaven? Our blessings and our difficulties, when viewed as “Coincidence or God?” suddenly have a deeper meaning in our lives. We will readily give Him thanks for each blessing and seek guidance in each difficulty. We will no longer be merely victims of circumstances. There is now no such thing as being lucky or unlucky as we sail down the rapids of life like a boat without a rudder.

Some of the stories in this book are almost beyond comprehension. Being personally acquainted with the author and many of the characters, I attest to the integrity of these life experiences and testimonies.

This book is fascinating to share in family devotions, opening many teaching opportunities. The title alone will remind us in future experiences to always recognize the hand of our Heavenly Father in our lives. Coincidence or God? You decide.