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Two lovers strewn by fate meet in chilling circumstances. One, a killer taught by an abusive father and the other, a thief who’s heart cries with grief. What could possibly go wrong?
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781665744683
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781665744676
I hope every person who decides to open this book, leaves with a sense of acceptance. That death is inevitable and moving on or mourning forever are the two options. I hope this book winds up in the hands of someone who feels that they’re life is so painfully pointless. I hope this book winds up in the hands of the person who’s heart is a flaming bolt of pain. I hope this book winds up in the hands of someone who cries at night, thinking they’ll never be happy again. I hope this book–this silly little book of mine–helps you. I hope it helps you find strength again.
- Zahra