Brandi Summer
I am really a nobody. I did grow up a small town girl that has lived a life that most would be considered unlivable.
I have had many struggles in love and in life in general.
I wrote this book to show someone that even though the life you are living is not what you ever had planned for yourself, but we are never promised anything in your life. I was given a bag of shit and made a beautiful flower out of it shit makes great fertilizer. LOL
I learned at a young age there might not be someone always watching your back.
I just wanted someone that may be feeling like this is all I can stand to know that you have so much more in you. Just be patient. Your time is coming.
Read this book and see what one girl can stand and can come out the other side.
I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was very therapeutic for me. Peace and Love.