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After learning this chapter and understanding it’s simple meanings the learner would realize that the theme of the chapter is the facade of this world. God Almighty describes to us how the new and lush green pasture soon changes to a dark and withered chaff. He reminds us that this life is temporary just as the green pasture is temporary. Allah is so merciful and loving that he sent us Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to remind us about this truth.

God Almighty also talks about the fact that there are two groups of people when it comes to the reminders. The first group will make use of the reminders are in constant remembrance of the Most High – Allah. However, the second group will not make use of the reminders because their hearts are in constant quest of the façade of this world. They are too distracted to realize that there is more than meets the eye. The chapter then clearly states the fate of the first group and the fate of the second group in the hereafter. Again, Allah is so merciful and loving that he lists the actions that are going to save all of us from the façade of this world.

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