What Do Black Americans Want to Know about White Americans but Are Afraid to Ask

What Do Black Americans Want to Know about White Americans but Are Afraid to Ask is a compilation of thoughts, facts, and conclusions by John Horace Davis derived from observations, reading, general research, probing, questioning, and discussion on the topics chosen to address the stereotypes regarding some white Americans.
Looking at white Americans, John touches on some of the roots (national/historical) and origins of the particular white group presented in this book as it is believed that such background will enhance an understanding—an insight—that comprises the psyche of the group. He is expanding the first book to include more of the origins of Black Americans.
The areas of inquiry—the questions—and proposed conclusions put forth in this book are by no means exhaustive but are mostly some of the common ones. Some thought provoking
and some extremely ridiculous but nevertheless included in the things generally discussed.