Samuel W. Hale, Jr.
Samuel W. Hale, Jr. is a graduate of the American Baptist College in Nashville, Tennessee and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He is a former pastor of the historic Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Springfield, Illinois. His ministerial experience includes over 60 years of pastoring, teaching, missions, religious journalism, and church ministry development.
He has written for the Sunday School Publishing Board of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc.; served as Director of Continuing Education at American Baptist College for 11 years and as Director of the Contemporary Ministries Workshop of the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education for over 20 years. He has served in various Mission and Christian Education capacities during his more than six decades of Christian Ministry.
He has also authored the books “Confirmation for Ministry”, “The First Century Mission and The Twenty-First Century Church”, “When Your Loved One Dies – A Practical Funeral Preparation Guide for Family Members”, “Adventures of the Souls”, and “When Messias Comes.”
One of his main Ministry Objectives is to make real the Teaching Mission of Jesus in Luke 24:45 – “Then opened him their understanding that they might understand the scriptures.”
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