
The Book

[h1 fancy=”true”]About The Book[/h1]


I have carefully and systematically reviewed 100 films. They are my personal list. These films are salient to me, but not to me alone. Each selection represents a small microcosm of the film industry; each chapter reflects aspects of movie culture, history and reference. This collection includes movies that are original, trend setting, action packed, thoughtful, suspenseful or even strange. My rule of thumb: if we’re still thinking, feeling and experiencing some aspect of the film three days after viewing, it was worth your time and attention.

My interest in film goes beyond passive viewing. I’m curious. I want to know more. I think it’s interesting to know what Alfred Hitchcock was thinking when he hired Raymond Burr to play the villain in Rear Window (1954). Or what prompted Frank Sinatra to pull The Manchurian Candidate (1962) from public viewing for two decades. What prevailing social forces influenced the final outcome of Sunset Boulevard (1950). Or which actor was offered the role first or got fired, who played sexual politics, or what was happening in the world when the film was being made?


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[h1 fancy=”true”]Book Excerpt[/h1]


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