This book was taken from a 12-hour series I taught on angels within scripture. The Doctrine of Angelology, is probably in the top four or five theological teachings that will remain extremely mysterious until we all sit in the classrooms of heaven and learn the depth of the subject matter. What we know about angels is seen within scripture and it is my desire to simply shine a light on where God the Holy Spirit has led me during a deeper look into angels.
I am a pastor-teacher who believes firmly in critical thinking and each Believer having their own intimate, relationship with God, I emphasize that in all my teachings. Having said that, there is a calling for the gift of pastor-teacher made abundantly clear in scripture. Yet the pastor-teacher is not the final authority in the life of a true Christian. The pastor-teacher is much more of a qualified chef, who prepares the meal under the authority and chosen menu of the Restaurant owner. God is obviously the owner, you may choose to accept or reject the portions or the whole meal that is on you! For you to fully digest and later apply what you learn you must have faith and focus while the meal is served. This takes the filling power of God the Holy Spirit which allows that new nature, a Christ-like nature, given at salvation to operate in divine fellowship. My suggestion is that you understand the principle of 1John 1:9. It is the same principle that Jesus taught at the last supper during the washing of the feet in John 13:10.
This book will answer many questions, while still allowing new questions to arise and may well lead to another book on angels, a part two if you will? I believe it will be a solid reference for students and other pastors. It is straightforward and designed for the new Christian or even a seasoned student. I wrote this with the intent that an Unbeliever may stumble upon it. It is written using the New American Standard Bible, which I believe is the most accurate in relation to how we read and speak today. It is accurate and fairly close to most of the original context of scripture written thousands of years ago.
I wrote this also with intent that you need not carry a Bible alongside this book to decipher it, that choice is yours. All the pertinent scriptures are fully on display and in bold and italic lettering. In the very last pages of this book, you will find an index of acronyms which I often use to flow naturally in my notes and lessons. I suggest a quick view of this before embarking upon the full reading so as not to be confused. Blessings and knowledge I impart to every reader. To GOD be the glory!