
24-Hour Rescue

First on Scene to Respond Racing to Save Lives and Each Other

At this time of year, the tips of the hickory, oak and maple trees along the Hudson River start turning their majestic foliage colors. The longanticipated race week, brewing in the minds of the local residents. The glorious landscape is magnified showing the early change of season has now arrived in the New England states.

Walking around the bustling town of Powwow, one can see how the citizens are reacting in joyful expectancy. They are still wearing summer shorts during the evenings with light jackets that were just pulled out of the closet after a five-month hiatus. Exercise enthusiasts and crew rowing teams from area schools are up early for practice on the river. They hope to catch that smooth glass-like lake surface with the strong underlying current of the river. As they glide along the water’s edge, passing the quaint river towns, they see citizens bustling with preparations for the long-awaited race weekend in September.

If you have never visited this part of the country in the fall, add it to your bucket list. The week leading up to the First Responder: 24-Hour Shift race is about to begin.

Six competing teams have arrived in the host city nestled along the southwestern side of the magnificent Hudson River. These eight-member teams each represent a different region of the United States. Every team member must be a professional first responder. The goal of the race is to earn points as the teams compete in emergency mock medical scenarios and team-based aptitudes with several surprise elements along the way. All six teams have an assigned local news correspondent to report on their progress during the race.

We are also introduced to a young journalist who is considering a career change. She just does not know it yet.

Which team of assembled first responders will win the 10th annual outdoor race? It’s a competitive race unlike any other comprising of survival, skill, teamwork, search and rescue. The six teams must find a way to cross the finish line. They face a constantly changing, brutal schedule of the infamous 24-hour shift.